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What Canthan themed legend would you like to see?


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@Fueki.4753 said:

@draxynnic.3719 said:Okay, so you don't actually want Ritualist.This, again, is
your opinion.
You don't get to decide what Ritualist means to others.Just because you think it doesn't feel like Ritualist, doesn't have to mean anything on how others feels.

It may not feel like Ritualist to you, but Renegade doesn't feel like one to me either.

Then I think the same sentiment right back at you - you don't get to decide what Revenant means to others.

Revenant was never supposed to be a Ritualist stand-in, even less than Guardian is a Monk stand-in. It's its own thing, and deserves to be treated as such rather than getting one "let's shoehorn ritualist playstyles into revenant" elite specialisation after another.

We know which profession was supposed to be the 'successor' to ritualist. It's engineer. Ranged-oriented, stationary summons, has a mechanic that replaces its weapons to change its capabilities (urns reinterpreted into GW2 mechanics), and has mechanics to heal and buff allies. ArenaNet has been pretty upfront - we got ritualist because they wanted an engineer playstyle in GW1 and the setting wasn't technologically advanced enough for it, and now they've advanced the technology enough to bring in actual engineers. Sucks for people who really loved the theme of ritualist, but... that theme is 'works with spirits of the dead'. Necromancer can easily absorb that theme. In GW2, it already HAS been, both in mechanics and fluff (and in GW1, N/Rt and Rt/N were both popular combinations).

And really, the playstyle you're talking about is essentially "buff yourself and go into melee with a squishy, high-risk-high-reward build". Or maybe you're ameliorating that risk by taking defensive skills and relying on high-damage autoattacks for damage - I don't know the specifics of your build. Either way, I don't really see this being something that isn't already offered. And I don't really see much value in a legend stuffed with weapon spells, urns, or even urns and weapon spells (and thus far, neither of you have actually given any mechanics of how they'd work apart from a general 'melee ritualist' theme). And even if they did give it to you... like Kalla, it would be one, specific, skillbar. Load up whichever legend they decide is relevant, be it Togo (who wasn't a Spirit's Strength melee rit, btw) or anyone else, and that's your one set of utilities, which is being combined with whatever core legend it gets combined with. How do you know that's going to please you? Maybe their interpretation will result in a playstyle you don't actually like. Or maybe it will be exactly what you want, but the other guy who wanted a ranged Channeling ritualist is still going to be disappointed, and now the precedent has been set for two Ritualist-standin elite specialisations in a row, they're going to be asking for a third to get what THEY want.

Revenant offers so much more. The theme of drawing from powerful characters who transcend normal professions, and who might not even be humanoid, allows for the usage of unique themes that just don't fit into other professions, while several professions (necromancer, guardian, and ranger just off the top of my head) already share themes with ritualist. I'm much more interested in the potential to come up with something weird and unique out of Zhu Hanuku or Svanir than just copying Ritualist over and over again.

@Dadnir.5038 said:

@draxynnic.3719 said:Seriously, renegade was the closest to ritualist revenant is ever likely to get.This again, like the original point I quoted, is
your own, personal opinion.
It is
from being a fact.

As I pointed out,
other people
have seen, used and felt Ritualist in entirely different ways.It is very well possible to emulate R/A, R/D and R/W melee-focussed Ritualists with Weapon Spells, which would function as temporary, unique personal buffs, like they were in GW1. They wouldn't need to function like Kits or Conjures at all.Urns might be a stretch, but they could function as F-skills, like Firebrand's tomes.
To you,
these play styles might not feel to what Ritualists feels
in your opinion,
but for
these styles would end up feeling significantly closer to Ritualist than Renegade could ever get.

I personally enjoyed my melee Ritualists with 3-4 Weapon skills, and multiple Weapon Spells and much as I enjoyed my pure Caster and Healer Ritualists.

Okay, so you don't actually want Ritualist. You want one of those Rt/(Melee Profession) builds that behave like a (Melee Profession)/Rt, but trade the higher base armour of the melee profession for more damage through Spirit's Strength. Except that you still have the higher armour because revenant is a heavy armour profession.

In which case, I think it's
that the collective "you" would keep complaining, because
people who have been demanding that revenant be turned into ritualist definitely
thinking of a spellcaster-type ritualist.

