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@Ganathar.4956 said:

@Harfang.1507 said:Housing? :-1:I remember garrisons in WoW and what they did to normal player hubs. Thanks but not thanks. Compared to gliding and mounts, that would be an utter fail for me.

Garrisons were not even housing and they were not even meant to be such a system either.

They were advertised to be capable of the same things housing was, during WoD beta they were susposed to be fully customizable with housing and everything.

They gutted it before launch however.

That's what started the WoD problems overall, garrisons were cut down massively compared to what they were susposed to be.

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Let me tell you about housing, rift did housing better than any game. You literally build your home and can design and decorate it any way. From a cabin in the woods all the way to a floating mansion in the sky. I dont think GW2 could ever do that, and after playing in rift dimms nothing comes close.Every home is unique like this one. There are endless types of spaces to design.

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"passive gameplay" + instanced content is a thing that never will work..

Mounts work firtsly because everyone sees others mounts in open world.

Housing is a passive stuff, u dont is "housing' when is outside fighting world threats.

Theres no MMO where housing is main carrot for players.

Theres no one visiting each other Guild Hall and saying "wow how is impressive! i will try do have my own guild hall!".

Add to it instanced content factor, everyone hate it. DRM is most unpopular stuff in icebroog saga because is a instanced content.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Harfang.1507 said:Housing? :-1:I remember garrisons in WoW and what they did to normal player hubs. Thanks but not thanks. Compared to gliding and mounts, that would be an utter fail for me.

the majority of people on this forum say the same for mounts before their arrivalJust because it was bad on other games doesn't mean it will be bad on gw2.

Perhaps, but then there are people who found mounts to be a bad thing in GW2. The very things that some spoke about as being bad regarding mounts before they were implemented here came to pass as predicted.
  • most forum bubbles thinks mounts was bad before POF.
  • most forum bubbles thinks housing is good.

So u have a idea of what is about to become: LS1 nostalgia, fishing, underwater combat, is a long list.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:Theres no one visiting each other Guild Hall and saying "wow how is impressive! i will try do have my own guild hall!".

mostly because you need to be hopping multiple guilds in order to visit guild halls and you can't even visit as a guest without someone from the guild grouped with you and you have to enter from the openworld entrance.

in popular mmorpgs with housing like FF14 (where housing is very high on demand btw, with people fighting over the limited land there -- some even camping for hours when a plot goes up for sale just to snag the buy first) there are community boards outside the housing district which lists houses in that district people have opened to public that you can potentially visit -- there's nothing like that for GW2 guild halls... you can't even advertise your guild hall in-game you have to go to the forums and make an attractive album or video of your guild hall which is just too much effort, adding the requirement to actually join a guild just for visiting, then yes no one would go around visiting different guild halls because it's too much trouble.

another reason is that guild halls are too huge, they don't feel "personal" and for a single person/solo guild, building up your guild hall to become your "house" is too expensive and too time consuming (talking months maybe less than a year with all the materials and missions and stuff you have to do) just to get it to a level that's almost "personal" but not really getting there. same thing with the home instance, don't really have a "home" or "house" or "private space" there that has your name on it and you can't decorate it.

housing is not a fail-concept in mmorpgs, it's actually an attractive feature that offers an alternative gold/time sink for many players. BDO, FF14, SWTOR, Archeage, ESO, PSO2, and many other mmorpgs successful or not, have included housing -- with FF14 and ESO probably being one of the better ones out there.

if Arena Net could reinvent the typical mmorpg mounts and make them better than the competition, im pretty sure they can do a really good job with GW2 Housing if it ever becomes a thing

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:Theres no one visiting each other Guild Hall and saying "wow how is impressive! i will try do have my own guild hall!".

mostly because you need to be hopping multiple guilds in order to visit guild halls and you can't even visit as a guest without someone from the guild grouped with you and you have to enter from the openworld entrance.

its just because theres no fun. wonder why maxed guild halls are always depopulated, is a passive gameplay, some randons just came gathering nodes and left.

in popular mmorpgs with housing like FF14 (where housing is very high on demand btw, with people fighting over the limited land there -- some even camping for hours when a plot goes up for sale just to snag the buy first) there are community boards outside the housing district which lists houses in that district people have opened to public that you can potentially visit -- there's nothing like that for GW2 guild halls... you can't even advertise your guild hall in-game you have to go to the forums and make an attractive album or video of your guild hall which is just too much effort, adding the requirement to actually join a guild just for visiting, then yes no one would go around visiting different guild halls because it's too much trouble.

