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Community: we don't like stealth thief builds

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:because ecto is busted makes me able to solo good mesmer with brain turned off, so is sap that's hitting 4k+ to 5ksignet is too good in the current meta, there's barely anything that give that many endurance, the other is healbreaker heal, which also get halved.

sb5 has been carrying so much, not just mobility, but the fact that you get on demand port, to get out of jail free card. specially on maps like kyhlo and temple, also legacy. thief camping on sb basically unkillable and will out speed you and decap you. which is what carries the game, not by being stuck in 1v1 against some one else for mins on a node, but by who gets plused first, or who decapped first. also having a thief shut down far point carry.

all nerfs justified

Here is the thing though: Thats not going to change. Thief is still going to outspeed and decap you, and +1 all over the map.

which is good, thief's plus 1 capability is still there, speed is still top, just less 1v1 capability with op ecto and op sap throwand less get out of jail free card on a basically unkillable spec, and actually catchable and less immob removal and some less mobility, tho still best mobility.

Why is it good that the change essentially accomplishes nothing? Thief is still uncatchable. Its still a decap and +1 bot that cant be matched, and it still loses every even fight. Im personally optimistic on the change because it might signal them taking thief out of its decap and +1 bot role, making it no longer mandatory in every team, and in exchange giving it real 1v1 capability and maybe even minor teamfighting capability. But if that isnt your goal, this change is pointless.

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@"noiwk.2760" said:

for people who cry thief does no damage.. sorry.. but this look very strong to me.. when combined with the crazy mobility and stealth .

showing out of no where doing quick damage disapearring again and bursting again

btw its not me .. i just post a video i saw here recently on forum credit to the one who made it gg!

Lol "What is 'Executioner and Heatseeker at 20% HP on Squishies,' Trebek?" Nice try. And no, stealth doesn't need to be an "Oh shit!" Button or have a cooldown. Revealed exists.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:because ecto is busted makes me able to solo good mesmer with brain turned off, so is sap that's hitting 4k+ to 5ksignet is too good in the current meta, there's barely anything that give that many endurance, the other is healbreaker heal, which also get halved.

sb5 has been carrying so much, not just mobility, but the fact that you get on demand port, to get out of jail free card. specially on maps like kyhlo and temple, also legacy. thief camping on sb basically unkillable and will out speed you and decap you. which is what carries the game, not by being stuck in 1v1 against some one else for mins on a node, but by who gets plused first, or who decapped first. also having a thief shut down far point carry.

all nerfs justified

Here is the thing though: Thats not going to change. Thief is still going to outspeed and decap you, and +1 all over the map. Theyre not going to nerf thief so that it cant do that anymore, because if they did, thief would be a class so unplayable, picking it is report-worthy. The only way that kind of nerf would work is if in exchange thief got major buffs elsewhere. Hopefully that is their plan, since them nerfing SB5 is already a sign, but who knows.

I know ur hoping mobility nerfs will give way to buffs in thiefs fighting ability but do u really think a dev team unable to make thee melee class (warrior) proficient in melee is going to successfully make teef a better fighter? Not gonna happen man, all that's happening realistically right now is thief is simply getting its mobility hit no other plans for compensation are probable.

Oh sure, it aint likely. But then again, I also thought them hitting SB5 was unlikely, and yet here we are. I have to be optimistic at least somewhere, after they killed core engineer through their stupid changes. Else Id have to admit that this games PvP has become unplayable, and that no MMO PvP exists that is at all worth playing. And that would suck.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:because ecto is busted makes me able to solo good mesmer with brain turned off, so is sap that's hitting 4k+ to 5ksignet is too good in the current meta, there's barely anything that give that many endurance, the other is healbreaker heal, which also get halved.

sb5 has been carrying so much, not just mobility, but the fact that you get on demand port, to get out of jail free card. specially on maps like kyhlo and temple, also legacy. thief camping on sb basically unkillable and will out speed you and decap you. which is what carries the game, not by being stuck in 1v1 against some one else for mins on a node, but by who gets plused first, or who decapped first. also having a thief shut down far point carry.

all nerfs justified

Here is the thing though: Thats not going to change. Thief is still going to outspeed and decap you, and +1 all over the map. Theyre not going to nerf thief so that it cant do that anymore, because if they did, thief would be a class so unplayable, picking it is report-worthy. The only way that kind of nerf would work is if in exchange thief got major buffs elsewhere. Hopefully that is their plan, since them nerfing SB5 is already a sign, but who knows.

