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Cynn outfit for gemstore/more OG guild wars skins for gemstore

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Hey guys! I know its a while till the anniversary but since last anniversary we got an outfit from an original guild wars character, Eve, I thought i would talk about this outfit that i think would work well in gw2: Cynn



Like Eve (and Mhenlo whose outfit is also in the Gemstore as Monk's Attire), she was in all the original guild wars games. Her aesthetic is unique and memorable and it could certainly bring some flair for the true end-game content that is fashion wars.

other skins i would like to see are the Kukri for daggers, and Gilded Edge for swords.



What do you all think? What other outfits/skins would you like to see in the gem store that were from the original game?

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I’d like for them to bring back the Ritualist outfit already or permanently add the outfit voucher in the gem store so we can choose which outfits we want.

But to answer your question the outfits I’d like for them to add would be:LuxonKurzickAncientImperialNornAnd lastly, Obsidian

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@"Dragon.4782" said:Hey guys! I know its a while till the anniversary but since last anniversary we got an outfit from an original guild wars character, Eve, I thought i would talk about this outfit that i think would work well in gw2: Cynn



Like Eve (and Mhenlo whose outfit is also in the Gemstore as Monk's Attire), she was in all the original guild wars games. Her aesthetic is unique and memorable and it could certainly bring some flair for the true end-game content that is fashion wars.

other skins i would like to see are the Kukri for daggers, and Gilded Edge for swords.



What do you all think? What other outfits/skins would you like to see in the gem store that were from the original game?

That would be pleasing!

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@Tseison.4659 said:I’d like for them to bring back the Ritualist outfit already or permanently add the outfit voucher in the gem store so we can choose which outfits we want.

But to answer your question the outfits I’d like for them to add would be:LuxonKurzickAncientImperialNornAnd lastly, Obsidian

I'd love to see primeval one for ranger. It was my favorite armor from Nightfall. Even if it would come as an armor skin, I'd probably buy it for the looks.

We already have the devish one as an outfit... we need more :anguished:

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I mean, gw1 armours looked great in gw1, but after a surge of gw1 outfits in gw2 I begin to realize that a faithful recreation is a little too simple for gw2's aesthetic and just looks... off. Personally, if Anet went down this route, I'd prefer they reimagine the armours or outfits as though they were going to recreate it for the 2012 gw2 release, rather than directly porting a 2006 armour into 2021.

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@Fueki.4753 said:I'd rather have the normal Luxon Elementalist armour than Cynn's Outfit.

There already are too many outfits.Arenanet needs to go back to armours.

They won't make as much money with the number of armor sets that they can with the number of outfits that are being released. Armor sets take a lot of resources; outfits, not so much.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:I'd rather have the normal Luxon Elementalist
than Cynn's

There already are too many outfits.Arenanet needs to go back to armours.

They won't make as much money with the number of armor sets that they can with the number of outfits that are being released. Armor sets take a lot of resources; outfits, not so much.

I well aware that Arenanet won't bother making as many armours as they ought to do and instead chose the cheap way out.But that doesn't change what I'd rather see them put in proper effort.

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@"Tseison.4659" said:I’d like for them to bring back the Ritualist outfit already or permanently add the outfit voucher in the gem store so we can choose which outfits we want.

But to answer your question the outfits I’d like for them to add would be:LuxonKurzickAncientImperialNornAnd lastly, Obsidian

You appear to have deliberately omitted the best of them:X9OzP9Z.jpgVabbian Necro Female.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

@"Tseison.4659" said:I’d like for them to bring back the Ritualist outfit already or permanently add the outfit voucher in the gem store so we can choose which outfits we want.

But to answer your question the outfits I’d like for them to add would be:LuxonKurzickAncientImperialNornAnd lastly, Obsidian

You appear to have deliberately omitted the best of them:
Vabbian Necro Female.

I was gonna mention the Elonian and Vabbi ones but I figured since POF, anet had so much time to implement them in game. Tsk tsk tsk.

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Sure, Cynn's armor would be great to add, it always stood out as it was unique and a bit iconic. Yes I would love to see gw1 armors as actual armors in gw2, particularly some of my favorites like ancient ranger, Vabbian assassin, and Luxon elementalist. Can't say I expect that to happen any time soon, not with the current iteration of Anet, so in the meantime gw1 based outfits for the anniversary is a semi-acceptable alternative.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:I'd rather have the normal Luxon Elementalist
than Cynn's

There already are too many outfits.Arenanet needs to go back to armours.

