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This is the death of this game's pvp / wvw


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They dont need to overthink, they have WoW as example. CC, Condis, stability are all considered "side effects" or "secundary skills". Power and toughness are important, agility and precision are secundary multipliers. Vitality depends on the role. They try to reinvent the wheel by making it square. GL HF :)

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@"otto.5684" Making the game playable in many ways as possible is the goal and they are doing that just fine right now.

Because I like the current state of sPvP like you do as well doesn't mean it's fine for the rest and because they are changing that doesn't mean also it's gonna be bad or worst.

In fact it looks like things are gonna be less spammy which is better, I don't play this game to just "win" I play it because it's Guild Wars 2 and there's nothing else like it, I would also like it to last as long as it can, which is not direction we have with the current sPvP, shaking things up with more options is better than picking at every complains.

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@Razor.6392 said:This is what happens when you put a bunch of people who at best handled excel documents in the office in charge of balance.

CMC was playing in gw2 ESL so I hate to throw the authority argument here but I think he has more in-debth knowledge of the game than just crunching numbers in an excel doc.So please dont be such a doomsday smoothbrain. Thanks :)

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@Ysmir.4986 said:

@Ysmir.4986 said:Considering how much the game will change, trying to anticipate the effects of the balance patch on the game mode and on the meta is frankly...

... idiotic.

No it's not. How do you play this game for 8 years and not gain a very solid grasp on it will effect intra-class combat dynamic when something is added or removed?

  • Because we never had a patch on a scale where almost every single skill in the game is affected,
  • Hence, we have no feel for what the game will be when it comes out,
  • Changes only make sense in synergy with other changes - what is meta is decided by what else is viable at the moment, which can only be determined through testing and trial and error,
  • Hence, people are talking based on their expectations centered around their class and speculating on something they never even experienced. Which is next door to worthless.

The CC thing is based on the philosophy that either a skill does damage or hard CC, which in my opinion, is healthier for the game. Rampage is a great trial run for that philosophy and worked marvelously. Reduced the kitten "one click insta win" effect and yet kept its relevant status as an elite skill.

So frankly, I think you are in the hard minority here, concerning CC doing no damage.

Agggreeed. Nothing to add. :)

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@Apocaly.2786 said:

@Ysmir.4986 said:Considering how much the game will change, trying to anticipate the effects of the balance patch on the game mode and on the meta is frankly...

... idiotic.

No it's not. How do you play this game for 8 years and not gain a very solid grasp on it will effect intra-class combat dynamic when something is added or removed?

  • Because we never had a patch on a scale where almost every single skill in the game is affected,
  • Hence, we have no feel for what the game will be when it comes out,
  • Changes only make sense in synergy with other changes - what is meta is decided by what else is viable at the moment, which can only be determined through testing and trial and error,
  • Hence, people are talking based on their expectations centered around their class and speculating on something they never even experienced. Which is next door to worthless.

The CC thing is based on the philosophy that either a skill does damage or hard CC, which in my opinion, is healthier for the game. Rampage is a great trial run for that philosophy and worked marvelously. Reduced the kitten "one click insta win" effect and yet kept its relevant status as an elite skill.

So frankly, I think you are in the hard minority here, concerning CC doing no damage.

Agggreeed. Nothing to add. :)

Are you guys kidding me?

  1. - Because we never had a patch on a scale where almost every single skill in the game is affected What about the 6/23/2015 patch? What about how different the game is now from Core? Having new specializations drop in an expansion is more upheaving than this.
  2. - Changes only make sense in synergy with other changes - what is meta is decided by what else is viable at the moment, which can only be determined through testing and trial and error. So you're telling me that when a programmer designs a game, they have absolutely clue what's going on, and that simple mathematical comparisons fail completely? Some things are obvious my friend. Like comparing the new Warrior Hammer set to a Kit that has damage output.
  3. - Hence, people are talking based on their expectations centered around their class and speculating on something they never even experienced. Which is next door to worthless. This is definitely one of the most under-credited statements I've heard tossed at this community, ever. As if this community were waiting to "beta test" GW2 and it was 2010. As if this community were not adept at experiencing upheaving patch releases every 2 months. As if there were not people in this very forum calling out exactly what ends up happening to the meta, each and every time patch notes are released, and they end up being completely correct in their forecast.
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Yeah, and Infiltrator's Arrow still has no CD and Phase Traversal 5 seconds, and unlike holo leap they actually cover significant range and are significantly faster than running...

