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Why there are not many Fun Events anymore


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I hate to disappoint but this question has the same answer as almost every other question: The people who used to create those events are gone, reluctant or hindered/discouraged to create such events due to the state of the game mode.

Most of these things were not created by a single, lone player who did everything by themselves. They were created through cooperation and the initative of empowered groups of friends. That does not stop you from going out and doing it today but it answers why the people who used to do it no longer do.

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People just lack passion for the game. Playing the game all day just isn't fun anymore: balance is terrible, relinks are terrible, commanding is terrible, fighting meta is terrible. As a result, pugs are also terrible. You can't even siege/defend objectives and get lasting fights from it because it will always devolve into clouding.

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@Threather.9354 said:People just lack passion for the game. Playing the game all day just isn't fun anymore: balance is terrible, relinks are terrible, commanding is terrible, fighting meta is terrible. As a result, pugs are also terrible. You can't even siege/defend objectives and get lasting fights from it because it will always devolve into clouding.

That's only because zergs are so big that everything blows up in a microsecond. The zergs/guilds are way too big because that's the way to optimise. It's just a case of commanders taking advantage of mechanics - mechanics which SHOULD be altered for the health of the mode.

The secondary problem is that when things weren't as EASY for the giant zergs/guilds, there was a considerable amount of lobbying taking place on the forum in order to push the mode to it's current position.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@"Threather.9354" said:People just lack passion for the game. Playing the game all day just isn't fun anymore: balance is terrible, relinks are terrible, commanding is terrible, fighting meta is terrible. As a result, pugs are also terrible. You can't even siege/defend objectives and get lasting fights from it because it will always devolve into clouding.

That's only because zergs are so big that everything blows up in a microsecond. The zergs/guilds are way too big because that's the way to optimise. It's just a case of commanders taking advantage of mechanics - mechanics which SHOULD be altered for the health of the mode.

I play solo/small scale in wvw, so I don't see the reason for you not to do the same. Nothing about this "SHOULD be altered" just because other people have an option to play how you don't want them to play.

The secondary problem is that when things weren't as EASY for the giant zergs/guilds, there was a considerable amount of lobbying taking place on the forum in order to push the mode to it's current position.

At this form this is an empty statement, elaborate?

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MM Event Raids have been done a bazillion times already, they just wipe against any cloud, any objectives with alot of siege/defenders and any organized groups.

The only time you could run such an event is dead at night, or in the early mornings, besides against servers with little late night coverage, at least in the EU it happens quite often. Wiping constantly isn't fun.

Like golem rushes can often go back unless it's reset night, where one server ktrains while the other two servers fight each other.

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Remember back in the day when TC was the rp server... then they had their parties crashed... think it was FA that constantly loved to do that.I use to be in a zerg guild that ran weekly events too like dolyak parades, all necro, or all ranger nights.Servers like SoS ran training days.Uplevel k-train fridays, until eotm showed up.

Can't do much of that stuff these days because of the how much combat and classes have changed, any event would get destroyed with any semi organized or even a pug cloud, boons especially stability are too important now. Not to mention how much communities have shrunk, and guilds sticking to themselves.

I suppose you could run an outfit night lol, but then do you want to reward anet more for how badly they run/ignore this section of the game?

It was pretty fun running mm night all those years ago, the blob fights we had, if that happened today we would have been destroyed easily.

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@XenesisII.1540 said:Remember back in the day when TC was the rp server... then they had their parties crashed... think it was FA that constantly loved to do that.I use to be in a zerg guild that ran weekly events too like dolyak parades, all necro, or all ranger nights.Servers like SoS ran training days.Uplevel k-train fridays, until eotm showed up.

Can't do much of that stuff these days because of the how much combat and classes have changed, any event would get destroyed with any semi organized or even a pug cloud, boons especially stability are too important now. Not to mention how much communities have shrunk, and guilds sticking to themselves.

I suppose you could run an outfit night lol, but then do you want to reward anet more for how badly they run/ignore this section of the game?

It was pretty fun running mm night all those years ago, the blob fights we had, if that happened today we would have been destroyed easily.

That was back in the days of Glicko Hell, where the only way a server moved up a tier was to have a server above them implode. The things that led to fun events were:

  1. The winners of each matchup were already known, before reset. The winners/losers could never win/lose by enough to move to the next tier.
  2. Everyone showed up Friday and Saturday, sometimes Sunday, but by Monday the score gap was too great to overcome.
  3. Limited classes and guilds were still experimenting with group composition.
  4. Guilds came up with ways to let the players have fun Monday-Thursday.
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Some of the JQ guilds have Fun Thursdays, where they'll either pick a certain class to play, or use a certain weapon only, or run around using a specific tonic....Depends on your server guilds. I mean Tarnished Coast ran one time ran 50-60 Minion Masters with Flesh Golem. Believe me reporting a horde of undead running across the field, while scouting, is something you will cherish for the rest of your gaming life. Or the one group that ran 25 Ranger's with Hyena, tripling their numbers in seconds. Or the 15 Charr Guardians that slashed and hacked through zergs of 60+ enemy in Edge of the Mist. Or the little meepers than ran like 40 Asuran Mesmers. All dressed the same....that one was a nightmare. Because they would blink, cloak, or port in between dozens of portals so you could never lock any one of them down to destroy them. What a mess, especially with all those clones....erf.

Feel free to create something.

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