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Feeling lost and useless. Hammer Rev (wvw)


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I find it funny how you cry about hammer rev when other classes like mesmer don't even have good ranged dps to begin with. in zergfights mesmer is one of the most useless classes. all they got is placing portal and roaming. I mean there is no point in joining a zerg if your aoe coverage and biggest dmg source can't be used. I think even DE is better, because they got atleast 1500 range and classes like engi got mortar kit.

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@pninak.1069 said:in zergfights mesmer is one of the most useless classes.

lol, thanks for the laughs. Just a piece of advice, if anyone communicates that thought to you, I'd suggest you disregard any other opinions they share, as they clearly don't know what they are talking about.

Portals, Veil, Temporal Curtain, Gravity Well....if someone says these things are 'useless' in zergfights right now , that person either doesn't play WvW, or plays it very poorly.

Damage wise? No, Mesmer isn't there for damage, but just like a Spellbreakers WOD, a properly played Mesmer/Chrono can help wipe the enemy group even while doing very little DPS.

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lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

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@pninak.1069 said:lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight.

Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now.

Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta?

StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs

So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you.

Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@pninak.1069 said:lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight.

Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now.

Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta?

StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs

So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you.

Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.

Do you even play mesmer? You sound like someone that simply doesnt want the mesmer class buffed.Scrappers offers better stealth and a crap-ton of healing and cleansing.Necros can port too, and also do one of the best damage that wvw has to offer.

I dont think any player that loves wvw would chose to main a mesmer knowing well how that all our contribution would be pressing 3 non-damaging utility buttons.

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@aaron.7850 said:

@pninak.1069 said:lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight.

Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now.

Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta?

StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs

So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you.

Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.

Do you even play mesmer? You sound like someone that simply doesnt want the mesmer class buffed.Scrappers offers better stealth and a kitten-ton of healing and cleansing.Necros can port too, and also do one of the best damage that wvw has to offer.

I dont think any player that loves wvw would chose to main a mesmer knowing well how that all our contribution would be pressing 3 non-damaging utility buttons.

I think mesmer is a tough spot. buffing it too much will have the opposite effect, but at the same time the class feels so weak in wvw. you would be surprised that players still die to autoattacks of my mirage, although I missed my skill combo. just recently I met a dps renegade that ran away with several stacks of confusion and torment. he ended up getting back in the fight, although he could have survived if he didn't enter the fight with 1/3 of life lost already.

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I'm just gonna drop this here because it's a hammer thread :

My proposal for Hammer Rework.

Autos : 900 range, hit scan.Reasoning : I think it would be much better thematically if Hammer autos emulate smashing someone through the Mists, also this kinda makes Hammer Autos more reliable to land, but at the cost of range.

CoR : Instant AoE dealing small damage and applies cripple, delayed AoE in same target area doing larger damage after 0.5 seconds. 1200 RangeReasoning : I hate how wonky current CoR is, and would like CoR to behave as I have proposed, not only because it fixes the whole wonky aspect of it, but it makes it a great zoning tool as well.

Phase Smash : Leap Finisher, AoE ground target, evades and damages on landing. Add a Flip skill Phase Retreat, returning to previous position. 900 RangeReasoning : Adds utility to current Phase Smash, allowing it to compliment ranged gameplay.

Field of the Mists : Projects field forwards up to 200 range, knocking foes back in addition to current effect.Reasoning : Adds utility to current Field of the Mists, allowing the player to create some breathing room against enemies who come too close.

Drop the Hammer : 1200 range, AoE Ground target, Launches. The animation takes 1 second to cast, but the Hammer itself drops on its own after the remaining 0.75 seconds.Reasoning : Animation lock feels bad.

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@"Yasai.3549" said:I'm just gonna drop this here because it's a hammer thread :

My proposal for Hammer Rework.

