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Lack of players suddenly?


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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:i can't speak for everyone, but my interest drastically declined when they introduced 2v2s, then took it away. it was so much fun, it just killed my vibe entirely. Then they brought 3v3 but only for 2 weeks. After I read it was only 2 weeks I didn't even bother with it. Lastly, i'm finding it difficult to enjoy my main class anymore. I started playing again last week and at least in NA Gold 3 and Plat 1, there was enough people for me to get competitive games going. Most of my matches seemed very fair.

PSA: even the 2v2s were only supposed to be 2 weeks at a time. It's called a mini season.

I know. The fact that it's not permanent put me off. The fact that the duration was only 2 to 3 weeks ruined it completely for me.

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  • 4 months later...

The games dead, most players u see are new players trying it out in pve, pvp is dead as a game can be, erana always has 2 maybe 3 players in it unless its prime time, then there's like 7 lol. Long q times and u can see the same players 4 matches in a row. Anet neglected this game and its potential to such a great degree I have 0 clue as to why ncsoft hasn't closed it yet.the team has zero direction and the game gets less than the bare minimum support. Players cling to the hope of the new expac but good luck.

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I've played PvP for many years--thru good and bad METAs.

I have played 7 matches this year alone (placement), and it was enough for me take up PvE full time. What a sh*t show pvp has become. From AFK/Text warriors/Bots/Match throwers/Balance issues--there isnt anything there worth dealing with it. Sticking with PvE until EOD+

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@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's for a lot of reasons, most of which have already been said here so i'll just elaborate somewhat.

•The Meta Is Boring - The Feb 25th patch was very controversial, and whether you like it or hate it you can probably agree that it was too experimental to dump on us, only for it to hardly be tweaked since. As it came into the game; we were even assured that things would be broken for a while, by the one largely responsible for the patch. There's like no urgency to fix anything though, and promises for a quicker balance patch cadence weren't met.Just nerfing and removing as many options as possible isn't very fun or exciting either.

•Ranked is a mess - Just, every part of it is a mess. Not talking about the meta or OP builds, but it's fundamentally broken and outdated on so many levels that it'd take up this entire thread and many more to talk about.

•Hackers and Bots - Apparently a big problem right now. I hardly ever see bots, and I've never seen a hacker in my time playing, but there's pretty solid evidence that they do exist in Ranked right now.So people are either right that it is an issue, or its the new scapegoat for people actively contributing to PvP's decline... or both.

•Dwindling population - It's a self perpetuating problem. A lot of PvP's problems are owed to its small population and inability to function with small numbers.As people leave, a lot of these problems and more rise to the surface; such as bad matchmaking and bots, which in turn causes more people to leave.

•Toxic community - Constantly at eachother's throats and rewarded for doing so. You can afk in Ranked, doing absolutely nothing or the bare minimum, and get paid for doing it(It's even one of the best moneymakers in the entire game!)The 'pros' don't really do much to help it either. Wintrading, Metagaming, and matchfixing and they get light penalties for doing them, so they just go and do it all over again. A lot of the people who are supposed to represent the 'pro'-scene for this game also do hardly anything but complain about it, and even then it's never constructive. They'll just pop in to say "X-Profession killed me, pls nerf" or stream themselves playing Ranked or ATs and constantly whine the entire time that "X-Profession is so busted dude, like why" which naturally sparks like 10-15 different threads all parroting the same thing.Nasty to gatekeep the leaderboard with a bunch of alts too. That just shouldn't be allowed.

People are just starting to get tired of and wise to what's going on. Less people are ignoring these problems, and are instead moving on to PvP in other games that aren't as busted and toxic.

@Hot Boy.7138 said:i can't speak for everyone, but my interest drastically declined when they introduced 2v2s, then took it away. it was so much fun, it just killed my vibe entirely. Then they brought 3v3 but only for 2 weeks. After I read it was only 2 weeks I didn't even bother with it. Lastly, i'm finding it difficult to enjoy my main class anymore. I started playing again last week and at least in NA Gold 3 and Plat 1, there was enough people for me to get competitive games going. Most of my matches seemed very fair.

Also good news, 2v2 and 3v3 aren't gone. They're going to be rotating mini-season gamemodes afaik. =)

@UNOwen.7132 said:The february 25 patch was a catastrophic disaster, and were just living through the consequences.

It could have been something good. If they actually finished it... toning down the damage was supposed to be the first step. Now we're stuck in an experimental half-done rework, but this time its not only an elite specialisation or a temporary gamemode, this time it's THE ENTIRE PVP EXPERIENCE.No clear deadlines or release schedule, no communication, only uncertainty. You need the customers trust to make them stuck around like this, but with how they handled this game for the last few years, that thing is just not there anymore. This rework was their last shot at fixing PvP and they pretty much blew it by taking their sweet time. By the time it's done(if they even bother to finish it properly, with all the steps CMC initally mentioned), hardly anyone will play the gamemode anyway.Nothing short of a new expansion pack can save PvP now.

