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How many of you still use windows 7 to play GW2?

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I'm on Windows 10 now, but I kept Windows 7 for a couple of years after 10 was released, to allow time for Microsoft to sort out the inevitable issues with a new OS. I never had any problems with running GW2 on 7. (But like kharmin said I wouldn't recommend adopting 7 now because it's no longer supported, unless you're using an older computer which can't run 10 and you can't upgrade or replace the machine.)

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I still play GW2 on a Windows 7 computer. Runs just fine given my other computer components.

Unless you need Windows 7 for an older game that will not work at all on Windows 10, I would recommend just biting the bullet and getting Windows 10. And even then I would ask if you really need that software or game that won't run on Windows 10.

I honestly don't know which OS I will get when my computer dies or needs replacing. And I still play a game (not GW2) that's notorious for being a pain to get running on Windows 10, much less running smoothly.

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@"Seera.5916" said:Unless you need Windows 7 for an older game that will not work at all on Windows 10, I would recommend just biting the bullet and getting Windows 10.The problem wasn't any program, but old hardware with problems after upgrade to Windows 10

My reply was the OP.

My recommendation still stands. Even if that means buying or saving up to buy a new computer instead of upgrading the OS if the OP's hardware isn't compatible.

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I play Windows 7 on a pretty old (outdated) office machine I bought which I upgraded with a old grahics card ... to barely play it - 2019 when I came back from my break and wasn't sure if I wanted to buy a "gaming computer" just for GW2. (I mainly play older stuff or stuff where graphics aren't that relevant with low system requirements.)

GW2 with its low requirements runs just fine here. I'm also using Win 7. No problems except some hardware bugs that every 1-2 weeks freeze my computer. (Must be hardware. Happens even outside of GW2.)

I get my 30 FPS which is fine for me. Only needs some loading when loading a new map (then waiting for chars and mobs to load when moving to a huge zerg of people.) Probably getting a slightly better computer (mid tier or so ... no pro expensive machine) and still using Win 7 + my full disk encryption. (Maybe win10 on a separate partition.)

Also I don't have any other security problems with Win 7. But I'm using it normally and I'm rarely visiting russian porn sites or warez sites full of malware.

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@krz.1327 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7, which means no more security updates.no more spyware updates

I have no worries about security updates. That's media hype to sell content at Maximum PC. Windows 7 is stable, robust and is STILL receiving anti-virus updates. I've had mine for 7 years with only built-in antivirus. It has done the job and will continue to do so. In fact, it has been so VERY stable, I forgot my admin password. :anguished:

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I would still use Win7 if MS didnt force everyone on their new way worse OS. Since ppl werent changing to win10 even when it was for free MS found another way to ppl by making new hardware incompatible ...

MS is taking away more and more control of its users which is awful. The only issue is that there are no more security updates - on the other hand its not like new hardware or software is secure anyways - and looking at the loss of control in windows 10 its not like the user has control anyhow ...

Sadly once you move to new hardware you have no choice - i hope MS getting worse and worse will push other OS for gaming. If there was any OS that would be supported as well as MS for gaming i would switch within a second. I dont use Windows 10 because i want to - but because i was forced to.

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I'm still on Windows 7 myself too. From what I've seen so far of Windows 10 I'm not THAT impressed. It's hardly enough to inspire me to upgrade, and Microsoft's ham-fisted way of trying to force users to upgrade didn't go down well with me at all, so I'm staying put until such a time as when Microsoft comes out with a better option.

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