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Rework the warrior banners?


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Part of the problem with banners in wvw is that their effects are modest but the skill-set is so bad nobody wants to pickup the banner after placement. Not to mention that warrior is already chained to 2 stances of choice.

To make banners appealing they would have to increase that stat boost granted to like 300-500 and also improve the skill sets on them drastically. Even then you might only see a single banner from 1 in 15 warriors.

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Radius isn't the problem, its their static nature and skill set on pickup. In my oppinion the skills you get from picking up the banner needs to he reworked, it just isn't worth the cd and utility slot to drop and use them. As for pve, it's already a must have in raid squads and competes with druid spirits t4 fractals due to the uniqueness of the buff, effectively pigeonholding atleast 1 war into the role of banner slave.

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the skillset banners have is entirely pointless.Just remove all that.

Instead, maybe strengthen the boons, and reduce their uptime, making them slightly more bursting in nature.Much like signets, they should be very weak, emiting an aura from the warrior, and be much stronger when planted. And gone when on cooldown.

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@Flippy.1653 said:More radius for the banners and other buffs so the banners wil be used more in WvW, PvP and PvE

Banners are a burden on warrior and the buffs they provide are not worth the trouble.Banners need to be reworked, but giving them more area of influence is not going to make them any good.

Sometimes I do choose banners but just for trolling like trying to kill a guy with a banner auto attacks hahahahahaNOTE: it never works!

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@Hitman.5829 said:

@Flippy.1653 said:More radius for the banners and other buffs so the banners wil be used more in WvW, PvP and PvE

Banners are a burden on warrior and the buffs they provide are not worth the trouble.Banners need to be reworked, but giving them more area of influence is not going to make them any good.

Sometimes I do choose banners but just for trolling like trying to kill a guy with a banner auto attacks hahahahahaNOTE: it never works!

I tried that too and nope! Never works! XD

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There is currently never a situation in WvW where it benefits me to pick up a banner from a Warrior ally, so I'd like to see banners accompany the Warrior, instead of being a ground target stationary buff-zone. It would be a moving AoE buffzone, perhaps the Warrior wearing the banner(s) on his back - forgoing the clunky and ineffective banner attacks for a secondary re-activation of the skill (similar to how activating a necromancer minion after it is summoned will cast an attack/utility).

The only thing I can't balance in my mind with this is how it would most likely turn into a mandatory banner-bot in WvW Squads.

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Id say they should make banners entirely utility based in skill functionWhen casting a banner it replaces your other weaponset and is bound to the warrior.One banner is CC focussed, one is mobility focussed, one is combo focussed and one is more dmg focussed.So you can cast it for the buff and it appears on your back.After that you can swap into it for its skills if needed.

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@XenoSpyro.1780 said:Make banner up-time shorter (15s), with short cooldown (20s). Let it cause AOE damage, and increase casting speed so it's not all drawn out and clunky. Leave Battle Standard as is though.

I could see this being more helpful. Yes you're casting it more but it doesn't punish you as much if you forget to bring it with you.

They'd also need to make sure if you pick up a banner that it works similar to Engineer kits that still play with your sigils. It'd also be nice to see banner of tactics being made into a healing skill (it'd have to heal more than it does though). Maybe if traited they pulse boons in addition to regeneration.

  • Banner of Strength - Pulses Might
  • Banner of Discipline - Pulses Fury
  • Banner of Defense - Pulses Protection
  • Banner of Tactics - Pulses Resistance
  • Battle Standard - Pulses all the above

Another thought I have for how banners function is if they were to work like Firebrand books (without the page count though), where if you drop the banner it's gone. They'd really really have to change the banner skills though to be unique across each banner, and make the skills good enough that people want to hold onto the banner. If they did this they could make banners an actual support mechanic not the bannerslave that it currently is today. They could still give out the pulsing stat increases, and probably leave the AA skills maybe make them into chain attacks though, but make each one unique to each banner.

