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Silverwastes Shovels

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Why is it, the things you need for Guild hall progress is the MOST difficult lt thing to get, we need 150 shovels and farming them is such a GRIND, just like the gift of battle. If you make something unattainable then they will just give up and not worry about it, and after all you want people to play this game right!, make them a scribe item level 400+ or something like that, if you want people to farm them then give them one per event, then people would be in silverwastes all the time. If not then continue continue to be the heartless people that everyone is say in chat.

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Yeah the guild is kind of the point here. 50 people - or 1/10th of a max size guild - doing the meta would only need to provide 3 shovels each. Fairly sure thats simple to get and if you make something too simple its not really any better in an MMO literally built to be a gameplay loop.

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@levelmakerguru.7210 said:if you want people to farm them then give them one per event, then people would be in silverwastes all the time.

No they wouldn’t. Increasing the drop rate on something with extremely limited uses would not cause people to farm Silverwastes all the time. If a particular item is the reason people are farming Silverwastes then increasing the drop rate would speed up the time until players no longer need to farm the map.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.

Meanwhile just run around and do RIBA for an hour once a week without opening chests. Viola, you have shovels then in abundance.

Just a small change. It's locating the chests that requires shovels, which can't be purchased. Opening them requires keys - which you can buy.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.

Meanwhile just run around and do RIBA for an hour once a week without opening chests. Viola, you have shovels then in abundance.

This is pretty much it. I don't know how many shovels I've thrown to make space in my inventory, but I guess at least 200. RIBA will give you lots of shovels.

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@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.


Alternatively use the following steps:

  • google "Silverwaste shovel value"
  • do some basic research
  • create an LFG where you offer silver/gold for shovels (or even better make a post in a trading forum or discord about desiring the shovels as to make sure to not breach policy in case the developer start enforcing it more strictly)
  • ....
  • profit

There are solutions to most perceived problems or at the least practical workarounds, one just has to think just slightly outside the box.

EDIT:I have amended step 3 to be more in line with game policy

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@Cyninja.2954 said:@levelmakerguru.7210

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.


Alternatively use the following steps:
  • google "Silverwaste shovel value"
  • do some basic research
  • create an LFG where you offer silver/gold for shovels
  • ....
  • profit

There are solutions to most perceived problems or at the least practical workarounds, one just has to think just slightly outside the box.


Read the part about forming an LFG to sell in game items.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.


Alternatively use the following steps:
  • google "Silverwaste shovel value"
  • do some basic research
  • create an LFG where you offer silver/gold for shovels
  • ....
  • profit

There are solutions to most perceived problems or at the least practical workarounds, one just has to think just slightly outside the box.

Read the part about forming an LFG to sell in game items.

Yes, you form a group. That group can be formed for any reason. If you form a group in order to invite players to your guild and for them to provide you with resources which you desire, is that not forming a group with a common goal?

Have you been keeping track of what and how the LFG tool has been used since the beginning of the game?

Even then should be assume that suddenly the developers change their approach here, which they haven't in over 8 years given things like shovels, decorations, etc. have been sold about this long, replace step 3 and LFG with any trade forum post and the approach remains the same.

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:Do not buy shovels. Just do what many here have suggested. Farming shovels is super easy and goes super fast. When I still had heaps, I even gave away 100+ of shovels to some forum questioners and I think there are still people who just give away their stuff for guilds.

Do you have the 150 shovels TC needs and are willing to give them away for free?

If no, then don't make assumptions on how other players will or will not behave. Having players give away shovels for free is nice, but those items have an intrinsic value which others are willing to pay for. TC can then decide on how he wants to approach his acquisition of the material.

Your advice basically boils down to: there is enough players giving shovels away for free, which might very well be true (yet unlikely that this happens in such a high quantity or volume, otherwise there would be no gray market value), or grind yourself. One of which is an assumption contradicted by a price for the item, the other going against what TC was complaining about aka grind.

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As I wrote I have given away far more shovels for free and have seen others do the same.Therefore, I advised him not to buy shovels. Of course he can still do that if there is absolutely no other way for him.

That was just my advice about it, just like you gave yours. If you don't like it, that's not my problem ^^.

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:As I wrote I have given away far more shovels for free and have seen others do the same.Therefore, I advised him not to buy shovels. Of course he can still do that if there is absolutely no other way for him.

That was just my advice about it, just like you gave yours. If you don't like it, that's not my problem ^^.

Which is perfectly fine. I am just calling your advice inefficient.

Then again, I am sure TC has by now either given up, or found a solution to his issue given enough time has passed.

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I am not someone who plays for efficiency. I play to have fun and that is often inefficient for me as long as I can please others or myself.

If I had the shovels I would give them to him immediately. But as I said, I have already given away all the ones I still had. And since I think that I'm not the only person in the game who thinks like me, I gave this advice.Isn't that the great thing about different opinions. You can approach things differently ^^.

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:I am not someone who plays for efficiency. I play to have fun and that is often inefficient for me as long as I can please others or myself.

Which is great for you, but how does this HELP someone else? You are giving advice and hopefully giving advice which will help the other party in a meaningful way. Telling them to grind, which they were complaining about, or to hope that others give them stuff for free, which is basically begging unless people magically know what you want from them, is not economically sound advice (and might even get you blocked by some overzealous players who hate begging in game).

