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When do you think we will see servers fighting in tiers again?


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Oh wow I'm really sorry I didn't express a clear thought. This wasn't so much about server identity although i completely miss that. It's more about getting back to servers ranked 1,2 & 3 fighting each other and so on. Just wanting to express my desire to see that come back rather than the system the way it is now.

Thanks :D

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That's not gonna happen again. Server pride in that manner is pointless to have nowadays, especially since winning T1 is usually about who stacks on the link server with the most PPT centric players.

Also many smaller Communities of guilds and players stick together usually on the link servers; as a community separate from the host, it also depends on how the relinking goes; who they get to fight whether it be in WvW or EoTM.

There's are a couple of Servers Communities still on the host servers in the EU, but they aren't as big as they used to be.

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Its not going to happen and I'll tell you why, because its hard for servers to grow when they become full. This meant it was inevitable that nearly every host server lost steam because they couldn't keep expanding their player base. As a result, many players moved permanently to link servers and that's where the biggest sense of server identity is now, although ArenaNet honestly seems to ignore link servers.

Its more important to play with friends and familiar guilds than to always tell them "sorry, my server is full so we can't play together".

The core problem is ArenaNet's vision of what WvW is and should be doesn't match reality. Its not really huge armies fighting each other with siege wars in the background, its just one blob PPTing while half as many players try to stop them, usually in vain. Because of this the best fights are always found with guildmates and between link servers, so tiers barely matter anyways.

I really wish they'd just realise it already, instead of trying to force it to be "epic".

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It is not possible currently because wvw is like a casual mode. How? Because there is no tournaments and a winner only reward unlike before.

I.e. the wvw skins are available for all. Legendary is available to all.

The reason why servers fought and strategized before was for the purpose.

I've read all the excuses burning out etc., Bunch of myths. There will always be a winner and loser in a game. And the losers voice was just too much. In wvw, everyone can win by participation alone. Meh

It is the most wasted potential in any game I know.

As a start?

Bring back the golden dolyaks. Award the winner of each tier. And on top 1. A special achievement renewable for the t1 server. I tell you many will whine but the gears will start rolling and there will be server pride again.

There must be champions. And the rest must strive to be one. Don't cater all, we already got enough rewards.

If there are tournaments, I'd even organize and transfer. That means a lot of gems for anet. Wasted business potential there.

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  • links have to be removed, for every server. current mode is crap, and that's a really complimenting wording.

    • maps have far too many players on them, skilllag is insane, especially during events i feel.
  • and yes, some official leaderbord is highly needed.

atm it's extremly unbalanced - be it battles or matchup - and the rewards for winning matchups aren't even worth trying. you gain more from tanking tiers and farming player groups.

t1 and t2 servers have at best some more veterans+guilds that carry the whole server plus its link, and the kittens on those servers can do their ppt even drunk bc usually their enemies have no numbers anywhere.

players have barely to no motivation to get better. the fake-rewards like warclaw, some skins and mark shards as well as the legendary ring are more a burden than rewards.

people literally only play Wvw bc it's prime design is good, the teamplay (which often doesn't work but yeah) and basic idea of "united we stand" carries the whole format.. and the community thing. all of the later changes are just screwing it up even more.

and yeah, current Wvw is at a horrible stand.

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Hmm, I don't think there can be much healthy competition in the mode any longer, as the experienced players you'd need for that, already realise the flaws in the system, and that stacking Coverage/Population is the solution to all challenges. So anyone with a competitive bone in their body would naturally stack, thus completely removing the point of having servers compete.

Alas, the way the population is these days, if you want to remove linking, you'd had to put most servers down to a single EBG map with no borderlands. there's no way half the servers in this game could fill up even EBG outside of reset any longer. (Insert my usual idea about having scaling number of maps in WvW, so it can add or remove maps to the number of players dynamically).

