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FFS fix this goddamn pets coefficients already


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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 second, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

It's easy, don't you've an eu acc? Load up your necro, Odik plays ranger and have a duel. Don't forget to blame ping after your loss tho.

Dodging attacks like PBS relies on ping. You'll see in my videos I get hit by attacks mid-dodge animation pretty frequently.

Since my keyboard also got picked up by my mic, not only can you see me mid-dodge but you can hear me press it before the attacks hit as well. So no, I'm not going to fight him on EU when part of the strategy is to dodge specific attacks. However, I'll record some necro vs. ranger games on NA when I have some time.

Odik has always a trash ping too, so it is fair.I mean besides my ping spikes, everyone here claim that I'm the worst player ever lived(I'm not even remotely played ranger, may be in 2013 for titles achis) shouldnt be a problem for such omega pro level player from beating me, right? Especially interested in you one of the most played classes - mesmer ;) .Awww, he refused... Whatever :anguished:
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@Odik.4587 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 second, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

It's easy, don't you've an eu acc? Load up your necro, Odik plays ranger and have a duel. Don't forget to blame ping after your loss tho.

Dodging attacks like PBS relies on ping. You'll see in my videos I get hit by attacks mid-dodge animation pretty frequently.

Since my keyboard also got picked up by my mic, not only can you see me mid-dodge but you can hear me press it before the attacks hit as well. So no, I'm not going to fight him on EU when part of the strategy is to dodge specific attacks. However, I'll record some necro vs. ranger games on NA when I have some time.

Odik has always a trash ping too, so it is fair.I mean besides my ping spikes, everyone here claim that I'm the worst player ever lived(I'm not even remotely played ranger, may be in 2013 for titles achis) shouldnt be a problem for such omega pro level player from beating me, right? Especially interested in you one of the most played classes - mesmer ;) .I might even drop LB away just for you and get an axe or something

How about you come to NA and we can do the duel. If you're used to trash ping, it shouldn't be an issue for you, right?

Or, you can wait until I post some videos vs. good rangers where both of us have good ping so we can react to things properly.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 second, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

It's easy, don't you've an eu acc? Load up your necro, Odik plays ranger and have a duel. Don't forget to blame ping after your loss tho.

Dodging attacks like PBS relies on ping. You'll see in my videos I get hit by attacks mid-dodge animation pretty frequently.

Since my keyboard also got picked up by my mic, not only can you see me mid-dodge but you can hear me press it before the attacks hit as well. So no, I'm not going to fight him on EU when part of the strategy is to dodge specific attacks. However, I'll record some necro vs. ranger games on NA when I have some time.

Odik has always a trash ping too, so it is fair.I mean besides my ping spikes, everyone here claim that I'm the worst player ever lived(I'm not even remotely played ranger, may be in 2013 for titles achis) shouldnt be a problem for such omega pro level player from beating me, right? Especially interested in you one of the most played classes - mesmer ;) .I might even drop LB away just for you and get an axe or something

How about you come to NA and we can do the duel. If you're used to trash ping, it shouldn't be an issue for you, right?Or, you can wait until I post some videos vs. good rangers where both of us have good ping so we can react to things properly.Ye, with a ping of 350+ and ppl teleporting ppl every second, would be glorious !/s .Didnt you say you alrdy played on EU and climbed to legend, what the problem?This duel doesnt prove anything for except that I would kill trash-talkers what can bark on the forum only. (ofc they would have to play something else than ranger to not be equally carried by AI)What would you prove in this duels (ranger duels lol? Something like "old phantasms damage was fine because I play the chrono myself" ?I'm not even questioning should coefficients be reduced or not, this would happen, the question is when.
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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 seconds, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

in both cases cripple ran out.my point is that unless pet is CC you cant avoid it with basic movement unless you change elevation.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 second, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

It's easy, don't you've an eu acc? Load up your necro, Odik plays ranger and have a duel. Don't forget to blame ping after your loss tho.

what does that have to do with anything?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 seconds, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

in both cases cripple ran out.my point is that unless pet is CC you cant avoid it with basic movement unless you change elevation.

In the first case, he was crippled right up until the pet hit him.In the second, he literally had cripple on him the whole time.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

Are you saying the pet landed 3 autos in 25s?

