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Hey Anet, where the Thief nerfs at?


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@UfoCoffee.2084 said:

@"jpsssss.7530" said:Top kek. People assuming I have paper armor. My lowest is 2600-ish. Cool a thief cant 100 to 0 me, but i'm at like a quarter health or less before i can react to anything so to quote The Rock, "it it it it doesn't matter". And even then y'all are missing the fact that thief still has a crapton of mobility stealth while still having its insane damage. There is no rock paper scissors in this. That implies there's reasonable counter play. When every class has a reliable AOE reveal on a reasonable cooldown, and dead-eye cant remove revealed status, then you can MAYBE start talking about counter play.

You sound like a bad player.

Yep the average player these days has no idea what they are talking about and definitely has no knowledge of game mechanics to even be able to form an opinion of their own that are based on facts. In most cases though players just switch to another class they like to play when anet does this kind of BS nerfing kinda thing but its all bad across the board plus the fact that pve and wvw are so different now its not really any fun playing both game modes so not really much of a reason to play except maybe to do the story and then wait 4 or 5 months to play the next one. Although makes it clear why the core part of anet left to make their own studio now because they probably would never have been okay with how this crap is going now. Plus its good they did this before releasing a new expansion because now I don't have to wish I hadn't spent money on it which cantha is my favorite but this is how bad they have made the game now that I wouldn't even want to get it.

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@pninak.1069 said:yea keep pretending it is the other player's fault. unlike you I atleast know that revealed doesn't seem to work the correct way on thiefs as it is compared to other classes. you can take dmg and still get not revealed you just try to cover the fact.

Unfortunately, most people assume that a thief is hacking/bugged etc out of sheer ignorance of the mechanics. The fact that you say revealed doesn't seem to work the same on thief suggests you simply met a thief that understood the mechanic better than you do.

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In a different section someone told me 7.5k and why on heavy golem. thief target group are mostly squishies so light armor. But I find it weird that you ignore that thief stows its weapons midcombat. no other profession abuses it as much not that I am aware of atleast. there is a ranger barrage greatsword animation glitch tho. And when it comes to glitches I have really zero tolerance. If you really want anet to be able to balance thief then you would have to live with the skills functioning the way they are designed to. But you want to be dishonest fine. keep lying. it won't save you

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@"pninak.1069" said:In a different section someone told me 7.5k and why on heavy golem. thief target group are mostly squishies so light armor. But I find it weird that you ignore that thief stows its weapons midcombat. no other profession abuses it as much not that I am aware of atleast. there is a ranger barrage greatsword animation glitch tho. And when it comes to glitches I have really zero tolerance. If you really want anet to be able to balance thief then you would have to live with the skills functioning the way they are designed to. But you want to be dishonest fine. keep lying. it won't save you

Save him from what? I can't watch all of that video at work but it's from 2018 and I'm pretty sure some of that stuff isn't possible right now and other stuff seems to have been work arounds at the time due to shoddy design on skill evade windows that left thieves vulnerable where they shouldn't have been, and still most thieves didn't really bother. And yet, you're saying every thief here who is still playing and posting builds through every patch and balance update would be doomed if Anet fixed these "glitches", some of which had already been fixed from what I could watch, that you claim are a game changer in 2020?

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I doubt they are fixed. and yes they won't save you as a class if glitches like these exist and people abuse them. why do you think players see the class as broken. I know thief is ment to have a similiar playstyle to the one in gw1. but here in gw2 it feels like anet has lost their way of doing buisness.

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Lmao omg I never watched video because I kno full well that thief's bursts are pitiful at the momment but doing off a vid from 2018 wtf? Back then I used to get 11k sometime 13k backstab on builds not just built for power. Thief these days can't one shot $hit, tho a de can rifle burst a potato pretty fast.As I said anyone can go try a thief power build in the mists. Try dp and see how pitiful ur autos and all ur skills are exept for HS which is dependent on enemies having low health and a backstab that requires a set up.Go into pvp and do a power burst 5-6k backstab on a burn guard or necro/reaper and see how they just shrug it off like it's nothing, then proceed to hit it 30 times with autos and few HS while it eats it all and threads before u can down it all while hitting u like a ton of bricks lol or get burns on u that tic as much as ur backstabs are that if not cleared do over 20k.I can kill a necro on thief but the length it takes is unreal and u have to badly outplay them as well as they have to be some what not great on the class or it's a draw or they'll force u to run cuz u cant sustain their damage. I wish all these players would actually play the class instead of going off out dated videos or situations where any class would down them in a 2v1 and stop spreading misinformation. I think that's alot of the reason why games in state it is. Like I've said every match now has 2 necrosis and guards per side for a reason and they burst like the sarn burst class does and the burst classes dont have the burst anymore to down them fast even when outplaying the other class which is very poor balance.

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@pninak.1069 said:I know that other classes have them yea. and I am not fine with them abusing them aswell.

General forums or Professions forum then? Maybe make a current video to showcase everything in this update and would probably be helpful if you timestamped each one. But by all means give it a nerf thief title, that will at least get people to check it out.

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yea I doubt people gonna make videos about this. this was one guy who made it public. For the rest it is propably that they want to keep it secret. similiar how some arcade shoot'em ups are hidden only to be later revealed as a glitch. But sure I gonna create a topic on this one.

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@pninak.1069 said:I play thief myself. I never tried the oneshot builds myself yet.

I doubt it is bugged. I just think thiefs don't even seem to know about it. on purpose ofc.So if it's not bugged, it's a feature, meaning whatever they did is a legitimate tactic. Right? How many people know about it is actually kinda irrelevant.@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Unfortunately, most people assume that a thief is hacking/bugged etc out of sheer ignorance of the mechanics. The fact that you say revealed doesn't seem to work the same on thief suggests you simply met a thief that understood the mechanic better than you do.Thank you for proving my point.

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@"pninak.1069" said:It isn't bugged because it is a function. however I think it isn't a feature. You just don't want to play fair. If weapon stowing is locked every classes loses these exploits. so don't try to dodge your importance of it for your gameplay.

The only way to reasonably start calling this "an exploit" is for anet to decide it's not an intended interaction. For now it's part of how that mechanic works in the game. All you're doing here is throw a negatively charged term to claim players/classes do something that shouldn't be in the game, because you don't like it.

If you think that's a bug, go create a thread in the bug report subforum instead of claiming that "x is unfair because it does y, which of course every other class also does, but I don't like that so it's an exploit". What you're doing right now not only helps nobody (because you're not reporting something you think is unintended), but also isn't a valid argment (since it's not a limited class mechanic, but a game-wide one).

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