They won't make as much money with the number of armor sets that they can with the number of outfits that are being released. Armor sets take a lot of resources; outfits, not so much.

I well aware that Arenanet won't bother making as many armours as they ought to do and instead chose the cheap way out.But that doesn't change what I'd rather see them put in proper effort.

How do you define "proper effort"?

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@NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:I’d like for them to bring back the Ritualist outfit already or permanently add the outfit voucher in the gem store so we can choose which outfits we want.

But to answer your question the outfits I’d like for them to add would be:LuxonKurzickAncientImperialNornAnd lastly, Obsidian

I'd love to see primeval one for ranger. It was my favorite armor from Nightfall. Even if it would come as an armor skin, I'd probably buy it for the looks.

We already have the devish one as an outfit... we need more :anguished:

Elite Druid and Elite Cabalist and all Obsidian

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:I'd rather have the normal Luxon Elementalist
than Cynn's

There already are too many outfits.Arenanet needs to go back to armours.

They won't make as much money with the number of armor sets that they can with the number of outfits that are being released. Armor sets take a lot of resources; outfits, not so much.

I well aware that Arenanet won't bother making as many armours as they ought to do and instead chose the cheap way out.But that doesn't change what I'd rather see them put in proper effort.

If it means anything I stand by this too.When the store had Armour skins, I was loving it. This opened the options up of mixing and matching armours to make that perfect look, a look that no one else has and look good at the same time.

Then Anets EA games mindset came along, all about money rather than making items/content players really want/need. (just look at the history of cash shop items added over the last few years... Remember when Legendary weapons were the only flashy weapons?)

Sadly outfits success can be pointed at the target audiance, the super casual players who can not be bothered to look through the wardrobe to work out what works together and what does not. (Yes I am going to generalise here for this point.) The casual player is more likely to splash out money to be lazy.

I have never paid money for an outfit in the game, be it via gold to gems or gems alone. I have however bought most of the armour skins, sometimes for 1 item out the lot!

I do wish however, people would stop defending Anets decision to stop making armour sets. As defending it, justifies it in anets eyes. Imagine if all the outfits we got were armour skins... Just think about how much customisation you could of had over your characters looks. Too many times Ive been let down by seeing some really good armour design on one armour part to then realise its another uncustomisable outfit...

I remember when this came out:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Awakened_Zealot_OutfitI saw so many possible combinations that could have been done, ruined by being an outfit.Same with the Monks outfit, so many armour combinations, ruined by being an outfit.

If this game only had outfits, then sure defend it all the way, but it doesnt, this game from its core started with armour skins, customisation like you've never seen done before and developers who loved the game. (Seriously Id love to be proven wrong on my last point here, ever since the core Developers have left the company... the content and items being sold feels dry and lifeless with an agenda to push.)

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@"kharmin.7683" said:How do you define "proper effort"?

By that I mean making armours that can be split and thus be mixed with other armour pieces and give each part individual dye channels.This also enable people to hide shoulders and gloves (and shoes, if people got extremely lucky or paid 3.5k for the invisible "skin", which still needs to drop significantly more often and from far more sources).

With Outfits Arenanet is stopping short after a third of the proper effort (at the best of times), by only designing the looks and then abruptly stop there.Outfits can't aren't split and mixed, so there is effort missing.Outfits have only 4 dye channels instead of up to 24 like armours do, so outfits are missing out.Outfits can only hide the helmet, but gloves shoulder bits and shoes always are visible, so outfits lack customizability here as well.

As you can see, Arenanet puts considerably less effort in making outfits.It's so much effort left out, that the tiniest bit of effort they put into outfits can't be called proper.

And sometimes Arenanet doesn't even finish designing outfits, the inside of the monk outfit's skirt (female version, obviously) is a a blob of playdoo with legs sticking out.

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Ok, I agree that there is less effort (and resources spent) in making outfits as opposed to armor sets. This was a business decision on Anet's part, from what I can tell. I disagree with your definition of "proper effort" as that is a subjective point of view, but thanks for clarifying what you meant by it.

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