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Merchandise Collector. What better do whit Khan-Ur helms?


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So currently impossible complete this collection. Khan-Ur items have magic random small chance drop from Visage of the Khan-Ur like "chak infusion" or etc...I was sure that the acc bound items will be added in spvp/wvw track link, but it is not.

So we have:Gaze of the Khan-UrGlance of the Khan-UrGlower of the Khan-Ur

So what better do?1) Remove from collection these 3 magic charr items at all.2) Add account bound Khan-Ur items in finial spvp/wvw track chest3) Add account bound Charr helms to map vendor and sell it for Hatched Chili and Volatile Magic4) Any other ideas ??

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Of those listed, I'd go three but I don't really like the way it would affect players who paid big for the few that were listed on tp . . .

Best solution -- at this point -- I think would be to continue to introduce continued small chances to get the drop throughout the saga or festivals, so that it gradually becomes more available rather than making a drastic change . . .

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Not impossible as players have 270k gold and you see 25 buy orders of 10k on things like chak infusion etc. The def could add a acc bound version for 5k chiles as anet isn't fair with players who already spent money as things like rare minis from pof were worth 4k gold and they increased drop rates and it plummeted screwing any one not fast enough to pull their 4k buy order off the tp. I saved up my chests and will open um all right before patch just in case I hit the lottery and sell it for the 6k buy order just for the possibility they will add another way.

! You won't ;)

Also, it doesn't really matter how much gold you have since there is currently only one box available on the tp. You're waiting on rng either way . . .

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:There were 4 or 5 at some point and buy orders get filled but I know I won't get it but then again it's 1 ap and a pointless acieve no one needs to do so it's ok.

Absolutely true. Ofc that's equally true for everything in the game, so it seems kind of pointless to mention . . ?

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Looks like at least 20 chests have dropped and at least two people have completed the collection.

And to think that would only be ten and one if they hadn't doubled the drop rate. Nice save :)

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@Gop.8713 said:Of those listed, I'd go three but I don't really like the way it would affect players who paid big for the few that were listed on tp . . .

Best solution -- at this point -- I think would be to continue to introduce continued small chances to get the drop throughout the saga or festivals, so that it gradually becomes more available rather than making a drastic change . . .

This would be the smart play as new maps come in less people will be around to do the metas in old maps which are needed to generate the keys. That said i would not be opposed to a craft your own collection style method of unlocking either similar to skyscale collection or a lesser legendary collection.

Something that takes you to points of interest around Ascalon etc requires you to do certain things for certain charr etc. Something worth heavy time investment which also keeps people playing.

Im not a fan of the rng only method even more so when the rates are super low.IF you want the rates to be super low thats fine but introduce a lot more options to obtain the boxs per day 1 box per day at mad low rng rates = bad design at least make the thing Legendary head gear if you are gonna make it this rare.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:There were 4 or 5 at some point and buy orders get filled but I know I won't get it but then again it's 1 ap and a pointless acieve no one needs to do so it's ok.

Absolutely true. Ofc that's equally true for everything in the game, so it seems kind of pointless to mention . . ?

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Looks like at least 20 chests have dropped and at least two people have completed the collection.

And to think that would only be ten and one if they hadn't doubled the drop rate. Nice save :)

Idk what you want dude. He said impossible I said it wasn't if you had gold. You say theres only 1 atm but now we know 20 dropped and 2 completed it.I was just pointing out that having the gold isn't relevant as there is not a sufficient number available. Ofc we have every reason to believe they will continue to drop and once they do then if someone has the gold, is willing to spend it and no one else beats them to it, they will ofc be able to use that gold to make the purchase, and nothing I said contradicts that . . .If I said something you think is pointless then wouldn't pointing that out be even more pointless. ppl make a big deal about this achieve in multiple threads about 1 ap and most people don't have the cheaper 2 exact same legendary achievement worth 25 ap so I just don't get it.It's just a common behavior that I don't understand and am curious about. 90+% of the forum threads are complaints about things I don't care about, but I don't go into those threads to say that other ppl shouldn't care about them. Nor do the majority of threads I am interested in elicit that response. But every once in a while a subject will come along and attract ppl who are very bothered not by the topic but by the fact that other ppl are concerned about it. You are not by any means the first person to have that reaction to this subject, but there are other equally pointless threads I am active in right now where not a single person has come by with that reaction, presumably bc they don't care about the subject. It's just odd to me . . .

@Gop.8713 said:Of those listed, I'd go three but I don't really like the way it would affect players who paid big for the few that were listed on tp . . .

Best solution -- at this point -- I think would be to continue to introduce continued small chances to get the drop throughout the saga or festivals, so that it gradually becomes more available rather than making a drastic change . . .

