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3 hours ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

Theres absolutely no evidence for there being actual demand for housing

You're very wrong about that.


Housing's not a big ticket item for me, and I imagine it's not the main draw for most players, but I'd use it if we had it and I feel like others would too. The 'home' instances that we currently have feel like they'd be the no-brainer way to do housing, you'd go in there, design a living space, maybe display some prestige stuff your account has unlocked and what-have-you. Instead, home instances are just a bunch of weirdly-placed gathering nodes and some cats. You don't even have a bed.


I'm thrilled that we're getting fishing because I think it adds a layer of depth (no pun intended) to core Tyria and is just another way to appreciate the maps and geography of the game world in between whatever else we might be doing. Fishing is a form of QoL in this way, and I think housing would click into the same slot. No idea how fishing is going to work mechanically (and same for housing), but I think the existence of things like this only adds positively to GuildWars2 without taking anything away.


So yes, work on housing, pick at it when devs have time, and eventually introduce a system that improves upon the groundwork already laid by guild halls (which could also use a tuneup).

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While it would be a nice feature a possible solution to killing two birds with one stone is maybe allowing a sort of barracks in guild halls that grants everyone a fully customizable apartment sized instance (that they can leave open for others to come in should they choose) While it's not the same as as actual house it would help to make guild halls lively (The most I've ever seen guild halls being used was in claiming said guild halls, after that they remain empty, a shame considering the overall size of these halls.)

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8 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

They tried player housing twice and I bet most people don’t even know the second attempt. 

be happy to see them try for a third time. however, more abandon-ware doesn’t hurt does it. 


You mean sunsrefuge and eye of the north?

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:


You mean sunsrefuge and eye of the north?

suns refuge is the second. The home instanced we already have are the first.


eotn I think was an attempt to create a public and dynamic city/sanctuary and may be why we don’t have a sanctuary included with EoD as we had with PoF. 

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