I know ur hoping mobility nerfs will give way to buffs in thiefs fighting ability but do u really think a dev team unable to make thee melee class (warrior) proficient in melee is going to successfully make teef a better fighter? Not gonna happen man, all that's happening realistically right now is thief is simply getting its mobility hit no other plans for compensation are probable.

Oh sure, it aint likely. But then again, I also thought them hitting SB5 was unlikely, and yet here we are. I have to be optimistic at least somewhere, after they killed core engineer through their stupid changes. Else Id have to admit that this games PvP has become unplayable, and that no MMO PvP exists that is at all worth playing. And that would suck.

Never think any skill is safe from anet, especially ones frequently qq'd about, even if they've been the same for 8 yrs.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:because ecto is busted makes me able to solo good mesmer with brain turned off, so is sap that's hitting 4k+ to 5ksignet is too good in the current meta, there's barely anything that give that many endurance, the other is healbreaker heal, which also get halved.

sb5 has been carrying so much, not just mobility, but the fact that you get on demand port, to get out of jail free card. specially on maps like kyhlo and temple, also legacy. thief camping on sb basically unkillable and will out speed you and decap you. which is what carries the game, not by being stuck in 1v1 against some one else for mins on a node, but by who gets plused first, or who decapped first. also having a thief shut down far point carry.

all nerfs justified

Here is the thing though: Thats not going to change. Thief is still going to outspeed and decap you, and +1 all over the map. Theyre not going to nerf thief so that it cant do that anymore, because if they did, thief would be a class so unplayable, picking it is report-worthy. The only way that kind of nerf would work is if in exchange thief got major buffs elsewhere. Hopefully that is their plan, since them nerfing SB5 is already a sign, but who knows.

I know ur hoping mobility nerfs will give way to buffs in thiefs fighting ability but do u really think a dev team unable to make thee melee class (warrior) proficient in melee is going to successfully make teef a better fighter? Not gonna happen man, all that's happening realistically right now is thief is simply getting its mobility hit no other plans for compensation are probable.

Oh sure, it aint likely. But then again, I also thought them hitting SB5 was unlikely, and yet here we are. I have to be optimistic at least somewhere, after they killed core engineer through their stupid changes. Else Id have to admit that this games PvP has become unplayable, and that no MMO PvP exists that is at all worth playing. And that would suck.

Never think any skill is safe from anet, especially ones frequently qq'd about, even if they've been the same for 8 yrs.

When people , where rightfully qq for the stealth , UNOwen was the one saying the that problem was the Inflitrator Arrow in WvWvW:)

Damm 2x schools (nurse+pc programmer) and Coursera mini-videos , not enought time :(Maybe in a month

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@lare.5129 said:

@"noiwk.2760" said:for people who cry thief does no damage.. sorry.. but this look very strong to me..this is should be strong. Should be overpowered and dominate by concept of class ..Otherwise we should merge all classes to one, make one amulet, and pres 11111

when combined with the crazy mobility and stealth .

yes. Or the have plans rename "thief" to "turtle"? Crazy mobility and stealth is normal state of that class.

showing out of no where doing quick damage disapearring again and bursting againyes, this is part of rotation. By this rotation thief should kill any player 1 vs 1 .. And this normal state in most popular mmo games ..

I come from game where thief win 20: 0 is good valid normal sate ..

And here thief is slow shadow of what it should be .. but some people cry anyway ,, or just worried to burst them class by nerf other ???

Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.

GW2's take on the rogue/assassin trope is such a pale shadow of what every other MMO does: Slippery, speedy, stealthy, GREAT 1v1 potential, locks down an enemy with CC and high burst. Gw2 PvP only takes the slippery, speedy and stealthy and throws the rest in the bin unless the target is < or = to 20% HP and only then does a Thief shine all because Heatseeker and superior sigil of exploitation but literally any class can +1 and burst someone at 20% for the kill.