Autos : 900 range, hit scan.Reasoning : I think it would be much better thematically if Hammer autos emulate smashing someone through the Mists, also this kinda makes Hammer Autos more reliable to land, but at the cost of range.

CoR : Instant AoE dealing small damage and applies cripple, delayed AoE in same target area doing larger damage after 0.5 seconds. 1200 RangeReasoning : I hate how wonky current CoR is, and would like CoR to behave as I have proposed, not only because it fixes the whole wonky aspect of it, but it makes it a great zoning tool as well.

Phase Smash : Leap Finisher, AoE ground target, evades and damages on landing. Add a Flip skill Phase Retreat, returning to previous position. 900 RangeReasoning : Adds utility to current Phase Smash, allowing it to compliment ranged gameplay.

Field of the Mists : Projects field forwards up to 200 range, knocking foes back in addition to current effect.Reasoning : Adds utility to current Field of the Mists, allowing the player to create some breathing room against enemies who come too close.

Drop the Hammer : 1200 range, AoE Ground target, Launches. The animation takes 1 second to cast, but the Hammer itself drops on its own after the remaining 0.75 seconds.Reasoning : Animation lock feels bad.

No idea what "hit scan" is but they will never remove "projectile" from the auto attack, if that is what you are suggesting. If that's not what you are suggesting then idk because the only time I fail to land a hammer bolt, on my end, is due to range.

The Cor suggestion makes sense but people will still complain they are instant crippled with no chance to dodge.

Phase smash used as a mobility skill on a Rev would again draw complaints.

Field of the mists would go up to 20e and 20 second CD probably.

People again would complain about the spike setup potential. Actually they would complain about dying to hammer revs, they wouldn't actually understand why though. We would have to explain that to them.. Forgot they removed damage from this skill rofl. So yeah they could make this change.

I don't mind the 900 range stuff because there already is no point playing glint/shiro hammer Rev so this would just cement it as a glint/jalis weapon which can afford to face tank some hits from scourges who would now have equal range.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@pninak.1069 said:lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight.

Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now.

Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta?

StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs

So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you.

Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.


  • One of the 2 most chosen professions? I suppose you like wiping in zergs with +15 mesmers, otherwise I don't know where do you see the mesmers in winning groups...
  • Melee push meta is based on support, melee dps and boon strip/corrupts. Mesmer is the worst of all support builds out there, it's the worst all 9 classes at melee dps and has very poor boon strips.
  • Stealth, quite nerfed by all the NPC reveal out there, and completely outclassed by gyro in pushes.
  • Portals, extremely situational and basically gimmicky nowadays, only used now for the sake of it or for sneaking inside keeps by small groups for a PPT that doesn't matter at all.
  • CC is very limited and sits behind high cooldowns.
  • DPS mesmer in zergs is the same as support thief, nice fairy tail you live in...

Mesmer is one of the worst classes to bring in a zerg, what you bring is so little that it doesn't end up mattering much if it's game changer. What is a veil when you can stack 4x times with a gyro that has 2/3 of the CD? What is a portal when it's very limited in activation time and damage bombs are not like before? What is a pull or gravity well here or there when you have 10 firebrands spamming pulls, scourges spamming fears and revs spamming knockdowns?

All you do by playing a mesmer is fooling yourself thinking you're useful, when your contributions in terms of damage, CC and support are completely overshadowed by pretty much all other classes, even when running non meta builds.Experience from someone who mained mesmer with nearly 4k hours, has played rev for over 600h and now is sitting in OP scrapper with already 200h (mostly because of hammer nerf).

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@Ansau.7326 said:

@pninak.1069 said:lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight.

Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now.

Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta?

StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs

So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you.

Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.

