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DPS meter policy needs to be revised

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You can thank Blizzard for the dps meters. They ran their players off and now they are coming in droves. Fact is this isn't wow nor will it ever be. DPS means nothing here due to the simple fact we do not have class roles.

Also a tip for the unexperienced. Having glass cannons in a fractal party is a terrible idea. The easy way to do fractals is simply have the highest sustained suvivalbility class.

ie: Healing bunker rev, Bunker restore guard, Life force reapers*1

*1 : good alternatives are healer warriors, and shattering heal mesmers

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@Javelin.7960 said:

@Fallesafe.5932 said:

@Panda.1967 said:You don't seem to be grasping the problem here.

The issue is that people who want to be DPS meter jockies join casual groups and disrupt their runs with their DPS meter spam and harassment. And yes, there are people who don't use DPS meters who join hardcore runs and disrupt their enjoyment as well. This is an issue on both ends. The proposed solution is actually a win-win for both sides.

But, once again... this is a made-up concern that people are blowing air into for the sake of the thread. Nobody is joining casual groups and harassing people over their DPS. It doesn't happen. I pugged fractals from 1 to 100 over six months and never heard ANYBODY say ANYTHING to another player about their DPS. This is about as substantive as the "privacy invasion" argument.

It never happened to me ≠ it never happens.

I've been playing this game since launch day. I've never gotten a precursor drop. No one has never gotten a precursor drop. Doesn't make sense, does it?

You're basically calling everyone in this thread who says they have experienced this behavior a liar. If that's what you think, why bother responding at all?

Nice misrepresentation. I'm saying it's obviously RARE enough that you can play hours a day, for six straight months, and never encounter it. In other words, an utter non-issue.

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All people who are afraid of losing their spy tool keep forgettin (or chose to forget) that when BGDM was live, it worked exactly like this. You were supposed to connect to one shared server for your group before you could see each other numbers. What I ask for is to enforce this rule for ArcDPS and allow me to choose whether I want my dps to be seen or not.

People who are fixated about numbers can keep doing this, the only difference is you should ask people to share their dps during play. If they refuse, you simply kick them even before you start playing (assuming this is your party).

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@Fallesafe.5932 said:The only reason somebody would have an issue with this is if they wanted to hide their poor performance.

What you do when you join a group is the business of the whole group (since everyone's time and effort are involved). It's not a matter of "privacy" to go AFK and let everyone else do the work. It's not a matter of "privacy" to be ignorant of the fight mechanics. And it isn't a matter of privacy to do 1/4 of the damage you should be doing to pull your weight.

DPS-meters only have value, as diagnostic tools, in context of the group. For example... I joined a T4, Thaumanova-Reactor group that was wiping over and over to Subject 6. The DPS-meter showed that everybody was doing less than 2500 dps (horrendous). So instead of wasting any more time, I wished everyone "good luck" and left. What good would it have done me to only know that my numbers were ok?

We have every right to know when we're involved in hopeless groups. There's no "privacy" issue whatsoever. It's a red-herring. Your name, address, phone-number, etc... those are actual privacy issues.

There is nothing clever about ASSUMING the worst about people!

Many of us understand rotations, mechanics, and our profession. We simply do not WANT YOU to tell us how to play. Nor do we care about your numbers.Benchmark all you want it wasn't how the game was designed or intended.Keep it to yourself, I simply do not want to hear about HOW EPIC you are!

BAN DPS METERS or BAN THE PLAYERS sharing it with others in game!

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@Javelin.7960 said:So it's a complete non-issue, for someone who's never experienced the issue. Got it.

I've also never seen it happen. It just seems like there were a handful of cases where it did happen, and the people it happened to were sensitive people who took it to heart and think we're all evil arcdps overlords who want to put them in the hamster wheel and spin. But it's not the norm, from my experiences. If you want, we can all conduct a study, and we'll all run 100 fracts etc. and do garbage damage, then we'll tally up the amount of times we were called out on it.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:All people who are afraid of losing their spy tool keep forgettin (or chose to forget) that when BGDM was live, it worked exactly like this. You were supposed to connect to one shared server for your group before you could see each other numbers. What I ask for is to enforce this rule for ArcDPS and allow me to choose whether I want my dps to be seen or not.

People who are fixated about numbers can keep doing this, the only difference is you should ask people to share their dps during play. If they refuse, you simply kick them even before you start playing (assuming this is your party).

Fun fact BGDM allowed for actual spying without consent ie gear check and a lot of other invasive perks so I wouldn’t be toting the BGDM as the holy grail, just saying and BGDM would guesstimate the players not using its dps so even then you could have an idea of the dps of players without it. Arcdps uses real data that is not owned by any one player and is not spying on others.