I still don't think revenant is the right core profession for that sort of thing, because, again, of how it works. Normal operation for revenant to get 'short term unique buffs' is through upkeep skills. Jalis essentially summons a trio of guardian-style spirit weapons, but apparently they don't count. Shiro has an upkeep that
, and used to increase
. Devastation has a set of traits which build up stack that provide
. So what exactly are you expecting that isn't the sort of thing revenant already gets through the regular legends? A right-hand side of the bar full of venom-type skills? I think revenant can do better than that... and I think any such approach would still work better on a regular profession that
choose to have just one or two rather than committing to a whole half-bar of them.

Revenant has more potential than that.

I tend to agree with Fueki there. You're narrowing your view of the GW ritualist to spirits and that's the issue he/she point out.

For me, the revenant is already a ritualist.

Each legend is an urn/ash/item spell specialized into a certain gameplay. Weapon spells have been replaced by the "rigid" set of common boons just like the countless boons in GW were themselves reduced to this rigid set. However, I can also see the shadow of the weapon spells in
facet of nature/true nature
Heroic command/order from above
and even
ancient echo/spirit boon/song of the mist
. It's not wrong to also say that both Kalla and Ventari already express the "spirit gameplay" of the ritualist.

Personally, as someone that enjoyed playing ritualist I'd like to see either more focus on the "ashes" (through a transformation skill on F2) or more focus on the "lightning spellcaster" aspect of the ritualist being expressed into the next e-spec (and none of those aspect should really need to deal with "spirits").

First, for me, revenant is absolutely NOT a ritualist. It's its own thing. Yes, it has a similar "power source" - but the way it interacts with the power source, the specific spirits it goes after, and the way it uses them are quite different. It's actually closer to a dervish, except instead of avatars of the gods, it invokes playstyle-defining 'legends' that perform a similar role but do not rely on the character following a specific religion. Which was, incidentally, one of the main requests on the forums before HoT released: a replacement for dervish which, instead of channeling the power of the gods (a no-no for Guild Wars 2's multiple races) it employed a faith-agnostic method of channeling a single powerful spirit through their body instead (in contrast to ritualists, which usually invoked multiple weaker spirits, and kept them bound to external objects or locations rather than to their own body). Which is pretty much exactly what we got. It's like saying that guardians are the same as paragons - yes, they have a common power source, and there's the PvP title, but I don't see guardians using chants or echoes.

Second, and more importantly, I think you're missing the main point of my argument.

The main point is that ritualist was a profession that was built around having a high degree of customisation. You had the capability to build offensive, defensive, or strike a balance between the two. You could use spirits. You could use an urn or two (depending on how maintainable they were, and whether any of the urns are of the type you want to drop early). You could use weapon spells. You had direct spells, both aggressive and supportive, which could be used to synergise with spirits, weapon spells, and/or urns, or you could just pick out skills that don't rely on such synergies. You could focus hard on one or two of these aspects, or mix and match between them.

Overall, ritualist probably offered the widest range of meaningful customisation of all the GW1 professions.

That's not what you're going to get with revenant. Revenant is, fundamentally speaking, 4 basic core builds and one per elite specialisation, with your full build being a combination of two of those, and your weapons and traits often being largely determined by what works with those. You don't get to pick and choose between different utility skills and find the set that works for you - you get what your legend gives you, and you work with that. Sure, there's a bit of extra customisation with traits and gear, but basically, you're trying to take the profession which had the most meaningful opportunities for customisation in GW1 and map it on the GW2 profession that has the least.

For the manner in which revenant is actually envisioned, this works well. You're trying to emulate a single legendary figure. While doing so, your build is based on their build. The energy system means you get to choose which parts of their build you actually focus on, but you're using the build of a specific, historical figure.

As a means of emulating an entire profession which offered a wide range of choice, though, it's pretty bad.

So Fueki wants a melee ritualist based off the Spirit's Strength playstyle. You're talking about a focus on the "lightning spellcaster" aspect or the urns aspect. Okay, let's say they combine urns and the lightning spellcaster aspect... that's two elite specialisations and two legends there, plus Kalla. Maybe you two are happy, because your specific visions of the Ritualist have been filled... but what about the guy who's favourite Ritualist build involved combining a few offensive spirits with channeling, and maybe with a spirit weapon in there? Denied, because now they're all in three separate elite specialisations. Can't mix and match, it's either all spirits, all urns and Mists lightning, or all weapon spells.