i doubt anyone join theses games just for "housing", or "have a home in a street".

another reason is that guild halls are too huge, they don't feel "personal" and for a single person/solo guild, building up your guild hall to become your "house" is too expensive and too time consuming (talking months maybe less than a year with all the materials and missions and stuff you have to do) just to get it to a level that's almost "personal" but not really getting there. same thing with the home instance, don't really have a "home" or "house" or "private space" there that has your name on it and you can't decorate it.

more smaller is just make the idea even more unactrative, is just a VIP personal home-instance. im not against this as new material sink, but as main expac "carrot" will be a huge failure. is like HoT mushrooms, no one buy HoT because the "pleasure of jumping through mushroons".

housing is not a fail-concept in mmorpgs, it's actually an attractive feature that offers an alternative gold/time sink for many players. BDO, FF14, SWTOR, Archeage, ESO, PSO2, and many other mmorpgs successful or not, have included housing -- with FF14 and ESO probably being one of the better ones out there.

if Arena Net could reinvent the typical mmorpg mounts and make them better than the competition, im pretty sure they can do a really good job with GW2 Housing if it ever becomes a thing

if as fail, because is passive gameplay, like fishing, is just "sitting on someplace and chill", this already have loots of lounges, they are just not customizable, but a customizable lounge is still a lounge, a parking place...

u dont explore world and kill stuff sitting in home, unless they create a mobile-house, but it would better a tank, a submarine, a ship or a airship to this task.

some mates cited Rift, same discussion, passive gameplay is failure.


from 2013

Housing has never been an MMO feature I've had any strong feelings about. I get that it adds depth and color to the world just like fishing, cooking, etc. do, but I could care less for the safe comfy fluffy places these tend to be.

Make it a defensible and attackable guild base and I'm all over that. That is the type of "housing" that integrates well into gameplay for me. These safe, instanced >places where people can spend time decorating etc.... could care less.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:-snip-

all of this is just because you find it boring. just like how some people find it interesting.

if it was boring to every MMORPG player, then FF14 for example wouldn't even add it or consider it when they remade the game into a Realm Reborn. ESO wouldn't have it and many other games as well.

not trying to force you to like it though just so we're clear -- just giving you a reason why people who like housing, like housing there's no changing that just like there's no changing you who thinks it's pointless.

i even said it on my post:

if Arena Net could reinvent the typical mmorpg mounts and make them better than the competition, im pretty sure they can do a really good job with GW2 Housing if it ever becomes a thing" IF " Housing becomes a thing. i didnt say it should become a thing like the other people here.

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@"The Greyhawk.9107" said:Aside from Housing, do any of you have any other possible ideas?

I have some pie-in-the-sky impractical ones, centered on making new mastery/trait lines centered on the 3 Orders and the Pact. However, it would be nigh impossible to make them properly behave like the other mastery lines (which can benefit all your characters regardless of where they are in terms of story choices and completion), and as such I don't think it really has a place here.

The nice thing about housing is it can do several things at once. And if done right, there doesn't have to be a particularly competitive element to it, while still being social if people can show up to yours. BDO, a notoriously competitive-minded game (people and guilds literally pvp each other to occupy pve grinding spots) has physical houses in the open world cities that transform into personal instances the moment you enter the door. As you enter, you can choose to visit a friend's instance, or a public instance of sufficient rank - all with no loading screen. Obviously GW2's instancing doesn't work as seamlessly, and BDO found a way to make it competitive anyways (to access certain completely unnecessary extras in a city, you have to have the most decoration points of your housing plot in that city). SWTOR - which is hardly a shining example in any modern mmo in terms of system design - probably has the closest thing to what we might expect out of GW2 housing. That game's housing is fully instanced, and you can let friends visit your house(s) by giving them keys to enter as well as making it publicly accessible.

But none of that really matters as much as what the overall housing system can do for the game, and admittedly in this regard I'm not confident it's going to be awesome as I'd like. We already have a wide variety of places that can serve as safe bases for players, and finally with Eye of the North we (almost) have a full-service equivalent to places like Mistlock and Armistice Bastion for people who don't want to buy a pass, missing only stuff like the mystic forge. As for RP "my character actually lives somewhere in this world" stuff, I think the devs have always considered the home instance to be a hand-wavy version of that, which has resource functionality to boot. Properly done housing would just combine those services and RP elements in one place, but frankly I'm not sure it would be worth the development effort, as much as I'd like to see it happen.

