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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. They “work” but they aren’t as good as lb or GS, which have good defensive and offensive skills. Most other weapons lack useful defensive skills and or have clunky , subpar damage application and actual dmg output. But Tbf I have not yet tried the new celestial stats as I’ve been away from the game for a few months cus of irl. although, a statset is not gonna fix the things I mentioned above.
  2. Axe 4 radius too small. Shortbow is not good imo. Very lackluster. (Wvw at least) axe 2 sucks, worse than AA. Sword is meh, dagger OH is meh.
  3. Hit and run , if it takes skill, is a very valid build imo. I run something very similar, but since i only roam solo or 2vX 99% of the time, i run QZ+ LR and sicem So I have slightly more wiggle room. QZ also functions as a really good offensive skill , especially in melee on GS.
  4. Your changes would not increase skill ceiling, they would lower the floor. Which is a good thing, there are too many noobs playing pewpew. I do believe it is a bit too easy to use honestly. Same with boonbeast. It doesnt take long for “decent” players to perform very well on a boonbeast, much too close to more skilled players. Regular soulbeast without WS is more skill based. And filters out the decent from the good.
  5. Only proper ranger players use skirmishing and no dolyak stance 😌
  6. I believe the max duration is 15-17s. The problem is it should be much lower. 5-6s with a 5-6 window where you can’t stealth again. superspeed should work the same. Instead of reveal debuff, you get “exhausted” which makes you unable to receive superspeed for 10s. but they are not going to do this, and that’s why these things are so spammable.
  7. Soulbeast has as much condi dmg reduction as it has power damage reduction. With the 800~ condi stats on the cele build, everything is gonna hit like a wet noodle on a soulbeast.
  8. He may be killing bots but he is overloaded with stats and has 3000 armor so 😂😂 Breaking news: Celestial is overtuned after buff
  9. Good lord. Finally admitting that “sustain counters dmg-main builds.” This is a no brainer. Everyone in this thread knows this. We don’t care if you can stall a 1v1 dude. Plenty of specs can do that. That doesn’t change the fact that soulbeast is still better in the vast majority of fights, be it 1v1 or 5v5 etc., which is what we have been saying all along. Even if a druid stalls a Soulbeast, the druid is gonna be playing defensively, back-pedaling most of the fight. and LMAO at playing staff. What a meme build. You may as well have said nobody can kill my nomads or minstrel druid/ auramancer / FB / scrapper 1v1. What the heck is the point even? You already explained that just by virtue of sustain countering dmg, sustain wins. So, it’s clearly not that your druid build is some kinda hidden masterpiece.. but skill cannot be expressed on a sustain-main setup in the same way, so skill isn’t much of a factor in that fight unless it’s a mirror match. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL THIS??
  10. I would happily fight you. But I don’t have time for gw2 for the next month or so. After that, hmu.
  11. Look, we’re talking about the same class here just different especs. You cannot get around the fact that druid is essentially just core ranger with less dmg from pets and ancient seeds. Even the celestial avatar stuff is negligible, because it requires you to set up your build in a way that heals are constantly ticking, which often means sacrificing stats or better runes with more utility, even a utility slot in some cases. It’s really only a minor boon you actually get from CA, considering the tradeoffs you have to build around. talk all you want about skill, it is meaningless. Especially because these two especs are similar in the way they operate so it makes sense to look at the details rather than overall. I’m not sure what your bet is about. Are you saying you can literally defeat anyone in the entire game? Or just that you’re supposedly the best ranger / druid in all of gw2? What happens when you inevitably meet someone who will stall you because this is usually what happens in ranger v ranger duels. Especially druid since you can perma kite if you run celestial very easily, playing defense 90% of the time. Are you gonna tell everyone you won the 1v1 if you just end up stalling them?
  12. Soulbeast doesnt need to pick counter traits. You can literally just pick any run of the mill WS durability soulbeast build ( most of them run dolyak stance, and double cleansing is like, a DEFAULT setup for a lot of classes cus it cleanses weakness blind and chill , even if enemy is power dmg.) and you’re going to demolish a druid completely. Literally all they can do is run cus nothing druid has works against soulbeast. Like i said, it’s a worsw version of core ranger with ancient seeds, pretty much. And if youre immune to immob…you see where this is going? it literally does not matter if you use entangle. It sucks. What else ya got? The immob signet??? 40s cd just for that? Not happening. soulbeast will have only 21s every 30s where you can actually root them, and you’ve got too many other tools to clear the few roots that might go through. Smokeassault cleanses too, every 20s. Pet swap every 12s, LR every 24s, heal every 24s…… i mean, there’s no argument to be had here.
