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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:Gathering tools can not go into a template?

No they are expluded.

Was any reasoning given? Say I am using one of the special S3/S4 tools that has half the charges of a normal tool. I had hoped we would be able to use this to keep a spare set handy.

To sell unlimited ones per character to the people who are to lazy to change them by hand.

I thought being too lazy to change things by hand was sort of the whole point of templates? :)

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So here’s my question. Why where build templates made account wide? It makes no sense. I’m not going to run an engi build on my warrior... I wish you would have made equipment account wide. Basically it would store all weapons and armor, ascended of course, and would be accessible to all characters. That would make much more sense. I mean I like to run my warrior and rev in marauder armor and I have a fully ascended set that I currently can swap back and forth. Now it’s like an act of Congress to switch it because I have to equip it the unequip it then move it to bank etc... If you had done this right it would just be stored in my equipment section and the toon I’m currently playing would have access to it. Then the cost of expanding it might be worth it. I think this is a failed attempt at something that could have been great....

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I think it's to limited in slots as everybody said.6 equipment and 6 build slots should be possible per character and 6 for accountwide sharing.

The " you can buy more slots" options isn't something I absolutely despise ( I mean you have to make money) but give us a sufficient amount from the start. Otherwise it is a cash grab and leads to massive unsatisfaction with the service.

The quality is great with some slight technical hiccups.

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@Fenella.2634 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:
  1. If Arenanet had just MADE ALL OF THIS FREE AND UNLIMITED like apparently everyone was expecting,Nah. I wasn't expecting it for free.But there's a lot of room between 0 € and 400-ish € for a QoL feature. I'd have preferred a more reasonable pricing. Just to give some number, for a feature like this I won't pay more than, say, 20 € - for accountwide unlock of everything. The actual pricing here is ridiculous and insulting. We're not buying a whole new game here, just one QoL feature.

Yes, I do not have a lot of extra stuff in my inventory but would be nice not to clutter my inventory with that stuff I use once in a few years but when I need it I need it. It is not worth several dollars to me for a couple extra weapons though.

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Make it possible to use one keybind to change both equipment and build templates. Now you need to use two keybinds for swapping to the same thing. For example:I use 3 equipment and 3 build templates on my warrior.

1 equipment and 1 build template is for my condi berserk BS.1 equipment and 1 build template is for my power berserk BS.1 equipment and 1 build template is for my power berserk DPS.

All 3 equipment and build template work together.Don't see the reason for different keybind for each. The option is nice for others but it doesn't work for everyone

So for 3 build overall I have to fill up 6 keybinds. if I get all 6 equipment and all 6 build templates I have to find out 12 available keybinds. I managed to do this with the mounts , and the commander marks so I would prefer not to be forced to do the same with the templates. If you can't do that at least make a clickable version on the skills UI.

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One fair point is that equipment storage saves also inventory, so that ArenaNet set that price. I think the price is not expensive at all compared to other mmos. It seems some people don't understand that decent game can't be produced by charity. Gw2 doesn't have even monthly subscription. Hopefully there should have PvE/WvW/PvP auto save as before.

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I think the price of the build templates is a little high. I would suggest that the gem price be dropped slightly to reflect the fact that you must hold items in your Inventory/Bank for swapping between toons that share armor/weapons/trinkets (sets), which will increase the buying of gems for Bag/Bank slots as well, as the template does not recognize your bank inventory. I think over all the templates are a nice addition to the game, but I probably won't spend my gems on extra slots at the current price since I still have to unequip shared items between toon. Between logging times and now the added time of searching certain builds for armor/weapons/trinket (sets) are a little challenging. I do like that I can save builds I use rarely so I don't forget them, but I really don't need to buy slots to save builds as I can us a pen and paper just as quick. So the convenience is nice, but the price for it not really making me want to buy.

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I have not read every post here, as I'm sure many haven't, this is simply to put my thoughts into what was released, what I like, dislike, and think should be resolved.

