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No matter what I try, the game has been ruined.


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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Staff isn't viable in Pvp, sceptre isn't viable in pvp, core isn't viable in pvp, warhorn isn't viable in pvp. Sustain is gutted, so outwith sword Weaver more than ever you need to skew your build to compensate for your low health.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

naa since the new patch i have 100% core ele uptime and zero weaver and zero tempest.core ele is like playing ele in 2012-2014 only better ( with better cooldown on tornado and teleport + new cooldown of cleansing fire )i can run through 50 blob zerg ( make damage and return ) + teleport into safe zone while being top 3 condi cleanse maschine + healing bot.

Never felt this strong in small scale + large scale

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@bluberblasen.9684 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

naa since the new patch i have 100% core ele uptime and zero weaver and zero tempest.core ele is like playing ele in 2012-2014 only better ( with better cooldown on tornado and teleport + new cooldown of cleansing fire )i can run through 50 blob zerg ( make damage and return ) + teleport into safe zone while being top 3 condi cleanse maschine + healing bot.

Never felt this strong in small scale + large scale

Having only self cleanses and passive 500 healing on allies does not make you cleanse machine nor healing bot. Tempest can heal and cleanse more with 1 shout than ele can do with all of its skills.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Staff isn't viable in Pvp, sceptre isn't viable in pvp, core isn't viable in pvp, warhorn isn't viable in pvp. Sustain is gutted, so outwith sword Weaver more than ever you need to skew your build to compensate for your low health.

weaver and tempest have good builds. ele def needs help but its far from a dead class.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Bro the patch supposed to balance the game has reduced ele to maybe 1 build or 2. There are entire weapons that are not viable in pve, pvp or wvw. What are you smoking?These levels of delusion are really jarring.

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@Razor.6392 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Bro the patch supposed to balance the game has reduced ele to maybe 1 build or 2. There are entire weapons that are not viable in pve, pvp or wvw. What are you smoking?These levels of delusion are really jarring.

1 build or 2. dood look at metabattle. unless you're trying to climb to top 50 you can use pretty much any build. maybe stop tryharding and try to enjoy yourself. OR you can continue to complain and suffer. I on the other hand am having a blast.

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@Razor.6392 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Bro the patch supposed to balance the game has reduced ele to maybe 1 build or 2. There are entire weapons that are not viable in pve, pvp or wvw. What are you smoking?These levels of delusion are really jarring.

Staff weak and dagger OH unviable in pve (since HoT at least), dagger MH being somewhat weak, but in a better state. Staff weak in pvp (like it always was). Dagger OH generally not needed in pvp/wvw because focus is better (but it's not unviable). All other weapons have their use and strong builds around them in all game modes.

I dont know how you got 1-2 builds (might be true for pvp) when pve and wvw have at least 3 strong ones.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 Ele is dead for WvW. Do yourself and everyone in WvW a favor and play scrapper which is what ele can do x10.

Ele usto have a place somewhat struggling to get into the meta but it’s been phased out by the classes that were already meta before patch.

Even minstrel warrior is meta now over cleanse Tempest on metabatte...I mean how much more evidence do you need that Ele got destroyed in the last patch.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Bro the patch supposed to balance the game has reduced ele to maybe 1 build or 2. There are entire weapons that are not viable in pve, pvp or wvw. What are you smoking?These levels of delusion are really jarring.

1 build or 2. dood look at metabattle. unless you're trying to climb to top 50 you can use pretty much any build. maybe stop tryharding and try to enjoy yourself. OR you can continue to complain and suffer. I on the other hand am having a blast.

Lol you should maybe have a look at the time stamp on those builds.

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@Virdo.1540 said:Maybe they finally add something that lets this game be like other mmorpgs like wow.Something that let us expand our stats to infinity.

More players - more income for anet - every class can be op,which would be balanced.

The day this game turns into WoW is the day it will shut it's doors. Not being WoW is why this game was as successful as it was in the first place. GW2 will never be better at WoW than WoW is, so it makes no sense for it to strive to be the very thing that would see it fail.

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@steki.1478 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:what are you complaining about? ele is in a fine place atm. there are decent builds for each spec except core. enough with the doom and gloom already.

Bro the patch supposed to balance the game has reduced ele to maybe 1 build or 2. There are entire weapons that are not viable in pve, pvp or wvw. What are you smoking?These levels of delusion are really jarring.

Staff weak and dagger OH unviable in pve (since HoT at least), dagger MH being somewhat weak, but in a better state. Staff weak in pvp (like it always was). Dagger OH generally not needed in pvp/wvw because focus is better (but it's not unviable). All other weapons have their use and strong builds around them in all game modes.

I dont know how you got 1-2 builds (might be true for pvp) when pve and wvw have at least 3 strong ones.

Scepter is non existent in every game mode because of nerfs. An entire utility type of skills were deleted (Arcane). Staff is at its weakest in every game mode. Dagger OH was nerfed significantly directly and indirectly, focus' best ability was made worthless.