This would be the smart play as new maps come in less people will be around to do the metas in old maps which are needed to generate the keys.

That's true but adding a key to the rewards for opening the vault helped with that some, and as key prices rise it could attract ppl back to the metas, which run on a fixed schedule and are not time intensive. The bigger issue is that the current drop rate of the items is so abysmally low, even with current populations . . .

That said i would not be opposed to a craft your own collection style method of unlocking either similar to skyscale collection or a lesser legendary collection.Something that takes you to points of interest around Ascalon etc requires you to do certain things for certain charr etc. Something worth heavy time investment which also keeps people playing.I'm not sure this really justifies that kind of developer attention though. I agree it would be fun for the players, but would be a lot of work for the devs to solve a fairly minor problem that could be solved much more simply .. .Im not a fan of the rng only method even more so when the rates are super low.IF you want the rates to be super low thats fine but introduce a lot more options to obtain the boxs per day 1 box per day at mad low rng rates = bad design at least make the thing Legendary head gear if you are gonna make it this rare.I'm fine with super low rngs and even super low rng account bound items, but they should always be standalone items like the infusion or chair, they shouldn't be tied to other content . . .

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Krzysztof.5973 said:According to gw2e 2 people completed that achievement. Which means they wasted about 30k gold for 1 AP. Some creature on the forum said there's gonna be a way to obtain those helmets with upcoming Episode 1. Would be such a shame if there will actually be one.

They were 3 or 4k each when there were 5 and supposedly the 1st sold for 200g so no not 30k

Ofc It's 30k wasted because they didn't resell it = wasting potential money. They will never get their money back.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:I dont care about the achieve. I do however use 4 keys a day for the chance at the drop which you spoilered me saying I won't get which led me to say I don't care about the achieve. I responded to the "impossible" and changes are needed which I don't agree. I like the chance at hitting the lottery. I don't care about the achieve doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on the topic tho so I commented and now you bogging me down tryin to argue

I would have thought the fact that I put it in spoiler tags and followed it with a ;) would have indicated my humorous intent . . .

And you are entitled to your opinion of course, but surely you would agree that if you choose to voice it publicly others have a right to reply . . ?

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:They should be available for hatched chilis. In their current form I would instantly sell as they are insanely valuable.

The trouble with introducing that change now is it would screw over the players who paid the premium, similar to how the home node's drop rate affected players who purchased it from the vendor. While the problem was created by including an ultra rare rng item in a cheeve and then placing that cheeve in the meta for the prologue, suddenly making the item easily available now would just replace one problem with another. If additional rng opportunities are introduced so that the supply increases gradually, at least the players who paid a premium would get to feel like they enjoyed the item's exclusivity for a time before it became available to everyone . . .

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:They should be available for hatched chilis. In their current form I would instantly sell as they are insanely valuable.

The trouble with introducing that change now is it would screw over the players who paid the premium, similar to how the home node's drop rate affected players who purchased it from the vendor. While the problem was created by including an ultra rare rng item in a cheeve and then placing that cheeve in the meta for the prologue, suddenly making the item easily available now would just replace one problem with another. If additional rng opportunities are introduced so that the supply increases gradually, at least the players who paid a premium would get to feel like they enjoyed the item's exclusivity for a time before it became available to everyone . . .

I mean they could slowly increase the drop rate over time, as it is, i doubt that the map will continue to be as played as much and eventually it will get incredibly rare. but who knows, time will tell.

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@Krzysztof.5973 said:

@Krzysztof.5973 said:According to gw2e 2 people completed that achievement. Which means they wasted about 30k gold for 1 AP. Some creature on the forum said there's gonna be a way to obtain those helmets with upcoming Episode 1. Would be such a shame if there will actually be one.

They were 3 or 4k each when there were 5 and supposedly the 1st sold for 200g so no not 30k

Ofc It's 30k wasted because they didn't resell it = wasting potential money. They will never get their money back.

You do realize that value is subjective, right? Maybe they felt that having those skins, and/or completing the collection was worth it for a high cost.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:They should be available for hatched chilis. In their current form I would instantly sell as they are insanely valuable.

The trouble with introducing that change now is it would screw over the players who paid the premium, similar to how the home node's drop rate affected players who purchased it from the vendor. While the problem was created by including an ultra rare rng item in a cheeve and then placing that cheeve in the meta for the prologue, suddenly making the item easily available now would just replace one problem with another. If additional rng opportunities are introduced so that the supply increases gradually, at least the players who paid a premium would get to feel like they enjoyed the item's exclusivity for a time before it became available to everyone . . .

I mean they could slowly increase the drop rate over time, as it is, i doubt that the map will continue to be as played as much and eventually it will get incredibly rare. but who knows, time will tell.