And when people are talking about Togo as a possible legend... look at his build in the mission pack again. It's offensive spirits, a few attack spells including a powerful AoE, and a heal. Swap around a few graphics, and it's basically Kalla shortbow.

Fueki says I don't get to claim what ritualist means to others... but neither does Fueki. If we're looking at an elite specialisation to cover every possible interpretation of ritualist, we'll still be here when the servers close, and revenant's true potential will be wasted.

Now, bringing in their mechanics into other professions isn't ideal either, but at least it does allow for a bit of that mixing and matching. Core necromancer, for instance, offers minions, skills to support your allies, and even a Flesh-Of-My-Flesh-style sacrifice-health-to-revive-an-ally signet. Toss, say, urns as a skill group on them, give them a Channeling-themed weapon, and you're not going to cover every possible ritualist build, but through combining with core necromancer skills you'll likely get a greater range than a revenant elite specialisation would, with an inbuilt ghostly theme. Throw in a melee urn, and you might even approximate the Spirit's Strength melee rit with core necromancer dagger. It's not perfect, but it would probably allow for a much greater range of ritualist-inspired builds then you'd get from a single revenant legend.

Or maybe that could come on another profession - Ranger, maybe, and the only reason I haven't mentioned guardian is that if urns work the way I envisage, they'd be a bit redundant after firebrand tomes. Even if they're presented as utilities rather than virtues, I don't think the playerbase is ready for another guardian elite specialisation which gives them a bucketload of skills in one build.

Heck, in a Canthan-themed expansion, there might be multiple elite specialisations based around bringing a bit of ritualism into existing professions. We've had fire magic warrior and antimagic warrior... what about a spirit warrior infusing spirits into their weapons and those of their allies? Why not? It'd be an interesting way to make a support warrior that isn't just about planting a banner or two or resorting to W/Mo themes (which is the guardian's playspace, especially support firebrands). Or a mesmer whose phantasms are actual ghosts? That could have some legs - I'm not sure just which aspect of the ritualist it would actually borrow, but at this point I'm largely brainstorming. Point is, there are more imaginative things that can be done with ritualist themes than just piling them onto revenant... and MUCH more imaginative things that can be done with the revenant rather than pushing it into the corner of being a refuge for disenfranchised ritualist players.

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@"draxynnic.3719" said:

Heck, in a Canthan-themed expansion, there might be multiple elite specialisations based around bringing a bit of ritualism into existing professions. We've had fire magic warrior and antimagic warrior... what about a spirit warrior infusing spirits into their weapons and those of their allies? Why not? It'd be an interesting way to make a support warrior that isn't just about planting a banner or two or resorting to W/Mo themes (which is the guardian's playspace, especially support firebrands). Or a mesmer whose phantasms are actual ghosts? That could have some legs - I'm not sure just which aspect of the ritualist it would actually borrow, but at this point I'm largely brainstorming. Point is, there are more imaginative things that can be done with ritualist themes than just piling them onto revenant... and MUCH more imaginative things that can be done with the revenant rather than pushing it into the corner of being a refuge for disenfranchised ritualist players.

I mean this is what will most likely happen. However, should be noted that spreading out Ritualist themes across multiple professions SHOULDN'T preclude Rev from being able to get a "Master Togo/Razah/other" ritualist themed legend. It's perfectly viable to give Rev a Rit type legend and also give Necro et. all other things as well. It baffles me the conversation has to constantly be about "only one or the other" or "rev just couldn't/shouldn't have a rit legend ever" when there are other options

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@"draxynnic.3719" said:

Heck, in a Canthan-themed expansion, there might be multiple elite specialisations based around bringing a bit of ritualism into existing professions. We've had fire magic warrior and antimagic warrior... what about a spirit warrior infusing spirits into their weapons and those of their allies? Why not? It'd be an interesting way to make a support warrior that isn't just about planting a banner or two or resorting to W/Mo themes (which is the guardian's playspace, especially support firebrands). Or a mesmer whose phantasms are actual ghosts? That could have some legs - I'm not sure just which aspect of the ritualist it would actually borrow, but at this point I'm largely brainstorming. Point is, there are more imaginative things that can be done with ritualist themes than just piling them onto revenant... and MUCH more imaginative things that can be done with the revenant rather than pushing it into the corner of being a refuge for disenfranchised ritualist players.

