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Stop increasing cooldowns, energy costs, and resource costs

Crab Fear.1624

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If you don't like how the skill functions, change it.

If you think the skill is too powerful and bloated, reduce its efficacy.

The way the game was originally designed does not go with how you are patching it.

Making changes like this, just slows down the game, and you have already slowed it down enough.

Please try to remember when there were players that could deal with the most potent versions of some of these skills.

I see that no real meaningful balance has been happening.

I do question if you as the developers play your own game enough to be clued in.

At least visit the reddits and forums.

Some changes you make are not being requested.

And, it seems like you purposely ignore the mass requests to review overly potent skills, and functions, as if just out of spite.

It has been said before, sometimes you need to look beyond your own thoughts to gain insight.

How is the balance being made?

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:If you don't like how the skill functions, change it.

That's where the problem starts. Apparently cmc can't change functionality because pve bois will go gaga.

I wish we could have a complete pve / pvp+wvw split. that way we can have custom skills and even custom traits.

Cmc cant change skill functions or designs cuz it requires the skill team to do so and they always seem to be too busy, so over the last yr balance passes consist of number changes only, that's a real professional method to balancing a large mmo if I've ever heard one. They also recently stated that unfortunately those 300 sec traits are here to stay do to the effort required to redesign them, cuz I guess lowering the 5 min cd's to a atleast a amount that makes them useable is too much to ask from these devs.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:If you don't like how the skill functions, change it.

That's where the problem starts. Apparently cmc can't change functionality because pve bois will go gaga.

I wish we could have a complete pve / pvp+wvw split. that way we can have custom skills and even custom traits.

Cmc cant change skill functions or designs cuz it requires the skill team to do so and they always seem to be too busy, so over the last yr balance passes consist of number changes only, that's a real professional method to balancing a large mmo if I've ever heard one. They also recently stated that unfortunately those 300 sec traits are here to stay do to the effort required to redesign them, cuz I guess lowering the 5 min cd's to a atleast a amount that makes them useable is too much to ask from these devs.

Hire cmc as a balance dev. Then imagine not hiring a programmer / skill designer to go with it. If all other designers/programmers are busy all the time, you might wanna hire more... Why buy a car without wheels.

We are at a point now where simple number shuffles won't do much anymore. Pretty much everything has been nerfed to clunkyness. It's time for reworks, it's been long overdue. Multiple trait lines, elite specs and weapon/utility skills require it.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:If you don't like how the skill functions, change it.

That's where the problem starts. Apparently cmc can't change functionality because pve bois will go gaga.

I wish we could have a complete pve / pvp+wvw split. that way we can have custom skills and even custom traits.

Cmc cant change skill functions or designs cuz it requires the skill team to do so and they always seem to be too busy, so over the last yr balance passes consist of number changes only, that's a real professional method to balancing a large mmo if I've ever heard one. They also recently stated that unfortunately those 300 sec traits are here to stay do to the effort required to redesign them, cuz I guess lowering the 5 min cd's to a atleast a amount that makes them useable is too much to ask from these devs.

Imagine hiring cmc as a balance dev. Then imagine not hiring a programmer / skill designer to go with it. If all other designers/programmers are busy all the time, you might wanna hire more... Why buy a car without wheels.

I honestly think anets been either so stretched thin with other projects again or are working on a skeleton crew that they just simply dont have the resources to support a game this size any longer, a company suffering due to either would do what they could to keep those struggles internal. This could also be why the non new expac idea was changed out of the blue as a way to salvage what they could at this point by trying to bring hype to keep players interested in a mmo that gets very small bouts of new content and almost no support in other area's ie proper balancing and skill redesign's. The game has 0 direction and a expac is usually preplanned and takes a good chunk of time before release so it stands to reason EoD is either very far off or what we'll get will be rushed and it will show. Either way as much as we complain they may actually be doing what they can with what resources they have left, I think anets having a lot more issues internally than what's known publically

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Either way as much as we complain they may actually be doing what they can with what resources they have left, I think anets having a lot more issues internally than what's known publically

I'm absolutely sure that's what they're doing. I don't blame the normal devs at all and i hope they still have the passion to carry on. The ones to blame are the higher ups that constantly mismanage the game, and who knows what stuff ncsoft is pulling behind the strings.

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"and resource costs"Lmao, this game doesn't have any consistent resource mechanic across every class. The resources that are present hardly matter in any encounter considering how easy it is to either refresh them on demand or break from combat and let them passively refill. If this game had an actual, universal resource mechanic, then you might have another lever to adjust besides just making things deal more/less damage and skills recharging faster/slower.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:How is the balance being made?

Balance is made by CmC skipping out on his other duties for 30 minutes to slap a quick list togheter. That's not even a joke. The entire balance team is CmC for half an hour, few days before the patch hits. If you think there is no meaningful balancing is being done, that's because there isn't. It's not priority.

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@"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:High impact skills with high cd/"cost" make timing and counterplay more important, which is a good thing. Low cd/impact just makes the game more "spammy".

True! On paper seems great but in reality what would actually occur is it matters very little if a high impact skill has a high cd or cast time attached to it, if it's high impact it will get qq'd about by the community to have it nerfed to be less impactful and over time it will become a low impact skill with a high CD and long cast time lol as this is the way regarding gw2 :)I especially love how everyone complains over and over about a skill or mechanic on classes then when they get gutted not even within a day qq's pop up asking for another skill or mechanic of those classes to be nerfed, it's awesome.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:High impact skills with high cd/"cost" make timing and counterplay more important, which is a good thing. Low cd/impact just makes the game more "spammy".

True! On paper seems great but in reality what would actually occur is it matters very little if a high impact skill has a high cd or cast time attached to it, if it's high impact it will get qq'd about by the community to have it nerfed to be less impactful and over time it will become a low impact skill with a high CD and long cast time lol as this is the way regarding gw2 :)I especially love how everyone complains over and over about a skill or mechanic on classes then when they get gutted not even within a day qq's pop up asking for another skill or mechanic of those classes to be nerfed, it's awesome.

problem is we have stealth to conceal these high-impact skills, for ex mes shatter burst was never considered a problem until people got oneshot out of nowhere by pu mesmers

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:High impact skills with high cd/"cost" make timing and counterplay more important, which is a good thing. Low cd/impact just makes the game more "spammy".

True! On paper seems great but in reality what would actually occur is it matters very little if a high impact skill has a high cd or cast time attached to it, if it's high impact it will get qq'd about by the community to have it nerfed to be less impactful and over time it will become a low impact skill with a high CD and long cast time lol as this is the way regarding gw2 :)I especially love how everyone complains over and over about a skill or mechanic on classes then when they get gutted not even within a day qq's pop up asking for another skill or mechanic of those classes to be nerfed, it's awesome.

problem is we have stealth to conceal these high-impact skills, for ex mes shatter burst was never considered a problem until people got oneshot out of nowhere by pu mesmers

True but mesmers are pigeonholed into this playstyle by this very mentality of nerf nerf we all get nerfs attitudes. All they have left as a option is to stealth one shot if they want to be effective and this is from someone who views mesmers and its specs thee most anoying class to fight but regardless of my personal view theyve been qq'd about so often and heavily nerfed that we've created this playstyle and put them in a position where this is their best option for playstyle ie stealth one shot and soon thief is gonna be worse for everyone than it is now cuz soon its gonna end up in same place. Wait and see :)

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