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What are you running in Open World?

Sylvan Crow.3297

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Just like the title says, I'm curious what other people are running for their OW builds on Mesmer.

I was trying Sword + Sword & GS Power Mesmer which was great because everything died pretty quickly. Was still dying here and there, though, so I switched to Condi Mirage (Staff & Axe + Pistol/Torch) and I'm having so much fun. I love the Mirage dodge mechanics and, while I don't kill things just as fast in one hit, I still kill trash mobs pretty quickly and I find I can now solo a lot of champions which I haven't been able to do on other classes (I suck at the game, fwiw). So what are you playing with?

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I’m running GS + SW & SW, full zerker gear. I’ve been starting to run Mirage now since I never touched it when it first was released since I always ran Chrono. I just wanted to get use to the new dodge mechanic with my keybinds and what not. I too have been liking it.

Mirage Cloak is pretty easy to use, you just have to time it good and adapt to your surroundings and varying enemies you encounter and how they function.

It’s disappointing that they got a nerf for pvp/wvw with the one dodge bar but meh, here’s hoping we get something better in the new expansions

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Depends on the mood, but if I'm running around core Tyria, I stick to the classic sword/sword and gs. Sometimes core, sometimes chrono, sometimes mirage. All berserker, all fun. I go condi in all the rest tho, mirage is my favourite.Edit: For condi mirage I use axe/torch and staff.

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since mirage came out i been running condi mirage scepter/torch - axe/pistol i will never change this regardless of nerfs etc i will only change if the next elite spec is amazing/gives me shortbow mesmer XD before mirage came out i was still running condi scepter torch on chrono XD im basicly condi only at this point power greatsword looks cool but i find playing it boring as hell

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I have two builds that I'll run the overworld with. The first one is a full damage build:

Gear: BerserkerSigils: Force, ImpactRunes: x6 ScholarWeapons: Sword + Sword, GreatswordUtilities: Signet of the Ether, Phantasmal Disenchanter, Mirror Images,Well of Calamity, Gravity Well

Illusions: Persistence of Memory, Phantasmal Haste, Phantasmal ForceDomination: Bountiful Blades, Egotism, Vicious ExpressionChronomancer: Time Catches Up, Danger Time, Chronophantasma

I change the off-hand weapon for whatever I might need. This build is a hybrid of Woodenpotatoes OW build and the Snowcrows raid build. This isn't done for any sort of preference, aside from convenience. The Illusions line is there to give me quickness and might, the domination line is there to buff the greatsword that I use as my main weapon, and the chronomancer line is still OP.

The second build is the buff build.

Gear: DivinerSigils: Concentration, ForceRunes: x6 ScholarWeapons: Sword + Sword, ShieldUtilities: Signet of the Ether, Well of Recall, the rest depends.

Dueling: Phantasmal Fury, Fencer's Finesse, Superiority ComplexIllusions: Persistence of Memory, Phantasmal Haste, Phantasmal ForceChronomancer: Time Catches Up, Improved Alacrity, Seize the Moment.

While this version doesn't have as much up-front damage, it has two distinct advantages. First, it maintains permanent boons instead of short bursts of quickness and might. Second, the build's able to give anyone near me permanent quickness and alacrity. This makes it a massive force multiplier for any impromptu zergs or passerbys. This ability is often understated, but I noticed a massive boost in strength whenever I bring the boon chrono to an event. I change utilities depending on circumstance, but I almost always have Well of Recall on my bar. This is a big deviation from the raid build, which just uses Berserker Gear and focuses only on quickness. I go with Diviners, both because I frequently find myself being the alacrity bot in fractals, and also because the randomness of the overworld makes it impossible to huddle everyone together for split-second timed buffs.

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This is the build I have done all open world / story content with:gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAwyFlVwOYNsLWJOySrNdA-zxQYhoje7cHCKsyoiSI9Mw2phCvWA-eThe build sacrifices alittle damage from not using the second damage traitline in favor of being much tankier than normal and have tons of condition clearing.

Inspiration traitline to handle conditions and give myself a steady stream of healing.Domination trait line for greatsword and damageChrono for more phantasm damage and access to well of precognition (tons of aegis)

Note: Mirage can easily be substituted for Chrono to run power mirage build for tagging.

For gear I use the same power gear I use in raids (berserker and a few assassin, see link for specifics)

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What’s so good about condi mirage? I tried it for a bit with staff / axe + torch with tormenting runes. It was so slow when I was doing the story instance with Aurene and Elite oozes kept spawning, they ovewhelmed me. None of my other condi builds were so slow the oozes out spawned my killing rate.