  1. Build Templates should have been included at launch. Such a wonderful QoL for us GW1 players when it came out, i will never understand why it wasn't included in GW2
  2. Equipment Templates are great and I absolutely love. It's very useful and extremely handy to have the additional equipment loadouts ready to go and not taking inventory space. Asking players to purchase additional slots is fine, if they need them.
  3. Build Templates ARE NOT TEMPLATES. While it is very handy to have some additional quick swap builds ready to have, the fact that any and all changes made to them remain and have to be manually reverted make this specifically NOT a template, They are more of a Ready Build. Asking players to purchase additional slots is fine, if they need them.
  4. Build Storage is EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED. The community has wanted this for over 7 years and it's finally here. It's easy to use for personal character and the way it is displayed within chat tooltips is absolutely lovely. However, limiting the number of builds we can store completely is a little too much. The average player, once they start utilizing this feature, will quickly run out of room to save templates. Asking players to purchase additional slots is too much. Storage for these templates should be free, even if you cap the limit at 50 templates per account, and THEN start offering additional storage that would be fine. Seeing as how the current "build templates" are not actually templates, I think the limited and upgrade-able size of that limit is kind of pathetic and suggests that despite continually saying you know what we want you either had no idea or didn't care.
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Why do sigils and infusions falling out from my legendary weapons EVERY single time, if I swap weapons on my equipment tab? I do not change my eqipment, I just going from dagger/warhorn to staff on my ele for example, and I need to put back the sigil and the infusion into the weapon every single time I do this.

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I dont think anet even reads the feedback. tbh. People were talking about same things after they've released template announcement video so its been a month not to mention previous things. We players, repeatedly asked for enough tabs, 1 click to go swapping, and affordibility. All 3 failed game is now in a condition that I wanna login but not to play or touch anything just check around and logoff. Just reverse the patch and Allow 3rd party again and work on templates for 3 more yrs pls. Or just reverse the patch only. I dont wanna see that failed thing, please.

I try different approach to understand anet thus thinking about democracy in community. Thinking about it, mass percent of players wouldn't even need it and haven't used it before. And if you followed discussions and polls about templates that mass was OK with 3to 0 template per character. So Anet is now thinking about how great is they've implemented a new content in the game. So they've let that casual mass to decide the fate of minority competent player. If you think about it Anet hit 2 birds with 1 stone eh? They also made the game more realistic xD.

I also need to add that the situation of Blizzard being prostested. Anet now has opportunity to reach more player. They just need to step carefully and logically. What different conditions are there Anet to face unlike any other companies ? Were they afraid of increased data that needed to be stored ? I mean Anet already got the main point of templates, how is it hard to decide it as how relevant players(competent) wanted ?

I guess we will see what's gonna happen next. Tho voices are louder this time. Its not like a normal balance patch.

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you could have at least saved the builds i had and put them into 2 templates ( My wvw and pve) but instead you give me a random build and i have to fix my builds on each toon i have.

your templates are also confusing. why do i have numbers and only a few slots for builds. yeah i have 12 toons you think i have enough slots for them? why can't i just equip my gear then traits and click save build?

easy build template = put on gear, select traits, click save template. BAM that build is saved. whatever design you have is GARBAGE after messing with it i've decided it is useless feature added to make money and also make me pissed cause you erased all the wvw builds i had.

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ALSO fun and cool suggestion:If you are going to make changes (ie implementing a flawed system) regardless of what the community thinks, STOP ASKING US FOR OUR INPUT.All previous suggestions prior to the release were ignored despite claiming to be interested in our feedback. Asking for opinions when you are going to go full-steam-ahead doing WHATEVER the company wants literally just makes use lose faith in you over and over again. We'll burn out because we know you only ever pretend to listen to the community.

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Interesting idea, pity it's not only broken, but now I can not access any build settings at all! Untitled.jpg

First let me say, I am unemployed, so can not afford the latest and greatest in hardware, wish I could. And that the problem is caused by both, my low quality hardware, and the lack of developer forethought!

My max screen resolution is 1360 x 768. When you decided to just shove build templates on to the existing build window. You mad no attempt at all to ensure that the content of the window, would actually fit in the actual window. As a result, everything is superimposed of the top of everything else. You really need to implement scrolling windows, the same is the inventory window, so that your actual game fits on the screen.

Not at all happy!

