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VIP Pass suggestion

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Good news, it already exists, and doesn't require a VIP pass: Pearl Islet in Southsun Cove.

Although the 'swim suits' are literally just your characters underwear. But other than that it's got literally everything you described, and can be reached very quickly from Lion's Arch. It's a level 80 map but because the beach is right by the portal and there's no enemies there you can go there at lower levels too.

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@"Danikat.8537" said:Good news, it already exists, and doesn't require a VIP pass: Pearl Islet in Southsun Cove.

Although the 'swim suits' are literally just your characters underwear. But other than that it's got literally everything you described, and can be reached very quickly from Lion's Arch. It's a level 80 map but because the beach is right by the portal and there's no enemies there you can go there at lower levels too.

is not really the same i had in mind -.-

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@Nightcore.5621 said:

@"Danikat.8537" said:Good news, it already exists, and doesn't require a VIP pass:

Although the 'swim suits' are literally just your characters underwear. But other than that it's got literally everything you described, and can be reached very quickly from Lion's Arch. It's a level 80 map but because the beach is right by the portal and there's no enemies there you can go there at lower levels too.

is not really the same i had in mind -.-

Ok, how would your version be different? I like visiting Pearl Islet and similar quiet places in the game to get an in-game break from the action sometimes. So in theory I'd like this new area too. But what would it have that Pearl Islet doesn't which would justify me buying a VIP pass to get there? Or justify Anet taking the time to make it.

Please understand I'm not against the idea, but at the moment it would be extremely easy for anyone from Anet to read your suggestion and just go "we've already made that, no need to do it again" and players to go "we've already got that, I'm not paying extra for a duplicate" and then no one supports the idea and it never happens. If you want anyone to support your idea you need to explain what it brings which we don't already have, not just say that it's different without any explanation for how it's different.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:Good news, it already exists, and doesn't require a VIP pass:

Although the 'swim suits' are literally just your characters underwear. But other than that it's got literally everything you described, and can be reached very quickly from Lion's Arch. It's a level 80 map but because the beach is right by the portal and there's no enemies there you can go there at lower levels too.

is not really the same i had in mind -.-

Ok, how would your version be different? I like visiting Pearl Islet and similar quiet places in the game to get an in-game break from the action sometimes. So in theory I'd like this new area too. But what would it have that Pearl Islet doesn't which would justify me buying a VIP pass to get there? Or justify Anet taking the time to make it.

Please understand I'm not against the idea, but at the moment it would be extremely easy for anyone from Anet to read your suggestion and just go "we've already made that, no need to do it again" and players to go "we've already got that, I'm not paying extra for a duplicate" and then no one supports the idea and it never happens. If you want anyone to support your idea you need to explain what it brings which we don't already have, not just say that it's different without any explanation for how it's different.

my english not that good to explain all i want :)

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@keenedge.9675 said:We need a REAL VIP zone. Only max mastery can enter. ( or maybe within 2-5% of max )What for? To encourage even more elitist behaviour against those that prefer to play at their own pace rather than rush towards max mastery at all costs?

Having max mastery is a reward in itself, but the mastery system is flexible in that you don't need to get all of the masteries if you don't care to play certain parts of the game (fractals, legendary crafting, or even just leveling the stupid roller beetle that makes me violently motion sick each time I try to ride it). Locking ANYTHING in game behind max mastery that doesn't need all of the masteries (and to my knowledge there's no activity in game that requires even close to all of them) is just a way of forcing people into all playing the same stuff instead of choosing to play content they want to play.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@keenedge.9675 said:We need a REAL VIP zone. Only max mastery can enter. ( or maybe within 2-5% of max )What for? To encourage even more elitist behaviour against those that prefer to play at their own pace rather than rush towards max mastery at all costs?Gods forbid the game reward those who put in the time to max their masteries. That is just awful.While I could care less about a beach, the idea that there be some kind of reward for maxing out masteries, considering all the time and effort that goes into them is not in it's nature elitist.This attitude that some kind of reward for completionism is punishing to those who choose not to participate is absolute avarice.Locking
in game behind max mastery that doesn't need all of the masteries (and to my knowledge there's no activity in game that requires even close to all of them) is just a way of forcing people into all playing the same stuff instead of choosing to play content they want to play.No. It really isn't forcing anyone at all. I'm not forced to grind a Legendary just because it's available. The makers of the game are not forcing me to grind ungodly amounts of elder wood or do jumping puzzles... I am doing them because I want the reward.Gating rewards and content behind specific activities does not promote elitism.This game does it all.the.time.

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@keenedge.9675 said:We need a REAL VIP zone. Only max mastery can enter. ( or maybe within 2-5% of max )

Will you be locked out every 2-3 months after each new LS update and after a new expansion when new masteries are added until you can get to max again? Because I can see a lot of forum whining if people buy a new VIP pass then lose access for whatever reason.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@keenedge.9675 said:We need a REAL VIP zone. Only max mastery can enter. ( or maybe within 2-5% of max )What for? To encourage even more elitist behaviour against those that prefer to play at their own pace rather than rush towards max mastery at all costs?Gods forbid the game reward those who put in the time to max their masteries. That is just awful.But we are rewarded. Every mastery rewards you with an ability already. What else do you need?

I can just jump on my skyscale when things get complicated and easily go places even in difficult terrain. My daugher who hasn't got her skyscale yet can't do that.

I can play in the Bjora marches and gather loot from essence chests. My friend who hasn't leveled the essence masteries yet can't do that.

I can jump into fractals and grab the mistlock singularity to give me a second life when things get rough. My husband who hasn't trained that mastery gets downed right away.

All of those masteries I have trained reward me with abilities I would not have access to without. This game is really good on that front, rewarding you for the content you choose to play, instead of arbitrarily locking rewards behind completion of unrelated stuff. I'd rather they keep it that way instead of implementing status symbols that lock out people who choose to play only parts of the content that awards masteries.

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