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:because ecto is busted makes me able to solo good mesmer with brain turned off, so is sap that's hitting 4k+ to 5ksignet is too good in the current meta, there's barely anything that give that many endurance, the other is healbreaker heal, which also get halved.

sb5 has been carrying so much, not just mobility, but the fact that you get on demand port, to get out of jail free card. specially on maps like kyhlo and temple, also legacy. thief camping on sb basically unkillable and will out speed you and decap you. which is what carries the game, not by being stuck in 1v1 against some one else for mins on a node, but by who gets plused first, or who decapped first. also having a thief shut down far point carry.

all nerfs justified

Here is the thing though: Thats not going to change. Thief is still going to outspeed and decap you, and +1 all over the map. Theyre not going to nerf thief so that it cant do that anymore, because if they did, thief would be a class so unplayable, picking it is report-worthy. The only way that kind of nerf would work is if in exchange thief got major buffs elsewhere. Hopefully that is their plan, since them nerfing SB5 is already a sign, but who knows.

I know ur hoping mobility nerfs will give way to buffs in thiefs fighting ability but do u really think a dev team unable to make thee melee class (warrior) proficient in melee is going to successfully make teef a better fighter? Not gonna happen man, all that's happening realistically right now is thief is simply getting its mobility hit no other plans for compensation are probable.

Oh sure, it aint likely. But then again, I also thought them hitting SB5 was unlikely, and yet here we are. I have to be optimistic at least somewhere, after they killed core engineer through their stupid changes. Else Id have to admit that this games PvP has become unplayable, and that no MMO PvP exists that is at all worth playing. And that would suck.

Never think any skill is safe from anet, especially ones frequently qq'd about, even if they've been the same for 8 yrs.

When people , where rightfully qq for the stealth , UNOwen was the one saying the that problem was the Inflitrator Arrow in WvWvW:)

kitten 2x schools (nurse+pc programmer) and Coursera mini-videos , not enought time :(Maybe in a month

Well stealth is the main culprit as to why thief is a salt mine for other players for sure but sb5 was probably the skill that enable thief to do its role to the degree it has been being a decapper +1 role I'd guess.

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@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

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@Anomaly.7612 said:

@"noiwk.2760" said:for people who cry thief does no damage.. sorry.. but this look very strong to me..this is should be strong. Should be overpowered and dominate by concept of class ..Otherwise we should merge all classes to one, make one amulet, and pres 11111

when combined with the crazy mobility and stealth .

yes. Or the have plans rename "thief" to "turtle"? Crazy mobility and stealth is normal state of that class.

showing out of no where doing quick damage disapearring again and bursting againyes, this is part of rotation. By this rotation thief should kill any player 1 vs 1 .. And this normal state in most popular mmo games ..

I come from game where thief win 20: 0 is good valid normal sate ..

And here thief is slow shadow of what it should be .. but some people cry anyway ,, or just worried to burst them class by nerf other ???

Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.

GW2's take on the rogue/assassin trope is such a pale shadow of what every other MMO does: Slippery, speedy, stealthy, GREAT 1v1 potential, locks down an enemy with CC and high burst. Gw2 PvP only takes the slippery, speedy and stealthy and throws the rest in the bin unless the target is < or = to 20% HP and only then does a Thief shine all because Heatseeker and superior sigil of exploitation but literally any class can +1 and burst someone at 20% for the kill.

yeah we get it you want thief to be completely and utterly brokenly overpowered

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

Ahhh so u want stealth just removed? I mean what real use is few secs of stealth out of combat? Any other iterations would be useless which is why eso, WoW etc have perma stealth outa combat but also usually have a means to stealth in combat like shedding dots and vanishing of ur rogue in WoW or in eso.U say thiefs want stealth to be op but u many clearly want it to be removed or useless, that's a better mentality because....

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat.vanish skill // on some biulds/exp can used twicebut is not need it, if you do all properly your target have no chance. And this is ok. Here absolutely failed random and no true cc.

here I need run away, with nerfed sb 5 and thinks how to survive ... And I say it one mroe time:we don't like stealth thief builds !!we need something useful, with true permastealth , with all skill not stop spam, what it depend more from keyboard keyswe need some more stronger resist from conditionwe need more survive, and more cc

and personal I will be interested get back celestial amulet on my thief

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

Ahhh so u want stealth just removed? I mean what real use is few secs of stealth out of combat? Any other iterations would be useless which is why eso, WoW etc have perma stealth outa combat but also usually have a means to stealth in combat like shedding dots and vanishing of ur rogue in WoW or in eso.U say thiefs want stealth to be op but u many clearly want it to be removed or useless, that's a better mentality because....

