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inb4 clarion bond busted after patch


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52 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Be more worried about the return of Boonbeast like setups that are again overly sustainy for the level of damage they have.


Calling it now:

  1. First read this carefully, notice it says the Mad King Rune is identical to Ranger Warhorn 4 Hunter's Call. Superior Rune of the Mad King - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) When they upgrade Warhorn 4, the Mad King Rune will likely upgrade with it in code.
  2. So you bring Warhorn and One Wolf Pack and wear Mad King Rune.
  3. Now when you cast One Wolf Pack which does not require targeting and hits multiple opponents around you, it will daze several targets and lay a bird cast on all of them, primed with One Wolf Pack. Then you can select a single target and Daze it again with the actual Warhorn 4 skill making more birds on it which takes even further advantage of One Wolf Pack. This simple combo will double interrupt someone at range with a double cast of One Wolf Pack birds that eat them alive as they stick to players like glue and not even LOSing will get this ranged attack off of someone. And this isn't even to mention what the Soulbeast could do to combo even more damage into this. We're talking landing Smoke Assault on you during this time frame or simply unloading all of his CCs in conjunction with the double daze from the birds, to make sure the double bird OWP cast kills you It will be 1-burst level damage vs. most things even while wearing something like Paladin. Versus tankier things, they can swap to Demolisher for the ferocity and it will still 1-burst level damage. They'll be able to do this while running Wilderness/Beastmastery/Soulbeast all defensive traits & utilities.
  4. They'll be able to run Greatsword Sword/Warhorn on this setup as the the bird casts will replace any need for ranged Longbow damage burst. This means that in conjunction with the Smokescale F2, they'll have "are you ready for this?" 3x leap finishers between GS 1h Sword and WI, and then a blast finisher on Warhorn. This will be a 12 second self stealth prebuff with Smokescale F2. And they will be able to rotate very quickly between GS 3 and Sword 2. When you're talking about very long stealth prebuffs like this, now we are talking about stealth ganks with that OWP double bird cast, but this time it will be incorporating Mauls and Worldly Impacts into that combo. It will be a side node bunker/duelist that has very strong opportunity to stealth gank in from long distances with 1bursts that deal A LOT of AoE CC and damage.

So you're right to be concerned but you shouldn't be concerned with Clarion Bond at all. These changes won't effect Core Ranger/Druid very much. You should be concerned with the above method cause it's gonna be recognized & abused very quickly if they actually add that daze to Warhorn 4. You might wonder why people aren't using this method already? Well, right now the listed method does not have that double daze CC spam to open up the combo with. Once this combo can open up with a double daze CC spam, and then follow up with every other large CC and damage that Soulbeast has, unless you are an Engi with Juggernaut pulsing stab, staying to fight a Soulbeast going at you with this level of damage output and sheer CC will be a death sentence. The worst part about it is that the nature of those bird casts will allow the Soulbeast to hit you with those attacks while he is kiting 100% of the time behind LOS and avoiding you, similar to Mirage IH play. The way things are right now, Rangers at least have to stand in line of sight to actually hit you with large damage bursts. When this double daze bird one wolf pack thing happens, good Soulbeasts will make sure there is always a big solid object in between you and them. It will be a new level of annoying, mark my words.


Coming from an old Ranger main, I highly advise that Arenanet reviews the decision to add daze to Hunter's Call. If they don't want to change this, they need to change Rune Of The Mad King's 6th ability being identical to Hunter's Call or this will be busted on release.



They aren’t adding a daze to hunters call from the patch notes, only call of the wild.

Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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1 hour ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

They aren’t adding a daze to hunters call from the patch notes, only call of the wild.

Ah you're right ok. Guess I should edit my first post.


Yeah in that case Clarion Bond may be a problem on Core Ranger builds. We'll just have to see if Lesser Call Of The Wild on Clarion ends up having the same daze as normal Call Of The Wild on Warhorn.

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45 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ah you're right ok. Guess I should edit my first post.


Yeah in that case Clarion Bond may be a problem on Core Ranger builds. We'll just have to see if Lesser Call Of The Wild on Clarion ends up having the same daze as normal Call Of The Wild on Warhorn.

If they were going to add anything to hunter’s call, I’d like them to add a reveal to it.

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ah you're right ok. Guess I should edit my first post.


Yeah in that case Clarion Bond may be a problem on Core Ranger builds. We'll just have to see if Lesser Call Of The Wild on Clarion ends up having the same daze as normal Call Of The Wild on Warhorn.

Looking at how they deal with other lesser skills, likely a 1s daze and a shorter weakness duration.

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Honestly, i don't know. The warhorn #5 change is quite interesting, since both axe/warhorn, sword/warhorn or dagger/warhorn lacks cc's. On the other hand, losing unblockable pet's attacks like the Tiger Pounce, Jacaranda roots, or Drake tail swipe, just to gain 1 sec daze and some weakness (ranger already have a lot of daze and weakness application)...i mean, it can be good for interrupts, but in some matchups having a source of unblockable is useful, especially when running an offensive traitline like Marksmanship.

On the Clarion Bond trait, MAYBE i prefer the unblockable as it is now, but i'll have to test.

Also Druid already have an aoe daze every 10 seconds with the trait Primal Echoes. Is it busted? I don't think.

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