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My Dream: The Ability to Change the Display Name.

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This is a long-time dream of mine. I made this account when I was 11/12. Now I am 18. I want the freedom to change my display name - a mistake - and have my new, more suited alias. I know that there are requirements and bugs can come about as a result but at this rate, I don't care. The display name has frankly stopped me from playing the game. I don't mind if I have to pay $50 AUD for a name change, but gosh do I hope and wish ANET makes some progress on it. Alot of people want this and I don't want to have to start over. Maybe before the next expansion?

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@Arcaniaxs.4519 said:You can actually change your character name by buying change name contract from the trading post for 800gems i think

That only works for character names, the OP wants to change the name on the entire account from Exotic Panda to something else.

Unfortunately I think your only option is to contact Support (there's a link at the top of this page) and explain that it puts you off playing the game and you would be willing to risk whatever bugs might come up and ask them to change it, but the chances are they'll say no. As far as I know they've only done it in cases where people used their full real name or other identifying info, or something massively inappropriate, and only on relatively new accounts where it wouldn't be a major problem if they have to start over with a new one because it's broken.

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Btw, this is a not a topic that belongs in "discussion". There is a subforum for "Account & Technical". It is pretty confusing to read this in discussion because you first think about UI elements of the game. >.< Took me some time to understand what this thread is about.

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They will only say yes where it breaks the T&Cs. It in the past breaks some significant parts of the your game which they will not risk unless absolutely necessary.

I'm pretty certain you will only ever get two choices on this one should you wish to continue;

  • live with it
  • start over
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@"kharmin.7683" said:"A lot of people want this"I hardly think so.

I'm not sure it's a lot of people, but I know the OP is far from the first person to ask for this as an option, and I'm sure they won't be the last.

I'm not sure if it's changed now but I know early on a lot of people didn't realise your account name would actually be visible in the game anywhere. In GW1 other players only ever saw your character names, so some people assumed it didn't matter what their account was called and didn't put much thought into it, then found themselves stuck with something they wouldn't have chosen. Especially if they want to use the forum. I can't remember who it is but I'm pretty sure at least one person has said they use their second account to post here because they hate the display name on their main account.

(I think I got kind of lucky in that respect, about 20 years ago I mashed up an RP characters name and my real name and I've gone by Danikat ever since. It's not great but it's good enough, and I don't like having to come up with new screen names...to the point where when I wanted one without an RP association I got as far as "I want something that's just for me...Just_Me, that'll do!" And that's been my other screen name for almost 15 years. If I'd done it any earlier I'd probably have stuck myself with something cheesy like 'Rebel Princess' (because Star Wars) or something long and impossible to remember or say.)

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:"A lot of people want this"I hardly think so.

I'm not sure it's a lot of people, but I know the OP is far from the first person to ask for this as an option, and I'm sure they won't be the last.

I agree. I just get tired of people requesting things because, according to them, they seem to know how many people want their request to happen so then it follows that it MUST happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand why it's so complicated to change a username. I've been trying for over several days to get my username changed because it has my real life name in it. The support tech I got said it must include my first and last name yet in the past I had someone find me in real life with much less information and show up to my work who ended up stalking me and had to get the Police Dept involved. I've said several times how it's a security issue yet he doesn't seem to care at all. Unbelievable. I've asked them to escalate the ticket but not sure who else or how to get them more involved because it shouldn't be that hard.

I'd be willing to create a whole new account but I'd LOSE everything including my HOM from playing the original Guild Wars and Outfits, bag space just so I can have a more secure account and feel safer at home while gaming. Does anyone know who else other than Tech Support who could get involved in this? I mean what would it take?

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@Aridon.8362 said:They allow you to change it but you have to submit a ticket for it and give a good reason for doing so. They allowed me to change the one on my old account because it had my real name on it.

And that really good reason has to be one of a very few set of reasons.

The reason is changing display name has a tendency to irreversibly break accounts. And given that that's not changed in the 7+ years the game has been active, there's a high chance that that code is too built into other things and the time spent fixing it, outweighs the benefits of having the possibility there to change names without breaking things.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@serina.9651 said:I don't understand why it's so complicated to change a username. I've been trying for over several days to get my username changed because it has my real life name in it. The support tech I got said it must include my first and last name yet in the past I had someone find me in real life with much less information and show up to my work who ended up stalking me and had to get the Police Dept involved. I've said several times how it's a security issue yet he doesn't seem to care at all. Unbelievable. I've asked them to escalate the ticket but not sure who else or how to get them more involved because it shouldn't be that hard.

I'd be willing to create a whole new account but I'd LOSE everything including my HOM from playing the original Guild Wars and Outfits, bag space just so I can have a more secure account and feel safer at home while gaming. Does anyone know who else other than Tech Support who could get involved in this? I mean what would it take?

Im quite sure the needed more then your last or is that first name?So saying they found you in real life with less information then your display name here must be hyperbole.

You sure you dident give them like a phone nummber or city then maybe but 1 name come on.

Im Kenny now come find me

If someone has an unusual name it can be very easy to find them just using that. Before I got married I was the only person in the world with my combination of first and last name (thanks to a small family with an unusual last name) so if you search for my name online all the results are about me...or obviously wrong and probably thrown in by paid algorithms. You might be surprised how much identifying information can end up online through seemingly innocent means. I just tried searching for my old name now and one of the first results is an article about a conference I attended which says where I worked just before I got married. At the time that article alone would be enough for someone to come and find me in real life if they wanted to. I don't work there any more but I suspect if someone really wanted to it wouldn't take much to find out where I am now. (Down side of working in a very cooperative sector with lots of friendly, helpful people, they could probably just call and say they wanted to discuss a project and get the name and address of my current employer.)

I admit that's an exteme case, not many people have a totally unique name. But plenty of people have a name which is unusual enough that with a little bit of extra info you could find the right one fairly easily.

ofcourse if I said my last name you would find me aswell since that combo is the first that come up if you google.

Still I think the person in question gave out more information then just a single name or the stalker befriended a friend of a friend that had them on facebook or instagram or snapchat or what ever else the kids use nowdays.

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I someone that had their account names changed because it didn't comply with TOS, contained a bad word. It was buggy. On my guild roster, some people would see the new name, some would see a completely different name and since he was one of my officers, people kept asking me who "**" was that I made officer and I had no idea who they were talking about cause I saw the correct account name. Took me a while to figure it out. So I think there's a reason why they don't do it related to the way account data is stored and it's not very straight forward.

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