  • One of the 2 most chosen professions? I suppose you like wiping in zergs with +15 mesmers, otherwise I don't know where do you see the mesmers in winning groups...
  • Melee push meta is based on support, melee dps and boon strip/corrupts. Mesmer is the worst of all support builds out there, it's the worst all 9 classes at melee dps and has very poor boon strips.
  • Stealth, quite nerfed by all the NPC reveal out there, and completely outclassed by gyro in pushes.
  • Portals, extremely situational and basically gimmicky nowadays, only used now for the sake of it or for sneaking inside keeps by small groups for a PPT that doesn't matter at all.
  • CC is very limited and sits behind high cooldowns.
  • DPS mesmer in zergs is the same as support thief, nice fairy tail you live in...

Mesmer is one of the worst classes to bring in a zerg, what you bring is so little that it doesn't end up mattering much if it's game changer. What is a veil when you can stack 4x times with a gyro that has 2/3 of the CD? What is a portal when it's very limited in activation time and damage bombs are not like before? What is a pull or gravity well here or there when you have 10 firebrands spamming pulls, scourges spamming fears and revs spamming knockdowns?

All you do by playing a mesmer is fooling yourself thinking you're useful, when your contributions in terms of damage, CC and support are completely overshadowed by pretty much all other classes, even when running non meta builds.Experience from someone who mained mesmer with nearly 4k hours, has played rev for over 600h and now is sitting in OP scrapper with already 200h (mostly because of hammer nerf).

My friend played mesmer in wvw for years and it ended the same way.she played support chrono until it got trashed,she switched to dps chrono until it got trashed,she quit wvw when everyone else did last year because people got sick of having their builds trashed.All she wanted to play was mesmer/chronomancer in wvw and now she only plays in pve lol...

A few commanders running around on chronomancer does not make it good. You can play anything as commander if you have a bunch of scourges and firebrands at your back.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@pninak.1069 said:lol but we can hardly shatter and alacrigade bests chrono in buffing allies. you are pretty much giving the statement that mes has utility purpose only and isn't supposed to do dmg while renegade pretty much gets both at the same time. all the examples you give show that you don't understand mesmer. sure I can take gravity well, but taking veil and portal pretty much makes me obsolete in small scale. and most of mes zerg builds use blink illusion of life and one of the signets. the situation youa re describing maybe applies when you got a guild zerg that coordinates attacks.

I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight.

Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now.

Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta?

StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs

So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you.

Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.

  • One of the 2 most chosen professions? I suppose you like wiping in zergs with +15 mesmers, otherwise I don't know where do you see the mesmers in winning groups...
  • Melee push meta is based on support, melee dps and boon strip/corrupts. Mesmer is the worst of all support builds out there, it's the worst all 9 classes at melee dps and has very poor boon strips.
  • Stealth, quite nerfed by all the NPC reveal out there, and completely outclassed by gyro in pushes.
  • Portals, extremely situational and basically gimmicky nowadays, only used now for the sake of it or for sneaking inside keeps by small groups for a PPT that doesn't matter at all.
  • CC is very limited and sits behind high cooldowns.
  • DPS mesmer in zergs is the same as support thief, nice fairy tail you live in...

Mesmer is one of the worst classes to bring in a zerg, what you bring is so little that it doesn't end up mattering much if it's game changer. What is a veil when you can stack 4x times with a gyro that has 2/3 of the CD? What is a portal when it's very limited in activation time and damage bombs are not like before? What is a pull or gravity well here or there when you have 10 firebrands spamming pulls, scourges spamming fears and revs spamming knockdowns?

All you do by playing a mesmer is fooling yourself thinking you're useful, when your contributions in terms of damage, CC and support are completely overshadowed by pretty much all other classes, even when running non meta builds.Experience from someone who mained mesmer with nearly 4k hours, has played rev for over 600h and now is sitting in OP scrapper with already 200h (mostly because of hammer nerf).

My friend played mesmer in wvw for years and it ended the same way.she played support chrono until it got trashed,she switched to dps chrono until it got trashed,she quit wvw when everyone else did last year because people got sick of having their builds trashed.All she wanted to play was mesmer/chronomancer in wvw and now she only plays in pve lol...