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I finally got the chance to try it out and I'm a bit confused as to how it was intended to work. Once you get everything in order then the transition is smooth but what confuses me you can't save anything only basically rename the stuff, so speaking about the traits you can ''save'' them on the side but still have to copy paste them to the top 3 positions, which is very clunky and annoying. So trait wise there is no room for sudden trait change for a specific boss and then swap back to your saved one with short smooth button commands, you have to copy paste everything which sound to me very clunky and not the way it is supposed to be. Now gearwise, why the hell can't I see my weapons and gear I already use for a different template? That's so weird. Like I understand the idea that you basically have 2 (or more depends on how many pages you have) gear set ups, but as I have only 1 Bifrost legendary I share with my Ele and Guardian it's so annoying everytime I have to take it off to be able to swap it to my Guardian which also deletes it from my build template (that I have the build template but the weapon is missing). So you can't save many builds because you can't see your weapons anymore in the inventory which also leads to annoying speed weapon swap for like might stack, which would mean in order to have a very smooth and fast weapon swap for might stack (talking for an Ele) you can only use 1 build template to be able to see all your weapons in the inventory.

So in the end the idea is good, but the transition seems less smooth than intended. Needs a save button which basically won't be affected by your crazy swapping around even if you don't have the weapon at the moment in your inventory (if I forget to swap the Bifrost back to my Ele).And have it like that that you still can see you gear in the inventory (it will affect inventory space but i don't think people will mind since they have so much space available), you can put the little icon on the gear that it is being used for a different template.And to be totally honest how it works right now I think I'm faster to just look at my second monitor or fast press ALT + Tab to look up the build i want to use to have fast access to the traits and I don't have to worry about the traits not being recognised or swapped out randomly.

Still a great idea, but it needs a second look from an efficient perspective. To be able to have it account spread would be amazing also, but right now I will go back to de-equipping my Bifrost putting it in the bank and then pick it up with my Guardian.But it has potential!

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Why are the skill templates the same for all 3 game modes? It is totally absurd ... you have also erased the skill models I had carefully crafted. You have to be bunglers to do something like that ... and on top of that, the expansion to be per character ...

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The good

Yay, build templates!Yay, less things in inventory!

The wtf?

300 gems for storing 59 bytes of information that I would happily store locally on my PC to easily get an unlimited amount of build templates. Because why not really?500 gems for unlocking a single 'nother equipment template tab? Sure, I get that the tab means I get to store things in it, which is neat. But seriously? Don't you think that that's a -bit- too pricey? This is PER CHARACTER too.500 gems for unlocking a few slots to save build templates in? As stated before, let me host those 59 bytes on locally on my PC and have an unlimited amount of them. This is too expensive.


You're showing on Facebook how bad it was before this system. How many clicks it takes.You know how much people have wanted this because of how neat it was in GW.Then when you log in, you see that you only get 2 equipment templates for a character.There are 3 game modes that all require different approaches to builds, Fractals, Raids and WvW (I won't even count general PVE).So essentially you're going just short of what people need.Whether this is intentional or not, you've done it so that people are to get used to using the templates, but they're going to feel that they're missing out that one slot for that last game mode. This "forces" them to buy the last slot because of how inefficient they would be otherwise.

Final thoughts

Build templates should be free and locally stored with unlimited slots with the option to store a few online for the convenience should you move to another device.Equipment templates should have -at least- one template for every game mode and -at least- be unlockable account wide and not character wide.But really, it should just be free, because a player should never feel obligated to buy something when their mates are nagging on them about how long they take to equip those items and how they're making them wait because they don't have all equipment templates unlocked.It's a quality of life feature.Quality of life features makes it easier to play the game, easier to enjoy it and easier to stay playing it without getting tired of it.That is something that should unlock spending in other places that doesn't matter for game play (in such a high degree that templates do).

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@arielwind.8921 said:One fair point is that equipment storage saves also inventory, so that ArenaNet set that price. I think the price is not expensive at all compared to other mmos. It seems some people don't understand that decent game can't be produced by charity. Gw2 doesn't have even monthly subscription. Hopefully there should have PvE/WvW/PvP auto save as before.

Had Anet just monetized gear loadouts, no storm would have been unleashed.

But considering one of the the game's great strength is its flexible build system, having to pay to quickly swap traits and skills is hard to accept.

You could even argue that designing the system as loadouts instead of template was a way to justify the monetization...

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Really? It is outrageous for the player that when there was an independent system of skills for each game mode now you sell me the templates and it turns out that they are common to all game modes. That where does it leave us? worse than before clearly now you have to get into a menu and click to change the template. THE TEMPLATES MUST BE DIFFERENT FOR EACH GAME MODE.

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