I mean this is what will most likely happen. However, should be noted that spreading out Ritualist themes across multiple professions SHOULDN'T preclude Rev from being able to get a "Master Togo/Razah/other" ritualist themed legend. It's perfectly viable to give Rev a Rit type legend and also give Necro et. all other things as well. It baffles me the conversation has to constantly be about "only one or the other" or "rev just couldn't/shouldn't have a rit legend ever" when there are other options

That's just the thing. There are other options. If you think Togo or Razah are significant enough and distinctive enough to count, there are tons of other options for revenant legends. And how many more expansions do we really, realistically, expect to come?

Kalla already brings the spirits, keeping in mind that when it was made, they were still uncertain that the story would ever go to Cantha, so we got a ritualist-esque legend (at least in terms of mechanics) then instead of waiting for a return to Cantha that might never come. Never is a long time, but a second ritualist-esque elite specialisation in a row is wasting the opportunity for revenant to do something that isn't copying a GW1 profession.

Remember, other professions, ritualist included, need to remain within the bounds of mortal magic. Ritualist is, ultimately, mortal magic. Revenant is ArenaNet's opportunity to pull out the really crazy stuff that can't fit anywhere else. What other profession would be able to generate a mini-Jade Wind, or a perform a short-term Rite of the Great Dwarf, or embody the six aspects of Glint's lair? Okay, an elementalist might be able to temporarily turn their allies to stone, but echoes of this sort of magic would normally be well outside what you'd find in a profession. Conversely, what other profession could incorporate a bit of ritualist magic into their teachings? All of them.

Renegade is already a pretty big nod to the thing that most people primarily associate with ritualists. Anything else... could probably be better done on another profession, leaving room for revenant to get something which would only work on revenant.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

Heck, in a Canthan-themed expansion, there might be multiple elite specialisations based around bringing a bit of ritualism into existing professions. We've had fire magic warrior and antimagic warrior... what about a spirit warrior infusing spirits into their weapons and those of their allies? Why not? It'd be an interesting way to make a support warrior that isn't just about planting a banner or two or resorting to W/Mo themes (which is the guardian's playspace, especially support firebrands). Or a mesmer whose phantasms are actual ghosts? That could have some legs - I'm not sure just which aspect of the ritualist it would actually borrow, but at this point I'm largely brainstorming. Point is, there are more imaginative things that can be done with ritualist themes than just piling them onto revenant... and MUCH more imaginative things that can be done with the revenant rather than pushing it into the corner of being a refuge for disenfranchised ritualist players.

I mean this is what will most likely happen. However, should be noted that spreading out Ritualist themes across multiple professions SHOULDN'T preclude Rev from being able to get a "Master Togo/Razah/other" ritualist themed legend. It's perfectly viable to give Rev a Rit type legend and also give Necro et. all other things as well. It baffles me the conversation has to constantly be about "only one or the other" or "rev just couldn't/shouldn't have a rit legend ever" when there are other options

That's just the thing. There are other options. If you think Togo or Razah are significant enough and distinctive enough to count, there are
of other options for revenant legends. And how many more expansions do we really, realistically, expect to come?

Kalla already brings the spirits, keeping in mind that when it was made, they were still uncertain that the story would ever go to Cantha, so we got a ritualist-esque legend (at least in terms of mechanics) then instead of waiting for a return to Cantha that might never come. Never is a long time, but a second ritualist-esque elite specialisation in a row is wasting the opportunity for revenant to do something that
copying a GW1 profession.

Remember, other professions, ritualist included, need to remain within the bounds of mortal magic. Ritualist is, ultimately, mortal magic. Revenant is ArenaNet's opportunity to pull out the really crazy stuff that can't fit anywhere else. What other profession would be able to generate a mini-Jade Wind, or a perform a short-term Rite of the Great Dwarf, or embody the six aspects of Glint's lair? Okay, an elementalist might be able to temporarily turn their allies to stone, but echoes of this sort of magic would normally be well outside what you'd find in a profession. Conversely, what other profession could incorporate a bit of ritualist magic into their teachings?
All of them.