A few commanders running around on chronomancer does not make it good. You can play anything as commander if you have a bunch of scourges and firebrands at your back.

I still consider my mesmer my main because I love the class so much, but wvw is my favorite game mode and this conundrum breaks my heart. Thank god for all those exp boosts I saved because I now have a Rev and a Guardian and both are very fun in wvw

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Pretty much the only niches that hammer revenant has left in this game across all game modes is it is the only ranged option for herald and core rev, the only 1200 range weapon for renegade, and can get really high projectile defense uptime with the 4 skill in conjunction with Ventari bubble. Only use if you are stuck on Rev and really can't go melee or are trying to cheese some super projectile heavy opponent. Rev hammer is now a very strong contender for worst weapon in the game overall across all game modes as it's now pretty bad wvw zergs which was the only place it has ever been decent.

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@JohnRambo.1690 said:Hammer rev is still hitting pretty kitten hard and is a must have in large squads.Glint/Jalis, zerk gear, hammer + sword/sword.100% a L2P issue.

Come on, be real: between the protection uptime in the enemy team from their Jalis Revs, and the notion that support Firebrands after the healing nerfs are shoehorned to run Honor (which means that they are constantly erupting aegis) plus the low damage values current hammer (even running a glass cannon build) the chances of a good balanced guild having problems vs a zerg based mostly in Rev's hammers is really low. Any decent team will endure closing the 1200 unit gap and once in cqc then will slaughter those hammer yolos in matter of seconds...

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Come on, be real: between the protection uptime in the enemy team from their Jalis Revs, and the notion that support Firebrands after the healing nerfs are shoehorned to run Honor (which means that they are constantly erupting aegis) plus the low damage values current hammer (even running a glass cannon build) the chances of a good balanced guild having problems vs a zerg based mostly in Rev's hammers is really low. Any decent team will endure closing the 1200 unit gap and once in cqc then will slaughter those hammer yolos in matter of seconds...

Well if your necros and spellbreakers can't strip out these aegis that's another L2P issue....Also why the hell would revs always stay on hammer ? When u go melee just switch to 2 x swords + jalis and enjoy the damages + sustain.If you are constantly using hammer as a rev nowadays, then you are doing it wrong. (at least for WvW zerg fights)

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@"JohnRambo.1690" said:

Come on, be real: between the protection uptime in the enemy team from their Jalis Revs, and the notion that support Firebrands after the healing nerfs are shoehorned to run Honor (which means that they are constantly erupting aegis) plus the low damage values current hammer (even running a glass cannon build) the chances of a good balanced guild having problems vs a zerg based mostly in Rev's hammers is really low. Any decent team will endure closing the 1200 unit gap and once in cqc then will slaughter those hammer yolos in matter of seconds...

Well if your necros and spellbreakers can't strip out these aegis that's another L2P issue....Also why the hell would revs always stay on hammer ? When u go melee just switch to 2 x swords + jalis and enjoy the damages + sustain.If you are constantly using hammer as a rev nowadays, then you are doing it wrong. (at least for WvW zerg fights)

Most people want to run 8 high damage skills on the skillbar :), most cant use anythign that has CC only when the situation demmands it(CC skills should have some damage back or should have a secondary effect if blocked like we had on GW1).

Most people fail to understand why rev is so dammn good, remember the post sayign that jalis is useless cause offers no boons so its selfish...?

this is what i would use nowadays for jalis a jalis hammer build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAIZlpQHMLyhdRNMM6hJSfsCKgF1kfzE-zRRYBRFWMsyopKo3UQpZR4VL-e

Providing some damage, "stability highway", self condi cleanse and 1 aoe condi cleanse, several damage reducers for alies, protection and swiftness (basicly a paragon from gw1 ;P)

Having deamon legend within herald traitline is also great, making the burn guards complain enemy is heavy condi when then eat their own burn stacks back.