the thing is.. you guys abuse stealth and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game.. there isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthon all games right now.. stalth doesnt work with nearby enemies.. even LoL realized how retarded stealth system is.. and stealth works from a certain distance from enemy and doesnt let you do whatever you want..

as stealth is right now.. yes its better be removed from the game beause it doesnt function in a healthy way ..its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for retarded deadeye in WvW.. that shoot from range disppaer in steal shoot again stealth again.. useless class that has no real room in orgnized groups and yet is abble to make the roaming very toxic .. so it isnt healthy nor good..and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..stealth is the most broken op effect in the game and for some idiotic reason it is completely spamable by daredevil..

there are very little useful/availkable reveal skills in the game and there is very little ways to deal with stealth.. thief can heal in stealth and do what ever he want in stealth.its very hard regardless to stun a thief and and often even if you do cc him its not before he clicked on his stealth and he will be in stealth..you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp.. but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..this should end

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@"noiwk.2760" said:the thing is.. you guys abuse stealthabuse - is that we need. This is main concept of any good mmo game: abuse, dominate, get fun and relax. So if someone get fun from it - it is great. As for me - the stelth that we have now - totally fail, it non stop skill press .. I hate it. As for me we need press one button, once, and be in stealth ALL time ..

and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game..what is bad and good everyone have different opinion. Is challenge is good thing? Is some unpredictable things can get fun ?

isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthyes. On normal game if you do everything properly with some class and build another class have 0 chance to survive. But in gw2 I see fail we still not have pvp dominator ..We need boost thief to make some as rogue.

its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for kitten deadeye in WvW..

I try that biuld. It trahs and crap. We need boost that biuld more. It works only in very very skilled hands.

abble to make the roaming very toxicif someone can do it great. Because it is target of roaming. Don't like - take ptv armor and run with blob on Friday's.

and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..so we shoudl pround that we have it .. but it not true. We not have it yet. If something broke you rotation or you need time eat cooke and drink little tea stealth is gone

same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..we need 10-15 second cd stun spam thief. I am no joke. Or rename thief to "glass target"

you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp..

If I join as engineer, or any char except thief or mesmer I am other not have thief in any team. If I join as thief - I have one thief in opposite team. This is ok.

but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..don't see anything bad if 5 thief vs 5 thief .. Same count on each team ? no problem at all. I have insta kick thief from normal fractal party and no one cry .. So some class diversity for content is good thing.

this should endyes, we need boost.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"noiwk.2760" said:the thing is.. you guys abuse stealthabuse - is that we need. This is main concept of any good mmo game: abuse, dominate, get fun and relax. So if someone get fun from it - it is great. As for me - the stelth that we have now - totally fail, it non stop skill press .. I hate it. As for me we need press one button, once, and be in stealth ALL time ..

and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game..what is bad and good everyone have different opinion. Is challenge is good thing? Is some unpredictable things can get fun ?

isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthyes. On normal game if you do everything properly with some class and build another class have 0 chance to survive. But in gw2 I see fail we still not have pvp dominator ..We need boost thief to make some as rogue.

its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for kitten deadeye in WvW..

I try that biuld. It trahs and kitten. We need boost that biuld more. It works only in very very skilled hands.

abble to make the roaming very toxicif someone can do it great. Because it is target of roaming. Don't like - take ptv armor and run with blob on Friday's.

and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..so we shoudl pround that we have it .. but it not true. We not have it yet. If something broke you rotation or you need time eat cooke and drink little tea stealth is gone

same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..we need 10-15 second cd stun spam thief. I am no joke. Or rename thief to "glass target"

you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp..

If I join as engineer, or any char except thief or mesmer I am other not have thief in any team. If I join as thief - I have one thief in opposite team. This is ok.

but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..don't see anything bad if 5 thief vs 5 thief .. Same count on each team ? no problem at all. I have insta kick thief from normal fractal party and no one cry .. So some class diversity for content is good thing.

this should endyes, we need boost.

simply unrealistic.. that want to be god.. simple asthat..

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@noiwk.2760 said:simply unrealistic.. that want to be god.. simple asthat..this is gw2. Here evrything is real if you have target. I am already fractal god, wvw god will be soon, but in spvp not exist some point to stack .. ofc I have leg pvp backpack, but I also need some boost for any class to make game more fun.

