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New path to legendary armor?

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1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:

40k ap is a tad bit to high. 20k, 25k and 30k or 25k, 30k and 35k is much more reasonable.


Ive been playing off and on since beta and im almost to 22k ap. Theres about 14k ap i can earn left and thats including the 5k im missing in daily ap and ALL the pvp and wvw achievements that i dont have. Without doing the remaining pvp and wvw stuff im down to 12k(including missing daily ap). Meaning id max out around 34k ap.  The most ap im missing from any one source aside from pvv/wvw is the ap from the latest story they added.


I could see 30k, 35k and 40k IF they returned all the lws1 achievements to the game and added a bunch of new ones to boot.


Marionette has been the largest boost to my ap in years from a single source.


Theyve already slowed down how much ap is obtainable too so no need to worry about that moving forward either.

Which is why I stated "for example at" (for which I simply took the next major AP milestone after unlocking the Hellfire and Radiant sets) so the focus could be the concept, not immediately the effort. 


I agree though that 40k is pretty high, just anything lower would require a fairly sizeable, and for many players retroactive, AP reward rework.

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Just now, Asum.4960 said:

Which is why I stated "for example at" (for which I simply took the next major AP milestone after unlocking the Hellfire and Radiant sets) so the focus could be the concept, not immediately the effort. 


I agree though that 40k is pretty high, just anything lower would require a fairly sizeable, and for many players retroactive, AP reward rework.

I know, i was just giving some data on why i think its a tad bit high is all! Theyve done it before for ap rewards when they first got introduced..so many chests that day.

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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, still a possibility, but only much later in the pipeline and those that currently do not have access to legendary armor are already covered.

Those who currently ""do not have access"" to legendary armor really DO have access to legendary armor like everyone else, but make a choice to not complete activities needed to acquire it. If they go on a bus and make a choice to not use a seat, it doesn't mean they don't have access to the seat, it means they make a choice to intentionally limit themselves and not use what they can.


2 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Every major gamemode, those being PvE, structured PvP and WvW, do have their own set. 


Raids is not a separate gamemode.



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2 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Every major gamemode, those being PvE, structured PvP and WvW, do have their own set. 

Every major gamemodes might have "their" own set, but not the players of said gamemodes. Of those three, only SPvP and WvW players have their set. Most players of PvE do not. Only Raiders do.


2 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

The Hellfire and Radiant skins sets could serve as foundation for this generalist Armor, with Achievement point threshholds around that Level providing "Gifts of Achievement Prowess", for example at 40k, 45k and 50k, for the 3 weight sets total, with some additional collections for "Gifts of Achievement Dedication". 

There's no need for additional gifts from AP. Just use the skins as precursors (or as component for precursor armor). Gifts themselves can very well be PvE generic. That way you do not have to change anything about the AP system itself - just reuse the stuff that is already there.

Just make sure that the ability to actually craft said armor is locked behind obtaining the chestpiece (say, make the recipes for key gift buyable from legendary vendor only after unlocking chestpiece skin - the tech for something like that already exists), because we don't want people to start crafting first legendary pieces at 3k ap.


30k AP is already well above what most of the game population is at, and constitutes a massive effort that is way higher than one necessary for all other legendary armor sets, so there's no need to make any more stringent requirements on top of it.


2 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Also, as some others said, no, "PvP" does not have two armors, and it's not an argument why therefor so should PvE

You are right. It has four. Two for WvW and two for SPvP.

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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Those who currently ""do not have access"" to legendary armor really DO have access to legendary armor like everyone else, but make a choice to not complete activities needed to acquire it. If they go on a bus and make a choice to not use a seat, it doesn't mean they don't have access to the seat, it means they make a choice to intentionally limit themselves and not use what they can.




If i wasnt in the guild i am i wouldnt have the ability to do raids. Opportunities for new players to do raids are low and they have been for a long time. They get lower every year too as more players stop doing them. That community has and continues to isolate themselves from the rest of the game world due to how they act.


"Create your own lfg" done, you know what happened over and over? I got rude assholes and nothing but joining my group to the point i wont step into raids unless im in a guild squad. Good job raid community. /s


 post above is accurate. Yes each game mode has armor, but only two of those entire player populations(wvw and pvp) can access it. Pve players only have access to it if they do raids, which is getting harder and harder to get into.

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5 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

If i wasnt in the guild i am i wouldnt have the ability to do raids. Opportunities for new players to do raids are low and they have been for a long time. They get lower every year too as more players stop doing them. That community has and continues to isolate themselves from the rest of the game world due to how they act.


"Create your own lfg" done, you know what happened over and over? I got rude assholes and nothing but joining my group to the point i wont step into raids unless im in a guild squad. Good job raid community. /s

You would, I had -as well as many other people- so I don't see a reason why you'd pretend you would be somehow locked out of them.

It's also interesting you claim all you got were" rude assholes" while that's not what I witness in the vast majority (as in literally almost all) random squads I play with.


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1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:

I know, i was just giving some data on why i think its a tad bit high is all! Theyve done it before for ap rewards when they first got introduced..so many chests that day.

Just to be precise, if you want to know the actual ladder is here: https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/achievements

45k is not possible at the moment, top players completed all achievement in all game modes PvE/PvP/WvW, all the ones not anymore in the game, and also the one granted for playing GW1.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You would, I had -as well as many other people- so I don't see a reason why you'd pretend you would be somehow locked out of them.


Obviously you didnt comprehend a word i wrote. Without the guild im in i wouldnt be able to do raids, period.

