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It has been passed on to you thieves.


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With the death of the mesmer class over the horizon the communities ire will now be focused on your class now. As chrono and mirage are so bad now its hard for them to make excuses anymore. It gives me no joy in sharing this infomation, but as the number of mesmer hate threads decrease as the class is unplayable and the amount of thief hate threads increase its become clear you people are the next target.

And yes i understand how you feel, with gaurdians being nigh unkillable and having tons of damage while healing. I understand how you feel where a ranger can 100-0 you if your caught out of stealth, i understand how squishy your class is. But it does not matter. The torch has been past to you. I am unsure if ill be around to help defend you guys i often defend your stealth mechanic on the forums, i am unsure if i will continue to play this game further given these mirage changes (i just dont understand the dodge nerf at all) i just want to give you guys a warning so you have a fair shot to defend your class on the forums before its too late and what happens to mesmer (chrono, mirage) happens to you.

Granted pvp nerfs are coming across the board but your class will be over nerfed regardless of whats actually happening in the game you have been warned.

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The community ire will be all over the place due to how much the patch changes, but i bet heartseaker will be the center of thief qq again since it kept its scaling (if we go by the patch preview).Speaking of scaling, funny thing is that after the patch one of the most damaging core thief skills will be ice shard stab, the elementalist stolen skill, since they are buffing it to have a 2.0 coefficient; this is done in tandem with other pve stolen skill buffs so i am willing to bet that they forgot this one skill is also the ele stolen skill. Using improvisation a thief can steal from an ele and get 2 extremely hard hitting skills that can be used back to back for big burst (post patch a 3 adrenaline bar eviscerate has 2.0 coefficient). All of this to say i don't think anet thought through much of the changes going in so the complaints will be all over the place (necromancer shroud is another interesting point).

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I think it wont matter. I think Anet listens to QQ and Anet seems incapable or unwilling to balance things in a way that preserves the play styles people have used for years, so in the end people are going to keep leaving and/or playing less because investing time in a play style isnt rewarded properly and more than spending hours of Real life grinding for 20g an hour when you can buy 400g for $10.

So investing in developing play style doesnt pay off. Grinding for rewards doesnt pay off vs just working an hour and buying gold w gems.

What is rewarding in still in Gw2? Looking at the forums I would say most seem to enjoy the past time of Trolling other clssess. The problem is this is a self consuming cannabalistic kinda trend that will leave the game dead in the end.

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@Genesis.5169 said:With the death of the mesmer class over the horizon the communities ire will now be focused on your class now. As chrono and mirage are so bad now its hard for them to make excuses anymore. It gives me no joy in sharing this infomation, but as the number of mesmer hate threads decrease as the class is unplayable and the amount of thief hate threads increase its become clear you people are the next target.

And yes i understand how you feel, with gaurdians being nigh unkillable and having tons of damage while healing. I understand how you feel where a ranger can 100-0 you if your caught out of stealth, i understand how squishy your class is. But it does not matter. The torch has been past to you. I am unsure if ill be around to help defend you guys i often defend your stealth mechanic on the forums, i am unsure if i will continue to play this game further given these mirage changes (i just dont understand the dodge nerf at all) i just want to give you guys a warning so you have a fair shot to defend your class on the forums before its too late and what happens to mesmer (chrono, mirage) happens to you.

Granted pvp nerfs are coming across the board but your class will be over nerfed regardless of whats actually happening in the game you have been warned.

LIke....do nerf cries ever stop to start with?..You just made a thread about SB because you died to one, for as long as PvP exist in a MMO..nerf threads will appear because....bruised ego from being killed by another player.....

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Genesis.5169" said:With the death of the mesmer class over the horizon the communities ire will now be focused on your class now. As chrono and mirage are so bad now its hard for them to make excuses anymore. It gives me no joy in sharing this infomation, but as the number of mesmer hate threads decrease as the class is unplayable and the amount of thief hate threads increase its become clear you people are the next target.

And yes i understand how you feel, with gaurdians being nigh unkillable and having tons of damage while healing. I understand how you feel where a ranger can 100-0 you if your caught out of stealth, i understand how squishy your class is. But it does not matter. The torch has been past to you. I am unsure if ill be around to help defend you guys i often defend your stealth mechanic on the forums, i am unsure if i will continue to play this game further given these mirage changes (i just dont understand the dodge nerf at all) i just want to give you guys a warning so you have a fair shot to defend your class on the forums before its too late and what happens to mesmer (chrono, mirage) happens to you.

Granted pvp nerfs are coming across the board but your class will be over nerfed regardless of whats actually happening in the game you have been warned.

LIke....do nerf cries ever stop to start with?..You just made a thread about SB because you died to one, for as long as PvP exist in a MMO..nerf threads will appear because....bruised ego from being killed by another player.....

No i made one because i died to one and the pet did most the damage.then i saw.


And then realized SB pets have not been scaled back. I and time will tell about thieves.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:With the death of the mesmer class over the horizon the communities ire will now be focused on your class now. As chrono and mirage are so bad now its hard for them to make excuses anymore. It gives me no joy in sharing this infomation, but as the number of mesmer hate threads decrease as the class is unplayable and the amount of thief hate threads increase its become clear you people are the next target.

And yes i understand how you feel, with gaurdians being nigh unkillable and having tons of damage while healing. I understand how you feel where a ranger can 100-0 you if your caught out of stealth, i understand how squishy your class is. But it does not matter. The torch has been past to you. I am unsure if ill be around to help defend you guys i often defend your stealth mechanic on the forums, i am unsure if i will continue to play this game further given these mirage changes (i just dont understand the dodge nerf at all) i just want to give you guys a warning so you have a fair shot to defend your class on the forums before its too late and what happens to mesmer (chrono, mirage) happens to you.

Granted pvp nerfs are coming across the board but your class will be over nerfed regardless of whats actually happening in the game you have been warned.

LIke....do nerf cries ever stop to start with?..You just made a thread about SB because you died to one, for as long as PvP exist in a MMO..nerf threads will appear because....bruised ego from being killed by another player.....

No i made one because i died to one and the pet did most the damage.then i saw.

And then realized SB pets have not been scaled back. I and time will tell about thieves.

So we delete the pets and move all dmg back to rangers...would that stop the whine threads ?...no it wouldn't, or maybe we lower pet dmg just enough to tickle you...and ofc rangers themselves should do no dmg

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I think "hate torch" was always on Thief throughout GW2s history. Ofcz nerfing chrono IP and now endurance... is just something i can't understand. These 2 nerfs were just too much. Sadly my only two classes that i play are Mesmer and Thief... Gosh i wish i'd be interested in Guardian or some other class but i just can't.

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Cute post OP, but the cries of "nerf thief!" started at release and never stopped. We've been the #1 target for hate for most of the game's existence regardless of the state of Thief at the time, and we've eaten many unneeded nerfs as a result. I don't expect this dynamic to change anytime soon, if ever.

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Pretty sure core condi mesmer is gonna come back as a dominant build to be honest.

Mirage had to be gutted or fundamentally reworked at some point. A class that's built on reducing combat clarity and having access to an extended dodge during CC is broken on principle. If you maintained vigor, I demonstrated the math some time ago that Mirage's dodge uptime was superior to or the same as core S/D + Acro thief's, which just shouldn't happen considering that's just a passive versus a weapon kit + a trait line set to performing evades. There's just realistically no way to make Mirage fair across skill levels, or even remotely fun to play against. It's more or less the same with DE.

DE is still going to deservedly get hate going forward because it's based on the trash idea of non-interaction and heavily favors specific weapons over others, but we're going to have to wait and see what the future holds I guess.

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