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people don't know basics of pvp


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@mozlima.4015 said:

@mozlima.4015 said:The newbie/noob certificate is when at the beginning of the game, they do not click "yes" to ready up and let it go until the countdown ends.When I and the enemy team are the only ones who fast clicked "yes", I already know that I will lose

This is not true, in high tier games most of the players wait the 1 minute

1 minute moment of silence for brain death

Sometimes players use that 1min for quick strategy talk, I know it's rarer than dropping a precursor, but it still happens.

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@Undertaker.4368 said:Yes,they really don't know. When you doing ranked pvp and someone ask you what are beast, why 3 players shouldn't go home against one it is bad.I though at unranked you are lerning mechanics but now.... idk what to say. Maybe we should do any guide for a new players?

Can you blame them? Obviously the game doesnt do a good job teaching the players im not denying that and yes i also agree that many people learned double and triple capping doesnt work from other players who were kind enough to inform them however.........many people dont want because dont need to know the basics since learning how to abuse bots alone can bring you to plat.

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@Undertaker.4368 said:Yes,they really don't know. When you doing ranked pvp and someone ask you what are beast, why 3 players shouldn't go home against one it is bad.I though at unranked you are lerning mechanics but now.... idk what to say. Maybe we should do any guide for a new players?

Once people figure out that the rewards for ranked are better than unranked, they will probably play ranked. Especially players who don't care if they end up in gold, silver or bronze. But the ranking system itself will deal with these players. If they play terrible because they don't know the maps and mechanics, they will get a low rank and if you are better you will hardly ever see them.

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@Filip.7463 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:WOW used to have tips on loading screen, I have made similar suggestions to ANET before, but simply got ignored. But another issue is that the prevalence of SSD makes this less useful. So maybe a summary of tips somewhere in the mist.

Because in a lot of games tips on loading screen are bad

Used to be fine when loading takes longer time. But they can put somehting in the heart of the mist.

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@Crozame.4098 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:WOW used to have tips on loading screen, I have made similar suggestions to ANET before, but simply got ignored. But another issue is that the prevalence of SSD makes this less useful. So maybe a summary of tips somewhere in the mist.

Because in a lot of games tips on loading screen are bad

Used to be fine when loading takes longer time. But they can put somehting in the heart of the mist.

They can extend the pvp level needed for ranked. U get to lvl 20 in 30-40 matches

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@Filip.7463 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:WOW used to have tips on loading screen, I have made similar suggestions to ANET before, but simply got ignored. But another issue is that the prevalence of SSD makes this less useful. So maybe a summary of tips somewhere in the mist.

Because in a lot of games tips on loading screen are bad

Used to be fine when loading takes longer time. But they can put somehting in the heart of the mist.

They can extend the pvp level needed for ranked. U get to lvl 20 in 30-40 matches

You think most players learn from unranked games, especially learning map rotation, how to kite, how not to narrow focus on node etc? I highly doubt that.

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@Filip.7463 said:They can extend the pvp level needed for ranked. U get to lvl 20 in 30-40 matches

What would those players learn in unranked?The experience of being lopsided by the opponent teams?How to bath in near endless AoE and condition spam?How to take their hands of the keyboard while being chain-CC'd, because they can't do anything?

Unranked contains the same problems that ranked got, just far worse.

If anything, PvP would benefit more from Arenanet moving the requirement onto unranked, so people can enter the slightly gentler clown show and try to learn PvP before hitting the far worse unranked version.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Filip.7463 said:They can extend the pvp level needed for ranked. U get to lvl 20 in 30-40 matches

What would those players learn in unranked?The experience of being lopsided by the opponent teams?How to bath in near endless AoE and condition spam?How to take their hands of the keyboard while being chain-CC'd, because they can't do anything?

Unranked contains the same problems that ranked got, just far worse.

If anything, PvP would benefit more from Arenanet moving the requirement onto unranked, so people can enter the slightly gentler clown show and try to learn PvP before hitting the far worse unranked version.

The experience of other players raging because they go 2-3 to close maybe?

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PvP is scary if you are just starting out. I've only recently been able to feel like I contribute to my team and it's been a month or so. It really is just jump into 5vs5 match and hope someone is patient enough to offer advice when they see you don't know what you are doing. I mostly got silence. When people did message me it was toxic. I alway replied kindly and said I was trying but also newb. As soon as I have the PvP potions I need for my small guilds arena I'm out. That's all I really wanted in the first place anyway, a place to 1vs1 my friends. GW2 PvP is not new player friendly at all unless I missed something. Been PvE since launch and will probably stay there :( Some people I have met have been awesome to be fair. Just a few though.

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Best solution: grab your guildies, especially ones that want to invest in pvp and not only try it, give them a meta build on a class they know, try to make a comp, have a single vet explain some basic roles and play unraked and have fun. Occassionaly tournaments too. Getting demolished by Plat 2 teams is to be expected, so just train when fighting those.

In 3 days, 5 of my guildies and even I who has played in a couple of seasons in the past, have learnt how to rotate in battles and what our classes do and what to switch to once we see the enemy comp.

People just need to invest a bit. And when I'm alone in unranked I try to speak to my team before the match, or after to reflect on mistakes. Always politely ofc. No need to be the toxic mofo who ruins someone's day.

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they should make an actual conquest 5v5 tutorial, give in achivements ( 50 total ), finishing it awards 10 pvp levels, and raise pvp level required to play by 10 levels.That way.1 new players will do the tutorial to actually play the pvp, but if they REALLY dont want to they still can skip it.2 doing the tutorial is not a waste of time since you will get some rewards ( ap, maybe some gear and 10 levels gives 50 packs ).

EDITthis is what most games do, make a tutorial, dont force people to do it, but they tie good 1 time reward to it, so that most people will actually do the tutorial.

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