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Will PvP ever get new content?


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Bit of context here about myself. I've been playing GW2 on and off for a few years now, pretty much since launch. Since playing and having large breaks then returning it seems PvP hasn't had any actual content drops. Now, I'm not talking about balance patches or new merchants etc. I'm talking about actual content. No new game modes, hardly any new maps and stronghold is still horrible.

It makes me sad as I originally came from Guild Wars 1 where PvP was incredibly diverse. We had Hall of Heroes, Random Arenas, Team Arenas, Hero Battles, Alliance Battles, Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood, Beginner Arenas and not to mention Guild vs Guild! Most of these had their own map rotations to make them very diverse.

Has anyone heard any rumours or is there any confirmation of some PvP content coming?

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:We JUST got 2v2 mini seasons and legendary amulets in PvP.

But let me guess. This doesnt count as content.

Personally I don't count that as content. 2v2 was temporary and not a permanent game mode and having legendary gear chase is nice but that is hardly content. That is just continue doing the same thing you've been doing for a new reward. New content I regard as new activities and locations to play in.

Just my opinion :)

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I'd love to see medium sized (10-20 vs 10-10) team battles with different nice maps with interesting mechanics. WvW is just zerging. 5 vs. 5 has only a few interesting maps where the side mechanics really can make a huge difference ... where it is interesting to play strategically with these mechanics in mind.

How big was the PvP in GW1? "Fort Aspenwood" Wiki page lists "party size" as 8, so I guess that was 8 vs. 8?

Stronghold was a nice try. But trying too hard to copy MOBA (players that want that just play a MOBA game) is boring. I hope for more tries in that direction but less PvE stuff (instead use players to do everything and medium sized teams where some people need to transport stuff and others do fighting ... for example).

I don't know why they just try out a bit of different stuff. Could always be a separate queue if people come and cry "I dont want it to be in my ranked 1111".But then again we have the "we don't want to split the playerbase" ... not keeping in mind that actually a bigger set of different game modes/maps could attract more players.

So yes ... there does not seem a lot of new content. 2 vs. 2 in fact is offering a reduced set of content selling it as something unique (less players, no side mechanics ... less interesting) ... and in all the other years there seem to have only been a few 5 vs. 5 maps made. (Except the one try for stronghold map ... which has unlockable champion reward tracks that no one cares about cause almost no one plays it.)

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@"Luthan.5236" said:I'd love to see medium sized (10-20 vs 10-10) team battles with different nice maps with interesting mechanics. WvW is just zerging. 5 vs. 5 has only a few interesting maps where the side mechanics really can make a huge difference ... where it is interesting to play strategically with these mechanics in mind.

How big was the PvP in GW1? "Fort Aspenwood" Wiki page lists "party size" as 8, so I guess that was 8 vs. 8?

Stronghold was a nice try. But trying too hard to copy MOBA (players that want that just play a MOBA game) is boring. I hope for more tries in that direction but less PvE stuff (instead use players to do everything and medium sized teams where some people need to transport stuff and others do fighting ... for example).

I don't know why they just try out a bit of different stuff. Could always be a separate queue if people come and cry "I dont want it to be in my ranked 1111".But then again we have the "we don't want to split the playerbase" ... not keeping in mind that actually a bigger set of different game modes/maps could attract more players.

So yes ... there does not seem a lot of new content. 2 vs. 2 in fact is offering a reduced set of content selling it as something unique (less players, no side mechanics ... less interesting) ... and in all the other years there seem to have only been a few 5 vs. 5 maps made. (Except the one try for stronghold map ... which has unlockable champion reward tracks that no one cares about cause almost no one plays it.)

I agree that 2v2 is definitely a good addition to have between season but like you said, having more options would hopefully attract more players towards PvP.

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for some fucking reason the last head person thought it would be a great idea if conquest was the only game mode. only now are we starting to get some expansion in that area, but I doubt much more will come of it. they either don't care, don't know, or consider it a waste of resources. I bet its some of all three. next expansion will be telling.

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Guildwars needs something like a battlefield modewith 16vs16 on medium sized maps, just like conquest but in a way bigger area 2.5 times sizedthat would rock

but with a well designed map, many options to hide, or making ambushes and some openerfields heights and maybe undergrunds

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@Avatar.3568 said:Guildwars needs something like a battlefield modewith 16vs16 on medium sized maps, just like conquest but in a way bigger area 2.5 times sizedthat would rockbut with a well designed map, many options to hide, or making ambushes and some openerfields heights and maybe undergrundsSounds good^^ I think players would like that

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@Avatar.3568 said:Guildwars needs something like a battlefield modewith 16vs16 on medium sized maps, just like conquest but in a way bigger area 2.5 times sizedthat would rock

but with a well designed map, many options to hide, or making ambushes and some openerfields heights and maybe undergrunds

I would prefer if wvw was like this. its too much of a cluster fuck with so many ppl. would need to be big maybe 30v30.

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@L A T I O N.8923 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Guildwars needs something like a battlefield modewith 16vs16 on medium sized maps, just like conquest but in a way bigger area 2.5 times sizedthat would rock

but with a well designed map, many options to hide, or making ambushes and some openerfields heights and maybe undergrunds

Like old ab or gvg from gw1?

I did not play it but when you say it, yes?

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