Nah, toning down damage as much as they did was the big mistake. After that, the only way the patch could be saved was to undo the whole thing and admit it was an error.

as much as nerfing dmg can go overboard it was necessary to nerf some of the powercreep classes like mes could 1 shot and getting ez oneshots on soulbeast was way too easy along with mobility. TTk shouldn't be that low in my opinion.

Low ttk/ Spam of CCs with damage and insta stealth with no downsides as mobility is one of the reasons i dislike pvp in this game. Back during Hot when TTK wasn't so high, but you still had time to kill, it was good.

Now we got pof classes still some classes defenses nerfed its a mess.

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@Axl.8924 said:as much as nerfing dmg can go overboard it was necessary to nerf some of the powercreep classes like mes could 1 shot and getting ez oneshots on soulbeast was way too easy along with mobility. TTk shouldn't be that low in my opinion.

Low ttk/ Spam of CCs with damage and insta stealth with no downsides as mobility is one of the reasons i dislike pvp in this game. Back during Hot when TTK wasn't so high, but you still had time to kill, it was good.

Now we got pof classes still some classes defenses nerfed its a mess.

Powercreep honestly happens with nerfs and buffs. People usually just beg for nerfs because they think if their hard counters get nerfed it will make them a mechanically better player.

Whether you buff or nerf, the changes that come with balance patches can create all new powercreepin' outliers.

Not saying this is the case now at all so don't kill me, but in the months following the Feb 25th patch Necro had a lot of skills that either weren't nerfed at all or on the same scale as a lot of the other classes and it became one of the strongest meta picks for months after.Same with some Ranger pets getting overlooked. Why build max zerker stats to do a combo for 6k damage and then die if I can just take a pet that deals 3k damage on autos to somebody with 3,367 armor rating and protection?

Again, these were both fixed. Please don't hire a bitcoin stalker to come and get me. I just think these were good examples of how gamewide nerfs aren't the miracle solution to powercreep like people think they are.The potential for powercreep is there when buffing or nerfing. The only difference is a buff is usually an addition that adds more options to the game whereas a nerf is the exact opposite.

...Unless it's a creative nerf like a tradeoff. Imo; the best nerfs, but bad news there. Lowering coefficients, removing things, and increasing cooldowns isn't very creative. My younger brother screaming at Call of Duty in the other room right now could have thought of that.

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@Mouse.7382 said:I've played PvP for many years--thru good and bad METAs.

I have played 7 matches this year alone (placement), and it was enough for me take up PvE full time. What a kitten show pvp has become. From AFK/Text warriors/Bots/Match throwers/Balance issues--there isnt anything there worth dealing with it. Sticking with PvE until EOD+

OR, you can do what I did and try out WvW. The game mode where you can actually do stuff solo and you are not glued to other 4 random players and forced to be better than the other 5 people. Or if you are in a group there is an actual way to communicate with them (usually discord/ts) if you don't want to talk - don't. Just follow what the commander tells you. Basically, there is a lot more freedom AND it's less stressful.

Sincerely yours, player who got tired of pvp, tried fractals, got to T4 thinking it will become more interesting, got bored and is now enjoying WvW.

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@FyzE.3472 said:

@Mouse.7382 said:I've played PvP for many years--thru good and bad METAs.

I have played 7 matches this year alone (placement), and it was enough for me take up PvE full time. What a kitten show pvp has become. From AFK/Text warriors/Bots/Match throwers/Balance issues--there isnt anything there worth dealing with it. Sticking with PvE until EOD+

OR, you can do what I did and try out WvW. The game mode where you can actually do stuff solo and you are not glued to other 4 random players and forced to be better than the other 5 people. Or if you are in a group there is an actual way to communicate with them (usually discord/ts) if you don't want to talk - don't. Just follow what the commander tells you. Basically, there is a lot more freedom AND it's less stressful.

Sincerely yours, player who got tired of pvp, tried fractals, got to T4 thinking it will become more interesting, got bored and is now enjoying WvW.

I've done WvW off and on, anytime I needed a GOB or Warclaw, I completed the track. The last time I was in WvW, was to aquire the new Legendary item.

