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lots of disappointment from new trailer

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Firstly: who ever make CG for the trailer that suxks !! 2021 already anet ,  "Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer" look so much better. that was 5 years ago.😕

Second:  mesmer with no illusion is not a mesmer any more , necro with a gun? that is call demon hunter , if no new weapon added, why we cant use spear for mesmer and sword for necro😤

Third: new gs legendary imo i dont like it at all. its like TP weapon with a bit of effect.😟

Fourth: boat fishing?!  come on, are we playing BDO.😡


What a disappointment.  

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Yeah, I mean it's cool they managed to make a cgi girl that looks like something from a 2007 final fantasy trailer, but like, the trailer showed nothing worthwhile? It was this weird amalgamation of artsy guild wars style trying to push its way into some other style and they just don't seem overly sure about what direction they wanted to go in with it.

Like, what's this post-teaser/trailer girl standing in an airship full of green goo canisters supposed to convey to me? My mind isn't running rampant with speculation about who she is and I don't feel compelled to care. Sorry, but if this is the first look at story telling in this expansion I'd say the mark was missed.

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I don't understand why they don't show a first preview of the cantha maps. That was the case in the big HOT and POF teaser .. how do they wants to motivate us to buy the game with just a totally outdated CGI teaser?

Edited by radda.8920
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6 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:

I don't understand why they don't show a first preview of the cantha maps. That was the case in the big HOT and POF teaser .. how do they wants to motivate us to buy the game with just a totally outdated CGI teaser?

Well, I was HOPING it meant that Kaening would be some high tec city and really be a complete departure from everything we've seen in Guild Wars 2 so far, but at this point I'm thinking it's just because they simply don't have it finished yet. 


Other than Kaening, Shing Jea, and Echovald, what other notable places are there in Cantha? They'll probably have some lesser known regions that just weren't worth highlighting in the livestream because they're kind of filler maps.


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3 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

Well, I was HOPING it meant that Kaening would be some high tec city and really be a complete departure from everything we've seen in Guild Wars 2 so far, but at this point I'm thinking it's just because they simply don't have it finished yet. 


Other than Kaening, Shing Jea, and Echovald, what other notable places are there in Cantha? They'll probably have some lesser known regions that just weren't worth highlighting in the livestream because they're kind of filler maps.



in gw1, there were only these 4 areas : shing jea, kaineng (the city, the slums and the sewers), echovald and the jade sea so unless they invent a new environment, we know all the maps.

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1 minute ago, Demonhead.7584 said:

The stream has a lot more in-game details and images! You should check it out on youtube/twitch.

I watched the stream, the livestream?

All I saw was people talking and a few snippets and screenshots?

The website had a lot better looking screenshots though. I feel like the images in the livestream were crazy over-saturated and looked really low-res compared to the site. 

I mean, I don't doubt the environment artists. They've always knocked out of the park so I'm not worried. I just feel like it's weird to talk about how "vertical" a map is and then show like... ONE screenshot of Echovald as a representation. lol

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5 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

I watched the stream, the livestream?

All I saw was people talking and a few snippets and screenshots?

The website had a lot better looking screenshots though. I feel like the images in the livestream were crazy over-saturated and looked really low-res compared to the site. 

I mean, I don't doubt the environment artists. They've always knocked out of the park so I'm not worried. I just feel like it's weird to talk about how "vertical" a map is and then show like... ONE screenshot of Echovald as a representation. lol


shing jea was beautiful on gw1 but all the pictures i see of it on gw2 are so weird, the colors hurt my eyes (dat green o_o), it worries me.

on the other hand the few images they show of echovald seem really very pretty


but for now the design of HOT and POF maps seemed much nicer to look at

Edited by radda.8920
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5 minutes ago, Demonhead.7584 said:

The livestream showed off some in-game cut scenes and moments, especially when talking about designing the world, story beats etc 😄 Particular moment where you can see in-game (canthan) characters is about the 25:40 mark on the Youtube livestream. 26:00 too, you can see the officer/guardsman shouting at someone..!


As an avid Factions fan-boy, I think the rendition of Canthan locales fit well into both the GW2 aesthetic and original GW contexts/designs of the places. 

Yeah, I noticed the extra effort on the character animations during those cutscenes. But outside of the initial story playthrough what does it matter? Are those going to be consistent or are they going to be pushed aside from ambient dialogue during a bobblehead battle of two elder dragons during one of the most climactic events in the history of the franchise?

Like, neat, you managed to create an animation of someone hitting their fists on a table in frustration, but what impact does this have on the longevity of the game? Idk.

They already did similar with the Joko cutscenes and trailers so I guess I'm just not that impressed. 

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12 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:


shing jea was beautiful on gw1 but all the pictures i see of it on gw2 are so weird, the colors hurt my eyes (dat green o_o), it worries me.

on the other hand the few images they show of echovald seem really very pretty


but for now the design of HOT and POF maps seemed much nicer to look at

Yeah, I hear you. Some of the vibrant reds and greens seemed pretty jarring. But I'll hold my reservations about the zones until I see them in game. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'd definitely check out the screenshots on the website though.

I was super disappointed with the guild hall reveal and still want an echovald option but I felt a little better after looking at the screenshots. There is one screenshot of the canthan architecture by the ocean that leaves me worrisome because of how bright it is but I'm hoping the maps are pretty big and diverse.

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6 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

Yeah, I hear you. Some of the vibrant reds and greens seemed pretty jarring. But I'll hold my reservations about the zones until I see them in game. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'd definitely check out the screenshots on the website though.