Renegade is already a pretty big nod to the thing that most people
associate with ritualists. Anything else... could probably be better done on another profession, leaving room for revenant to get something which would
work on revenant.

That assumes that Anet will actually try to explore more of those avenues though. And after Kalla I have no idea what they'll pick for Legend #3. While Togo/Razah/other are one of my top choices, I'd much rather a Vizier Khilbron (my top choice and would fit into what you're talking about), but I doubt Anet will pick that. My bet is on something obscure that fills weird criteria again like Kalla honestly

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:My bet is on something obscure that fills weird criteria again like Kalla honestly

For all we know, Arenanet may even choose a character whose lore isn't even available in any medium so far and is only going to be introduced in some hidden writings that isn't part of the EoD story.I just hope they won't introduce an Oni legend that is full of Stealth and teleport skills.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:My bet is on something obscure that fills weird criteria again like Kalla honestly

For all we know, Arenanet may even choose a character whose lore isn't even available in any medium so far and is only going to be introduced in some hidden writings that isn't part of the EoD story.I just hope they won't introduce an Oni legend that is full of Stealth and teleport skills.

Yeah exactly these discussions are somewhat pointless in that regard. I don't think anyone in the community saw Kalla coming. The closest "request" was "Pyre Fierceshot," but even that that was fairly niche and not a widespread desire

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@"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:I don't think anyone in the community saw Kalla coming. The closest "request" was "Pyre Fierceshot," but even that that was fairly niche and not a widespread desireI still think that he would have been a better choice for Shortbow.Maybe we get him in a future Longbow-Trapper elite specialization though.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Heck, in a Canthan-themed expansion, there might be multiple elite specialisations based around bringing a bit of ritualism into existing professions. We've had fire magic warrior and antimagic warrior... what about a spirit warrior infusing spirits into their weapons and those of their allies? Why not? It'd be an interesting way to make a support warrior that isn't just about planting a banner or two or resorting to W/Mo themes (which is the guardian's playspace, especially support firebrands). Or a mesmer whose phantasms are actual ghosts? That could have some legs - I'm not sure just which aspect of the ritualist it would actually borrow, but at this point I'm largely brainstorming. Point is, there are more imaginative things that can be done with ritualist themes than just piling them onto revenant... and MUCH more imaginative things that can be done with the revenant rather than pushing it into the corner of being a refuge for disenfranchised ritualist players.

I mean this is what will most likely happen. However, should be noted that spreading out Ritualist themes across multiple professions SHOULDN'T preclude Rev from being able to get a "Master Togo/Razah/other" ritualist themed legend. It's perfectly viable to give Rev a Rit type legend and also give Necro et. all other things as well. It baffles me the conversation has to constantly be about "only one or the other" or "rev just couldn't/shouldn't have a rit legend ever" when there are other options

That's just the thing. There are other options. If you think Togo or Razah are significant enough and distinctive enough to count, there are
of other options for revenant legends. And how many more expansions do we really, realistically, expect to come?

Kalla already brings the spirits, keeping in mind that when it was made, they were still uncertain that the story would ever go to Cantha, so we got a ritualist-esque legend (at least in terms of mechanics) then instead of waiting for a return to Cantha that might never come. Never is a long time, but a second ritualist-esque elite specialisation in a row is wasting the opportunity for revenant to do something that
copying a GW1 profession.

Remember, other professions, ritualist included, need to remain within the bounds of mortal magic. Ritualist is, ultimately, mortal magic. Revenant is ArenaNet's opportunity to pull out the really crazy stuff that can't fit anywhere else. What other profession would be able to generate a mini-Jade Wind, or a perform a short-term Rite of the Great Dwarf, or embody the six aspects of Glint's lair? Okay, an elementalist might be able to temporarily turn their allies to stone, but echoes of this sort of magic would normally be well outside what you'd find in a profession. Conversely, what other profession could incorporate a bit of ritualist magic into their teachings?
All of them.

Renegade is already a pretty big nod to the thing that most people
associate with ritualists. Anything else... could probably be better done on another profession, leaving room for revenant to get something which would
work on revenant.