@Fuchslein.8639 said:If I had the shovels I would give them to him immediately. But as I said, I have already given away all the ones I still had. And since I think that I'm not the only person in the game who thinks like me, I gave this advice.

Yes, I too have given guilds I am in shovels. I did so of my own free will. I would never EXPECT others to give their shovels to me for free. Obviously I could ask others to give me their unused shovels at no return, which is akin to a price of 0.

If one was limited by time constraints, which approach do you think would yield results faster? An economic exchange of shovels for something in return, or one where I hope others give me their stuff for free?

@Fuchslein.8639 said:Isn't that the great thing about different opinions. You can approach things differently ^^.

There is a difference between economically sound advice, and economically unsound advice. Notice how I am not demanding you change your opinion. I am commenting on the inefficiencies in it so others can make up their own mind which advice makes more sense to them.

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@levelmakerguru.7210 said:Why is it, the things you need for Guild hall progress is the MOST difficult lt thing to get, we need 150 shovels and farming them is such a GRIND, just like the gift of battle. If you make something unattainable then they will just give up and not worry about it, and after all you want people to play this game right!, make them a scribe item level 400+ or something like that, if you want people to farm them then give them one per event, then people would be in silverwastes all the time. If not then continue continue to be the heartless people that everyone is say in chat.

Should you still need help write me on the WE. Then I'll show you how you can farm quite a few shovels in a short time via RIBA.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.


Alternatively use the following steps:
  • google "Silverwaste shovel value"
  • do some basic research
  • create an LFG where you offer silver/gold for shovels
  • ....
  • profit

There are solutions to most perceived problems or at the least practical workarounds, one just has to think just slightly outside the box.

Read the part about forming an LFG to sell in game items.

Yes, you form a group. That group can be formed for any reason. If you form a group in order to invite players to your guild and for them to provide you with resources which you desire, is that not forming a group with a common goal?

Have you been keeping track of what and how the LFG tool has been used since the beginning of the game?

Even then should be assume that suddenly the developers change their approach here, which they haven't in over 8 years given things like shovels, decorations, etc. have been sold about this long, replace step 3 and LFG with any trade forum post and the approach remains the same.

"Players may use the tool to sell a spot in a group—because that can be part of the group formation process—but they may not use it for the sales or trades of items, nor for any other purpose."

From the link.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:On topic:

Has the OP tried asking in map chat within the Silverwastes for extra shovels?

Something like "Hey fam, I'm out of shovels can someone spot me a couple dozen so I can open some sweet loot chests?"

They are acc-bound, so this won't work

Shows how much I pay attention to such things :tongue:Kind of ticks me off how much stuff is soulbound and account bound. I hate that games started doing that.

Well, OP just needs to put their big pants on and go do RIBA a few times a week and skip the bandit chests.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:On topic:

Has the OP tried asking in map chat within the Silverwastes for extra shovels?

Something like "Hey fam, I'm out of shovels can someone spot me a couple dozen so I can open some sweet loot chests?"

They are acc-bound, so this won't work

Shows how much I pay attention to such things :tongue:Kind of ticks me off how much stuff is soulbound and account bound. I hate that games started doing that.

Well, OP just needs to put their big pants on and go do RIBA a few times a week and skip the bandit chests.

In my opinion bound items have their place too, because I don't think it would be healthy for the game, if everything would be buyable on the tp. But that's another topic.

In the case of guild upgrade bound items can be traded, because they use a separate storage in the guild. So you can invite the seller to the guild and he can put it into this storage then.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.


Alternatively use the following steps:
  • google "Silverwaste shovel value"
  • do some basic research
  • create an LFG where you offer silver/gold for shovels
  • ....
  • profit

There are solutions to most perceived problems or at the least practical workarounds, one just has to think just slightly outside the box.

Read the part about forming an LFG to sell in game items.

Yes, you form a group. That group can be formed for any reason. If you form a group in order to invite players to your guild and for them to provide you with resources which you desire, is that not forming a group with a common goal?

Have you been keeping track of what and how the LFG tool has been used since the beginning of the game?

Even then should be assume that suddenly the developers change their approach here, which they haven't in over 8 years given things like shovels, decorations, etc. have been sold about this long, replace step 3 and LFG with any trade forum post and the approach remains the same.

"Players may use the tool to sell a spot in a group—because that can be part of the group formation process—but they may not use it for the sales or trades of items, nor for any other purpose."

From the link.

I have amended my original response.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Its a guild based endeavor. Stop doing it alone and get guild mates involved.


Alternatively use the following steps:
  • google "Silverwaste shovel value"
  • do some basic research
  • create an LFG where you offer silver/gold for shovels
  • ....
  • profit

There are solutions to most perceived problems or at the least practical workarounds, one just has to think just slightly outside the box.

Read the part about forming an LFG to sell in game items.

Yes, you form a group. That group can be formed for any reason. If you form a group in order to invite players to your guild and for them to provide you with resources which you desire, is that not forming a group with a common goal?

Have you been keeping track of what and how the LFG tool has been used since the beginning of the game?

Even then should be assume that suddenly the developers change their approach here, which they haven't in over 8 years given things like shovels, decorations, etc. have been sold about this long, replace step 3 and LFG with any trade forum post and the approach remains the same.

Yes I have been watching LFG. Most of what I have seen listed are not players asking for or to buy Shovels but players listing to sell them.

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