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Reduce Taidha's gate HP or increase the bomb damage


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21 minutes ago, Dreamatics.4987 said:

If they nerfed everything what would be the point in playing if a fights over in 2 seconds i get so bored. i think damage sponge gate is fine as it is.

Theres a huge difference between nerfing content because its to hard/Not done/etc, and nerfing(or in this case changing it) because its unengaging and boring.


Fire Ele and Wyrm both need buffs or changes like Shadow Behemoth, while not hard its alot more engaging than either of those two.


This ones gate can either be directly nerfed


the bombs/ship can do more damage(Which as i said, i ran bombs the entire time for the event on a full map and got bronze. i just went afk the next time around and waited till the gate fell to get involved. Cause thats not boring, right?) 


they could make The cannons that spawn invulnerable and usable by the players once the pirate operator has been killed. Plus turn the fort into a no mount zone so players cant skip to the boss fight.


Frankly the last two options combined sound more fun and engaging as a fight than the current afk gate event that exists.


will they? No. theyve stopped revamping bosses, and its a shame imo. It made them feel alot more alive and better designed.

Edited by Dante.1763
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There were once similar public cries of outrage over the original Fire Elemental.  In that instance, the original Fire Elemental was outrageously powerful, and almost impossible to beat. It was virtually a legendary boss in a starting zone. Arenanet listened to their public, and beat the heart and soul right out of that boss. It was nerfed so badly that very recently there have been people begging for it's hit points to be increased. "over too fast" they say. "No challenge". 

There is a lesson there. 
And that lesson is there are only two types of people.

For myself I say - MAKE THE GATE FIGHT BACK. Arm it with canons.  Don't reduce it's HP but instead increase the damage done by bombs and add bonus damage done by canons players can take over from the pirates themselves, instead of having us destroy them outright. Give the gate mechanics similar to a boss fight in a space ship shooter game. Disable mounts in a radius of that area so people don't just Skyscale out of range of the danger. 

As for the Fire Elemental, while I believe they made the right choice in taking down it's damage to a degree, I think they are being a little patronizing to players in the starting zone with how easy it is now. Implement some kind of system that encourages dodging and the use of break bar mechanics. Like maybe have this thing break off in to lesser elementals.

Because it's in a starting zone it's the perfect place and way to help teach players some core mechanics while not necessarily holding their hand

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3 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

There were once similar public cries of outrage over the original Fire Elemental.  In that instance, the original Fire Elemental was outrageously powerful, and almost impossible to beat. It was virtually a legendary boss in a starting zone. Arenanet listened to their public, and beat the heart and soul right out of that boss. It was nerfed so badly that very recently there have been people begging for it's hit points to be increased. "over too fast" they say. "No challenge". 


It's actually a bit more complicated than that. That original fire elementl boss was actually very easy. I remember soloing it then. What was the problem was one of its theoretically secondary mechanics.


The boss had some attacks, and they were dangerous if you weren't watching, but they weren't actually hard to avoid if you were paying attention.  It also had a summon mechanic, where it summoned a number of embers (of the lesser fire elemental kind) into the room. The embers themselves were weak, and with only few players in the room they weren't a problem. Unfortunately, that mechanic scaled very badly - with a bit more players it was easy to have a whole room filled to the brim with embers that carpeted the whole area with flame AoEs. This was doubly problematic because the only realistic entrance to the boss room was through a narrow bridge (remember, there was no gliding or mounts then). Basically, if there were a number of people in the victinity, it was next to impossible for anyone to enter the room if they weren't already inside when the boss spawned.


In addition, the embers did not despawn when the players got killed/left, which means that if the fire ele was not killed within first 2-3 minutes, anyone trying to attempt it later was just out of luck (again, remember, the bosses had no timer then, so they did not automatically despawn - they disappeared only when killed, or if the map closed).


Basically, all that Anet did when they redesigned it was to put limits on ember generation. That, and the players that go kill it now are no longer level 10-20s in white/blue gear.



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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's actually a bit more complicated than that. That original fire elementl boss was actually very easy. I remember soloing it then. What was the problem was one of its theoretically secondary mechanics.


The boss had some attacks, and they were dangerous if you weren't watching, but they weren't actually hard to avoid if you were paying attention.  It also had a summon mechanic, where it summoned a number of embers (of the lesser fire elemental kind) into the room. The embers themselves were weak, and with only few players in the room they weren't a problem. Unfortunately, that mechanic scaled very badly - with a bit more players it was easy to have a whole room filled to the brim with embers that carpeted the whole area with flame AoEs. This was doubly problematic because the only realistic entrance to the boss room was through a narrow bridge (remember, there was no gliding or mounts then). Basically, if there were a number of people in the victinity, it was next to impossible for anyone to enter the room if they weren't already inside when the boss spawned.


In addition, the embers did not despawn when the players got killed/left, which means that if the fire ele was not killed within first 2-3 minutes, anyone trying to attempt it later was just out of luck (again, remember, the bosses had no timer then, so they did not automatically despawn - they disappeared only when killed, or if the map closed).


Basically, all that Anet did when they redesigned it was to put limits on ember generation. That, and the players that go kill it now are no longer level 10-20s in white/blue gear.



The problems are rarely simple. I remember that quite well. The game had just launched. No one could get close so no one thought it was worth the effort yet. People were dying on the bridge lol!

But my point still stands. That fights in this thread needs  overhauls, not a "nerf".  

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I've been saying it for years.

Add a buff to the pre-events that gives a boost to the possibility of better drops from the World Boss. If you choose to not help with the pre-events you dont get as good as loot. The boost gets stripped on leaving the map

Edited by Andy.5981
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28 minutes ago, Andy.5981 said:

I've been saying it for years.

