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Squad Related Function - Map Hopping Emergency thingy [Suggestion]

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Maybe this come a bit late in the game since restructuring is happening, but I thought that there need to be a function that
Lets Commander manage - exchange/swap players from one map to another with another commander when the map is and especially when it is Queued,
Assuming they have time to do that, so that you can have your squad with you on the same map.  

that is one way of doing it. the second option is. 
Have an option for roamers / players that say : In case of emergency please move me to another map if server's squad cannot get in as one squad to the emergency map I am on.

Example: Say if I have that box checked, when an emergency is called out,  when commander is responding with their squad, i will automatically be move to the map the commander comes from.  


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You don't get to remove/block me from a map because you think what I am doing doesn't matter and you want your ktrain blob to come help.


All this does is further serve to make people stack, because in a system like this guilds could queue the maps and never have to actually "leave" and have to requeue, as they would be exchanging people from one queued map to another while everyone else is left in a stagnate queue.


No offense, but this and the "prisoners" suggestions, are you just looking for ways to make stacking the only viable way to play WvW? This suggestion means the blob will control entry into the maps, the prisoners suggestion would punish the smaller side as the larger stacked team will always hold more prisoners. I don't see how either of these help solve anything and only serve to reinforce the blob mentality by punishing those who don't join it.

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10 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

geez you reactionaries. if you don't check the box, commanders can't move you. i would assume it would be best if the commanders can only manage players within their own squad.

Right, but the point is that large groups could map swap bypassing the que, otherwise it wouldn't be a "swap". Meaning, a large guild/alliance could make it so no one ever plays on the maps they want to control.  Two friends and I are in que (you know, if I had friends).  We have waited 20 minutes and are now in slots 1, 2, and 3 in que.  Commanders just keep swapping people back and forth, 2 hours later, my friends and I log because we still can't get on the map due to "swapping".


At least OP wanted it to be an opt-in feature, but it's a horrible suggestion.

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11 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Maybe this come a bit late in the game since restructuring is happening, but I thought that there need to be a function that
Lets Commander manage - exchange/swap players from one map to another with another commander when the map is and especially when it is Queued,
Assuming they have time to do that, so that you can have your squad with you on the same map.  

that is one way of doing it. the second option is. 
Have an option for roamers / players that say : In case of emergency please move me to another map if server's squad cannot get in as one squad to the emergency map I am on.

Example: Say if I have that box checked, when an emergency is called out,  when commander is responding with their squad, i will automatically be move to the map the commander comes from.  



So... "you" want to volunteer to leave a map, when action actually shows up on it?

Ok sure, go right ahead.


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I see this needs further explanation:
Sometime I see comander asking people to leave so their squad can come in, but no one ever does because they want to play where they want to play, this thread responds show why I thought of this suggestion.

In order for everyone to be able to play where and with who they want. 

Note: This suggestion does not move roamers or solo players out of the map they choose, it lets commander SWAP their players with another commander from another map when they both have member stuck outside their respective map.  

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44 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

I see this needs further explanation:
Sometime I see comander asking people to leave so their squad can come in, but no one ever does because they want to play where they want to play, this thread responds show why I thought of this suggestion.

In order for everyone to be able to play where and with who they want. 

Note: This suggestion does not move roamers or solo players out of the map they choose, it lets commander SWAP their players with another commander from another map when they both have member stuck outside their respective map.  


Yeah, we understood what you meant, there is no confusion.....No.



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1 hour ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Note: This suggestion does not move roamers or solo players out of the map they choose, it lets commander SWAP their players with another commander from another map when they both have member stuck outside their respective map.  

Its still just as bad an idea.


Also why the heck would a commander that has left the border have people for another squad on the border? They would have to kick people and invite randoms on the new border just to yeet them to the other border. Why should that commander left be kitten taxi for the other commander? And you can bet your kitten commanders would just invite people - probably roamers - without telling them they are about to be moved, they are just going to pretend they are there to lead. Both commanders would have to kitten over their own members.


Its beyond stupid.

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The only justifiable change to queuing is letting people swap characters while they're in queue/while the queue timer is ticking and letting them maintain their position.


This way if I want to join a huge fight on a queued map and the group needs more guards or something, I don't have to sit in spawn or in town on a support build waiting for 30 people to leave.  I can just opt to roam a dead BL on a thief or something and when the queue gets low, swap characters to what I need for that map/commander.


Or if one tag on one map needs guard and another one needs necro, I can queue for the other map, play what's needed, then swap to what's also needed for the other tag.


This keeps the flow of people the same, but improves ability to organize/comp.

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Well, then commanders should stop being pricks by asking people to clear map for their squad, I am just trying to help commanders who can't function without having their whole squad in the same map. Pretty tired seeing them say things like I have XX in squad, we can't fit, and you had to watch your objective taken by enemy because some lame squad won't come to help.

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If a commander can't function without a full squad that's their problem. Their squad is not the only ones that have to wait in queues, and I don't see a need to implement some vip treatment for them to get on a map before others. Other people paid to play the game too, so they have no rights on dictating where anyone plays, so ignore them.


Just cause they're a commander doesn't mean they're a vip, play however you want wherever you want. If they want to sit in spawn waiting for more people cause they're afraid to look bad without a friend, well I can just as well as a roamer sit at spawn on a full map while eating a sandwich reading chat while laughing at the requests, it goes both ways.


The worse ones are the ones that pretend they're bringing in their squad to save something to "help the server". Then lose the keep and they're like see if I had my other 10 guys in queue we could have held that, nah man, if you had went to the keep instead of sitting at spawn with your 20 guys waiting on 10 guys for 5-10mins you could have saved it.


Queues don't happen that often to need to implement something so drastic as to exchange members by bypassing the queue line. Sorry but everyone should have to equally deal with the queues, it sucks especially when the bug hits, but it is what it is.

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