Well it's already incredibly rare lol . . .

I think the way they set it up with the keys being tradable ensures that the ability to open the vault will remain, it's just the value of doing so that will remain questionable . . .

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:I dont care about the achieve. I do however use 4 keys a day for the chance at the drop which you spoilered me saying I won't get which led me to say I don't care about the achieve. I responded to the "impossible" and changes are needed which I don't agree. I like the chance at hitting the lottery. I don't care about the achieve doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on the topic tho so I commented and now you bogging me down tryin to argue

I would have thought the fact that I put it in spoiler tags and followed it with a ;) would have indicated my humorous intent . . .

And you are entitled to your opinion of course, but surely you would agree that if you choose to voice it publicly others have a right to reply . . ?

Ya, I got the humor and of course you can have an opposite opinion of mine but you went on a rant about behavior of people who comment on threads they don't care about which I wasn't doing but carry on

That's my mistake then, but if you are concerned about the subject you've done a good job of hiding it. What are your suggestions for improving the situation . . ?

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@Gop.8713 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:They should be available for hatched chilis. In their current form I would instantly sell as they are insanely valuable.

The trouble with introducing that change now is it would screw over the players who paid the premium, similar to how the home node's drop rate affected players who purchased it from the vendor. While the problem was created by including an ultra rare rng item in a cheeve and then placing that cheeve in the meta for the prologue, suddenly making the item easily available now would just replace one problem with another. If additional rng opportunities are introduced so that the supply increases gradually, at least the players who paid a premium would get to feel like they enjoyed the item's exclusivity for a time before it became available to everyone . . .

I don't see "early adopters" as being screwed over by a change like this. They paid to have it while it was truly exclusive. Real world inventory depreciates. You wouldn't pay the same price for a 2007 car that you would for the same model 2019 car. They got what they paid for which was early prestige. They'll spend money on the next new shiny before the price drops as well. That is totally on them. They are why I would sell it if I got it right now.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:I dont care about the achieve. I do however use 4 keys a day for the chance at the drop which you spoilered me saying I won't get which led me to say I don't care about the achieve. I responded to the "impossible" and changes are needed which I don't agree. I like the chance at hitting the lottery. I don't care about the achieve doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on the topic tho so I commented and now you bogging me down tryin to argue

I would have thought the fact that I put it in spoiler tags and followed it with a ;) would have indicated my humorous intent . . .

And you are entitled to your opinion of course, but surely you would agree that if you choose to voice it publicly others have a right to reply . . ?

Ya, I got the humor and of course you can have an opposite opinion of mine but you went on a rant about behavior of people who comment on threads they don't care about which I wasn't doing but carry on

That's my mistake then, but if you are concerned about the subject you've done a good job of hiding it. What are your suggestions for improving the situation . . ?

Add an account bound version 4 an insane amount of chile as I said they might do since a lot of complaints. Put achieve in collection tab away from the meta/story area which triggered all these completionists. Other then that ignore it like the many other insane ones players don't do like double legends/ the ecto gamble ones the Im rich you know gold sink etc.

I agree placing the cheeve out of the story tab, as anet did with Ember Bay's patron cheeve, might have prevented a lot of this. The fact that it didn't occur to them before release, coupled with all of the other reward related issues the prologue had, is actually what made this topic concerning to me. But I'm not sure whether moving it now would satisfy ppl now that they're all riled up . . .

My concern with an account bound version is how it would affect the tradable version, since the collection has been live long enough for there to be players who have invested in it . . .

@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:They should be available for hatched chilis. In their current form I would instantly sell as they are insanely valuable.

The trouble with introducing that change now is it would screw over the players who paid the premium, similar to how the home node's drop rate affected players who purchased it from the vendor. While the problem was created by including an ultra rare rng item in a cheeve and then placing that cheeve in the meta for the prologue, suddenly making the item easily available now would just replace one problem with another. If additional rng opportunities are introduced so that the supply increases gradually, at least the players who paid a premium would get to feel like they enjoyed the item's exclusivity for a time before it became available to everyone . . .

I don't see "early adopters" as being screwed over by a change like this. They paid to have it while it was truly exclusive. Real world inventory depreciates. You wouldn't pay the same price for a 2007 car that you would for the same model 2019 car. They got what they paid for which was early prestige. They'll spend money on the next new shiny before the price drops as well. That is totally on them. They are why I would sell it if I got it right now.

I agree, I just don't think it's been exclusive long enough given the absurd price paid. Given that situation, I wouldn't like to see it made available to everyone now, before the season saga has even properly begun. But if it became available enough by the end of the saga that it dropped in price to around where the shoulders are now by then, I feel like that would probably be appropriate . . .

