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How are elementalists in pvp right now?

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@"modybird.7431" said:I haven’t played for over 2 years and I’m just getting back into the game. I used to love playing a weaver in pvp but everyone says they are gutted now. Is ele still a viable pick in pvp or should I just make a new character?

Believe what others in game tell you about weaver...the elementalist is back more or less to pre PoF status where the only "competitive" spec was a supportish Tempest which it is now no thx to buffs...but nerfs to overall dmg.

Weaver in general : they gutted Twist of fate by slapping a 75s CD - increased CD on Riptide and Earthen vortex and other dual skills, basically killing what weaver was good for compared to core ele and that's say it all already

Fire weaver - they nerfed Burning Rage and Primordial stance so you have no burst to kill anything but some bronze lord/hotjoin hero who will claim otherwise after spending 5m trying to hug the ele AA him

Air Weaver - they nerfed LR dmg, FA doesn't exist so any hope of direct dmg melee weaver gone forever...any donkey can facetank your dmg now, just take your dog and let him use your keyboard with his paws while using a necro and he will do better than you on LR weaver

Do not believe otherwise and if you don't believe me, you can jump in game...you won't find any sword weaver from PvP to WvW and finally PvE, once in a blue moon you may find a LR dagger/focus weaver that won't impress you and finally the occasional staff weaver in WvW among the never ending sea of necros-guardians and engis

Epilogue : All dmg gutted and sustain mostly gone...you literally can't kill anything with any resemblance of brain activity, the remaining eles are all playing Tempest both in PvP and WvW , for now at least before they nerf it ( yeah nerfing Tempest for like the 12th time xd ) because some hot join hero dies to Air overload from a mender tempest ..yeah it's that sad

Yes...there will be always the try hard using some sort of offensive ele but....why put so much effort in a stupid videogame when you here to relax/have fun? Just play a guardian, a ranger or necro or engi.....

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Tempest is strong currently, however kinda carried by superior revivals. But this is meta or close to meta. Fire versus conditions or air for power damage (weakness spam) can be used.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_D/F_Auramancer and adjustments are possible. In soloQ using shouts might be useful.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_D/F_Aeromancer is the air build, but also adjustable.

Weaver is viable, but not optimal. As it used to be most of the time during PoF. Fire condition damage got heavily nerfed, so most people either play full water bunkers with S/F or Lightning Rod with D/F. Dagger offhand can be used, but... might be objectively a little weaker (projectile hate!), but if you have fun with it, go for it. Condi rev kinda fills the same role as water weaver but significantly better. Rangers have better decap capabilities. Holo has better team fight potential than Lightning Rod.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_D/F_Lightning_Rod for lightning rod. The water build is not on metabattle anymore, can't bother clicking the build together myself. But I guess you know it since you played weaver in PVP before.

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I play Ele since 2006 (gw1)Since Tempest came out I've been playing tempest.I don't recommend anyone to play Tempest.

@Arheundel.6451 said:Yes...there will be always the try hard using some sort of offensive ele but....why put so much effort in a stupid videogame when you here to relax/have fun? Just play a guardian, a ranger or necro or engi.....

I've seen many people ditch Ele for other classes. I don't blame them. I feel the same way, I'm just too stubborn.

Don't play Ele.Unless you have some sort of obsession with the class like the Tempests you see in gold+Yes I'm one of them.

Currently the only positive about Eles is some CC and revive, you will see that any build has tornado ulti and glyph of revival, but yet again... kind of useless in the end if you are a 2 trick class.

As a weaver, and per the current state of the game, you will be able to make your foes float for a long time, that is your main trick.

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Ele should be the one class that doesn't have to sacrifice ALL it's damage for sustain or ALL it's sustain for damage.

However, it's basically the only class that does so. I really don't like it or understand why ranger and holo are allowed to have sustain AND damage at the same time but not ele, the most obvious "jack of all trades master of none" class.

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elementalist are complete and utter bullshit to play against if u even try to play a dps spec against it, much like holo, soulbeast, rev, and guardian. I downed a soulbeast ranger twice on dp thief and he just self rezzed with his npc pet twice coz i had nothing left to keep it from rezzing. UTTER F U C K ING BU L L SHIT

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@"Shiyo.3578" said:Ele should be the one class that doesn't have to sacrifice ALL it's damage for sustain or ALL it's sustain for damage.

However, it's basically the only class that does so. I really don't like it or understand why ranger and holo are allowed to have sustain AND damage at the same time but not ele, the most obvious "jack of all trades master of none" class.

Elementalist is the only class that has to sacrifice sustain for damage and viceversa, once in a bluemoon we get a valid dps spec with sustain which allows eles to be competitive outside healbot role ( at which is not even the best outside the niche tournament 5vs5) , but that spec gets quickly nuked down with nerfs once enough people got invested in the game.