  • Banner of Strength
  • Skill 1 AA chain ends in aoe retaliation
  • Skill 2 leave as is
  • Skill 3 make this an aoe daze
  • Skill 4 make this the aoe inspire that grants swiftness and might to allies
  • Skill 5 make this where you smash your banner to the ground doing similar to Holosmith holographic shockwave
  • Banner of Discipline
  • Skill 1 AA chain ends in aoe quickness
  • Skill 2 make this an aoe cripple
  • Skill 3 make this an aoe pull to your location, like binding blades on guardian GS
  • Skill 4 make this the aoe inspire that grants swiftness and Alacrity
  • Skill 5 make this where you smash your banner to the ground and make it immobilize enemies
  • Banner of Defense
  • Skill 1 AA chain ends in aoe vigor
  • Skill 2 make this a mele aoe weakness on enemies
  • Skill 3 take defense's current skill 2
  • Skill 4 make this the aoe inspire that grants swiftness and Stability
  • Skill 5 make this where you smash your banner to the ground making a rock wall that destroys projectiles
  • Banner of Tactics
  • Skill 1 AA chain ends in aoe heal
  • Skill 2 leave as an aoe heal but make it stronger
  • Skill 3 make an aoe condition removal
  • Skill 4 make this the aoe inspire that grants swiftness and Aegis
  • Skill 5 make this where you smash your banner to the ground granting barrier to allies
  • Battle Standard - not sure on this one

These are just a few thoughts I had this morning. Also note the skill 5's would not destroy the banner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Speaking as a ranger main with a banner warrior alt, it has always irked me when warriors drop their banners right on top of the boss. Bodies are piled up, things are moving around, you can barely keep track of your own toon in the crowd, you're clicking frantically and somehow you suddenly end up with a banner in hand, totally breaking your rotation and mental stride. Super annoying. Therefore, I would remove the ability to pick up banners since almost nobody does so deliberately.

In return, since the main reason to pick up banners was to move their area of effect, I would change both the duration and cooldown of banners to 30 seconds, adding a layer of skill management in keeping banners up, in return for being able to cast your banners and move them around more often.

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Hello all,

Actually is very easy to fix the warrior banners.

When carried by the warrior make them worhtwhile to fight with plus medium permanent buffs for 5 or 10 allies if traited within an acceptable radius.When placed on ground, increase significantly the buff effects and radius.

Also, increase the banners size and improve their design so they are more visible and be what a banner should be, a marker on the battlefield signaling ofense, defense or a last stand.

Best regards.

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I would like to be more like an AoE. Dunno...500-600 Radius, because let's face it, those banners are clunky af and you always need another one to take the other banner, on the battlefield. Make them pulsing AoE, tune some numbers here and there, but at least let us go free from putting banners with those dem longs cds.

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@"Turk.5460" said:There is currently never a situation in WvW where it benefits me to pick up a banner from a Warrior ally, so I'd like to see banners accompany the Warrior, instead of being a ground target stationary buff-zone. It would be a moving AoE buffzone, perhaps the Warrior wearing the banner(s) on his back - forgoing the clunky and ineffective banner attacks for a secondary re-activation of the skill (similar to how activating a necromancer minion after it is summoned will cast an attack/utility).

The only thing I can't balance in my mind with this is how it would most likely turn into a mandatory banner-bot in WvW Squads.

I like the idea of the banner on the back, like a samurai or Space Marine. Make the warrior into a moving buff zone like the Guardian's Signet of Courage. I don't see the problem with warriors "turning into mandatory banner-bots" since that's what we are already. What I do see a problem with is how this would work with multiple banners. As the paradigm presently stands, a warrior can drop all the banners at once if desired, but the visual of a banner on the back seems limited to one. Perhaps combining Strength and Discipline into a single offensive banner, Defense and Tactics into a single defensive banner, and pick your poison depending on group makeup. Also opening up more potential use for multiple warriors in a group...

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