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[Feedback] Dragon's Watch Regalia

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First of, I'd like to say that I really like the design! (Okay, the shoulder piece might be a bit oversized for my taste, but overall it's a great outfit for rangers.) :)

However, what is it with the metallic glow that quite a few outfits are sporting, especially of late? :-1: Why do leather and cloth textures have to be reflective? Doesn't make sense to me and negatively impacts the overall appearance of the outfit. :/



P.S. By the way, the item's name is misspelled "Dragon Watch's Regalia", when it should be "Dragon's Watch Regalia".

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Its not missspelled tho.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_WatchDragon's Watch is an adventuring guild in Tyria dedicated to stopping the Elder Dragons. While members started to work together starting from the year 1326 AE in response to the events of Flame and Frost, it would be the year 1329 AE when Dragon's Watch was formally created to succeed Destiny's Edge. The group was founded by the Pact Commander and Rytlock Brimstone.[1]

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@"Linken.6345" said:Dragon's Watch is an adventuring guild [...]

You don't say. ;) I have finished the complete story on 14 characters...

Its not missspelled tho.

It is misspelled! It is spelled "Dragon Watch's Regalia", the correct spelling would be "Dragon's Watch Regalia". Can't you spot the difference?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:Its not missspelled tho.
Dragon's Watch is an adventuring guild [...]

You don't say. ;) I have finished the complete story on 14 characters...

And it
misspelled! It is spelled "Dragon Watch's Regalia", the correct spelling would be "Dragon's Watch Regalia". Can't you spot the difference?

Cough need more coffie read it the other way around that it was Dragon's Watch Regalia in game and you wanted it spelled Dragon Watch's Regalia

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:First of, I'd like to say that I really like the design! (Okay, the shoulder piece might be a bit oversized for my taste, but overall it's a great outfit for rangers.) :)

However, what is it with the metallic glow that quite a few outfits are sporting, especially of late? :-1: Why do leather and cloth textures have to be reflective? Doesn't make sense to me and negatively impacts the overall appearance of the outfit. :/

.P.S. The item's name is misspelled "Dragon Watch's Regalia", when it should be "Dragon's Watch Regalia".

But it is Dragon’s Watch Regalia.


The package includes a Dragon’s Watch Cape, Dragon’s Watch Regalia, Mythic Weapon Choice, Dragon’s Watch Dye Set, and Total Makeover Kit. The cape and outfit can also be purchased individually.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:But it is Dragon’s Watch Regalia.

(sighs) No, it is not. It is misspelled in-game.

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:If it was misspelled, it's been fixed.

Nope, still misspelled:


...Doesn't anyone have anything to add about the actual topic, though? ;) There is already a thread on behalf of the outfit's misspelled name:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107407/outfit-typo-dragon-watchs-regalia

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:But it is Dragon’s Watch Regalia.

(sighs) No, it is not. It is misspelled in-game.

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:If it was misspelled, it's been fixed.

Nope, still misspelled:


...Doesn't anyone have anything to add about the
topic, though? ;) There is already a thread on behalf of the outfit's misspelled name:

Well, your topic was your opinion on how it looked. I didn’t feel a need to add anything to your opinion as you did that so well. That left the misspelling comment. Since it’s not misspelled in the gemstore, the Wiki or the blog but only in the wardrobe it would have been useful if you had been more specific, or even left it off since, as you pointed out, there already is a thread on that topic.

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I thought long and hard about this outfit before deciding not to buy it. The shoulder piece was part of that decision. Otherwise, it seems ok but not interesting enough for me in the long run. I didn't think that I had any characters that would wear it and look good.

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@Goldammer.4352 said:yeah i agree most outfits are kinda reflective, but this also seems to be the case on normal armor pieces. especially when combining new (PoF) and older armor pieces. They seem brighter too

bright <> reflective

It is not true that armor pieces are having this issue. Nearly none of the leather or cloth armor sets has an artificially shiny surface to them (there are a handful of pants and perhaps boots that do, but they are the exception).

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  • 2 weeks later...

this and the capewhy a lore based equipment that apparently related to the main character (yes that's you) is a gemstore exclusive item and not an achievement reward ?Please don't say "the game needs to make moneeeeey" like you're a marketing genius. I'll pour my QoL items, outfits, teleporters, makeover kits, deluxe editions and mount skins all over your face.

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