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4 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Obviously you didnt comprehend a word i wrote. Without the guild im in i wouldnt be able to do raids, period.

That's a lie, you would be, just like other people were and are able to. You would like to pretend otherwise for whatever reason, but that's just false, period.


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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's a lie, you would be, just like other people were and are able to. You would like to pretend otherwise for whatever reason, but that's just false, period.


No. No it is not. You can spew its possible as much as you want, but it isnt. Your experiences do not dictate what mine or others will be like. If not for the guild i am in i wouldnt be able to do raids, period, and prior to the guild if it wasnt for my friend making room in his squad for me i wouldnt have either. Groups that post in lfg are either raid selling or they are looking for players with li/kp only.


which, if your suggestion is to buy raid clears to get the armor, that tells me more about the state of the raid community than anything else.


Nobody posts learning groups anymore. I wont be responding further though, its pointless to discuss my own experiences with you. Without the guild, i wouldnt be able to raid end of the line on that discussion.

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28 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

No. No it is not. You can spew its possible as much as you want, but it isnt.

It's funny you take a situation that constantly and consistently happens and then try to claim it's not possible. You're objectively wrong.



Your experiences do not dictate what mine or others will be like.

It's not just my experience and I agree that it doesn't "dictate" anything, but it proves your claims to be wrong.



If not for the guild i am in i wouldnt be able to do raids, period

There's no reason to think you wouldn't be other than you convincing yourself of that by constantly repeating (I mean.. spewing) something that's false, exactly like you're doing here, period.



Nobody posts learning groups anymore.

Wrong, last few weeks I've been playing with random training/no req/low req groups exclusively.



which, if your suggestion is to buy raid clears to get the armor

huh, what? It isn't.


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14 minutes ago, hash.8462 said:

I'm wondering what players would say if WvW pips would be obtainable only in Enternal Battleground when successfully capturing or defending Stonemist Castle, or if PvP players only get them by winning in Stronghold.


The same arguments we see now against an open world pve set that doesnt have a raid requirement. >.>

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2 hours ago, hash.8462 said:

I'm wondering what players would say if WvW pips would be obtainable only in Enternal Battleground


Or if PvE players would get "War Commendation" with Volatile Magic.

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1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:


Or if PvE players could get "War Commendation" for Volatile Magic.

Not sure how one has anything to do with the other. It was an attempt to show a similar situation for WvW and SpvP as already exists in PvE - that the legendary is not for all the players of said mode, but locked behind a very, very narrow subset of it.


Not that showing this matters to anyone, since most of the players that insist that it's not a problem are neither WvW nor SPvP players, but raiders. They aren't negatively affected by this inequity, so it doesn;t bother them - quite the opposite, many do enjoy that feeling of exclusivity. Even more so because a lot of them do realize their mode has no future.

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2 hours ago, hash.8462 said:

I'm wondering what players would say if WvW pips would be obtainable only in Enternal Battleground when successfully capturing or defending Stonemist Castle, or if PvP players only get them by winning in Stronghold.

Probably not many would care if there were new instances set up for anyone that wanted to go in, because it has an actual hard cap on the number of players. 🙄 


And then to seek for any equivalence, you'd obviously also need to make it so capturing/defending it jsut a few times times reaches the weekly cap of tickets, lmao. I'm sure everyone would complain that they need to actually play the mode for rewards, but then acquire those rewards faster than they do currently 🙃


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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Probably not many would care if there were new instances set up for anyone that wanted to go in, because it has an actual hard cap on the number of players. 🙄 

You don't play WvW, do you? Or SPvP, for that matter?

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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not that showing this matters to anyone, since most of the players that insist that it's not a problem are neither WvW nor SPvP players, but raiders.

1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You don't play WvW, do you? Or SPvP, for that matter?

I don't know where you came up with that idea.

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4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's the very fact you don't know that tells me so.

Ah, so you made it up because that would fit your agenda and now have nothing to say about it when called out on being wrong. Got it.

Funnily enough you've already decided it's a fact (and it's just not, you're objectively wrong) in the post before mine, but sure, pretend now my post showed you that, when it didn't 🤣 


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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not sure how one has anything to do with the other.


People, for the most part, only seem to complain if they feel like they are getting the short end of the stick but are generally fine with it if it happens to "the other side". Upping the requirements for e.g. the WvW pip gain would be one way to make things more even, doing what I proposed would be another. The expectation for both cases is that many people who want to hold PvE to a higher standard would take issue with that and thus showing their hypocrisy.

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18 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ah, so you made it up because that would fit your agenda and now have nothing to say about it when called out on being wrong. Got it.

Nah. It's simply that if you knew anything beyond just surface level about those modes you would have known why your initial answer was such an absurd one.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Nah. It's simply that if you knew anything beyond just surface level about those modes ypu would have known why your initial answe was such an absurd one.

I do know more than the surface level and it's not absurd. You clearly have nothing relevant to say again which is why this type of non-responses is all you can do now and it's honestly hilarious that you think it's in any way salvaging your pile of bullkitten you spewed above 😆 


And, again, you've already had your (wrong) opinion before my initial answer about this, which you've presented here:

1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not that showing this matters to anyone, since most of the players that insist that it's not a problem are neither WvW nor SPvP players, but raiders.

Stop pretending, it just doesn't work 🤣




e: how sad that no amount of reaction emotes without any specific answer will change that. The only thing you show here is that despite clearly having nothing to say, you spam the emotes based on your emotions and inability to accepts undeniable facts that don't meet your expectations 🙃  


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