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Rune-Locked Doors / Pity on us

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Short reminder about this achievement: 4 rooms to be opened with runes one after the other. 1st room - 1 rune / 2nd room - 2 runes (hidden in 1st room) / 3rd - 3 runes (hidden in 2nd room) / 4th - 4 runes (hidden in 3rd). All rooms overloaded with foes + We can pick up only 1 rune at a time so that we have to do as many back and forth between next gate and previous room as runes needed.At the top of it, those rooms contain items for different collections out of which 2 egg locations for skyscale... Crazy!A port by a mesmer is a possible alternative, but nowadays, it's very rare to see someone offering ports for this.

I can understand - and mostly agree - that some of the achievements/actions/items must be hard so that reward is well deserved. However, in this case, I find it exaggerated. Anet, could you maybe give it a thinking? For example, once the root achievement " Rune-locked doors" has been done, we could have direct access when returning to the rooms for different objectives? It's not like we would be cheating since we would have done it once already. Beside, the jumping and all the foes around still remain in each room to secure enough "fun"?

What do you think All?

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Are you sure about that? It didn't work for me... When I needed to go for the skyscale, I had to redo all of it to be able to open the last door because the door didn't open when I tried straight at first. Or is it something that got changed?

Edited for an add: Or could it be it needs to be with same toon who did it the first time?

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@Dreamy Lu.3865 said:Are you sure about that? It didn't work for me... When I needed to go for the skyscale, I had to redo all of it to be able to open the last door because the door didn't open when I tried straight at first. Or is it something that got changed?

Edited for an add: Or could it be it needs to be with same toon who did it the first time?

No I am never abosolutely sure about anything. I only know that I did not repeat the whole thing when I got my skyscale things. Can indeed be character related.

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Skyscale stuff was the first time I had ever been there, so by then the place was always empty (last month for me). I managed to do it on my own but it was only because of managing skills and mounts in a particular way that I could outsmart enemies. It was with a Druid Ranger. Fighting and hiding from a distance and dodging and quick burst traveling to hiding nooks lol

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@Dreamy Lu.3865 said:Are you sure about that? It didn't work for me... When I needed to go for the skyscale, I had to redo all of it to be able to open the last door because the door didn't open when I tried straight at first. Or is it something that got changed?

Edited for an add: Or could it be it needs to be with same toon who did it the first time?

It does not need to be the same one. I just took a character who has never been to that area of the map(so there is no chance that I have ever done the puzzle with that character) and had no problem going through the doors.

If you had the other achievements done but the doors were not working then you probably had someone portaling you through the doors before for the other achievements.

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