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"Clayton Kisko.5207

January 16, 2019

@Malediktus.9250 said:There is a collection for all exotic dragon blood weapons that gives the title "Journeyman of the Forge"doing one of the small achievements you unlock after that give "Master of the Forge"but there doesn't seem to be any collection for collecting all the ascended dragon blood weapons. I hope this is an oversight. The title should be called "Grandmaster of the Forge"

I love that you would be willing to chase that down! As others have mentioned however, we decided against this due to the fact that we thought gating a title and achievement behind something so large would be painful to players"

And yet this collection is ok? Just for consistency i hope this collection is fixed.

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@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:"Clayton Kisko.5207

January 16, 2019

@Malediktus.9250 said:There is a collection for all exotic dragon blood weapons that gives the title "Journeyman of the Forge"doing one of the small achievements you unlock after that give "Master of the Forge"but there doesn't seem to be any collection for collecting all the ascended dragon blood weapons. I hope this is an oversight. The title should be called "Grandmaster of the Forge"

I love that you would be willing to chase that down! As others have mentioned however, we decided against this due to the fact that we thought gating a title and achievement behind something so large would be painful to players"

And yet this collection is ok? Just for consistency i hope this collection is fixed.

If the weapons randomly dropped from the dwarven vault, I'm pretty sure their answer would have been different.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:"Clayton Kisko.5207

January 16, 2019

@Malediktus.9250 said:There is a collection for all exotic dragon blood weapons that gives the title "Journeyman of the Forge"doing one of the small achievements you unlock after that give "Master of the Forge"but there doesn't seem to be any collection for collecting all the ascended dragon blood weapons. I hope this is an oversight. The title should be called "Grandmaster of the Forge"

I love that you would be willing to chase that down! As others have mentioned however, we decided against this due to the fact that we thought gating a title and achievement behind something so large would be painful to players"

And yet this collection is ok? Just for consistency i hope this collection is fixed.

If the weapons randomly dropped from the dwarven vault, I'm pretty sure their answer would have been different.

If they had the rarity of this bloody helm id like to hope not. Seriously the thing that upsets me about this whole thing is that it a cultural helmet for a race that has gotten neglected on appearances since the game came out. One of the few helmets they make -work- for the race and its locked behind an almost impossible drop chance and a price so high that 99% of the player base cant afford it. Shoulda made it available for Chilis after a certain number of chests got opened or something so players could work towards it, -reasonably-. Or made it unlock all three helms upon use. That way you only need one(Since all three look the same anyways.)

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@Dante.1763 said:If they had the rarity of this bloody helm id like to hope not. Seriously the thing that upsets me about this whole thing is that it a cultural helmet for a race that has gotten neglected on appearances since the game came out. One of the few helmets they make -work- for the race and its locked behind an almost impossible drop chance and a price so high that 99% of the player base cant afford it. Shoulda made it available for Chilis after a certain number of chests got opened or something so players could work towards it, -reasonably-. Or made it unlock all three helms upon use. That way you only need one(Since all three look the same anyways.)

I couldn't agree more.Far too many helmets either clip nastily with or remove horns entirely.They even messed up the charr light tier 3 cultural helmet since it removes hair but hardly covers any part of the head.

Now they implemented a helmet skin, exclusively for charr of all three armor classes, and not only does it drop with infusion-level rarity and only from a chest that can be opened once per day at best, they add it thrice to a collection, so that charr players have to compete with all players with the means and desire to complete that collection.

I can hardly describe my disappointment after first seeing the skin and then learning how incredibly unavailable it is. It feels like one giant middle finger to charr players, and I hope they make this right rather than add a second middle finger by pulling the same stunt with a leg armor skin.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:"Clayton Kisko.5207

January 16, 2019

@Malediktus.9250 said:There is a collection for all exotic dragon blood weapons that gives the title "Journeyman of the Forge"doing one of the small achievements you unlock after that give "Master of the Forge"but there doesn't seem to be any collection for collecting all the ascended dragon blood weapons. I hope this is an oversight. The title should be called "Grandmaster of the Forge"

I love that you would be willing to chase that down! As others have mentioned however, we decided against this due to the fact that we thought gating a title and achievement behind something so large would be painful to players"

And yet this collection is ok? Just for consistency i hope this collection is fixed.

If the weapons randomly dropped from the dwarven vault, I'm pretty sure their answer would have been different.

If they dropped at the rate of the items in this collection, that would have made them more difficult to acquire not less. Either way, it's not a very good guess as to the root cause of the discrepancy. More likely explanations would be that the original explanation given for there being no colleciton for the ascended dragonsblood weapons was bogus, that anet's thinking on the topic has changed over time, or most likely that the person responsible for making the decision on this collection was simply unaware of the previous decision and its rationale . . .

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