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Raven Ceremonial armor - how?


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@"Skotlex.7580" said:Eh... if a single skin is going to cost hundreds or thousands of gold, it better be something so dazzling that the whole map can't help but stare at one.Why I don't see any tie between price and cost? This is absolutely diffident values. And this is great.

The design for this armor set just doesn't seem to get there.Yes. So If there is not any point to get that skin - why some people "cry" ??

I find it pretty ridiculous when a skin is more expensive than a precursor, but nobody else but yourself is going to notice it.Don't see nothing special. As my many outfit is so ugly, but people use it and like it. People have different tasty and this is ok.

But then again, it's ANet's prerogative to determine how valuabledon't think that biuer and seller thet skin is ANET staff.

@Fueki.4753 said:It seems you didn't grasp the core of the problem:yews, I absolutely not understand problem yet.

Many people want to actually be able to work towards their armour pieces and not be at the mercy of pitifully low RNG drop chances.They ABSOLUTELY not depend from RNG drop chances. The item is NOT account bound. Welcome on TP.

And no, farming gold doesn't count as working towards such a goal.90% achievement can be close more easy whit gold. But yes, this is not gold. Again, welcome on TP. Anyone can choose.

It's the same with the bare foot skins, that are victim to pitifully low drop chances and only available in outdated content.They account bound? No ? Problem solved. Or we have any skill cost 1 gold?

And these aren't even special like the Raven tatters.yes, nothing special. I an easy buy it, but I don't need them.

These literally just hide an armour piece and should have been a toggle.so if you don't like them , where is the problem?

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@lare.5129 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Not everyone has multiple thousand gold to spent though, like the prices are for the bare foot skins.price as for me valid. So anyone can choose - go and try luck each day. Don't believe ? But anyway want this non collectable item ASAP ?

Most expensive Reliquary of the Raven Ceremonial Garb. Current price 1600 gold aprox. No one cant stop you buy gems, convert to gold, and get that Raven Ceremonial Garb.

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Wouldn't be a problem if they would advertise it as a difficult to get bonus in upcoming content and not as a feature.This can be be a problem if this is part of meta achievement, or part of some collection. But not. This is not. So not any problem expect "ou, I want this".Want but not want try? Buy. Or demand. 1k current.

"This next release will have a new set of armor for all of you that enjoy a grind."Like grind? Joke ?The current buy price is only 1600 gold. This is 53 hours action. People who like grind do grind years, but not hours.

Yeah, okay. I actually don't want that particular set of armor. My wants are not the point. Content that is featured as part of a release should be presented in a way that we can go into it knowing what we are willing to try. Players get excited over new armor. There is no reason they should find out at time of release that it is a super rare drop. That is a major let down on release day. Just be up front and say this release includes a super rare chance at (insert item.)

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@"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:You look at that top and think it's worth $100? One hundred dollars of REAL money? Who has that kind of money to spend just on ONE item that's not even ascended rated? I mean I know that rich people spend that kind of money like nothing, but making decisions that only benefit rich gamers and people with infinite amounts of time and willing to waste it all doing the same thing over and over in vain hope the abysmally low drop rate will favor them today, is pretty whack.

This whole set should have been acquirable the way other armors always were, especially after pushing it as a selling point for the new content. It's about how they presented it, and then broke all precedent on how armor sets are acquired. It's a tease, and it feels completely unfair to all but those who are obviously rolling in cash right now and can spend it on frivolities without any worry. They didn't do this with Runic, they didn't do this with Warlord. I don't think it's because they learned their lesson, it feels like they were scrambling to find rewards for the chapter and cannibalized the armor set for it rather than make something worth repeatedly coming back for in the SM.

This is good perspective. Thank you for stating it like this though a lot of people on this thread seem to argue just for the sake of debating. You are right about the "worth" of these armor pieces. There is no consistency on the value of items in this game which really fuels the frustration when they do something like this.

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I find it odd that they added a set where most of the pieces are easy to acquire but the chest is far harder to get.

It's because of the relative difficulty of the content that rewards it, for sure, and sure, you can buy it but it's a bad idea for a set, IMO.

I'm just glad that the runic armour didn't follow suit, I hope they continue to provide different ways to get these kinds of items.

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@Head Kracker.4790 said:This is probably going to be cheaper long run, if for no other reason that's it is not locked behind a very annoying jumping puzzle.

The Visage of the Khan-Ur is not locked behind any JP, you have to do the 4 meta events and simply unlock the door. Chances are still way too low.

Between the daily chances and event completion its not going to be as rare as a once a day loot chest at the back end of a easy to screw up JP.

I doubt that. The current price proves how rarely the chest piece drops, and it is the only cool part of the armor set, too.

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The Runic armor is close to what I want to see for all armor sets. Just add it as a super rare drop while keeping its current acquisition methods in tact and you have a model I would prefer.

Make each new armor set obtainable by:a) Collection/Achieve for an account bound versionb) Option to purchase outright at a high price for unbound versionc) Super rare drop from content related to the release it comes out with also unbound

Having these three options should cover most of our habits without allowing the value to plummet or skyrocket.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:You look at that top and think it's worth $100? One hundred dollars of REAL money?Why not??? Why not $1000 ?? People buy toy for cats whit same price. And if most can't do same no one cry.

Who has that kind of money to spend just on ONE item that's not even ascended rated?someone who think that he need that item.