Only sword weaver and gimmicky healbot support builds remain alive. Power ele is dead.

It's garbage, no matter what way you look at it. They need to do some serious reverting. Trust me that if they rebuffed arcane skills and lightning strike at least I would not be complaining.

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:threads like these remind me of when I used to baby sit my 3yo niece. sometimes when she didn't get what she wanted (thankfully only did this with her mother) she would sit down hard wherever she was and full on full blast 100% power start to wail.

Hey, at least it worked with your little niece! Ele users have been begging for bug fixes and overall QoL changes for years, just to be ignored. The main ele dev almost died to svanir when testing tempest, time after time innocent builds have been hit while nerfing the 'meta'.

Now, this patch has utterly ruined my weapon and build of choice (scepter FA) for seemingly no reason! Yes, my legendary weapon and foci that I farmed throughout the years along with my trinkets and stuff. All of that is worthless lol.

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@"Razor.6392" said:

Scepter is non existent in every game mode because of nerfs. An entire utility type of skills were deleted (Arcane). Staff is at its weakest in every game mode. Dagger OH was nerfed significantly directly and indirectly, focus' best ability was made worthless.

Scepter works well on condi/might and FA tempest (pve) and FA weaver (wvw, there's literally a thread from 5 days ago). Staff weaver is still the highest dps build in wvw. Dagger OH was never really good on its own, but it still comes with aoe utility/cc/damage to complement another MH weapon. Focus still ahs arguably the best CC in game so idk what you're on about, stone flesh nerf doesnt make it bad.

Only sword weaver and gimmicky healbot support builds remain alive. Power ele is dead.

Even pve has FA tempest at least, other builds, as mentioned, are still very strong in other modes.

It's garbage, no matter what way you look at it. They need to do some serious reverting. Trust me that if they rebuffed arcane skills and lightning strike at least I would not be complaining.

The only garbage I see here are people not being able to adapt to changes, but considering that current pvp/wvw meta is condi and weaver never had problems with such, I dont even see what's the problem when it has one of the strongest kits to counter current meta (and if it's not cleanses it's the sheer amount of CC spam that d/f weaver can output). Just because 1 build (of 30 possible ones) that you like to play isnt "good", doesnt mean that the whole class is garbage.

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the jury is still out folks.

Ele is in the worst place for wvw. To the point where it has fallen back to the base effect of just being a token class. You need 1 ele and that ele MUST be an tempest and it MUST be support def. After this update the ele class is in a far worst places then it was before. And its only getting worst as time goes on or your "jury is still out" as ppl start to build higher condi aimed and explosive forgotten effects like roots for other classes.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the jury is still out folks.

Ele is in the worst place for wvw. To the point where it has fallen back to the base effect of just being a token class. You need 1 ele and that ele MUST be an tempest and it MUST be support def. After this update the ele class is in a far worst places then it was before. And its only getting worst as time goes on or your "jury is still out" as ppl start to build higher condi aimed and explosive forgotten effects like roots for other classes.

There are people out there running power d/d core builds in group roaming rather successfully

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All I want is, that devs fix the bug with dismounting as weaver. You get wrong attunements when you dismount. Funniest part is that rangers got their pet being stowed bug fixed right away, but this weaver bug still exists (since launch of PoF) . This is the kind of neglecting things, I as ele player dont like.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the jury is still out folks.

Ele is in the worst place for wvw. To the point where it has fallen back to the base effect of just being a token class. You need 1 ele and that ele MUST be an tempest and it MUST be support def. After this update the ele class is in a far worst places then it was before. And its only getting worst as time goes on or your "jury is still out" as ppl start to build higher condi aimed and explosive forgotten effects like roots for other classes.

There are people out there running power d/d core builds in group roaming rather successfully

So the thing about d/d is the dmg nerf was so much that you need to run full zerks or you simply do not do real dmg. As dagger has low end condi types (you may be able to do something with burning) this update was nothing but a hard nerf. Going from light whip doing 900 ish in cele to 600 ish is significant and dagger to start with was never a "good" dmg wepon.

You maybe able to get ppl off gurd vs your roming build when it comes to a zerg build but that just how the game works but to suggest d/d ele is in a better places because it got hard dmg nerfs over all to its power out put seems border line delusional.

Ask your self would that d/d core ele be better off being a condi rev for though roaming groups? Would they be better off having scraper support or even power dmg burst. At what point and what dose d/d core ele do that other classes do not do it better?

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@Jski.6180 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the jury is still out folks.

Ele is in the worst place for wvw. To the point where it has fallen back to the base effect of just being a token class. You need 1 ele and that ele MUST be an tempest and it MUST be support def. After this update the ele class is in a far worst places then it was before. And its only getting worst as time goes on or your "jury is still out" as ppl start to build higher condi aimed and explosive forgotten effects like roots for other classes.

There are people out there running power d/d core builds in group roaming rather successfully

So the thing about d/d is the dmg nerf was so much that you need to run full zerks or you simply do not do real dmg. As dagger has low end condi types (you may be able to do something with burning) this update was nothing but a hard nerf. Going from light whip doing 900 ish in cele to 600 ish is significant and dagger to start with was never a "good" dmg wepon.

