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Why are the new specks reusing only old character animations, but not NPC skills ?

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As we know to save time some skills are copy of other specks animations, which is not totally bad because it saves dev time but copying the same skill with different particle effects gets kind of old.

Why aren't NPC skills used as a base for character skills? For example the Mordrem Archer shot that leaves a damage trail or the hoverboard Forged that has blades spinning around him and has laser beam eyes, it is not like the skills are not in the game already.   

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7 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

When the new skills are reusing animations and still just doing hit, or condition, or boon, it isn't very exciting. The game has reached it's limit hasn't it.

So what else should it do?

Maybe it should miss, debuff caster and buff enemy?

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21 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

So what else should it do?

Maybe it should miss, debuff caster and buff enemy?

Well, i do think using the same animations is not a good thing, i disagree with everything else he said though.


27 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

If you play gw1 or eso or whatever you'll see how  the mechanics of gw2 skills are really limited. If bless unleashed is proving to be more interesting right now then gw2 has become stuck in a rut.

Having played GW1, i prefer the combat of GW2. Yes, GW1 has its upsides, but it has its downsides, and well so too does GW2. I also didnt enjoy the combat of FFXIV, and from what ive seen of ESOs combat im not sure id enjoy that either. everyone has preferences.


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8 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

Every skill in guild wars 2 is an animation, particle effect, hit, heal, condition, boon. It's all the same. Even gw1 and eso have unique skills all over the place. I assume you have played gw2 so long it has rotted your ability to remember how massive existence is and the absurd amount of variety mmorpg skills can have. It's mind blowing how HUGE a palette of mechanics mmorpg skills can have.

Yea no.

As i said, i didnt like FFXIV, and i played that within the last year, i didnt find it enjoyable or fun, and combat was a part of that. Unique skills =/= a good combat system.

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4 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

Was only trying to help. Bye! I'll never see a response.

Hmm..i dont think helping involves insulting players of a game, nor be willing to explain your side in more detail without resulting to insults. But take care, i hope whatever game you go to is more enjoyable for you. 🙂

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