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@lare.5129 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:simply unrealistic.. that want to be god.. simple asthat..this is gw2. Here evrything is real if you have target. I am already fractal god, wvw god will be soon, but in spvp not exist some point to stack .. ofc I have leg pvp backpack, but I also need some boost for any class to make game more fun.

your class is already over peforming.. if you dont enjoy it go play another class.. thief should be further nerfed if anything

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

Ahhh so u want stealth just removed? I mean what real use is few secs of stealth out of combat? Any other iterations would be useless which is why eso, WoW etc have perma stealth outa combat but also usually have a means to stealth in combat like shedding dots and vanishing of ur rogue in WoW or in eso.U say thiefs want stealth to be op but u many clearly want it to be removed or useless, that's a better mentality because....

the thing is.. you guys abuse stealth and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game.. there isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthon all games right now.. stalth doesnt work with nearby enemies.. even LoL realized how kitten stealth system is.. and stealth works from a certain distance from enemy and doesnt let you do whatever you want..

as stealth is right now.. yes its better be removed from the game beause it doesnt function in a healthy way ..its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for kitten deadeye in WvW.. that shoot from range disppaer in steal shoot again stealth again.. useless class that has no real room in orgnized groups and yet is abble to make the roaming very toxic .. so it isnt healthy nor good..and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..stealth is the most broken op effect in the game and for some idiotic reason it is completely spamable by daredevil..

there are very little useful/availkable reveal skills in the game and there is very little ways to deal with stealth.. thief can heal in stealth and do what ever he want in stealth.its very hard regardless to stun a thief and and often even if you do cc him its not before he clicked on his stealth and he will be in stealth..you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp.. but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..this should end

I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :)

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

Ahhh so u want stealth just removed? I mean what real use is few secs of stealth out of combat? Any other iterations would be useless which is why eso, WoW etc have perma stealth outa combat but also usually have a means to stealth in combat like shedding dots and vanishing of ur rogue in WoW or in eso.U say thiefs want stealth to be op but u many clearly want it to be removed or useless, that's a better mentality because....

the thing is.. you guys abuse stealth and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game.. there isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthon all games right now.. stalth doesnt work with nearby enemies.. even LoL realized how kitten stealth system is.. and stealth works from a certain distance from enemy and doesnt let you do whatever you want..

as stealth is right now.. yes its better be removed from the game beause it doesnt function in a healthy way ..its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for kitten deadeye in WvW.. that shoot from range disppaer in steal shoot again stealth again.. useless class that has no real room in orgnized groups and yet is abble to make the roaming very toxic .. so it isnt healthy nor good..and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..stealth is the most broken op effect in the game and for some idiotic reason it is completely spamable by daredevil..

there are very little useful/availkable reveal skills in the game and there is very little ways to deal with stealth.. thief can heal in stealth and do what ever he want in stealth.its very hard regardless to stun a thief and and often even if you do cc him its not before he clicked on his stealth and he will be in stealth..you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp.. but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..this should end

I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :)

idk how you can compare warrior with thief .. only "good" warrior build atm is a support.. while im not going to say there are not good warriors cause there are some dedicated warriors who somehow manage to still play warriors.. you cant compare them with the dedicated thieves... i mean ill say again we all have different opinions you say warrior is strong and thief is weak i say oppsite warrior is weak and need buffing thieve is too strong and need nerfing

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

Ahhh so u want stealth just removed? I mean what real use is few secs of stealth out of combat? Any other iterations would be useless which is why eso, WoW etc have perma stealth outa combat but also usually have a means to stealth in combat like shedding dots and vanishing of ur rogue in WoW or in eso.U say thiefs want stealth to be op but u many clearly want it to be removed or useless, that's a better mentality because....

the thing is.. you guys abuse stealth and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game.. there isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthon all games right now.. stalth doesnt work with nearby enemies.. even LoL realized how kitten stealth system is.. and stealth works from a certain distance from enemy and doesnt let you do whatever you want..

as stealth is right now.. yes its better be removed from the game beause it doesnt function in a healthy way ..its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for kitten deadeye in WvW.. that shoot from range disppaer in steal shoot again stealth again.. useless class that has no real room in orgnized groups and yet is abble to make the roaming very toxic .. so it isnt healthy nor good..and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..stealth is the most broken op effect in the game and for some idiotic reason it is completely spamable by daredevil..

there are very little useful/availkable reveal skills in the game and there is very little ways to deal with stealth.. thief can heal in stealth and do what ever he want in stealth.its very hard regardless to stun a thief and and often even if you do cc him its not before he clicked on his stealth and he will be in stealth..you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp.. but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..this should end

