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Wvw roaming war, anything works ?


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Best build I've seen so far is Spellbreaker with Dagger Shield GS.Condi may be op but CC is also op now.

And use Magebane with GS Burst, 100% gonna smack a Thief which dared to stealth near yur GS reach.

But yea imo Stealth is stupid still, I really hate Deadeyes in particular cos they can Stealth for days on demand but if they are "winning" they can chase endlessly.

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@"Yasai.3549" said:Best build I've seen so far is Spellbreaker with Dagger Shield GS.Condi may be op but CC is also op now.

And use Magebane with GS Burst, 100% gonna smack a Thief which dared to stealth near yur GS reach.

But yea imo Stealth is stupid still, I really hate Deadeyes in particular cos they can Stealth for days on demand but if they are "winning" they can chase endlessly.

That’s partially because SpB F1s weren’t nerfed like everything else so they are over performing now relative to everything else.

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I didnt see single war in wvw duel spot who is able to beat anyone and thats on t2. Forgive me if im wrong but i find war to be in sad state in wvw. Holo got hit really hard to so is power rev, but i find war to be really useless. I was fighting some war for duel, dude was really fucken great but does no dmg and kiting him was a joke.

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@kiranslee.4829 said:I didnt see single war in wvw duel spot who is able to beat anyone and thats on t2. Forgive me if im wrong but i find war to be in sad state in wvw. Holo got hit really hard to so is power rev, but i find war to be really useless. I was fighting some war for duel, dude was really kitten great but does no dmg and kiting him was a joke.

Yeah warrior is in a pretty bad spot right now. Hopefully anet helps them out but I wouldn't ur breath.

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I'll start by saying that Warrior in sPvP feels perfectly fine. Probably even after the F1 bug is fixed and when Arcing will do less damage. Warrior (solo) roaming however is in a really rough spot atm because of the MMR nerfs and arguably the Healing Signet being nerfed by about 30%.

Warrior's sustain has always been through heal over time / might stacking (or a combo of both) which really helped with the general combat flow. You didn't have cast a 1 second+ healing skill but instead the warriors sustain was based on how skilled the player was. Miss your burst skills? No proper healing for you! No Adrenal health, no Tether might stacking. Signet always felt like it was 50% of your healing, the rest came from other sources.

People have realised now that kiting a Warrior makes them extremely trivial in the open fields of WvW, lots of space and very little cover. Warriors aren't really running Healing Signet anymore, instead most are running Mending which is easily interruptible. Traited it's a 16s cooldown and it does heal more per second than old healing Signet did (by around 1000) buuuut as I said above, healing signet was never Warriors big heal. It's always either been Might stacking or Adrenal Health ON TOP of the Signet to give the Warrior good sustain.

Core Tactics/Str (with "For Great Justice!" & Vigorous Shouts) was the only build which didn't really rely on landing skills for healing but now both MMR & Mending Might heal for very little compared to old numbers so that build has fallen off in the sustain department. For Spellbreakers, Tether only gives 1 might per tick instead of 3 + MMR only healing for 64 means that you're lucky to regenerate 1000 hp whilst you're tethered to your opponent. Prior it gave 24 might and MMR healed for 133 = 3192 healed over a full Tether duration, with an ICD of 12 seconds. Now its 512 healed over the whole Tether duration... Which is an absolute brutal nerf to sustain.

Adrenal Health went from 1995 to 1497 per stack which actually isn't too bad but then you have to factor in that the main reason to take defence, the auto passives, are now on 5 minute cooldowns. There are still some solid trait choices in defence, as it does add a lot of toughness and retaliation which is doing NUTS damage this patch.

Sooooo, it probably looks like Defence for sustain is a solid choice but if you want to play Spellbreaker you might have to drop Strength or run both without Discipline... idk it's weird. It'll probably take a few weeks for something solid to set in. From dueling a bunch I had mixed successes across Core, Zerker and SB, nothing ever felt complete but if I took any substantial damage then I couldn't really ever recover by outplaying my opponent and trying to play the long game. Either I blow them up early or I lose in the long run. Good luck trying to 1vX, with damage being nerfed across the board. Depending on what you're fighting. you can't even burst players quickly enough anymore, even if they don't stunbreak Bullscharge or know how to dodge GS F1.

TLDR: Warrior/SB feels perfectly fine in sPvP but now for WvW it's struggling hard because if the Warrior takes a lot of damage, Mending alone isn't enough to sustain the Warrior in long fights. You HAVE to win quickly or lose the long game. 1vXing is now harder than ever because of this. It'll take a week or two for Warrior players to figure something solid that works.

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Well, said MeepeY. WvW does feel like more of a struggle.

Berserker felt the worse to me while roaming in WvW. I was getting punished very hard for having Berserker mode on cooldown, and just kind of languishing in purgatory with no control of the situation, it feels terrible. After playing some Reaper this patch I really feel like the player needs to be able to toggle the mode on an off. This change would be huge.