It was DPS tempest-----nerf and then healbot-------s/d weaver-----nerf and back to healbot...you may as well give up, there is nothing out there that work 1v1 at equal skill level for elementalist right now...try as you may.....nothing works as dps, everybody else can pack sustain and damage in the same build.

You go and play the piano, dodging, timing every single skill...only to deal as much dmg as the autoattack of a DPS guardian. You go full zerk on ele and you deal as much dmg as my ranger build while being 3-4x more tanky....waste of time really

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@"Megametzler.5729" said:Tempest is strong currently, however kinda carried by superior revivals. But this is meta or close to meta. Fire versus conditions or air for power damage (weakness spam) can be used.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_D/F_Auramancer and adjustments are possible. In soloQ using shouts might be useful.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_D/F_Aeromancer is the air build, but also adjustable.

Weaver is viable, but not optimal. As it used to be most of the time during PoF. Fire condition damage got heavily nerfed, so most people either play full water bunkers with S/F or Lightning Rod with D/F. Dagger offhand can be used, but... might be objectively a little weaker (projectile hate!), but if you have fun with it, go for it. Condi rev kinda fills the same role as water weaver but significantly better. Rangers have better decap capabilities. Holo has better team fight potential than Lightning Rod.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_D/F_Lightning_Rod for lightning rod. The water build is not on metabattle anymore, can't bother clicking the build together myself. But I guess you know it since you played weaver in PVP before.

Officially today I gave up on ele...it's just healbot again .....to do any sort of dmg you must be full glass cannon with paper armor and close to zero sustain..meanwhile you have professions who get to be tanks while dealing glass cannon damage

I haven't got anymore the patience to go through all the circus parade to deal any sort of dmg, I'll stick to ranger/guardian and warrior...there I can 1v1 while watching youtube on my 2nd screen, I can press 3 buttons on my ranger build and will eat like 50% of your HP without even facing you and from distance...

Had enough man...you go around with : 2200 power - 220 crit dmg and 42% crit chance, you go and face a reaper, your 25s CD something skill will deal 2-3k dmg on average...the reaper while having 2x more HP and armor than you does F1-5-4 and 70% of your health is gone....screw that , been doing this BS for the last 8 years now

Your sustain doesn't come from the class mechanic....it comes from bunker stats and this asinine community thinks that's ok...like all other professions would not be tank if they'd go around with 800-1k healing power.

P.S Yeah man I was ele in GW1 too, that was actually a great class to play : searing flame- invoke lightning - shockwave - winter embrace etc etc , that was an actual caster class with access to elemental magic....this one in gw2 is nothing more than a healbot with kitchen knives

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@Aria Lliane.8693 said:I play Ele since 2006 (gw1)Since Tempest came out I've been playing tempest.I don't recommend anyone to play Tempest.

@Arheundel.6451 said:Yes...there will be always the try hard using some sort of offensive ele but....why put so much effort in a stupid videogame when you here to relax/have fun? Just play a guardian, a ranger or necro or engi.....

I've seen many people ditch Ele for other classes. I don't blame them. I feel the same way, I'm just too stubborn.

Don't play Ele.Unless you have some sort of obsession with the class like the Tempests you see in gold+Yes I'm one of them.

Currently the only positive about Eles is some CC and revive, you will see that any build has tornado ulti and glyph of revival, but yet again... kind of useless in the end if you are a 2 trick class.

As a weaver, and per the current state of the game, you will be able to make your foes float for a long time, that is your main trick.

i made it to plat using tempest dude, you can totally make it work. Past plat its another world i guess tho

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Either Anet hates Ele or doesn't know how to balance them.

Weaver doesn't have anything decent since Stability was removed from stances. Twist of fate was laughably nerfed. And Obsidian Flesh became just another mist form but worse. It's literally a class that has to devote all of their attacks to melee, and yet they don't get any type of sustain for it.

Core Ele seriously needs a buff to compete. They can dance around and be annoying to enemies, but the truth really hurts when you realize Ranger can do better damage from a safe distance away. Holo has enough boons and superspeed to last them a lifetime. They even have kits that are way better than trying to conjure an ele weapon. Lastly, warriors have both better sustain and better damage. I would say warriors are the most like ele's given the way they attack. Stun-damage-stun-damage. But warriors just do it better. If you want to be a damage dealing pvper, just pick another class at this point.

Tempest is the only decent build now. Shocking how the Ele community asked for tempests to be as good as Firebrand's. Little did everyone know, they had to trade weaver's efficacy in order to get it.

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Tempest is perfectly fine - healing, sustain, CC.Core and weaver are meh, all builds (LR, sword, DD) are good in some things, but why would you pick them when there are other classes that do those things better, lol.If youre connoisseur of ele class sure, check it out, its 'viable'. Just dont expect it to be meta (except tempest ofc).

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