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@"Zuldari.3940" said:Let me tell you about housing, rift did housing better than any game. You literally build your home and can design and decorate it any way. From a cabin in the woods all the way to a floating mansion in the sky. I dont think GW2 could ever do that, and after playing in rift dimms nothing comes close.Every home is unique like this one. There are endless types of spaces to design.

thanks for the memories! kitten, I miss Rift so much. and so true, dimensions were a complete other level of "housing." Loved the creativity of people making objects nonexistent in a fantastic world like showers and TV sets out of pieces of stone, wood and metal. I'm going to log back into the game soon and at least finish some quests and achieves, hahah...any of you really into housing I'd highly recommend Rift. Game's in a coma state more or less but Dimensions get some novelties quite often. Warning: you'll completely lose track of time playing around them :p

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Gonna say only that:-There are players spending ton of gold to have a "legendary" weapon skin or armor skin.-There are players spending gold in infusions to become a disco ball.-There are players hunting for every AP available even if it is tied to collections and require gold.-There are peoples using their gold just for gems to get gemstore cosmetics like having flufflier bunny, shinier dragon...

So why does it bother that housing is added? You enjoy burning your wallet for the appareance of your axe, how fluffy is your bunny, if you can become the sun and burn everyone eyes, having all the ap or mount skins of the world..
Cool if it is your way to spend your gold, enjoy, have fun. Me it is about wasting that gold into decorations and houses. Got it?

Is it that hard, to understand, that players can have fun just by building something, seeing what they projected in their imagination becoming reality; without receiving any material, gold or legendary or AP in return? What isn't understood? Just happy to see the house, lab, tree, farhar, homestead of their dreams.

Yeah I sniff it, the never ending "go play sims or minecraft". Are housing lovers just like RPers considered like weirdos? Don't anyone think, that if housing is asked specifically in gw2, it is because the players want to use gw2 assets, models and environment and not placing just cubes around?

Even RP, you know, it isn't a lfg channel that is needed, it is more environment empty of any npc or foes, possibility to hide themselves and be only visible to other member of the rp squad to finally be free of trolls and harassment; even just an item like a notebook you can keep on you in which you keep track of your backstory and the scenario.

There will be only 1 point I'm sure about. The decoration system is a solid base but it has to be improved. Can be as scribe 500, allowing shrink/expand, rotating in 3 axis and allowing to uses brushes to paint paths or change texture of the floor plus allowing to place npcs. Asura gates and trading post have to become available in guild halls.

Housing hasn't yet germinated to create a sub community that there already are 10 feet stomping it.

Over years, I read here and here raids are dead no more loves from anyone, whereas today you still have raiding guilds. I bet there is at least 1 group or guild somewhere that is specialized in DRM or strikes.

There will be a group forming itself. About monetization, come on.... raids aren't monetized nor dungeons, nor fractals.I speak only for myself here , but I'm ready to pay gem to get a basement, a second floor, having more storage, purchase services....DJ, asura gates. Your personilized lounge kind of.

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@"hugo.4705" said:There will be a group forming itself. About monetization, come on.... raids aren't monetized nor dungeons, nor fractals.I speak only for myself here , but I'm ready to pay gem to get a basement, a second floor, having more storage, purchase services....DJ, asura gates. Your personilized lounge kind of.

Nothing against this becoming a "side stuff", but as main xpasion drive is ask for failure.mainly because how you advertise your house outside of them, when doing metas and stuff?

Theres a reason why they bring every stuff to wvw, even ridiculousy nerfed like mounts(basically just to showing up). u cant bring your house to wvw.


they make that stuff a "war of houses" where u build u fortress and have to protect from atackers.... now the things become interesting.

by ofc theres nothing prohibiting them to bring this, like they bring GH on HoT, aside of gliders.

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@"The Greyhawk.9107" said:Aside from Housing, do any of you have any other possible ideas?

since many ppl want "sea stuff", a sugest some of war ship system, where u controls ships in a war with each other(or anything like that).... even submarines. They already have the tech to make these stuff mobile(like airship in dragonfall). just add a tech to add cannons to them etc.. like a "mobile" wvw fortress.

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If they do housing, i sure expect is nothing like FFXIV. That is live in map server houses that are a FINITE resource. You camp or you lose and that sucks.Housing should be instanced, a good housing system was Wildstar housing. Just make it a nice comfy instance, it might even remodel assets of your already existing housing instance that allows to decor it a bit more, maybe redesign some aspects of it. But make it instanced and personal so everyone has their own.

I seriously expect a bit more of underwater exploration and combat.

If anything what i want is a more tight and consistent update schedule.

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