I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :)

idk how you can compare warrior with thief .. only "good" warrior build atm is a support.. while im not going to say there are not good warriors cause there are some dedicated warriors who somehow manage to still play warriors.. you cant compare them with the dedicated thieves... i mean ill say again we all have different opinions you say warrior is strong and thief is weak i say oppsite warrior is weak and need buffing thieve is too strong and need nerfing

I dont compare them, why would I as their 2 completely different classes. I mained thief for 5 years but ended up enjoying warrior more over last couple yrs atleast until feb patch completely gutted warrior. Now log on here and there and do couple matches on warrior for kicks and log off for some GoT or WoW.That all said even on war I still dont find thieves much of a issue to fight compared to most of the roster

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Anomaly.7612" said:Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol.more funnest was when I take here first time thief and try find where "perma stealth" ... where I can press one button and be all time in stealth as in other normal games..after few weeks search I found that "perma stealth" they call non stop some skill/blast rotation with specific trait selection that cut other things .. I say "WUT????""perma stealth" sound like mockery..

Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.

give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?

Ahhh so u want stealth just removed? I mean what real use is few secs of stealth out of combat? Any other iterations would be useless which is why eso, WoW etc have perma stealth outa combat but also usually have a means to stealth in combat like shedding dots and vanishing of ur rogue in WoW or in eso.U say thiefs want stealth to be op but u many clearly want it to be removed or useless, that's a better mentality because....

the thing is.. you guys abuse stealth and you dont even realize how bad stealth is for the game.. there isnt even 1 game left aside from gw2 with a 100% stealthon all games right now.. stalth doesnt work with nearby enemies.. even LoL realized how kitten stealth system is.. and stealth works from a certain distance from enemy and doesnt let you do whatever you want..

as stealth is right now.. yes its better be removed from the game beause it doesnt function in a healthy way ..its wayyyyyyyy too frustrating to play against.. and that goes aswell for kitten deadeye in WvW.. that shoot from range disppaer in steal shoot again stealth again.. useless class that has no real room in orgnized groups and yet is abble to make the roaming very toxic .. so it isnt healthy nor good..and that goes for pvp aswell with stupid daredevil.. no class should ever be able to stealth and stealth and stealth..same as we dont have 2 seconds cd stuns/break stuns..stealth is the most broken op effect in the game and for some idiotic reason it is completely spamable by daredevil..

there are very little useful/availkable reveal skills in the game and there is very little ways to deal with stealth.. thief can heal in stealth and do what ever he want in stealth.its very hard regardless to stun a thief and and often even if you do cc him its not before he clicked on his stealth and he will be in stealth..you guys can claim whatever you want and say there are no thieves in ranked pvp.. but i done 3 games yesterday and in 3 of them there were like 3 thieves in each team ..this should end

I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :)

idk how you can compare warrior with thief .. only "good" warrior build atm is a support.. while im not going to say there are not good warriors cause there are some dedicated warriors who somehow manage to still play warriors.. you cant compare them with the dedicated thieves... i mean ill say again we all have different opinions you say warrior is strong and thief is weak i say oppsite warrior is weak and need buffing thieve is too strong and need nerfing

I dont compare them, why would I as their 2 completely different classes. I mained thief for 5 years but ended up enjoying warrior more over last couple yrs atleast until feb patch completely gutted warrior. Now log on here and there and do couple matches on warrior for kicks and log off for some GoT or WoW.That all said even on war I still dont find thieves much of a issue to fight compared to most of the roster

feb patch indeed gutted warrior with cc = 0 damage.that said warrior is still either support or duelist in 1v1 thief shouldnt be able to fight them.. it is what it is. thief is the best by far the best +1 roleroamer .. it was never meant to 1v1 a duelist or a side node which side node role was basically created as solution to handle daredevils.

warrior got fair amount of reveal both as support and as spell breaker fighter.. why? because support got low cd shout skill that reveal and spell breaker got trait that chain and reveal so the thief cant run or stealth it might exlain why you dont have issue on warrior..that is not saying their stealth isnt an issue in general and to most classes !

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@noiwk.2760 said:your class is already over peforming..I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk?

if you dont enjoy it go play another class..yes, for each type and style I have my own class

thief shouldpersonal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..

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