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Ideas for new Sigils


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@RUNICBLACK.7630 said:It might be an option to have Sigils that could a 20% duration bonus to specific boons instead of all boons, or ones that give a 10% duration bonus to a pair of conditions or boons or even a pairing of a condition and a boon. This could lead to some interesting combination without pushing the power creep as much. Heck you could even get creative and have one give you a bonus to something while giving you a handicap in something else just a thought.

Turtle Sigil, you take 10% less physical damage but 10% more condition damage.Dragon Sigil, you deal 10% more condition damage but deal 10% less power damage.Sigil of (Boon flavor text), (boon) you gain last 20% longer.Sigil of (condition flavor text), 33% chance to inflict (condition) for 3s on a critical hit with whatever relevant ICD per condition (more CD for burning, less for weakness for example)

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@Lan Deathrider.5910Turtle Sigil, you take 10% less physical damage but 10% more condition damage.Dragon Sigil, you deal 10% more condition damage but deal 10% less power damage.Sigil of (Boon flavor text), (boon) you gain last 20% longer.Sigil of (condition flavor text), 33% chance to inflict (condition) for 3s on a critical hit with whatever relevant ICD per condition (more CD for burning, less for weakness for example)

Thanks Lan these are some great examples of possible new Sigil , to be honest why not even drop some of the over exploited ones for something like this where there is a give and take with regard to advantage/disadvantage which could lead more options in build synergy so you would want to keep it mind in the traits . See something like this even in some of traits could lead to some interesting alternatives

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@RUNICBLACK.7630 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910Turtle Sigil, you take 10% less physical damage but 10% more condition damage.Dragon Sigil, you deal 10% more condition damage but deal 10% less power damage.Sigil of (Boon flavor text), (boon) you gain last 20% longer.Sigil of (condition flavor text), 33% chance to inflict (condition) for 3s on a critical hit with whatever relevant ICD per condition (more CD for burning, less for weakness for example)

Thanks Lan these are some great examples of possible new Sigil , to be honest why not even drop some of the over exploited ones for something like this where there is a give and take with regard to advantage/disadvantage which could lead more options in build synergy so you would want to keep it mind in the traits . See something like this even in some of traits could lead to some interesting alternatives

Thanks, secretly I just want extra weakness and retaliation access on Warrior :tongue: but something like +10% damage type A/-10% damage type B would be great. There should be more 33% chance to inflict XYZ condi sigils. In fact each condi sigil should be represented with the critical hit sigils and weapon swap sigils. More cover condi options, and it opens up more condi play across classes.

There should be a sigil that inflicts confusion on interrupt as well (take your pick on number of stacks, duration and ICD).

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  • 2 weeks later...

A sigil that increases the damage by 10% for 4 seconds after you daze or stun an enemyThere's something called Superior Sigil Of Severance.Upon interrupting an enemy, gain up to 250 precision and ferocity for 4 seconds, depending on level. (Cooldown: 1 second)

All your ideas... it's just power creep, and we don't need it. No more "+damage" sigils.

  • Blind your foes on weapon swap (radius: 360; cooldown: 9s)
  • Gain barrier when you swap to this weapon while in combat (cooldown: 9s)
  • Gain aegis for 2 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat (cooldown: 9s)
  • Increased confusion duration by 20%
  • Upon striking an enemy at or below 25% health, gain increased attack speed by 15% for 4seconds (cooldown: 20s)
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IMo pve is already extremelly dumbed down, mot stuff that makes AA more powerfull than they already are is a bit a weird thing do add to the game, when the mobs already feel and look like fillers.

Altough if mobs try to block, dodge, cleanse and somehwhat burst and gank players, and if they becomes a bit more harder to kill, i could see this sigil working.GW2 pve being whatvever pve is... its very dull and straigthforwarded like many if nor most old mmo's. w/o game geting chanlanging in every pve aspect not just on raids or fractals or whatever, increase already what is powercreeped its not a good choice.

"A sigil that increase the powerbonus of might for 12 points each stack. (also a conditionbonus variant)"

Rev has a trait for that, i can go from 2.something to 4k power up.

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@"Antycypator.9874" said:

A sigil that increases the damage by 10% for 4 seconds after you daze or stun an enemyThere's something called
Upon interrupting an enemy, gain up to 250 precision and ferocity for 4 seconds, depending on level. (Cooldown: 1 second)

All your ideas... it's just power creep, and we don't need it. No more "+damage" sigils.
  • Blind your foes on weapon swap (radius: 360; cooldown: 9s)
  • Gain barrier when you swap to this weapon while in combat (cooldown: 9s)
  • Gain aegis for 2 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat (cooldown: 9s)
  • Increased confusion duration by 20%
  • Upon striking an enemy at or below 25% health, gain increased attack speed by 15% for 4seconds (cooldown: 20s)

Sigil of mischief blinds on swap.

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