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WvW Facetanking Balance Patch = PvE Story Mode Rofl


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Hopefully, getting reduced to zero in a matter of less than a second is now a thing of the past and maybe we will see an overal increase in time-to-kill which good for everyone who enjoys brawl the most, me included.

Anyway, for now it´s unclear how most changes will affect the interactions between classes ina pvp-enviroment, a testing-server would be quite helpful.

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I'm really confused why low TTK is such a commonly-described problem these days.

Did people not roam or play years ago?

Low TTK is fine if it's visually clear. Are you dying to core rifle warriors and D/D signet thieves? No. Because those builds are very obvious in their damage and offer nothing but damage.

The powercreep from expansion content is the issue. Low TTK isn't innately the problem, but rather builds with way too many extra sources of easy-to-deal, risk-averse damage (like the entirety of DE, CoR, D/P DE, Vault spam DrD, Mirage with extra evade frames while dealing damage, the choice to speed up reaper's animations and huge stat boosts due to PvE complaints, Holo's insane CC+durability+damage, soulbeast free stats and defenses, the new food tier, etc.) that have no/low visual clarity, little counterplay, and very little risk.

Low TTK is fine if it comes from builds that have lots of counterplay and make big sacrifices like they used to. Marauder does very similar PvP damage as berserker but offers massive supplies of health for basically no cost. All of the expansion stat sets are like this. 20% more free stats is busted no matter how you spin it.

That's the problem with a global drop in TTK. You don't end up making the game healthier in terms of an evolving metagame with diversity and friendly strategies. You just shift people into playing stuff that has low counterplay or interactivity, regardless of skill.

I expect the new meta to be sustain and condi. A set which scales best by just having more players. That's a highly unskilled meta that forces out most build diversity as it is (see 2016/2017).

You'll see more stuff on the level of trapper thief going forward. Stuff built to reduce interaction to slowly win a fight. Ending fights decisively is an important part of any PvP experience when there are options to prevent it. Low TTK build should come with risk, and the absence of it is the real problem today.

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@"DeceiverX.8361" said:I expect the new meta to be sustain and condi. A set which scales best by just having more players. That's a highly unskilled meta that forces out most build diversity as it is (see 2016/2017).Except it literally scale the opposite way. All condi becomes worse the more players that are involved because the more people around you, the more AoE cleanses That's why we have a mainly power meta. That's why you wont see a trailblazer mesmer, condi trapper etc running in 10 man havoc group. I doubt the patch is going to do much to change that fact.

The way the "condi meta" works and how successfull it becomes is naturally linked to the type of builds enemies bring. Today people overwhelmingly bring power to roaming - and a large portion of them go all out damage. That makes condi quite effective against many targets and it's the reason it's even still viable. And for zerging... other way around.

If the new meta is sustain - regardless of it being power or condi - and people actually bring cleanses unlike how many build today, condi is going to be less effective on the whole even with power nerfs. Not to mention they are nerfing condi too contrary to popular belief and people staring themselves blind for CC skill power coeffiency. Some of the condi skills mentioned are quite massive nerfs, in particular for WvW where condi burst and pressure is more important than duration. As an example, blowtorch, the condi engies main damage and literally the only skill able to pressure anything may still do the same amount of total damage, but damage per tick is still gutted at half the amount of stacks (and that's ignoring the chunky firearms burn duration nerf).

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If you think getting hit by 10k+skills while having 20k health on average is normal, then you should honestly reconsider your choice if videogame. Gw2 is definately a game were 10k+ hit should not be considered normal.Atleast ib my humble opinion, this style of gameplay takes away any form of skill, because its more luck than skill if you get hit by sometging like that.

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@RedShark.9548 said:If you think getting hit by 10k+skills while having 20k health on average is normal, then you should honestly reconsider your choice if videogame. Gw2 is definately a game were 10k+ hit should not be considered normal.Atleast ib my humble opinion, this style of gameplay takes away any form of skill, because its more luck than skill if you get hit by sometging like that.

boy did you even look at the hammer changes for warrior?

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@Justine.6351 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:If you think getting hit by 10k+skills while having 20k health on average is normal, then you should honestly reconsider your choice if videogame. Gw2 is definately a game were 10k+ hit should not be considered normal.Atleast ib my humble opinion, this style of gameplay takes away any form of skill, because its more luck than skill if you get hit by sometging like that.

boy did you even look at the hammer changes for warrior?

Boy did you take a look at the warrior forum? I wrote in several posts about what i think about warrior hammer.

Also, what have the hammer changes to do with getting hit by 10k+?I also think hammer ahouldnt hit 10k on ppl that average out at 20k hpSome changes might be questionable, and alot of stuff will be better than other in the beginning, but they aknowledged that and said that they will bring more patches in the future much more frequently.

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I think people really don't understand how much the current healing and boon meta extends fights, which also saw reductions. Spike skills and skills that did to much, such as hard CC and good dmg are what were hit the most. So the effect should be to those "one shot" combo builds, are not very common anymore, however in most other fights, I see the HP pool going down at close to the same rate it does now, big time for some of the builds that are well known for sustain that have had auto procs hit hard (across the board 300sec CDs). In many cases I see TTK being the same or going down if you exclude the "one shot" combo builds.

People also forget this is setting a new base level, and it has been talked about many times that after this patch will see lots of changes and adjustments as new metas are formed. You can't tackle this much power/boon creep and get it perfect on the first go, again, this is a base line with further iterations to come.

I for one am more than willing to suffer the changes that are coming if it means getting things back under control and taking serious looks at balance again.

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