Go read all my previous replies for the solution to your problems both real and highly hypothetical.

And one more time combat data is not yours so it’s not just Your DPS it is the groups, if you want it to be just your dps don’t Group with others.

I can keep correcting more misinformation

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

@Kheldorn.5123 said:All people who are afraid of losing their spy tool keep forgettin (or chose to forget) that when BGDM was live, it worked exactly like this. You were supposed to connect to one shared server for your group before you could see each other numbers. What I ask for is to enforce this rule for ArcDPS and allow me to choose whether I want my dps to be seen or not.

People who are fixated about numbers can keep doing this, the only difference is you should ask people to share their dps during play. If they refuse, you simply kick them even before you start playing (assuming this is your party).

Fun fact BGDM allowed for actual spying without consent ie gear check and a lot of other invasive perks so I wouldn’t be toting the BGDM as the holy grail, just saying and BGDM would guesstimate the players not using its dps so even then you could have an idea of the dps of players without it. Arcdps uses real data that is not owned by any one player and is not spying on others.

Go read all my previous replies for the solution to your problems both real and highly hypothetical.

And one more time combat data is not
so it’s not just Your DPS it is the groups, if you want it to be just your dps don’t Group with others.

I can keep correcting more misinformation

This why BGDM and its creator are banned now. Focus on what I am saying instead of nitpicking.

I already answered multiple times to your "solutions" and explained why you are wrong.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:All people who are afraid of losing their spy tool keep forgettin (or chose to forget) that when BGDM was live, it worked exactly like this. You were supposed to connect to one shared server for your group before you could see each other numbers. What I ask for is to enforce this rule for ArcDPS and allow me to chose whether I want my dps to be seen or not.

People who are fixated about numbers can keep doing this, the only difference is you should ask people to share their dps during play. If they refuse, you simply kick them even before you start playing (assuming this is your party).

How is it so hard to get people to respond to the suggestion Kheldorn is making? This entire thread reads like a group of people who hate DPS meters, vs those who like them. OP never suggested DPS meters be banned. Very few of the posters who have come down on the side of restricting them, think that either, yet nearly everyone on the pro-meter side is responding as though that was the suggestion.

Because it's hard to make a rational argument against his moderate position, and easier to construct a straw man extreme position, pretend that's what he wants, and argue against that instead? Sure looks that way to me.

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@Fallesafe.5932 said:

@Javelin.7960 said:

@Fallesafe.5932 said:

@Panda.1967 said:You don't seem to be grasping the problem here.

The issue is that people who want to be DPS meter jockies join casual groups and disrupt their runs with their DPS meter spam and harassment. And yes, there are people who don't use DPS meters who join hardcore runs and disrupt their enjoyment as well. This is an issue on both ends. The proposed solution is actually a win-win for both sides.

But, once again... this is a made-up concern that people are blowing air into for the sake of the thread. Nobody is joining casual groups and harassing people over their DPS. It doesn't happen. I pugged fractals from 1 to 100 over six months and never heard ANYBODY say ANYTHING to another player about their DPS. This is about as substantive as the "privacy invasion" argument.

It never happened to me ≠ it never happens.

I've been playing this game since launch day. I've never gotten a precursor drop. No one has never gotten a precursor drop. Doesn't make sense, does it?

You're basically calling everyone in this thread who says they have experienced this behavior a liar. If that's what you think, why bother responding at all?

Nice misrepresentation. I'm saying it's obviously RARE enough that you can play hours a day, for six straight months, and never encounter it. In other words, an utter non-issue.

Nothing better than knowing that the hammer is far from hit the nail.

You might want to go back re-read your opening statement.You never once acknowledge, rare occasion, you shot from the waist down and just assumed anyone who is against DPS Meters are just underperforming.

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@Larenc.1269 said:You can thank Blizzard for the dps meters. They ran their players off and now they are coming in droves. Fact is this isn't wow nor will it ever be. DPS means nothing here due to the simple fact we do not have class roles.

Yet I've never played WoW and have been playing this game for over 4 years now...

DPS means nothing here due to the simple fact we do not have class roles.

Those two things aren't even logically connected. And yes, DPS does still make a difference in this game. Especially in raids.

Also a tip for the unexperienced. Having glass cannons in a fractal party is a terrible idea. The easy way to do fractals is simply have the highest sustained suvivalbility class.

ie: Healing bunker rev, Bunker restore guard, Life force reapers*1

*1 : good alternatives are healer warriors, and shattering heal mesmers

I feel like this is a joke. Honestly, I'm hoping that it's just going over my head...

