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Mount rents on F2P base maps on steam release


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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

But yet, prior to PoF, everyone did core Tyria without mounts for years.

Prior to POF nobody had to race to events to find them completed by players with mounts. This isn't about the core being bad without mounts, but about mounts existing and negatively affecting the experience of those without mounts. You call that incentive to buy POF, I call that incentive to uninstall the game. And DO note that those that buy the expansion will face the exact same issue until they reach level 80 and go to POF to get their mounts. It's not only free players affected by this, but those that paid for the game and get a lacking experience.

I disagree with about everything you've said here, but neither of us will change the others' mind.

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners? The argument of incentive is silly anyway, do players buy POF exclusively for the mounts? Not elite specs, not the new story and maps?No one ever said that.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

Edit: And no, i'm not arguing for free legendaries or "insert whatever without any limits" for everyone. Just had to add that in before someone replies with that logic.My reply was stricly about content locked behind expansions and not about anything else.And not even arguing for a full unlock of that feature, and only suggesting it because it would likely make people appreciate the game much more.

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@jokke.6239 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I'm simply suggesting mount rentals for new players, with or without limitations.The game is much more fun with mounts, having more fun will most likely keep much more people interrested in playing and buying the expansion that unlock mounts.I didn't even care for exploration in Guild Wars 2 before mounts, now it's my favorite thing to do in the game.That's how much value I think mounts add to the enjoyment of the game.And that's very important for a new player, since most people will quit within an hour or two, that's just how it is with f2p games.

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@jokke.6239 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I'm simply suggesting mount rentals for new players, with or without limitations.The game is much more fun with mounts, having more fun will most likely keep much more people interrested in playing and buying the expansion that unlock mounts.I didn't even care for exploration in Guild Wars 2 before mounts, now it's my favorite thing to do in the game.That's how much value I think mounts add to the enjoyment of the game.And that's very important for a new player, since most people will quit within an hour or two, that's just how it is with f2p games.

So the game will retain new players who can race through PvE content mindlessly because they have a mount? Why don't we then remove the heart achievements from Tyria maps too, because they get in the way of map completion? How long do you think these players will stay if they race through content?

That you didn't want to do map exploration before you got a mount is on you. That you want to race through content on ezi-mode is on you.

Nobody is forced to do map completion. For the vast majority of the game, map completion isn't required.

Dumbing down a game should not be a requirement to get and retain new players.

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@Hesione.9412 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I'm simply suggesting mount rentals for new players, with or without limitations.The game is much more fun with mounts, having more fun will most likely keep much more people interrested in playing and buying the expansion that unlock mounts.I didn't even care for exploration in Guild Wars 2 before mounts, now it's my favorite thing to do in the game.That's how much value I think mounts add to the enjoyment of the game.And that's very important for a new player, since most people will quit within an hour or two, that's just how it is with f2p games.

So the game will retain new players who can race through PvE content mindlessly because they have a mount? Why don't we then remove the heart achievements from Tyria maps too, because they get in the way of map completion? How long do you think these players will stay if they race through content?

That you didn't want to do map exploration before you got a mount is on you. That you want to race through content on ezi-mode is on you.

Nobody is forced to do map completion. For the vast majority of the game, map completion isn't required.

Dumbing down a game should not be a requirement to get and retain new players.

Again, what suggested wasn't to unlock mounts, but okay ..I did do world completion .. I've been playing since launch .. I just didn't enjoy it that much, it was no way near as fun.This has nothing to do with difficulty, but fun ..And if a person would like to explore on foot or be able to use a mount occasionaly (because of restrictions) is still a choice they can make for themselves, I doubt many would, since using mounts is simply just more fun for most people.I don't understand your comparison with removal of achievements. Doesn't make any sense and has no relevance to what I was suggesting. It does nothing to enhance gameplay for new players, most new players won't even look at the achievement panel for their first couple of hours, mounts make movement/exploration much more fun, and is a improvement over the 2012 gameplay that they will notice instantly.

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@jokke.6239 said:[a lot of snipping]I don't understand your comparison with removal of achievements. Doesn't make any sense and has no relevance to what I was suggesting. It does nothing to enhance gameplay for new players, most new players won't even look at the achievement panel for their first couple of hours, mounts make movement/exploration much more fun, and is a improvement over the 2012 gameplay that they will notice instantly.

How are mounts making movement/exploration much more fun, other than allowing people to rapidly move through content on ezi-mode?

How are new players going to notice any difference when they have no basis for comparison as they are new players?

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@Hesione.9412 said:

@jokke.6239 said:[a lot of snipping]I don't understand your comparison with removal of achievements. Doesn't make any sense and has no relevance to what I was suggesting. It does nothing to enhance gameplay for new players, most new players won't even look at the achievement panel for their first couple of hours, mounts make movement/exploration much more fun, and is a improvement over the 2012 gameplay that they will notice instantly.

are mounts making movement/exploration much more fun, other than allowing people to rapidly move through content on ezi-mode?