It was a bit easier for me this patch though as I have been using heals a lot more over regen even pre-patch, that made an easier transition for me. Heals are inferior though to regen, except when dealing with strong poisons which can kill regen easily.

I kind of felt that regen was a bit too dominant though, almost everyone used it, and it kept the GS/X-SH dominance because that was the best kit for regen.

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the same/favorite build that ive been running for hella long


I think everything is self-explanatory except for

Brave Stride - not using physical, don't expect to pop heal since im running sig, so I might as well use something to benefit from even fromDefy Pain - most of the CDs for mace are already pretty short already, so that little bit doesn't do much IMO, so I might as well pick this for that passive oh sh1t even with the 300secs CD

and I guess if I gotta explain the rune with this build...

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@meepeY.2867 said:Warrior's sustain has always been through heal over time / might stacking

It hasn't always been like that. Many changes over the last year made warrior a might stacking beast, and MMR wasn't always a trait. I don't even think MMR was a trait at POF launch. Berserker was a level 3 burst so during HoT yes, that spec was regen based. But when POF came out they made it level 1 and sustain wasn't there and plus they nerfed eternal champion. Rousing Resilience wasn't always a trait at HoT launch but it made Besrserker OP with 10 sec stun break. That was a big part of sustain.

Anyways at launch warriors used shout builds and soldier/trooper runes becasue healing sig wasn't even a thing. At one time adrinal healing wasn't tied to bursts it was based on how many bars of adrin you had and it wasn't strong, and lately, thats the only thing thats been working for me on base war. Defense tree might be ok for a duel or somthing. But 300 second ICDs are useless right now. Tactics tree isn't so bad after they changed it. Str/tactics/Dis Core seems to be somwhat working but it still pretty bad.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Has anyone tried a rifle warrior with the ammo system? just wondering. The cooldowns are insanely short when traited but I'm really not good enough with warrior for solo fights, only used it smallscale.

Its nice. Even better with Crack Shot traited. Having a second volley ready in 4 seconds is nice. Would be better if they didn't reduce the damage on Rifle when they reduced damage across the board though. Rifle (except gunflame and kill shot) is one of those weapons that didn't need the damage nerf. I expect that once they start building up from this paradigm shift that it will see some numbers increased though.

Either Meme out with a signet build, or meme out with Gunflame.

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I have been running Axe/Axe-Rifle for years in WvW and Rifle is now the best its has ever been by a wide margin. The changes are amazing. Its key to land your Rifle 5 so I run sigil of Agility to really speed up the cast time on Rifle 5 (i always go for the knockback after a weapon swap), its makes it so much easier to land. I also run Celerity as the 2nd sigil for a faster volley after the knockback lands.

2 cripples, 2 evades, and 2 channeled piercing ranged attacks are very nice to have.

Since you have 2 cripples to use I usually try use that before trying to land a rifle 5 if my agility sigil is on cooldown.

At this point Killshot is almost more valuable to bait out a dodge, or to lure an enemy into you so you can cancel the F1 and weapon swap into a Evis or something.

With all that said it can faceplant pretty hard it your rifle 5 misses. The kneeling rooted Killshot is also still a liability. But I feel the utility of Rifle does compensate for it just a bit and makes it worth tolerating now.

I have been running it on Spellbreaker and Core. I have not run much meme with rifle yet, I think the damage is too low, and the players are running way too much bunker to make it worth while. The whole point of the meme rifle builds was to burst down quickly and now that is gone so there is no point anymore to run those imo. For me its about the utility.

If the damage coefficients go up on Killshot, then it might be worth it again to run glass.

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I made a full diviner set and played with that, pretty neat, 25stacks might ez, almost 6sec protection from full counter on like 9s cd.

Even signet of rage gives 20 might for almost 8sec, would just need some concentration infusions.


Also, quickness, boyyyy

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Has anyone tried a rifle warrior with the ammo system? just wondering. The cooldowns are insanely short when traited but I'm really not good enough with warrior for solo fights, only used it smallscale.

Gunflame Zerker pretty good.The ammo allows yu to actually kite pretty well if yu rotate Rifle 2 and 4 properly, hitting Cripples and Immobs.

But it's pretty difficult to get a good opening to fire off that nasty shot because most of the roamers yu meet nowadays love to rush in and facetank while slapping Condis left and right. (like all the various Necros and Firebrands)

I managed to 1 shot a Thief with a surprise Gunflame so it felt pretty good.

Ran something like Durability runes, full Mara and Arms - Discipline - BerserkerHeal Signets - Adrenaline Signet (whatever it's called) - Unblockable Signet (whatever it's called) - Dolyak Signet - Balanced Stance - Rampage

Axe - Shield - Rifle

Only answer to Condi pressure I have is to swap Cleansing Sigil GS and run lol, which is okay, cos Rifle wants to range anyway.

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