I've also never seen it happen. It just seems like there were a handful of cases where it did happen, and the people it happened to were sensitive people who took it to heart and think we're all evil arcdps overlords who want to put them in the hamster wheel and spin. But it's not the norm, from my experiences. If you want, we can all conduct a study, and we'll all run 100 fracts etc. and do garbage damage, then we'll tally up the amount of times we were called out on it.

It seems to be some of the same few people having loads of problems, and most people having had perfectly fine experiences or maybe 1-2 people in their time doing high level fractals. I generally assume it comes more down to the players having issues then everyone else; if everyone you meet is an asshole, you might want to look in the mirror.

As it sits, DPS meters are fine.

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@"Diak Atoli.2085" said:I'm a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

I understand their value, and I appreciate the information they can provide. I like knowing that I'm capable of a certain level of effectiveness, or if that's not true, that I can do better with some changes. I also understand their ability to warp perception. DPS meters seem to increase the level of toxicity of this 'Burn! Burn! Burn!' mentality, where only specific builds doing a specific amount of damage are considered to be even playable.

What does it matter if two players are doing 40,000 dps, two are doing 30,000 dps, and one is doing 20,000 dps on a boss when 10,000 or 15,000 dps across all five would clear it in a reasonable time?

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a correct answer, or that some outliers on both sides of the argument can even understand the opposing viewpoint. As such, I'll simply repeat my opinion.

I am a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

There is a correct answer.

DPS meters are fine, there's no such thing as "private" in an MMO, that's just silly to even say.

Just more excuses from people who don't want to be accountable when other players are relying on them.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

@Kheldorn.5123 said:All people who are afraid of losing their spy tool keep forgettin (or chose to forget) that when BGDM was live, it worked exactly like this. You were supposed to connect to one shared server for your group before you could see each other numbers. What I ask for is to enforce this rule for ArcDPS and allow me to choose whether I want my dps to be seen or not.

People who are fixated about numbers can keep doing this, the only difference is you should ask people to share their dps during play. If they refuse, you simply kick them even before you start playing (assuming this is your party).

Fun fact BGDM allowed for actual spying without consent ie gear check and a lot of other invasive perks so I wouldn’t be toting the BGDM as the holy grail, just saying and BGDM would guesstimate the players not using its dps so even then you could have an idea of the dps of players without it. Arcdps uses real data that is not owned by any one player and is not spying on others.

Go read all my previous replies for the solution to your problems both real and highly hypothetical.

And one more time combat data is not
so it’s not just Your DPS it is the groups, if you want it to be just your dps don’t Group with others.

I can keep correcting more misinformation

This why BGDM and its creator are banned now. Focus on what I am saying instead of nitpicking.

I already answered multiple times to your "solutions" and explained why you are wrong.

No you tried making excuses with highl suspect hypothetical situations. People that use DPS Meters to be toxic most likely will never join groups where the LFG states no Meters since the Toxic Player will want to try and ensure higher success rate, pretty simple concept.

Again you keep toting BGDM which gave information on players without it to the people with it, fun facts like estimated dps and so onyou keep bringing up BGDM as the Hail Mary not me.

Again it takes 3 people to kick you from your own party and if you post your LFG no Meters guess what you most likely won’t get players that are toxic with Meters so even if one did join and thy start to be a kitten I bet those other 2 pugs will vote to kick that player not you, again I am saying this another time since it is an extremely simple concept. One more time Combat Data doesn’t belong to you in any group setting so there is zero privacy invasion, feel like that needs to be stated yet again as another very simple concept.

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@Ahlen.7591 said:

@"Diak Atoli.2085" said:I'm a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

I understand their value, and I appreciate the information they can provide. I like knowing that I'm capable of a certain level of effectiveness, or if that's not true, that I can do better with some changes. I also understand their ability to warp perception. DPS meters seem to increase the level of toxicity of this 'Burn! Burn! Burn!' mentality, where only specific builds doing a specific amount of damage are considered to be even playable.

What does it matter if two players are doing 40,000 dps, two are doing 30,000 dps, and one is doing 20,000 dps on a boss when 10,000 or 15,000 dps across all five would clear it in a reasonable time?

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a correct answer, or that some outliers on both sides of the argument can even understand the opposing viewpoint. As such, I'll simply repeat my opinion.

I am a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

There is a correct answer.

DPS meters are fine, there's no such thing as "private" in an MMO, that's just silly to even say.

Just more excuses from people who don't want to be accountable when other players are relying on them.