How are new players going to notice any difference
when they have no basis for comparison as they are new players

Sounds like you haven' even tried the mounts.It's not just a speed boost, that's what amazing about Guild Wars 2 mounts. They all have different movement based purposes.It makes the game feel like a freaking mix between a fun 3d platformer (like Spyro the Dragon) and an MMORPG. And that's AMAZING :)

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.. And that's actually another good point.It's true that new players might see the new mounts on other players, but many will just assume that it's your standard mounts. But if they got to actually try out Guild Wars 2's awesome mounts, would be a great selling point for many I think.It's such a unique addition to the game.Best mounts ever created in a game.

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@"jokke.6239" said:It's true that new players might see the new mounts on other players, but many will just assume that it's your standard mounts. But if they got to actually try out Guild Wars 2's awesome mounts, would be a great selling point for many I think.It's such a unique addition to the game.Best mounts ever created in a game.

im neither for or against having mount rentals on core tyria zones but here are some of my takes on it (to compromise with the "pof mounts would get devalued" crowd):

  1. mount rental npcs should be limited to 1 or 2 per zone (at the southern and northern parts of the zone for example).

  2. the rental mounts shouldn't be any of the pof-pve mounts but something "lesser" like the warclaw or a good time to add a horse mount ( see this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69138/horse-mounts-discussion#latest )

  3. the said rental mount shouldn't have the movement ability of any of the terrestrial pve mounts (raptor, jackal, springer, rollerbeetle) or the special feature of other mounts (flying, gliding, hovering on water/diving). it's a basic as can be mount that just provides a movement speed boost over running and swiftness. the mount engage can be a small radius aoe with no CC ability of any kind

oh and yeah, i agree, gw2 has the best mounts in any mmorpg i've tried :)

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By default, the core game didn't have mounts which leaves the game to be more than playable without them, to see people having their own because they have PoF should just give them the incentive to buy it, same with gliders for HoT. It's not like people will be in the expansion zones stuck without those key features required in the area.

If you /really/ want to have a F2P mount access, it might as well be the Warclaw since it has the least use out of all the others and feels generic, however should still be locked behind WvW for players to unlock.

They could always create a new one dedicated to the core area of Tyria but that's asking for a lot once again.

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@"Shao.7236" said:By default, the core game didn't have mounts which leaves the game to be more than playable without them, to see people having their own because they have PoF should just give them the incentive to buy it, same with gliders for HoT. It's not like people will be in the expansion zones stuck without those key features required in the area.

If you /really/ want to have a F2P mount access, it might as well be the Warclaw since it has the least use out of all the others and feels generic, however should still be locked behind WvW for players to unlock.

They could always create a new one dedicated to the core area of Tyria but that's asking for a lot once again.

If you want the mounts now as a new player you would have to skip to lvl 80 and start expansion story line. That only encourage people to use the lvl 80 boosts everyone is advising new players not to use :DHaving a generic mount be the first impression of mounts in GW2 the exact opposite of what I would want, I want new players to get a chance to experience the fun mounts in the limited time most new players are willing to give a new game before they uninstall... Also, WvW are getting mount rentals as well, might as well transfer it to PvE ;)

Edit: But I do actually like the idea of F2P player being able to unlock warclaw. That would probably be the best way to not encourage people to boost to lvl 80 for mounts. A mix of that and limited mount rentals on say only starter maps or some other place would be a great solution in my opinon. I still think it would be a good idea to let people experience the mounts with restrictions.Or another ideaMaybe have the mount rental actually be a quest NPC in the starting maps, and after you have gone on an adventure/quest trying the mounts you get a dialougue"These mounts await you in the Path of Fire expansion, for now start your quest to unlock a Warclaw mount"Or whatever. If that should be tied to WvW is also a discussion worth having.

But yeah, steam release is right around the corner, so probably not very possible to happen before then

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@Shao.7236 said:If you /really/ want to have a F2P mount access, it might as well be the Warclaw since it has the least use out of all the others and feels generic, however should still be locked behind WvW for players to unlock.

@"jokke.6239" said:Edit: But I do actually like the idea of F2P player being able to unlock warclaw. That would probably be the best way to not encourage people to boost to lvl 80 for mounts. A mix of that and limited mount rentals on say only starter maps or some other place would be a great solution in my opinon. I still think it would be a good idea to let people experience the mounts with restrictions.Or another ideaMaybe have the mount rental actually be a quest NPC in the starting maps, and after you have gone on an adventure/quest trying the mounts you get a dialougue"These mounts await you in the Path of Fire expansion, for now start your quest to unlock a Warclaw mount"Or whatever. If that should be tied to WvW is also a discussion worth having.