I was super disappointed with the guild hall reveal and still want an echovald option but I felt a little better after looking at the screenshots. There is one screenshot of the canthan architecture by the ocean that leaves me worrisome because of how bright it is but I'm hoping the maps are pretty big and diverse.



Yes obviously you're right, we will have a real idea during the beta.

but let's say that the screens we had of HOT and pof before the release of these extensions were just beautiful. No color seemed strange or inappropriate to me.

it's really in  shing jea that i  have the impression that there is something weird in the textures and the colors. And I have special expectations as it was one of my favorite areas of gw1 with the best vibe.


i am looking forward to seeing kaineng and the jade sea and i hope it will be more classic and less flashy

Edited by radda.8920
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Compare this to HoT announcement, we saw modern, chak, and wyverns. And it felt exciting, these are the challenges we were going to face. Pof we saw risen and the forged and again was action packed. EoD was the same trash as IBS, exposition over and over again, only 1 new mob show at a distance, a naga which did nothing but stand there and get hit by a stick. Fishing trip seems to be the major feature, which I do not understand, this is not stardew valley,  this is suppose to be my exciting action fantasy.

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2 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:



Yes obviously you're right, we will have a real idea during the beta.

but let's say that the screens we had of HOT and pof before the release of these extensions were just beautiful. No color seemed strange or inappropriate to me.

it's really in  shing jea that i  have the impression that there is something weird in the textures and the colors. And I have special expectations as it was one of my favorite areas of gw1 with the best vibe.


i am looking forward to seeing kaineng and the jade sea and i hope it will be more classic and less flashy

I don't remember being too excited about PoF but the tarir reveal had my jaw dropping.

I can't say I've felt that since. But you're right, Shing Jea looks the weakest so far for sure.

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24 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Compare this to HoT announcement, we saw modern, chak, and wyverns. And it felt exciting, these are the challenges we were going to face. Pof we saw risen and the forged and again was action packed. EoD was the same trash as IBS, exposition over and over again, only 1 new mob show at a distance, a naga which did nothing but stand there and get hit by a stick. Fishing trip seems to be the major feature, which I do not understand, this is not stardew valley,  this is suppose to be my exciting action fantasy.

its more like     HOT (wo...😄), POF (oh...😯), EOD (er.....😠)

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2 hours ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:

Man, if y'all are here for cutscenes and nothing else I dunno what to do with that.

I am not only mention about cutscenes and also mention about class, legendary weapon. etc. 

but the most complain is cutscenes,  cutscenes is the key of the game. its to attract people to get into the game.  if useless then why packaging designer exist?

you happy to drive a 2021 car with 2006 layout? 

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The trailer itself was really nice, but I call it more of a "teaser" than a trailer, have seen next to nothing. And beyond that, the way Shing-Jea was designed leaves much to be desired ... so I really hope a lot more from other environments ... and the "dictatorial" vibe.

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9 hours ago, JUN YANG.4328 said:

Firstly: who ever make CG for the trailer that suxks !! 2021 already anet ,  "Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer" look so much better. that was 5 years ago.😕

Second:  mesmer with no illusion is not a mesmer any more , necro with a gun? that is call demon hunter , if no new weapon added, why we cant use spear for mesmer and sword for necro😤

Third: new gs legendary imo i dont like it at all. its like TP weapon with a bit of effect.😟

Fourth: boat fishing?!  come on, are we playing BDO.😡


What a disappointment.  

I believe it is called 1st look. Its not an official trailer. So i sill raise my hope with the real one, plus more information to the new expansion. Lets wait

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Remember that this was the first look and is not showing everything the expansion is bringing to the table.  The point of the livestream was to get us interested.  Anet is slowly building the hype starting now until Feb 2022, and will be showing off features along the way.  They are already doing that with the specializations first.  I am sure they will have a final "main" trailer showing all the specializations and features around November/December.

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I'm not thrilled about fishing in games in general, but we'll see what Anet does with it. 


I have enjoyed running around the world, WvW, etc, chasing various achievements with my brother, such as the recently completed Caladbolg restore. If fishing is just a "gotta catch 'em all" achievement, I'll do it once. But we'll see.

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21 hours ago, JUN YANG.4328 said:

I am not only mention about cutscenes and also mention about class, legendary weapon. etc. 

but the most complain is cutscenes,  cutscenes is the key of the game. its to attract people to get into the game.  if useless then why packaging designer exist?

you happy to drive a 2021 car with 2006 layout? 


This smells like a "Graphics matter more than gameplay" player.

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On 7/28/2021 at 12:02 PM, JUN YANG.4328 said:

Firstly: who ever make CG for the trailer that suxks !! 2021 already anet ,  "Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer" look so much better. that was 5 years ago.😕

Second:  mesmer with no illusion is not a mesmer any more , necro with a gun? that is call demon hunter , if no new weapon added, why we cant use spear for mesmer and sword for necro😤

Third: new gs legendary imo i dont like it at all. its like TP weapon with a bit of effect.😟

Fourth: boat fishing?!  come on, are we playing BDO.😡


What a disappointment.  

Mesmers didn't have clones in Guild Wars 1 and for my money those phantom blades are illusions, they simply do damage because people believe them. That's the whole concept of the mesmer anyway. 

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On 7/28/2021 at 4:02 AM, JUN YANG.4328 said:

Fourth: boat fishing?!  come on, are we playing BDO.😡


Except without all the things that makes BDO kittenous, ya know the ow ganking, "balance" of "the dude with better gear/higher level by default wins" all of the obligatory premium shop purchases to even begin to think to try to be able to actually progress at any rate.....


I could go on for quite a while on that one 😛 


as for boats and finishing, considering there are two whole mastery tracks involved, I would rather wait to see the details before I start complaining about it.

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