Did you just use the word ACCOUNTABLE over a VIDEO GAME?I never got the impression when I picked up GW2 as a player in needed to be a perfectionist.

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@Fermi.2409 said:

@Larenc.1269 said:You can thank Blizzard for the dps meters. They ran their players off and now they are coming in droves. Fact is this isn't wow nor will it ever be. DPS means nothing here due to the simple fact we do not have class roles.

Yet I've never played WoW and have been playing this game for over 4 years now...

DPS means nothing here due to the simple fact we do not have class roles.

Those two things aren't even logically connected. And yes, DPS does still make a difference in this game. Especially in raids.

Also a tip for the unexperienced. Having glass cannons in a fractal party is a terrible idea. The easy way to do fractals is simply have the highest sustained suvivalbility class.

ie: Healing bunker rev, Bunker restore guard, Life force reapers*1

*1 : good alternatives are healer warriors, and shattering heal mesmers

I feel like this is a joke. Honestly, I'm hoping that it's just going over my head...

I've also never seen it happen. It just seems like there were a handful of cases where it did happen, and the people it happened to were sensitive people who took it to heart and think we're all evil arcdps overlords who want to put them in the hamster wheel and spin. But it's not the norm, from my experiences. If you want, we can all conduct a study, and we'll all run 100 fracts etc. and do garbage damage, then we'll tally up the amount of times we were called out on it.

It seems to be some of the same few people having loads of problems, and most people having had perfectly fine experiences or maybe 1-2 people in their time doing high level fractals. I generally assume it comes more down to the players having issues then everyone else; if everyone you meet is an kitten, you might want to look in the mirror.

As it sits, DPS meters are fine.

This is beyond DPS Meter, it's obviously more about a play style seeing as you consider it a laughing matter.

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@Rhanoa.3960 said:

@Ahlen.7591 said:

@"Diak Atoli.2085" said:I'm a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

I understand their value, and I appreciate the information they can provide. I like knowing that I'm capable of a certain level of effectiveness, or if that's not true, that I can do better with some changes. I also understand their ability to warp perception. DPS meters seem to increase the level of toxicity of this 'Burn! Burn! Burn!' mentality, where only specific builds doing a specific amount of damage are considered to be even playable.

What does it matter if two players are doing 40,000 dps, two are doing 30,000 dps, and one is doing 20,000 dps on a boss when 10,000 or 15,000 dps across all five would clear it in a reasonable time?

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a correct answer, or that some outliers on both sides of the argument can even understand the opposing viewpoint. As such, I'll simply repeat my opinion.

I am a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

There is a correct answer.

DPS meters are fine, there's no such thing as "private" in an MMO, that's just silly to even say.

Just more excuses from people who don't want to be accountable when other players are relying on them.

Did you just use the word ACCOUNTABLE over a VIDEO GAME?I never got the impression when I picked up GW2 as a player in needed to be a perfectionist.

Yes, you are accountable to the REAL PEOPLE that you play the game with. There is another person on the other side of that game.

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I haven't done any dungeons, etc. since I came back to the game recently and there weren't raids when I originally played so I don't have experience with this in this game. Saying DPS meters is a privacy issue seems a little extreme, but also saying you either like DPS meters or you expect to be carried is very dichotomous thinking imo. LFG stating no meters seems like a good idea. From my experience in other games DPS meters can lead down a more toxic path for grouping and discourages, in my opinion, unique gameplay (and no I don't think unique always = bad playstyle). Just because someone isn't focused on being the best of the best doesn't mean they are getting carried either. But as stated by someone else this discussion isn't even about removing DPS meters.

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There is nothing highly suspect or hypothetical about trolling in video games. It's a well known, thoroughly understood facet of anonymous online behavior. People do it, they will go well out of their way to do it. It's not rational within the confines of the game world, and to suggest that a troll would avoid trolling unless it also improved their chances of success in said game world.....I'm willing to bet most everyone reading this has been deliberately team killed in a game before, so how can that possibly be true?

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@Ahlen.7591 said:

@Rhanoa.3960 said:

@Ahlen.7591 said:

@"Diak Atoli.2085" said:I'm a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

I understand their value, and I appreciate the information they can provide. I like knowing that I'm capable of a certain level of effectiveness, or if that's not true, that I can do better with some changes. I also understand their ability to warp perception. DPS meters seem to increase the level of toxicity of this 'Burn! Burn! Burn!' mentality, where only specific builds doing a specific amount of damage are considered to be even playable.