I did enjoy WvW for a time (BlackGate NA), but I got burned from it because of:

  1. I love to solo, and was finding it difficult to do so. People rarely solo'ed and LOTS of other solo's jumped in OR the zerg stream rolled us.
  2. It seemed that when I joined a zerg, most of the times, the leaders (our and theirs) just wanted to flip camps, and not engage in fights.
  3. Countless times in the zerg, you could here in discord how people had alts and would 'cheat' with opposing sides via other com channels.
  4. I like small havoc groups, but either do to when I was able to log on--it seems I could never find a group.
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@Mouse.7382 said:

@Mouse.7382 said:I've played PvP for many years--thru good and bad METAs.

I have played 7 matches this year alone (placement), and it was enough for me take up PvE full time. What a kitten show pvp has become. From AFK/Text warriors/Bots/Match throwers/Balance issues--there isnt anything there worth dealing with it. Sticking with PvE until EOD+

OR, you can do what I did and try out WvW. The game mode where you can actually do stuff solo and you are not glued to other 4 random players and forced to be better than the other 5 people. Or if you are in a group there is an actual way to communicate with them (usually discord/ts) if you don't want to talk - don't. Just follow what the commander tells you. Basically, there is a lot more freedom AND it's less stressful.

Sincerely yours, player who got tired of pvp, tried fractals, got to T4 thinking it will become more interesting, got bored and is now enjoying WvW.

I've done WvW off and on, anytime I needed a GOB or Warclaw, I completed the track. The last time I was in WvW, was to aquire the new Legendary item.

I did enjoy WvW for a time (BlackGate NA), but I got burned from it because of:
  1. I love to solo, and was finding it difficult to do so. People rarely solo'ed and LOTS of other solo's jumped in OR the zerg stream rolled us.
  2. It seemed that when I joined a zerg, most of the times, the leaders (our and theirs) just wanted to flip camps, and not engage in fights.
  3. Countless times in the zerg, you could here in discord how people had alts and would 'cheat' with opposing sides via other com channels.
  4. I like small havoc groups, but either do to when I was able to log on--it seems I could never find a group.

Yeah I get way you are saying. I am working on convincing my friends to come back to the game so we can try and fight zergs. Just today me and a few other intelligent people in my Zerg got absolutely destroyed by what felt like the best elementalist, fb and necro in the world. They were so coordinated that they ended up breaking apart our Zerg and beat all of us. Now I want to reach that level.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Axl.8924 said:as much as nerfing dmg can go overboard it was necessary to nerf some of the powercreep classes like mes could 1 shot and getting ez oneshots on soulbeast was way too easy along with mobility. TTk shouldn't be that low in my opinion.

Low ttk/ Spam of CCs with damage and insta stealth with no downsides as mobility is one of the reasons i dislike pvp in this game. Back during Hot when TTK wasn't so high, but you still had time to kill, it was good.

Now we got pof classes still some classes defenses nerfed its a mess.

Powercreep honestly happens with nerfs and buffs. People usually just beg for nerfs because they think if their hard counters get nerfed it will make them a mechanically better player.

Whether you buff or nerf, the changes that come with balance patches can create all new powercreepin' outliers.

Not saying this is the case now at all so don't kill me, but in the months following the Feb 25th patch Necro had a lot of skills that either weren't nerfed at all or on the same scale as a lot of the other classes and it became one of the strongest meta picks for months after.Same with some Ranger pets getting overlooked. Why build max zerker stats to do a combo for 6k damage and then die if I can just take a pet that deals 3k damage on autos to somebody with 3,367 armor rating and protection?

Again, these were both fixed. Please don't hire a bitcoin stalker to come and get me. I just think these were good examples of how gamewide nerfs aren't the miracle solution to powercreep like people think they are.The potential for powercreep is there when buffing or nerfing. The only difference is a buff is usually an addition that adds more options to the game whereas a nerf is the exact opposite.

...Unless it's a creative nerf like a tradeoff. Imo; the best nerfs, but bad news there. Lowering coefficients, removing things, and increasing cooldowns isn't very creative. My younger brother screaming at Call of Duty in the other room right now could have thought of that.

Sure some stuff gets broken in the wrong way by nerfing counters but what i am asking is, What is anet going to do about classes with elites that are mechanically broken to fix them?

They nerfed aoes into the ground because of the width of the aoe effects and how it could be used for controling points for too long.

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@Axl.8924 said:Sure some stuff gets broken in the wrong way by nerfing counters but what i am asking is, What is anet going to do about classes with elites that are mechanically broken to fix them?

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:...Unless it's a creative nerf like a tradeoff. Imo; the best nerfs, but bad news there. Lowering coefficients, removing things, and increasing cooldowns isn't very creative.

That. Applying some sort of downside to picking an elite spec.

Most elite specs already have some sort of tradeoff. There's a few that don't have any at all, or have one that isn't really much of a tradeoff at all due to class mechanics and/or traits that make the elite spec mechanic objectively better than anything core or the other elite spec counterpart could offer.

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