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What exactly determines who gets looting rights in WvW?


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I'm asking this because the wiki doesn't seem to have full information about it, and there was a bit of a discussion yesterday on what determines who gets loot drops from WvW.

I know you have to tag the enemy player, but how much damage do you have to do to be considered eligible for loot drops? Are you competing with teammates (is there a only a certain amount of eligible loot drops from an enemy player?) Do you get loot tags from giving boons to your teammates who have damaged the enemy? Is it party based? Is it squad based?

Thanks for any help.

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I assume this is talking about getting "bags". It's a very good question. I can't make sense of why I get or don't get bags most of the time.I can almost do 100% of the damage on an opponent and not get a bag. At times I can tag almost every player in an opposing zerg and maybe get 1 or 2 bags after we wipe them. Other times I barely do anything and get bags.It is super inconsistent.

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Bags are not 100% drops off players, there are other rewards you can get like the unidentified loot in it's place.I have a friend that believes if you do at around 1k damage on a target you should be fine to get credit for the kill.You're suppose to get some credit for doing support stuff, but I don't think they've ever discussed to what extent, and maybe you don't get credit if the targets of your support didn't get credit for the kills either.You're not competing for loot with anyone, unless you want to consider getting in your damage on a target before they're dead to everyone else a competition.I believe there might still be diminishing returns on loot from a player, so if you kill someone too often in a small period of time, you stop getting drops off them.

This is from the wikihttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Loot#Participation

ParticipationEach player who participates in killing an enemy will have the opportunity to loot the body. Each enemy has a damage table and a threshold value of damage done to it by the player before it will give full credit for the kill. This value is about 5% to 10% of the enemy's health. The loot dropped is unique to the player, and loot received by one player does not affect what another player receives. One enemy may drop the same rare item for multiple players.

Supporting your allies contributes toward earning rewards for killing enemies and damaging event bosses. The actions listed below cause a percentage of the target ally’s damage dealt for the next several seconds to also count toward your participation. In addition to that, damaging an enemy’s defiance bar will also grant you some participation toward receiving rewards from that enemy. In order to discourage AFKing with boon-applying auras, you must still be actively attacking targets to receive rewards from them.[2]

Applying boons to an ally (small percentage).Removing conditions from an ally (small percentage).Reviving an ally (large percentage).Healing an ally (percentage scales based on how much healing is given).However, it seems like a "cap" for reward exists, which limits the amount of players who can receive rewards of enemies. The cap is around the first 50 players reaching enough participation to receive loot.

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@Kirrund.2654 said:I'm asking this because the wiki doesn't seem to have full information about it, and there was a bit of a discussion yesterday on what determines who gets loot drops from WvW.

I know you have to tag the enemy player, but how much damage do you have to do to be considered eligible for loot drops? Are you competing with teammates (is there a only a certain amount of eligible loot drops from an enemy player?) Do you get loot tags from giving boons to your teammates who have damaged the enemy? Is it party based? Is it squad based?

Thanks for any help.

Damage enemy, random chance of getting a bag. Seems fairly simple?

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@Infusion.7149 said:Why would you be competing with teammates? I don't understand that idea.Unless you have the scout designation it should count whatever you tagged. The threshold for how much damage you need to do is lowered if you heal or put out boons.

Well, the idea is that if there's a certain cap on how much loot can drop from an enemy player, you are competing with your teammates in that respect. Also, an enemy only has a certain amount of health, so if the damage needed for participation is 1000 for example, there's a limited amount of 1000 damage he can take before he's dead. For both of these reasons, you'd be competing with other people for loot eligibility. That's why I was asking if there was a cap with that question. According to the participation rules quoted above, there's a 50 person cap, but I wonder if it's the same for WvW.

I was also wondering the extent at which, in WvW, supporting a player counts towards your contribution. I know that when playing a more supporting class I get far less bags than when I play a big AoE class like Scourge, where I can get 40-50+ bags in an hour or so. That seems to be other people's experience too. Which led me to wondering if it might be based off the party you're in, like if you're a support in a higher damage party for example. But the wiki says Ally.

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@"Infusion.7149" said:If the enemies are being "farmed" and give 0 WXP then that could be a reason that you aren't getting bags. There's diminishing returns and people that are alive for a short period basically don't give loot from my observations.

I think it's this, if you pay attention to the combat log. The only exception I've seen here are yaks--hitting them once is usually enough to count for participation. The rest seems to be damage based which favors spike over anything, as I found myself lacking in rewards in most fight when I'm pinning everyone down, but they die before my bleeds can ramp up.

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