But yeah, steam release is right around the corner, so probably not very possible to happen before then

i believe it's better to adjust warclaw so it's unlockable on f2p-wvw, if you give it as a rental/testdrive mount on core tyria pve as well, it's also another advertising for wvw. should steam bring in a lot of newbies, then it should be a good push to bring lots and lots of new players into wvw and on the side, maybe satisfy those pvp-hungry players (for awhile) who keep posting here about adding openworld pvp to pve zones because they ran out of sheep to kill in wvw.

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@jokke.6239 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I didn't single you out. Don't take it so personally. I was referring to the many other posters who have advocated for this in many other threads. This idea isn't new.
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@kharmin.7683 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I didn't single you out. Don't take it so personally. I was referring to the many other posters who have advocated for this in many other threads. This idea isn't new.

Well you still suggested me being part of that group of people who were crying about mounts :)

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If you take offense, that's on you. The sarcasm isn't completely without merit. Ideas such as this... where does it end? Free mounts? Then why not free elites? And if free elites, then what next? What could remain that would entice new players to purchase the expansions if every time something that they don't have without them is just given to them?

Or, said another way, perhaps show how your proposal will make more money for Anet than the status quo.

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@kharmin.7683 said:If you take offense, that's on you. The sarcasm isn't completely without merit. Ideas such as this... where does it end? Free mounts? Then why not free elites? And if free elites, then what next? What could remain that would entice new players to purchase the expansions if every time something that they don't have without them is just given to them?

Or, said another way, perhaps show how your proposal will make more money for Anet than the status quo.

I've yet to suggest unlocking mounts for F2P players, so don't know where you are getting that from.I feel like you haven't actually read any of my suggestions

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@kharmin.7683 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I didn't single you out. Don't take it so personally. I was referring to the many other posters who have advocated for this in many other threads. This idea isn't new.

So why make a new one??????????

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@Blude.6812 said:

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

This.I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

At the end of the day, what's more important.Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?(Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.

Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.I didn't single you out. Don't take it so personally. I was referring to the many other posters who have advocated for this in many other threads. This idea isn't new.

So why make a new one??????????

Sorry, I'm not sure to whom your comment is directed?

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I assume the mounts in labyrinthine cliffs can be used by players without the expansions? If they're OK with allowing that i don't see why they can't add a few mount 'station' things to some of the maps. Would give new players a chance to try them out and catch up to people, but those that already have mounts still get to keep the benefit of using them almost anywhere on demand with the improvements from masteries. Heck, just give em the base raptor to try out, you don't need the others outside of PoF.If they're going to keep including things like mount races during non expac content like fests, i don't see why they have to be completely expac exclusive.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mount rents would de-value PoF a little too much.

What we need however, are NPC/Roadmarkers which give like 24hr Swiftness or something.

Traversing Core Tyria without Swiftness is torture.

But yet, prior to PoF, everyone did core Tyria without mounts for years.

Prior to POF nobody had to race to events to find them completed by players with mounts. This isn't about the core being bad without mounts, but about mounts existing and negatively affecting the experience of those without mounts. You call that incentive to buy POF, I call that incentive to uninstall the game. And DO note that those that buy the expansion will face the exact same issue until they reach level 80 and go to POF to get their mounts. It's not only free players affected by this, but those that paid for the game and get a lacking experience.

I disagree with about everything you've said here, but neither of us will change the others' mind.

Really now? Prior to POF there were players with mounts and players without mounts?Mounts don't affect negatively the experience of those without mounts? You are telling me your mount doesn't positively affect your experience? If the mount positively affects the experience of someone that has a mount, then it stands to reason that it negatively affects someone without a mount.

As for the incentive thing, if all someone wants from POF is the mounts, then the expansions was really horrible. If getting access to a mount rental, for either raptor or a new lower tier mount, is gonna remove incentive to buy an expansion, then that expansion was probably not worth buying anyway.

Next we have the simple fact that players that bought the expansion will have the exact same experience as free players, until they actually unlock the mount.

Which part do you disagree with exactly?

Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners? The argument of incentive is silly anyway, do players buy POF exclusively for the mounts? Not elite specs, not the new story and maps?No one ever said that.

A new player (either free or expansion owner) that sees players jumping around and going to events quickly will do one of two things: suck it up and wait until they get their own mount, or quit the game out of frustration. The other part about the expansion being sold for mounts was answered above.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Ok, I'm done here. Clearly, others have much more marketing knowledge and insight into financial data that I don't.

And do you have marketing knowledge and financial data that we don't? See it works both waysWe're having a discussion about it. Creating suggestions for Arena Net. It's up for them to decide.That's the whole point of the forums.

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