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Please Add "Hide Known Recipes" checkbox


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WbfmSKZ.pngTypically, after opening lots of boxes, I might get a bunch of recipes. So I search inventory for these recipes, and then begin to open them one by one.

The problem is I have to scroll down far, hovering over each one (!) to find the next recipe I don't already know (red text "You already know this recipe!").

Solution: A checkbox somewhere near "Choose from:" to say "Hide Known", and it would filter the list to only show what you Don't Know, or no results at all.


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@Trise.2865 said:I guess the literal red flag on it is too subtle for some people...

You mean the red that shows in the tooltip when you're hovering over each recipe?Fine for say boxes/scrolls with 3-5 options, but when you hit 16+ it get's a lot more tedious. If there was a marker right in the list, that'd be fine. A checkbox to hide the known ones as suggested would be better.

Either would be a decent QoL update. By definition not needed but would be welcome.

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