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@"JohnRambo.1690" said:

Well if your necros and spellbreakers can't strip out these aegis that's another L2P issue....Also why the hell would revs always stay on hammer ? When u go melee just switch to 2 x swords + jalis and enjoy the damages + sustain.

So the the argument of why hammer is nice is because your guild can have necros and the enemy doesn't. A crushing logic which disarms me so much that I must retire to lick my wounds...

Sarcasms aside, mace is way stronger than sword as a backup weapon in large group fights (to the point that some guilds effectively use condi Revs with mace as main weapon. Strongest "selling point" of hammer was the ability to spam and stack long range AoE damage, a role which the mace can do effectively at close to mid range (sword has less range and performs worse vs multiple targets).

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"JohnRambo.1690" said:

Well if your necros and spellbreakers can't strip out these aegis that's another L2P issue....Also why the hell would revs always stay on hammer ? When u go melee just switch to 2 x swords + jalis and enjoy the damages + sustain.

So the the argument of why hammer is nice is because your guild can have necros and the enemy doesn't. A crushing logic which disarms me so much that I must retire to lick my wounds...

Sarcasms aside, mace is way stronger than sword as a backup weapon in large group fights (to the point that some guilds effectively use condi Revs with mace as
weapon. Strongest "selling point" of hammer was the ability to spam and stack long range AoE damage, a role which the mace can do effectively at close to mid range (sword has less range and performs worse vs multiple targets).

Is the mace 3 skill a projectile or no?

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@Justine.6351 said:

Is the mace 3 skill a projectile or no?

I don't known, the mace doesn't seems to be listed in the Projectile list in the wikia and din't test it against a Reflection Wall or a traited shield from a Warrior. But Searing Fissure is AoE with larger range than any sword skill except Deah Strike, the autochain is faster in the mace and both Searing Fissure and Echoing Eruption have lower cost and smaller cooldowns than the sword skills, so they can apply more pressure in teamfights. Also, because tormenting runes are available in WvW and the healing they provide scales greatly the more foes you hit, the mace can provide both dps and sustain in a way hard to emulate by swords (outside 1 vs 1), with the additional advantage of being condition builds less stat intensive than the power counterparts.

Being said that, I play the vanilla power Herald with ss/staff and Glint Herald most of the time in both PvP and roaming, being PvP 3 v 3 the expection (no control points in that game mode and being the maps small means that the high mobility of power Herald doesn't provide as much advantage compared to just being tanky and spaming condi AoEs in teamfights.

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@Buran.3796 said:

Is the mace 3 skill a projectile or no?

I don't known, the mace doesn't seems to be listed in the Projectile list in the wikia and din't test it against a Reflection Wall or a traited shield from a Warrior. But Searing Fissure is AoE with larger range than any sword skill except Deah Strike, the autochain is faster in the mace and both Searing Fissure and Echoing Eruption have lower cost and smaller cooldowns than the sword skills, so they can apply more pressure in teamfights. Also, because tormenting runes are available in WvW and the healing they provide scales greatly the more foes you hit, the mace can provide both dps and sustain in a way hard to emulate by swords (outside 1 vs 1), with the additional advantage of being condition builds less stat intensive than the power counterparts.

Being said that, I play the vanilla power Herald with ss/staff and Glint Herald most of the time in both PvP and roaming, being PvP 3 v 3 the expection (no control points in that game mode and being the maps small means that the high mobility of power Herald doesn't provide as much advantage compared to just being tanky and spaming condi AoEs in teamfights.

Its a combo finisher/blast

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@"Aeolus.3615" said:

Its a combo finisher/blast

Yes but "blast" is the way in which interacts with fields: in a 360 unit area blast which creates a combo, which means that released over Searing Fissure procs 3 stacks of might (per attack) to you and your allies in the given area. But that doesn't adress the nature of the attack itself.

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