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Do you game without Elite Specializations? Is it possible?

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Revenant is the only one I play core. Renegade is good sustain dps for raid I hear but survive ability solo is horrible. Resistance seems pretty lame as well, I'd rather just have condition clear over 2 seconds of immunity. Also with energy issues you can't use it much.

Herald is group buff bot with low damage, also bad for solo. Sword/sword has decent damage but hammer and staff are both really bad. This one has even worse energy issues. I'd rather they left the core f2 ability for both elites.

Core with dwarf /assassin is the best I have found for solo play.

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I've come to find in WvW power revenant functions better without glint, It really shines with Shiro/jalis as they mix well together. Albeit its not like amped as if you were to take kalla, but with the sustain of jalis and the new shiro additions it can be done. (I honestly think Kalla/jalis might be even better. Just run shiro for the mobility, and run kalla for the condi mitigation's and damage amps.)

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I like the elite specs just because I like to change up what I play every two to three years or so, and then it's hard to go back. For PvP/WvW, I still see a lot of core classes, though, and in high-end PvE like fractals builds like core warrior bannerslave come and go depending on the recent meta (it's not the meta now though). I'd say core specs are niche, but not entirely out of fashion.

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I have 27 mains. Only about half of them have even one elite at this point. 6 have both elites.

I tend to play elites if that character has earned one. They're all significantly more powerful than the base profession. I wish that weren't true, though. I would like to see the base professions buffed to match the power curves of the elites, but without changing the nature of the profession.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:Prior to the release of HoT it wasn't an issue, the core classes were all that we had available to us. Now with two additional "classes" per profession, our options have been expanded greatly.

My question is simple (and complex if you want to make it): Do you still play the core classes or have the elites completely overwritten those for you?Can you still be relevant in Fractals, Raids, or WvW without an Elite?

The only core profession I still run is the ranger. All my others are set on one (or both with templates) of the elites.

Elite specs are required for end game play in fractals/raids and such. If you want to play T4s, CM Fractals, capable Raid teams, the players you are with expect you to be generally performing the strongest roles your class is capable of, and Arenanet just has that all designed into elite specs.

But for map roaming, dungeon play, and even some competitive builds, Core is still capable.

Here are some core builds right now that are either "meta" in some circumstances, or are viable amongst meta:

  • Core Necromancer = Meta in pvp - Viable in wvw
  • Core Ranger = Viable in pvp
  • Core Guard = Viable in pvp - Viable support in wvw - Viable DPS output amongst pve metas while running berserker or grieving
  • Core War = Viable in pvp - Viable roam in wvw
  • Core Ele = Viable pve DPS output

^ That's pretty much the good core builds right now and where they stand in viability vs metas.

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For pve I can see core guard, warrior, and ranger being pretty enjoyable. Maybe even necro. But I wouldn’t want to play core thief or mes in pve or ele. Engi is probably fine too and might be kind of fun with kits and turrets and stuff.

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