I mean I know that rich people spend that kind of money like nothingSo you ask why title "I am rich" is so expensive?? :) They have and they spend. Should I ask why people buy Bentley and Ferraro, and I have only bus pass ??

but making decisions that only benefit rich gamersdon't feel like loser - pay or play. And again, make attention, that this item is
not part of any collection
You can imagine it as expensive item in gem shop and feel more easy.

This whole set should have been acquirable the way other armors always were, especially after pushing it as a selling point for the new content.It is already very easy acquirable. Part from achievement, other part from TP. It cost less than one legendary weapon .. Make it totally free no any reason for me.

It costs more than a legendary now. These armors have been here since 2012, and norn players such as myself have asked for them since launch. And you shove it out like this to where it can't even be aquired? 0/10, wouldn't recommend if this is their way forward ill start telling my friends to pack up and roll out because EVEN WoW Doesn't do this bull-crap. Sure there is like a MOUNT or some such thats got crazy drop rate to the lowest degree, but in WoW you can out-level that content and come back and farm it at your own pace and make it work.. Here YOU CANT DO THAT. You have to go in with a team, and whisper seems to be wildly unpopular and according to the wiki it doesn't drop at all now and has vanished from the loot table.

Put it in the damn WvW/PvP reward track for the Ice-brood saga with the rest of the armor cosmetics, such as the Khan-ur helm and the Norn armors and leave it at that. There is NO REASON these should be this scarce, as they are NOT ascended or in the case of the ceremonial outfit even exotic. This was a terrible decision, a terrible method in letting us FINALLY having something THAT SHOULD OF been a cultural set for the norn. All of the havroun armor's should of been part of the norn cultural sets as a secondary option. For years we've asked, and this is how they answer. A big middle finger lmfao

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Kitta.5412 said:If it is true that you can only get the chest and helm from RNG drop tables, that's a big fat failure on Anet's part. They should've just kept it to separate rewards as drops but the one armor they are promoting as the main reward? That's really unpleasant.

Maybe it’s to get players to, you know, play the content.

Instead of, you know, making the content enjoyable enough on its own so we can play it.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Kitta.5412 said:If it is true that you can only get the chest and helm from RNG drop tables, that's a big fat failure on Anet's part. They should've just kept it to separate rewards as drops but the one armor they are promoting as the main reward? That's really unpleasant.

Maybe it’s to get players to, you know, play the content.

Instead of, you know, making the content enjoyable enough on its own so we can play it.

Thats a false diochotomy if i have ever heard one.

You do realise a decent percentage of the playerbase will be reward driven. You need both fun and a decent rewardstructure to make content played. and you need these players to make the maps feel lively/ function properly.

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@yann.1946 said:

@Kitta.5412 said:If it is true that you can only get the chest and helm from RNG drop tables, that's a big fat failure on Anet's part. They should've just kept it to separate rewards as drops but the one armor they are promoting as the main reward? That's really unpleasant.

Maybe it’s to get players to, you know, play the content.

Instead of, you know, making the content enjoyable enough on its own so we can play it.

Thats a false diochotomy if i have ever heard one.

You do realise a decent percentage of the playerbase will be reward driven. You need both fun and a decent rewardstructure to make content played. and you need these players to make the maps feel lively/ function properly.

It certainly does not feel rewarding, if the rewards are mostly trash and the few dim gems are stuck behind insultingly abysmal drop rates.Arenanet has much work to do on both fun and replayability of content, as well as their reward structure.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Kitta.5412 said:If it is true that you can only get the chest and helm from RNG drop tables, that's a big fat failure on Anet's part. They should've just kept it to separate rewards as drops but the one armor they are promoting as the main reward? That's really unpleasant.

Maybe it’s to get players to, you know, play the content.

Instead of, you know, making the content enjoyable enough on its own so we can play it.

Thats a false diochotomy if i have ever heard one.

You do realise a decent percentage of the playerbase will be reward driven. You need both fun and a decent rewardstructure to make content played. and you need these players to make the maps feel lively/ function properly.

It certainly does not feel rewarding, if the rewards are mostly trash and the few dim gems are stuck behind insultingly abysmal drop rates.Arenanet has much work to do on both fun and replayability of content, as well as their reward structure.

Honestly I think the problem is more that we don't have a decent sink for eternal ice atm

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@yann.1946 said:

@Kitta.5412 said:If it is true that you can only get the chest and helm from RNG drop tables, that's a big fat failure on Anet's part. They should've just kept it to separate rewards as drops but the one armor they are promoting as the main reward? That's really unpleasant.

Maybe it’s to get players to, you know, play the content.

Instead of, you know, making the content enjoyable enough on its own so we can play it.

Thats a false diochotomy if i have ever heard one.

You do realise a decent percentage of the playerbase will be reward driven. You need both fun and a decent rewardstructure to make content played. and you need these players to make the maps feel lively/ function properly.

It certainly does not feel rewarding, if the rewards are mostly trash and the few dim gems are stuck behind insultingly abysmal drop rates.Arenanet has much work to do on both fun and replayability of content, as well as their reward structure.

Honestly I think the problem is more that we don't have a decent sink for eternal ice atm

I'd gladly farm thousands of those Eternal Ice Shards if I could be invisible shoes with them.I think many would do the same for items that currently have stupidly low drop rates, like the Raven armour.

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