"Holo has extreme mobility hurr durr"

I can't take this forum seriously and I hope Anet doesn't either...

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:Bwaahahahaha!! It will the death of something! It will be the death of players getting carried by their oh-snap buttons and buffed damage and healing output! Bring on this new era.

Do you realize that the majority of players simply jump from one class to another?...The average player who only play one class and spec will simply leave the game, the class design is simply trash and the more you dig...the more it becomes apparent, blanket nerf to dmg and sustain without consideration for the inherent base design of each class....will simply pushes the average FOTM player towards one direction or another..

What new era are you even on about? It will be a new meta with new OP threads few weeks after its creation......what new era are you on about? Some people will have simply less choices when it comes to gameplay options...others will leave the game...what there is to celebrate about that?.

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Hark! What is that over there? Doth mine eyes decieve me? That ability do-eth look quite strong. A cut above the rest, even!Cut it down!

--2 days later--

Aha! I spy another outlier! None shall hide from mine ever prying eyes. Thou shalt feel the heartiest of nerfs!

-- 3 more days later --

What's is this!? Druid healing is a touch out of line. Tis not fair that they get to heal to fill whilst the every-man must scrap together what bits of healing they can find. Such avarice will not go unpunished!

--The forums 6 months later--

"This game has really gone down hill. The devs sure love dumbing this game down and making classes unfun to play. They should fire the people in charge and hire new devs. Every class plays the same. There's no variety or skill synergies. Quitting PvP until we get competent devs."

-Excript from "The fall of World of Warcraft" 2019

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:Bwaahahahaha!! It will the death of something! It will be the death of players getting carried by their oh-snap buttons and buffed damage and healing output!
Bring on this new era.

Do you realize that the majority of players simply jump from one class to another?...The average player who only play one class and spec will simply leave the game, the class design is simply trash and the more you dig...the more it becomes apparent, blanket nerf to dmg and sustain without consideration for the inherent base design of each class....will simply pushes the average FOTM player towards one direction or another..

What new era are you even on about? It will be a new meta with new OP threads few weeks after its creation......
what new era are you on about
? Some people will have simply less choices when it comes to gameplay options...others will leave the game...what there is to celebrate about that?.

Like there are actually people already? lmao. Look, people will come and go and go on with their cute little meta threads...it's all just chatter to me. The main point is, the dynamic of the game changes the less damage and sustainability that goes around. We can argue about the proportions of damage to sustain nerfs across professions all we want until the cows come home, but for once, there are actual substantial changes that will bring life to pvp. There are a lot of people, especially in wvw, that left the game due to the absurd powercreep. As far as class design goes, well....THAT should've been thought about when gw2 got released. I'm sorry, but classes are NOT going to get redesigned after 7 years, we have to be realistic here.

You know, to me, this is damn funny...the general pvp community begged, (myself included) for developers to reduce powercreep and now that it's actually here on the horizon being addressed it's like: "Oh my god! Don't nerf it like that!"......"ugh! They're not doing it right!"......"Be careful what you wish for!" ....."Wahh! Bunker meta".... It's like people on these forums are on perma-cynic mode.

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@"Falan.1839" said:Yeah, and Infiltrator's Arrow still has no CD and Phase Traversal 5 seconds, and unlike holo leap they actually cover significant range and are significantly faster than running...

"Holo has extreme mobility hurr durr"

I can't take this forum seriously and I hope Anet doesn't either...

