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Do you prefer 2v2 or 5v5?

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5 vs. 5 obviously. It existed first. Yes a lot of people that stayed with the game seem to like it while others left and you could argue that balancing for 2 vs. 2 would get you more new players. But the other ones dedicated to the long-term fun game mode conquest 5 vs. 5 might leave and only the few that want to play 2 vs. 2 hardcore a lot (most might just play 2 vs. 2 every now and then in between doing other more fun stuff) might stay.

Balancing for each might be best. (Another different skill balancing for 2 vs. 2 while conquest has it's own one.) I'm happy they at least now try different balancing for PvE and PvP. Otherwise PvP issues/complaints would ruin PvE skills that worked fine there.

Though I'd really like completely different skill sets. We have some durations and damage coefficients different. But still overall mechanics are the same. If a skill is to OP in PvP intead of completely changing/removing it we now can have duration, etc. only changed in PvP. But if this was not enough the whole skill would have to be changed. (Until in that place 2 completely different skills could exist - for PvE/PvP.)

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2v2 and 5v5 don't really have that different of balance factors.

Quite seriously the only difference between 2v2 and 5v5, is that DPS+ Roles with high mobility are viable in 5v5. That is actually the only difference. Outside of that, everything that is good in 2v2 is still good in conquest. And other things outside of DPS+ that suck in 2v2, still suck in conquest.

The problem in perception occurs when people "think" there is a difference in the balance, when they are in a 5v5 game and are sort of sneaking around on a bad build, pecking some damage here and there and running around, thinking the build is somehow viable. All of which is an illusion and what is really happening is that everyone is ignoring them because they aren't a threat. In 2v2 however, he'll be the one who's targeted first. But in that 5v5 when he's ignored, he'll think that his build has somehow become viable in the 5v5 because it's a 5v5, which couldn't be further from the truth.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:2v2 and 5v5 don't really have that different of balance factors.2v2 deathmatch and 5v5 conquest have very different balance criteria. For example, if a DPS meets a bunker, what should happen? In 2v2 deathmatch, you have the conundrum of the unstoppable force vs. the immovable object.

In conquest, the DPS can choose to avoid the bunker. That dynamic of conquest creates uneven team splits, which upset the conundrum. You further have the dynamic of elite skills, which aren't always available for everyone every fight, unlike 2v2 deathmatch.

It's pretty obvious that the depth of conquest necessitates additional balance considerations while at the same time providing additional tools with which to balance.

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Balance for 5v5s, support for 2v2s. 5v5 balance allows for more diverse options to work with, since it's centered around point player placement caps, decapping, and holding caps. Balancing for 2v2 is going to be a repeat whackamole nerf, because something else will become just as dominant as the last.

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Get rid of match manipulation from 5 v 5 than I might change my mind. Until then 2v2 balance over 5v5 conquest all the way. Balance means nothing in a mode where the devs just allow people to cheat. Might as well have no balance there at all and focus balance on the mode people can't match manipulate and cheat on.

Plus 2v2 is much more fun without the AFKers destroying your work building rating.

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