Pet damage :0:03 -> 781 dmg0:06 -> 3292 + 1549 = 48410:14 -> 54620:17 -> 3263 + 1023 = 42860:19 -> 1740 + 1740 = 34800:26 -> 3263 +1023 = 42860:29 -> 2560 + 1506 = 4066Pet managed to do 27 202 damage withing 29s.All the while getting stunned,chilled and having its target dash away from attacks and getting knocked back out of range, necro tried to kite away from the pet but it doesnt work unless you have moegaspeed.Fun things I got from it.1 unless you have superspeed you wont move away from birds attack.2 basic autos average over 4k dmg from the birdRanger damage :( didnt count the first rapid fire burst since it was cut out, if you feel like it add 5k or some shit i cont care )0:04 -> 260:07 -> 480:08 -> 53740:09 -> 12890:09 -> 17190:11 -> 10430:12 -> 7380:13 -> 20220:19 -> 210:22 -> 3356at this point necro is dead.15 636 damage. if you add damage from 0:00 its propaly around 20k. still LESS then the pet.Ranger in question could squeeze ALOT more damage. Like konckback->maul was dumb. or attacking air when necro was still stunned.But its one thing to watch a vod and another to be in combat and play, mistakes ALWAYS happen.The point is, pet did more damage then the ranger. MUCH more. Huger reliable hits.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Ok I watched the clip. Yeah let's take balance advice from people dueling garbage reapers in an open field. This ain't WvW lol

Top necro is garbage?

Well, ranger DOES counter reaper.There is not a real counter to ranger right now. What counters ranger?

Hmm I was of the impression reaper was the best bet necro had for beating rangers.

Pretty much anything played skillfully can counter ranger. Especially when there's a node involved. Maybe this guy is the best necro, but if he is, he wasn't playing his best. Random dodging in an open field =/= 5v5 conquest.

Real counters? I dont think theres anything ranger doesn't have the possibility of beating. But ranger has always been that way. Strong in small fights and less good performance wise in big fights.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Ok I watched the clip. Yeah let's take balance advice from people dueling garbage reapers in an open field. This ain't WvW lol

Top necro is garbage?

Well, ranger DOES counter reaper.There is not a real counter to ranger right now. What counters ranger?

Hmm I was of the impression reaper was the best bet necro had for beating rangers.

Pretty much anything played skillfully can counter ranger. Especially when there's a node involved. Maybe this guy is the best necro, but if he is, he wasn't playing his best. Random dodging in an open field =/= 5b5 conquest.

Real counters? I dont think theres anything ranger doesn't have the possibility of beating. But ranger has always been that way.

Ranger wasnt random doding at all i bet.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Ok I watched the clip. Yeah let's take balance advice from people dueling garbage reapers in an open field. This ain't WvW lol

Top necro is garbage?

Well, ranger DOES counter reaper.There is not a real counter to ranger right now. What counters ranger?

Hmm I was of the impression reaper was the best bet necro had for beating rangers.

Pretty much anything played skillfully can counter ranger. Especially when there's a node involved. Maybe this guy is the best necro, but if he is, he wasn't playing his best. Random dodging in an open field =/= 5b5 conquest.

Real counters? I dont think theres anything ranger doesn't have the possibility of beating. But ranger has always been that way.

Ranger wasnt random doding at all i bet.

Well when the other dude is running away and blowing dodges and returning/landing basically no counter pressure you can kinda do whatever you want.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:Pretty much anything played skillfully can counter ranger.That goes for every class, no?

Real counters? I dont think theres anything ranger doesn't have the possibility of beating. But ranger has always been that way. Strong in small fights and less good performance wise in big fights.

Mesmer is kind of a counter to ranger since I think it's the only class that can kill ranger 1v1. However, mesmer is even worse in team fights than ranger except chrono.Currently rangers can run rampant on side nodes because Flavor of the Month™ Condi Mirage doesn't counter ranger as hard as it did before.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:0:16. he runs, pets hit him anyways. he is not crippled or slowed.0:18 happens again0:25 he kites sideways away from the pet, it hits him anyways

At 15 seconds, he is crippled. The cripple ran out about half a second before the bird hit him.At 18 second, he is also crippled.Strafing moves slower than something running straight forward with swiftness.

lol... asides from the fact that he was crippled for the first two and moving slower in the 3rd, your point?

It's easy, don't you've an eu acc? Load up your necro, Odik plays ranger and have a duel. Don't forget to blame ping after your loss tho.

what does that have to do with anything?

