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Festival four winds

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You can also take advantage of the repetitive nature of these Festivals.

The Adventures for example, if you did them in the past, you can run them blind by now with gold rewards. Run them daily and you have 500 tokens in just a few minutes.Got everything unlocked? Use the Weekly vendor to stack up more LW currencies for additional ascended trinkets or legendary collections.

A few hints about the Festival in General:

  • If you plan to restock on Charged Quartz, regular Quartz Crystals may drop in price over the duration of the festival. If you do not want to gather the 25 pieces daily, or lack the time to do so, just get your hands on a couple of cheap stacks once the price drops.
  • Participate in races multiple times. Once you have completed, return to the start point and do it again. The Ace Racer achievement only counts laps, not race-events. If you are fast enough, you can get those 20 extra currency at every race. The Ace Racer also seems to work with the time race, so you can use this as a filler between events.
  • Did Drizzlewood Coast over the past few weeks, your storage is stacking up with useless low-priced materials? Check out the vendors at the Labyrinthine Cliffs, near the ship (water). They exchange all kinds of cheap materials for Zephyrite Supply Boxes.
  • Flying Dolyak (and every guild-race): You can stack up Swiftness Before you start the race. The transformation does not remove your boons, so you can get a speed boost for the race. It is not much, but if you struggle with the completion, it may help you to reach gold.
  • Griffon Adventures: If you happen to hit the water-surface a lot, charge up the booster only once and then release the space-bar. Keep diving downward. Once you reach the right level, release the dive-key as well and you will instantly fly forward and stop diving. Holding the booster (space-bar) does increase speed, but locks your movement for a short moment = cannot abort the dive. If you are too close to the ground, this can be fatal. Tested with both the Adventures, one charge up is enough to reach gold easily. There is no need to charge up twice or even three times.
  • Aspects - Assisted Leap (wind): If you happen to miss the platforms, use the skill without moving and press the arrow-key while in mid air. For most platforms this works great, even during the race.
  • Aspects - Light Dash (sun): The dash can be interrupted by pressing the skill again.
  • Aspects - Lightning Pull (Lightning): The symbol dedicated to this aspects tend to bug out once in a while. This can be really annoying during the Flying Dolyak race. If you want to avoid these cases in general, just use the ability before you reach the symbol on the ground and just use the ground-targeting feature.
  • Aspects - Combo: You can actually activate Lightning Pull while dashing via Light Dash. In this case you will be able to aim the ground-targeting mid-dash. In order to execute the Lightning Pull, you need to wait for the dash to run out. Alternatively you can abort the dash as mentioned above and rapidly press Lightning Pull with your mouse cursor already in position. This combo is extremely useful when you are at the final section of the Flying Dolyak race. Requires a little training though.
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I think the festivals here are nice, and they don't overdo them and run them on a near constant basis like some other MMOs.

I had a blast last night doing festival stuff with my brother, who I don't think had done this festival yet. It's not my favorite festival, but it's optional. So do what you like best. : )

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Weird. Last year when I returned from a long break ... I found the festival to be the best. Halloween is tedious in labyringth (but then again clocktower is fun). Wintersday didn't have much interesting. (But still a fun JP.)

Now I am here ... with most achievements done. Just wanting to do the annuals and dailies. And givine Liadri another try (8 orbs achievement) since I have chars of level 80 for all professions now - to try different stuff.

But not really in the mood to try too much with the gauntlet. I just do skimmer race, dolyak race ... and the dailies. I doubt it will be enough to get 5k for the weekly voucher. (Maybe one. But not every week.) Still ... getting the favors to get the skins and maybe some tokens for the other new skins - that is enough.

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