What does it matter if two players are doing 40,000 dps, two are doing 30,000 dps, and one is doing 20,000 dps on a boss when 10,000 or 15,000 dps across all five would clear it in a reasonable time?

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a correct answer, or that some outliers on both sides of the argument can even understand the opposing viewpoint. As such, I'll simply repeat my opinion.

I am a private person. I do not like current DPS meters.

There is a correct answer.

DPS meters are fine, there's no such thing as "private" in an MMO, that's just silly to even say.

Just more excuses from people who don't want to be accountable when other players are relying on them.

Did you just use the word ACCOUNTABLE over a VIDEO GAME?I never got the impression when I picked up GW2 as a player in needed to be a perfectionist.

Yes, you are accountable to the REAL PEOPLE that you play the game with. There is another person on the other side of that game.

I must have missed that advertisement?

Actually, it's not even listed in Rules of Conduct!

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@Panda.1967 said:

@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:But what will you do about people who can estimate your contribution by looking at your rotation and buff panel. Aka the majority of players that care enough to use dps meter.

Wow... that is the biggest piece of misinformation I have ever seen... it's so wrong it's laughable. The number of people who can estimate someone's contribution by looking at their buffs and observing the attacks they can see, are far from a majority... they are as far from a majority as you can possibly even get. We're talking less than 1% of 1% here.

You don't need to be a minmax elitist to see wrong status effects and wrong or missing buffs on people. Or to see PS warrior spinning with double axe and then swap to rifle.

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@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

@Panda.1967 said:

@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:But what will you do about people who can estimate your contribution by looking at your rotation and buff panel. Aka the majority of players that care enough to use dps meter.

Wow... that is the biggest piece of misinformation I have ever seen... it's so wrong it's laughable. The number of people who can estimate someone's contribution by looking at their buffs and observing the attacks they can see, are far from a majority... they are as far from a majority as you can possibly even get. We're talking less than 1% of 1% here.

You don't need to be a minmax elitist to see wrong status effects and wrong or missing buffs on people. Or to see PS warrior spinning with double axe and then swap to rifle.

All of these are in game functions provided and supported by developer. ArcDPS is 3rd party tool.

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@Fallesafe.5932 said:The only reason somebody would have an issue with this is if they wanted to hide their poor performance.

What you do when you join a group is the business of the whole group (since everyone's time and effort are involved). It's not a matter of "privacy" to go AFK and let everyone else do the work. It's not a matter of "privacy" to be ignorant of the fight mechanics. And it isn't a matter of privacy to do 1/4 of the damage you should be doing to pull your weight.

DPS-meters only have value, as diagnostic tools, in context of the group. For example... I joined a T4, Thaumanova-Reactor group that was wiping over and over to Subject 6. The DPS-meter showed that everybody was doing less than 2500 dps (horrendous). So instead of wasting any more time, I wished everyone "good luck" and left. What good would it have done me to only know that my numbers were ok?

We have every right to know when we're involved in hopeless groups. There's no "privacy" issue whatsoever. It's a red-herring. Your name, address, phone-number, etc... those are actual privacy issues.

Bullshit. Just because it's the only reason you can think of doesn't mean it's actually the only reason why people would be against dps meters.

Some people who are good at the game just want to play and not be hounded by try hards who think their way to play is the only way to play.

The situation you describe DID NOT require a dps meter for you to come to the conclusion that the group was bad. Basic common sense could tell you that.

Let's try this. The only reason people want dps meters for is so they can lord their god tier damage over plebs because being the best at a casual video game is all they have going on in their lives.

Strawman arguments are fun.

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@Panda.1967 said:

@VaaCrow.3076 said:Have you considered that i don't care about someone being sensitive, or that someone has a "thin skin" or is easily offended, or if someone has issues etc. And i don't believe that everyone should be given respect just because they're a human being, respect is EARNED, not given. As for being positive, you do you.

Actually, respect is given, not earned. A little fact of reality. People who believe respect is earned, not given, expect others to respect them before they in turn respect others. That's a one-sided exchange, they expect others to GIVE them respect before they GIVE respect back. It is in fact given, not earned. I'm sure you've heard it said before as well "if you expect others to respect you, you must show them respect first". Yeah, it's given.

Nonsense, i don't respect people based on nothing, i respect them based on deeds and how they handle things, i do not give it out, people earn it. as for if people respect me? who gives a kitten what other people think about me, earning respect is the only way to get respect, you do not get it for nothing.

For example, i have no respect for you or your opinion, i think it is utter self serving safe space rubbish that should be eradicated because it is making people in modern society pathetically soft and incapable of dealing with the harsh realities of life.

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