Shadow is claiming that top3 necro played bad, ranger always lose vs necro, doesn't need any nerfs, yadda yadda.Hence why I proposed a duel between Odik on ranger and him on necro..

So are you saying he played that well?

That necro needs to dodge things like PBS if he's not going to Death's Charge it. Whether or not I fight Odik doesn't change the fact that he played that duel very poorly.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Pretty much anything played skillfully can counter ranger.That goes for every class, no?

Real counters? I dont think theres anything ranger doesn't have the possibility of beating. But ranger has always been that way. Strong in small fights and less good performance wise in big fights.

Mesmer is kind of a counter to ranger since I think it's the only class that can kill ranger 1v1. However, mesmer is even worse in team fights than ranger except chrono.Currently rangers can run rampant on side nodes because Flavor of the Month™ Condi Mirage doesn't counter ranger as hard as it did before.

See, we can't really talk about this because where I am coming from is that zerk soulbeast has always beat condi mirage 1v1...


Although I don't entirely know, I think power mesmer is still better than ranger in teamfights? Need to fight Zeromis/USA to get a feel for it now and see what's up.

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:Read post above about derailing into mesmer thread (and doing it bad : problems associated with the ranger pets flaws and designs, none of which Mesmer "pets" suffer from. Really eksdee.) and prove nothing but trying to call me bad. LoL.No prob, according to @"ArlAlt.1630" its extremely easy to beat a ranger on mesmer. Come to 1x1 my ranger while you can play any mesmer build(that you pretend to be OP), inb4 I'm NA !
Ok. Since I'm bad ranger and just player and I beat top3 necro main then its pretty much a proof that ranger is just busted and should be nerfed into oblivion.Contrary to some rangermain defenders that pet never hit moving targets - OWL is crippled, owl is CHILLED and still has no problems reaching necromancer and hit like a truck.

pleb ranger beating top 3 lol. imagine a veteran ranger ...id love to see ppl argue with thisedit: im surprised ppl are still defending this tbh. last patch was meant to bring down powercreep yet pet coef's are "fine" as is. i found one with coef of kitten 9 for god sake xD and ppl thought prime light beam coef of 3 was overtuned :p

Actually pets never get touched so they are clean from power creep since ever


Hilariously true.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Pretty much anything played skillfully can counter ranger.That goes for every class, no?

Real counters? I dont think theres anything ranger doesn't have the possibility of beating. But ranger has always been that way. Strong in small fights and less good performance wise in big fights.

Mesmer is kind of a counter to ranger since I think it's the only class that can kill ranger 1v1. However, mesmer is even worse in team fights than ranger except chrono.Currently rangers can run rampant on side nodes because Flavor of the Month™ Condi Mirage doesn't counter ranger as hard as it did before.

Gl winning a ranger with condi mirage, ranger won't even drop 50% hp. And with power mesmer the ranger can even /dance while you try to burst.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:Read post above about derailing into mesmer thread (and doing it bad : problems associated with the ranger pets flaws and designs, none of which Mesmer "pets" suffer from. Really eksdee.) and prove nothing but trying to call me bad. LoL.No prob, according to @"ArlAlt.1630" its extremely easy to beat a ranger on mesmer. Come to 1x1 my ranger while you can play any mesmer build(that you pretend to be OP), inb4 I'm NA !
Ok. Since I'm bad ranger and just player and I beat top3 necro main then its pretty much a proof that ranger is just busted and should be nerfed into oblivion.Contrary to some rangermain defenders that pet never hit moving targets - OWL is crippled, owl is CHILLED and still has no problems reaching necromancer and hit like a truck.

pleb ranger beating top 3 lol. imagine a veteran ranger ...id love to see ppl argue with thisedit: im surprised ppl are still defending this tbh. last patch was meant to bring down powercreep yet pet coef's are "fine" as is. i found one with coef of kitten 9 for god sake xD and ppl thought prime light beam coef of 3 was overtuned :p

Actually pets never get touched so they are clean from power creep since ever


Hilariously true.

They've actually only been nerfed. Besides the introduction of new pets. 2013 birds actually one shot thieves. Sic Em though, didn't work back then on pets because you couldn't control them and keep the sic em buff...

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Pets have had a number of nerfs through the years. Plus, there are all sorts of issues with the AI design that have never been addressed since Alpha when the devs were aware of them.

I understand that everyone can struggle with things here and there, but I honesty can't see how any quality pvp player is having this much trouble with ranger pets.

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