That assumes that Anet will actually try to explore more of those avenues though. And after Kalla I have no idea what they'll pick for Legend #3. While Togo/Razah/other are one of my top choices, I'd much rather a Vizier Khilbron (my top choice and would fit into what you're talking about), but I doubt Anet will pick that. My bet is on something obscure that fills weird criteria again like Kalla honestly

Personally, I prefer to be optimistic about these things. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Particularly keeping in mind that Kalla isn't Elonian and there's no reason to think that the next legend will be Canthan - it could be, but they've got the entire history of the setting to draw from. Which, yes, could include characters we don't currently know very well, since not all of Tyrian history happened in-game.

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@VocalThought.9835 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:PoF's Legend wasn't from the Desert. What makes you think EoD's needs to be from Cantha?

Every profession had an Elona themed elite spec except Rev.

Really? I didn't notice.

Some were a bit more obvious about it than others, but yeah, they all had fluff tying them to Elona or the desert in general except for the Renegade.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:PoF's Legend wasn't from the Desert. What makes you think EoD's needs to be from Cantha?

Every profession had an Elona themed elite spec except Rev.

Really? I didn't notice.

Some were a bit more obvious about it than others, but yeah, they all had fluff tying them to Elona or the desert in general except for the Renegade.

I guess I don't see how Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Elementalist, or Guardian fit the "Elona Theme". I can see how Necro, Warrior, and Mesmer were, but that a few compared to most. Even with HOT, I feel only a few felt work well in the Jungle. I think if they could do it over, they would probably put more thought into they flavors of the elites to match the expansion locations. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.

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@VocalThought.9835 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:PoF's Legend wasn't from the Desert. What makes you think EoD's needs to be from Cantha?

Every profession had an Elona themed elite spec except Rev.

Really? I didn't notice.

Some were a bit more obvious about it than others, but yeah, they all had fluff tying them to Elona or the desert in general except for the Renegade.

I guess I don't see how Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Elementalist, or Guardian fit the "Elona Theme". I can see how Necro, Warrior, and Mesmer were, but that a few compared to most. Even with HOT, I feel only a few felt work well in the Jungle. I think if they could do it over, they would probably put more thought into they flavors of the elites to match the expansion locations. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Holosmith is linked to Glint's Zephyrite Crystals. That's their connection to the Crystal Desert / Elona.Weaver allegedly is connected to Elona's Djinn, but I don't recall having seen any proof of that.As for Firebrand, some of its skills (particularly the Tome of Resolve) are themed after heat and desert, so they have a connection to Elona and the Crystal Desert.Deadeye's only connection to Elona I can see is the Zafirah mission in Season 4.

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There are NPCs who'll explain the origins of the elite specialisations. The origin of the Weaver is that Sosuke (who was, incidentally, one of the GW1 heroes) learned that djinn split their focus between controlling their element and controlling their physical form, but since humans are more physically grounded than djinn, they don't need to do the latter and can split focus on two elements instead. Now, connecting it to a GW1 character is, IMO, a little dodgy since elementalists didn't switch attunements like GW2 elementalists and could run multiple elements at once if they wanted to, but that's the official explanation.

For the Deadeye, it's explained that with the open terrain and large monsters of the desert, it's safer to bring targets down from long range rather than trying to get in close and steal from them.

Firebrand is actually the most in-your-face about it - the tomes are accounts of Elona's true history, and each tome skill is invoking an aspect of that history. You can see it in the in-game skill descriptions, and like the others, there's an NPC you can talk to for more information.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe Snaff, since we've briefly interacted with him when he and Eir was out of the mists. I'd be down for a legend that is about inventions and summoning golems, maybe even ride one. I realize he is not stricly Canthan but then agains, Glint was a dragon, not a desert nomad. Iunno, I just don't find the idea of a samurai very appealing.

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@"Fueki.4753" said:

Holosmith is linked to Glint's Zephyrite Crystals. That's their connection to the Crystal Desert / Elona.

One more detail: holosmith also makes quite alot of sense thematically for Elona because of the connection to the sun.

The sun is culturally a really important symbol for Elona. The land is called "land of the golden sun", their most famous organisation have been the sunspears, etc. The sun is worshipped and referenced alot.

For holosmith, engineers took the opportunity offered by the Zephyrite crystals to "harness the power of the sun". Zephyrite crystals also include the aspects of wind and lightning (which are also used in the photonforge), but the primary focus of the technology has been light and heat, associated with the sun aspect. This is because of their own cultural preference.

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