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April 1st "patch notes" are pretty telling on their mindset...


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Blah blah blah "funny stuff"New reaction mechanic thingy, short window to react and even shorter for og players because they should be good at game by now.

That's some real balance dev salt right there.

"We balance the game around new players not people who have been putting time into it for the past years. But if you want to be "elitists" with your power builds and reaction time here we half joke threaten to introduce a mechanic that "punishes" you more for it while giving new players the advantage. After all you have been playing a long time right. Har har har he he he."

The pathetic part is "og" players would still dunk on this mechanic while new/pver players would flood the forum to nerf it rofl.

Death Condi Good!~some random Orrian Undead Dude

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@"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:Not really sure what this post is supposed to mean, but I found the patch notes funny....

It's clearly a dig on people hating the power nerf patch this spring. "Og" players were not particularly happy with it because they knew it would shove the meta into a slow Condi bunker fest.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@MikeG.6389 said:It looks like they got you.It's telling the same way your signature is telling about YOUR mindset.

Maybe they got me,About the same as my signature got you apparently.

It didn't and that was my whole point, my friend.

Ok what? Nice try though...

Sigh... You took them seriously on an April Fool's joke. I can't be any clearer than this: they got you, but for all the wrong reasons.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@MikeG.6389 said:It looks like they got you.It's telling the same way your signature is telling about YOUR mindset.

Maybe they got me,About the same as my signature got you apparently.

It didn't and that was my whole point, my friend.

Ok what? Nice try though...

Sigh... You took them seriously on an April Fool's joke. I can't be any clearer than this: they got you, but for all the wrong reasons.

I do believe I used the words "half joking" in my original post. This is clearly some salt bleeding through on their part as much as on my part to pick up on it.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:Not really sure what this post is supposed to mean, but I found the patch notes funny....

It's clearly a dig on people hating the power nerf patch this spring. "Og" players were not particularly happy with it because they knew it would shove the meta into a slow Condi bunker fest.

As a pre-launch beta player, pretty sure I fall under "OG", and I welcomed the patch with open arms sooooo.....

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@Justine.6351 said:

@MikeG.6389 said:It looks like they got you.It's telling the same way your signature is telling about YOUR mindset.

Maybe they got me,About the same as my signature got you apparently.

It didn't and that was my whole point, my friend.

Ok what? Nice try though...

Sigh... You took them seriously on an April Fool's joke. I can't be any clearer than this: they got you, but for all the wrong reasons.

I do believe I used the words "half joking" in my original post. This is clearly some salt bleeding through on their part as much as on my part to pick up on it.

Well, putting quotes around it suggests that it comes from them and not you. My mistake...

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:Not really sure what this post is supposed to mean, but I found the patch notes funny....

It's clearly a dig on people hating the power nerf patch this spring. "Og" players were not particularly happy with it because they knew it would shove the meta into a slow Condi bunker fest.

As a pre-launch beta player, pretty sure I fall under "OG", and I welcomed the patch with open arms sooooo.....

I can appreciate that. Good luck and have fun.

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@"Justine.6351" said:Blah blah blah "funny stuff"New reaction mechanic thingy, short window to react and even shorter for og players because they should be good at game by now.

That's some real balance dev salt right there.

"We balance the game around new players not people who have been putting time into it for the past years. But if you want to be "elitists" with your power builds and reaction time here we half joke threaten to introduce a mechanic that "punishes" you more for it while giving new players the advantage. After all you have been playing a long time right. Har har har he he he."

I agree with the Justine. And you will too, given time.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:Not really sure what this post is supposed to mean, but I found the patch notes funny....

It's clearly a dig on people hating the power nerf patch this spring. "Og" players were not particularly happy with it because they knew it would shove the meta into a slow Condi bunker fest.

Eh I love the patch and I played quite a few years of WvW now.

Smallscale is so much better there's no comparison.

Build diversity is up and not only in the 5 versions of the same build sense.

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