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@"Ajji.6031" said:What’s so good about condi mirage? I tried it for a bit with staff / axe + torch with tormenting runes. It was so slow when I was doing the story instance with Aurene and Elite oozes kept spawning, they ovewhelmed me. None of my other condi builds were so slow the oozes out spawned my killing rate.

Condi Mirage is great because you pretty much always have clones up to distract enemies, GREAT mobility, and the Mirage Cloak instead of dodge means you can "dodge" while casting skills or CC'd. You don't get the upfront burst but, if you're playing it right, you should still kill pretty quickly and be able to avoid most of the damage. What gear stat are you using?

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@AnimatedWolf.9213 said:

@"Ajji.6031" said:What’s so good about condi mirage? I tried it for a bit with staff / axe + torch with tormenting runes. It was so slow when I was doing the story instance with Aurene and Elite oozes kept spawning, they ovewhelmed me. None of my other condi builds were so slow the oozes out spawned my killing rate.

Condi Mirage is great because you pretty much always have clones up to distract enemies, GREAT mobility, and the Mirage Cloak instead of dodge means you can "dodge" while casting skills or CC'd. You don't get the upfront burst but, if you're playing it right, you should still kill pretty quickly and be able to avoid most of the damage. What gear stat are you using?

I was using Dire armor with Ascended Trailblazer Accessories/Earrings/Backpack + Rabid weapons. I didn't want to break the bank crafting Trailblazer armor before I gave the build a run, and I'm glad I didn't.

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@Ajji.6031 said:

@Ajji.6031 said:What’s so good about condi mirage? I tried it for a bit with staff / axe + torch with tormenting runes. It was so slow when I was doing the story instance with Aurene and Elite oozes kept spawning, they ovewhelmed me. None of my other condi builds were so slow the oozes out spawned my killing rate.

Condi Mirage is great because you pretty much always have clones up to distract enemies, GREAT mobility, and the Mirage Cloak instead of dodge means you can "dodge" while casting skills or CC'd. You don't get the upfront burst but, if you're playing it right, you should still kill pretty quickly and be able to avoid most of the damage. What gear stat are you using?

I was using Dire armor with Ascended Trailblazer Accessories/Earrings/Backpack + Rabid weapons. I didn't want to break the bank crafting Trailblazer armor before I gave the build a run, and I'm glad I didn't.

That makes sense then - that armour is okay-ish for getting into Condi Mirage but otherwise it should be gotten rid of as soon as possible. Trailblazer itself is tank armour so you're going to kill things incredibly slow.

I run Viper with my condi mirage since I'm pretty confident in my ability to keep myself alive with dodging and avoiding hits and it's pretty easy to melt mobs. I burst a few seconds slower than my zerker chrono build but I'm much better in sustained fights

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I am recently returning after a long hiatus (4 years?) from the game. I'm not a young, twitchy type player, so I just enjoy the open world content as best I can. I recently boosted an Asura Mesmer (I've been through all the story content, so I felt OK doing this). I do not have ANY ascended or raid gear, etc. I only have what's available on the Trading Post.

With that in mind, I've re-created my current setup on GW2Skills.net (great site, btw, just discovered it!) and have THIS BUILD going.

With my 80-boosted Mesmer, I do not have Mirage/Chronomancer unlocked, so I am doing the main story arc and will likely just progress through the various chapters up to Path of Fire and enjoy the game that way.

That all said, I'm wondering if my choice of 6xVampirism on Diviner gear is best for my Domination (1 2 1) + Illusions (2 2 1) + Dualing (1 3 1) setup. Heal is sigil, Utils are: Mirror Image + Phantasmal Disenchanter + Signet of Inspiration, and Epic is Time Warp (though I'm not really using it).

Again, I've been away a long time; am not a serious gear-grinding type, and just enjoy open world content with gear available for purchase on Trading Post. Are there any helpful suggestions or comments? I'd love to hear them. Thank you for your time.

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You made an Asura so you did everything right that actually matters. Your build looks fine. I guess the idea is to maintain quickness using Phantasmal Haste and Persistence of Memory and spamming phantasms, while keeping your health up by killing trash mobs. I don't see why that wouldn't work. But it's open world PvE, so builds don't really matter there anyway. If you like that play style you will love Chronomancer! Personally I would die of sluggishness on core Mesmer without runes that provide 25% passive movement speed, but if you don't care about that Vampirism is fine I guess.

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