You maybe able to get ppl off gurd vs your roming build when it comes to a zerg build but that just how the game works but to suggest d/d ele is in a better places because it got hard dmg nerfs over all to its power out put seems border line delusional.

Ask your self would that d/d core ele be better off being a condi rev for though roaming groups? Would they be better off having scraper support or even power dmg burst. At what point and what dose d/d core ele do that other classes do not do it better?

D/d core works now because it can survive bursts.Check out Dead SpecTV on YouTube. He seems to be doing fine. Ele cant do anything better than anyone, it's just fun to play

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the jury is still out folks.

Ele is in the worst place for wvw. To the point where it has fallen back to the base effect of just being a token class. You need 1 ele and that ele MUST be an tempest and it MUST be support def. After this update the ele class is in a far worst places then it was before. And its only getting worst as time goes on or your "jury is still out" as ppl start to build higher condi aimed and explosive forgotten effects like roots for other classes.

There are people out there running power d/d core builds in group roaming rather successfully

So the thing about d/d is the dmg nerf was so much that you need to run full zerks or you simply do not do real dmg. As dagger has low end condi types (you may be able to do something with burning) this update was nothing but a hard nerf. Going from light whip doing 900 ish in cele to 600 ish is significant and dagger to start with was never a "good" dmg wepon.

You maybe able to get ppl off gurd vs your roming build when it comes to a zerg build but that just how the game works but to suggest d/d ele is in a better places because it got hard dmg nerfs over all to its power out put seems border line delusional.

Ask your self would that d/d core ele be better off being a condi rev for though roaming groups? Would they be better off having scraper support or even power dmg burst. At what point and what dose d/d core ele do that other classes do not do it better?

D/d core works now because it can survive bursts.Check out Dead SpecTV on YouTube. He seems to be doing fine. Ele cant do anything better than anyone, it's just fun to play

D/d core is a tankly class and needs to be tankly to be viable. The only thing now is you can build a bit more dmg but you have to becuse of the genal 40% dmg nerf to all of its skills if not more (massive dmg knock down my foot). Dagger is a def wepon at best even befor the update as your going into melee ranged as a low hp / def class that was not changed in the update making a massive balancing problem even worst. You simply cant make up for that lost.

If your Dead spcTV views ad that your doing was on a condi rev they would be no contest as its the player not the class. A clip show is just that a clip show its not what real life game play is like its only the "best" clips from what would be weeks of game play (just weeks as the update not been out for that long to make clip with the update).

Ele is a fun class for sure that dose not make it a good class. Ele had massive problem before the update and this update only made them far worst.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:the jury is still out folks.

Ele is in the worst place for wvw. To the point where it has fallen back to the base effect of just being a token class. You need 1 ele and that ele MUST be an tempest and it MUST be support def. After this update the ele class is in a far worst places then it was before. And its only getting worst as time goes on or your "jury is still out" as ppl start to build higher condi aimed and explosive forgotten effects like roots for other classes.

There are people out there running power d/d core builds in group roaming rather successfully

So the thing about d/d is the dmg nerf was so much that you need to run full zerks or you simply do not do real dmg. As dagger has low end condi types (you may be able to do something with burning) this update was nothing but a hard nerf. Going from light whip doing 900 ish in cele to 600 ish is significant and dagger to start with was never a "good" dmg wepon.

You maybe able to get ppl off gurd vs your roming build when it comes to a zerg build but that just how the game works but to suggest d/d ele is in a better places because it got hard dmg nerfs over all to its power out put seems border line delusional.

Ask your self would that d/d core ele be better off being a condi rev for though roaming groups? Would they be better off having scraper support or even power dmg burst. At what point and what dose d/d core ele do that other classes do not do it better?

D/d core works now because it can survive bursts.Check out Dead SpecTV on YouTube. He seems to be doing fine. Ele cant do anything better than anyone, it's just fun to play

D/d core is a tankly class and needs to be tankly to be viable. The only thing now is you can build a bit more dmg but you have to becuse of the genal 40% dmg nerf to all of its skills if not more (massive dmg knock down my foot). Dagger is a def wepon at best even befor the update as your going into melee ranged as a low hp / def class that was not changed in the update making a massive balancing problem even worst. You simply cant make up for that lost.

If your Dead spcTV views ad that your doing was on a condi rev they would be no contest as its the player not the class. A clip show is just that a clip show its not what real life game play is like its only the "best" clips from what would be weeks of game play (just weeks as the update not been out for that long to make clip with the update).

Ele is a fun class for sure that dose not make it a good class. Ele had massive problem before the update and this update only made them far worst.

The main problem ele had in pvp/wvw before patch was surviving bursts. Now that bursts are low, you dont rely on having 50% of your stats into defense, you just need like 20%, which is already massive improvement. Ele got nerfed, but so did every other class in the game. Learn to adapt, if you cant, watch twitch because there's people who can.

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