Add a buff to the pre-events that gives a boost to the possibility of better drops from the World Boss. If you choose to not help with the pre-events you dont get as good as loot. The boost gets stripped on leaving the map

It will have zero impact on this preevent. There's a limited amount of bombs available, so more people can only increase gate hps, without being able to help in progressing the event at all.

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It will have zero impact on this preevent. There's a limited amount of bombs available, so more people can only increase gate hps, without being able to help in progressing the event at all.

In your opinion, thanks for that, but I think you're wrong.

It will encourage some players to actively take part in the pre. In any event the suggestion was meant across all WB not just this one.

Also what on earth are you on about "a limited amount of bombs available"?

The event is scripted so that if you pick up a bomb from the pile closer to the gate, you are locked out from picking up another one for a period of time. You can however get one from the pile further away. I suspect it was done this way to prevent players just stacking at the close pile. I've never been unable to pick up a bomb and run them to the gate by alternating between the two piles.

Edited by Andy.5981
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3 minutes ago, Andy.5981 said:

In your opinion, thanks for that, but I think you're wrong.

It will encourage some players to actively take part in the pre. In any event the suggestion was meant across all WB not just this one.

Also what on earth are you on about "a limited amount of bombs available"?

The event is scripted so that if you pick up a bomb from the pile closer to the gate, you are locked out from picking up another one for a period of time. You can however get one from the pile further away. I suspect it was done this way to prevent players just stacking at the close pile. I've never been unable to pick up a bomb and run them to the gate by alternating between the two piles.

Aint moving fast enough, i ran out the time before i just went afk during the event.


you know what i dont usually do? Go afk during Events, every little bit of silver and loot helps.


This event is just way to long and boring, along with not being rewarding for running bombs. A bronze? For running bombs the entire time? Gross.(No i wasnt in the squad, i was in a small party.), no thank you. waste of my time. On further trips through the boss train i skipped Taidha entirely due to the gate, and nothing but the gate.

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44 minutes ago, Andy.5981 said:

The event is scripted so that if you pick up a bomb from the pile closer to the gate, you are locked out from picking up another one for a period of time.

Try that out with a low number of players present and you wil notice that it is not true. You will be able to run several bombs from single pile before you'll get locked out from it. Or in normal group just stand near it not picking a bomb, and you will see it disapper after a while.


The pile disappears for a while after a certain number of bombs get picked from it (not by you, but in general). The counter is separate for each pile. Problem is, the number of bombs and the cooldown do not seem to scale.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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So many players stand around waiting for others to blow the gate is a big part of the issue. Why not give the players who actively try to blow the gate some rewards drops for the door it self. Since the Door is a bigger boss then Taidha herself. Maybe a new shield as a exotic/ascended drop that resembles the near invincible door. 

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4 hours ago, starhunter.6015 said:

So many players stand around waiting for others to blow the gate is a big part of the issue. Why not give the players who actively try to blow the gate some rewards drops for the door it self. Since the Door is a bigger boss then Taidha herself. Maybe a new shield as a exotic/ascended drop that resembles the near invincible door. 

What would that do? If more players start ferrying the bombs, it just means they all need to wait for longer for the bomb pile cooldown. The amount of bombs being ferried will not change.

The mechanic itself needs to change. Or at least other options of damaging the door need to be introduced, so everyone really has something to do.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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18 hours ago, starhunter.6015 said:

So many players stand around waiting for others to blow the gate is a big part of the issue. Why not give the players who actively try to blow the gate some rewards drops for the door it self. Since the Door is a bigger boss then Taidha herself. Maybe a new shield as a exotic/ascended drop that resembles the near invincible door. 

Some of us stay in the rear to take out the cannoneers that respawn.  Should we not be rewarded for participating in the event?

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What this event needs is more ways to speed up the process:


  • Give the door a breakbar. When the bar breaks, the door takes extra damage from the explosions. 
  • Let players who use their mounts or gliding to board the Lionguard ship manually man the cannons. Cannons manned by players would do 5 times the damage of a bomb. Do not forget to actually add some NPCs on the boat since people can actually get inside there now.
  • Instead destroying the enemy cannons attacking the Lionguard ship, defeating the pirate that controls them would switch the control of the cannon to players, letting them fire the cannons at the gate for 5 times the damage of a bomb.
  • Let players riding a mount carry several barrers instead 1 at a time. Players riding a mount over the powder barrels would get a stacking effect as the barrels disappear. As long as they are not dismounted, they can carry the stacked 'gunpowder' effect up to the door. When they approach the door with the effect, they produce a dropped gunpowder object for each stack they had on them. 
  • Make sure that the siege turtle cannons damage the gate like skyscale breath does.
Edited by MithranArkanere.8957
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A better solution would be to find a way to tie the World Boss rewards to pre-event participation in addition to the Boss event.

If you got a loot bag for every bomb you run, more players would run bombs which would offset the scaling problem that exists right now (large number of players show up to scale the door, but then just hang out waiting for the bomb runners to carry them).

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25 minutes ago, mtpelion.4562 said:

A better solution would be to find a way to tie the World Boss rewards to pre-event participation in addition to the Boss event.

If you got a loot bag for every bomb you run, more players would run bombs which would offset the scaling problem that exists right now (large number of players show up to scale the door, but then just hang out waiting for the bomb runners to carry them).

You did not read through the thread, did you? Because otherwise you'd understand why it's not a good idea, unless the whole mechanic of that phase gets changed

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15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You did not read through the thread, did you? Because otherwise you'd understand why it's not a good idea, unless the whole mechanic of that phase gets changed

The bomb pile timer is not dependent upon other players.


Regardless of the number of players around, they are timed perfectly to run 1 bomb from each pile before the first pile resets (not counting swiftness or mount use).

Edited by mtpelion.4562
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