Seriously? Revenant can't stunbreak from Legend Swap anymore and you think that one making the decision of just using Phase Traversal when Riposting Shadows will be 40 energy to Stunbreak OP? Like holy crap, is anyone able to get the full picture here or is it just "muh class rip" everywhere? It's really sad, come on, read the patch notes and save yourself the trouble of being so clueless.

Same for Thief, no more passives every 90 seconds to save it with increased utility cooldowns.

I can't take this forum seriously either when almost the entirety of it can't even envision anything at all but their own class in the context of the current game instead of what's it gonna be then they dare say the devs don't know what they are doing.

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:

@JTGuevara.9018 said:Bwaahahahaha!! It will the death of something! It will be the death of players getting carried by their oh-snap buttons and buffed damage and healing output!
Bring on this new era.

Do you realize that the majority of players simply jump from one class to another?...The average player who only play one class and spec will simply leave the game, the class design is simply trash and the more you dig...the more it becomes apparent, blanket nerf to dmg and sustain without consideration for the inherent base design of each class....will simply pushes the average FOTM player towards one direction or another..

What new era are you even on about? It will be a new meta with new OP threads few weeks after its creation......
what new era are you on about
? Some people will have simply less choices when it comes to gameplay options...others will leave the game...what there is to celebrate about that?.

Like there are actually people already? lmao. Look, people will come and go and go on with their cute little meta threads...it's all just chatter to me. The main point is,
the dynamic of the game changes the less damage and sustainability that goes around
. We can argue about the proportions of damage to sustain nerfs across professions all we want until the cows come home, but for once, there are actual substantial changes that will bring life to pvp. There are a lot of people, especially in wvw, that left the game due to the absurd powercreep. As far as class design goes, well....THAT should've been thought about when gw2 got released. I'm sorry, but classes are NOT going to get redesigned after 7 years, we have to be realistic here.

You know, to me, this is kitten funny...the general pvp community
, (myself included) for developers to reduce powercreep and now that it's actually here on the horizon being addressed it's like: "Oh my god! Don't nerf it like that!"......"ugh! They're not doing it right!"......"Be careful what you wish for!" ....."Wahh! Bunker meta".... It's like people on these forums are on perma-cynic mode.

Reduce powercreep?....your celebrations will be short lived..as will be your "return"...you'll see

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@JTGuevara.9018 said:Bwaahahahaha!! It will the death of something! It will be the death of players getting carried by their oh-snap buttons and buffed damage and healing output!
Bring on this new era.

Do you realize that the majority of players simply jump from one class to another?...The average player who only play one class and spec will simply leave the game, the class design is simply trash and the more you dig...the more it becomes apparent, blanket nerf to dmg and sustain without consideration for the inherent base design of each class....will simply pushes the average FOTM player towards one direction or another..

What new era are you even on about? It will be a new meta with new OP threads few weeks after its creation......
what new era are you on about
? Some people will have simply less choices when it comes to gameplay options...others will leave the game...what there is to celebrate about that?.

Like there are actually people already? lmao. Look, people will come and go and go on with their cute little meta threads...it's all just chatter to me. The main point is,
the dynamic of the game changes the less damage and sustainability that goes around
. We can argue about the proportions of damage to sustain nerfs across professions all we want until the cows come home, but for once, there are actual substantial changes that will bring life to pvp. There are a lot of people, especially in wvw, that left the game due to the absurd powercreep. As far as class design goes, well....THAT should've been thought about when gw2 got released. I'm sorry, but classes are NOT going to get redesigned after 7 years, we have to be realistic here.

You know, to me, this is kitten funny...the general pvp community
, (myself included) for developers to reduce powercreep and now that it's actually here on the horizon being addressed it's like: "Oh my god! Don't nerf it like that!"......"ugh! They're not doing it right!"......"Be careful what you wish for!" ....."Wahh! Bunker meta".... It's like people on these forums are on perma-cynic mode.

Reduce powercreep?....your celebrations will be short lived..as will be your "return"...you'll see

Hah! Whatever bud...even if it is, it won't be because of your words of wisdom! I'll take a chance!

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