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since servers don't matter for pve, what really speaks against "flattening the population" for the small ones? those are said to be kinda dead anyways and only get revived at the current system, when several veteran guilds from other servers transfer there and create "stacked links".

since the servers can stem extra maps for raids, strike missions and fractals (maps for 4-10 players each) too, the doubts about one more new Wvw map are more laughable. if EWPs would work better and maybe autopost in teamchat at activation, also smaller population would be able to stem the map coverage.

also player tracking for Wvw has to be fixed. it's a joke that u can block enemy commanders and see everytime they hop border.

empty maps isn't the problem overall, just beeing outnumbered all the time causes not extremly serious players to lose interest. it's not fun to have roamergroups of 3 thieves/rangers or acutally whatever at any time at any border camp.

ruins and the silly borderlands bloodlust has to be removed, at least the way it is now. atm numbers provide like everything: extra stats, extra scouting, extra silly numbers, which especially provides the slow killing speed for everything but the some top damage classes that barely feel their "nerfs".

but yeah, we circle with putting constantly the same arguments on the table, and Anet still isn't sure what Wvw even is. the "balance" showed that kinda.

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@Straegen.2938 said:There were empty servers before the linking system. Now well over half the servers would be vacant most of the day without linking.

You really have 2 options if you want to go back to oldish system without relinkings:

  1. Demolish all the linked servers and give linked players 1 free transfer (they can't go to full servers) for next 30 days then they will be allocated to random servers. Lower the population status caps.or
  2. Let them keep their servers but match their transfer cost and pop to main server and never do relinking again. This would mean linked servers can never become main servers and viseversa.
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@DemonSeed.3528 said:I think it would be fun to go back to our own servers again and spread out, but that's an old pipedream to have a server identity back.

Remember getting PvEers into WvW by doing map call outs for Garri under attack in PvE maps? Back when people cared about their server and server pride was a thing? Man, I remember getting huge queues from people trying to help, people asking in map what they needed to bring, of which the answer was almost always a warrior with banner for lord. :3

Then mega servers and links/hosts came along. I remember for the first few weeks after seeing people from WvW making the same call outs (now in a mega server) and people from all kind of other servers telling them to shut up and pound sand etc etc. Ah yes, Mega servers and links/hosts really helped.

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We are not going back to the old format. Time to move on.


“Q: Why is there World Linking instead of some other solution?A: As the game has matured, world populations have drifted further apart. World Linking was implemented so that world populations and play hours could be flexibly adjusted to be closer to one another. World linking is also “easier” to change and adjust unlike other systems that have been discussed. The world linking concept utilized a lot of existing tech and required considerably less time to construct, which allowed us to address the growing population issue more quickly while also supporting issues in WvW”

“Q. Will there be another WvW Tournament?A:The old tournament format encouraged extensive play that resulted in a lot of burnout across the player base and a permanent drop off in WvW players. This had a negative impact on the format, and in order to keep WvW healthy, we currently do not have plans to bring back WvW tournaments.”

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swagger pls... that is just another example of devs making unclear / blurred statements towards how server "population" count even works. the population issue, as they call it, is pretty much one of the bigger things outside of lag that should be elementary, still is clearly not working as intended.

the only true wording in the whole sentence is "it requires not much time"

Q#2: mate, idk where u play on, but EU servers have all nightcrews by now from NA servers... (and from the rest of the word, i remember some ppl saying they live in africa, australia, russia, china or some arabian country)

if anything causes us burnout, it's playing with 1/3 of or less of the enemies numbers against mapblobs on several maps that either dodge our maintime or blob our maintime down, sometime for about 14 hours with only small breaks. (this isn't everyday i assume, but i limited my playtime big time since the latest matchup, it's kinda limiting fun to have no numbers, still queues *(13ish queue popping when a 20 man squad enters map, where we fight groups of 340+ and have outnumbered-buff active)**, still lag.

or an example from another day: it gets a bit weird when you get outnumbered still while walking in a 40 ppl squad around, doesn't it?

i'm not randomly ranting here, there's just elementary issues in Wvw that have to be addressed, and it's not what seems to be worked on at all. for years now?

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