  13. You’re simply mistaken here my guy. Stop talking about “a good druid”, you need to assume both players are on same skill level, otherwise any build can 1v5. The fact is that cleansing sigil is 9s cd, removes 3 condis. Ancient seeds has a 10s ICD, So unless you get hit with a large amount of condi BEFORE the immob, it will get cleansed. I think immob has cleanse priority as well too. just from cleanse sigil alone, you can negate the immob from druid pretty well. Add a single immob cleanser on your utility bar to be safe. But… soulbeast has 2 immob cleansers, and dolyak makes you IMMUNE to immob for 9s if traited, neary the entire AS ICD. If you play troll urgent on soulbeast you get 4 cleanses from that, 2 from LR plus immob cleanser. I mean, it’s just not even comparable. Soulbeast is practically immune to immob, and that is a fact. Not to mention just by cleansing the immobs you’re gonna get rid of the dmg condis too. As well as soulbeast having extremely high uptime protection which gives 33 DR, PLUS dolyak for -66% DR from both condi and power…… and no, i don’t think druid has good sustained damage. I’ve played it for years, I’ve played it recently. It’s not good, i wish it was, but it isn’t. Sure i can kill people, i can kill soulbeasts too, but wvw population is full of baddies. And even then, it struggles to both deal dmg and sustain at the same time. Druid is very squishy compared to soulbeast, and they don’t make up for it in dmg or heals. Literally all druid comes down to is ancient seeds. It’s a worse version of core ranger with ancient seeds, basically. i am comparing it to SLB because OP is out here betting 1000g on the fact that his druid can beat any soulbeast in the game… that’s why. Very cute btw.
  14. What are you smoking. WS durability rune soulbeast keeps pretty much any druid on the defense like 90% of the fights. The only thing druid can do is try to root right out of stealth. run LR and dolyak, the druid has literally nothing. You cleanse immob with weapon swap sigil, LR, dolyak, heal. And druid has like 0 dmg if they can’t root you to death. add in sicem to screw them over as they use celestial avatar and lose their only source of sustain with 3s stealth and superspeed. did i mention druid has no dmg? It has no dmg. Half the dmg output of a bruiser soulbeast NOT including reduced pet dmg. Celestial avatar heals for nothing, it has no damage reduction at all unless you run GS for the block. yea, druid is pretty kitten right now. Borderline useless. Celestial stats can give it a buff, but now you’re just permakiting and not really doing anything other than lulling around.
  15. Hmm, my skirmish build has 100% CC vs your 80% with fury, and 30% more crit dmg, which is more impactful when every hit will crit. Especially on rapidfire + OWP cus you won’t have any hits not critting. being able to run the bloodlust sigil on WS is nice, but if you’re already running WS I don’t see why you wouldn’t run a smarter sigil for fights anyway. And in that case, we’d have the same power but I’d have better CC and CD. not mention the gazelle again. You’d just be better off on bird if you wanna play hit and run. Gazelles leap is pathetic as an actual gap opener if you’re trying to outrun people. what i don’t understand is the purpose of your build. it doesn’t have the same damage as skirmishing does, it can’t run away effectively without stealth or bird, and you don’t have the sustain to power balance of a bruiser soulbeast with WS , proper sigils, and smokescale. you seem to have chosen the worst of both worlds here. That’s my point. If you just think the build is really nice to play, that’s fine. But then you probably wouldn’t be posting a twitch video and a forum post boasting about it.
  16. That works. I usually run QZ and LR + sicem cus i find it more fun. Dolyak + QZ is my go to if things get a bit tough.
  17. Lmao at this. Ranger cannot use F skills on itself. So this scrapper argument is just stupid. The pet res is a downed skill, and the only thing pets can do while ranger is down is AA and cast 1 ability. Keep in mind, healing abilities do not work in downedstate. If engi had a call function gyro to res yourself skill comparable to ranger, that would make sense. But as it is, engi already has the most CC out of any downed class. Keep in mind, you can still kill the pets while ranger is down.
  18. Hmm. I don’t really understand why you’re going for WS when you could pick skirmishing for higher dmg. Gazelle pet I also don’t understand. Considerably worse than smokescale. Smokescale + skirmishing probably has similar sustain to what you’re using, but better damage. Might as well go all out with the traits too?
  19. Remove downedstate period, easy peasy fix
  20. I think that is your mistake. Anet doesn’t have a kittening clue, and they haven’t for years lol. Just look at most balance changes since hot. Hell, even before hot, balance was pretty kitten. Anyone else remember how dd cele ele was so strong, competitive teams in spvp would just bring 5 of them and win?
  21. I have some vids up where I play the build. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAENlZw2YPMQmJWsX7v9RkG-z1QYhoiiLfHyJjCJsIozEo3Sw2DiYUgBQk9Qf9PW0f0C-w Last i checked the build editor actually doesn’t show the correct amount of crit dmg but whatever.
  22. He also doesn’t acknowledge the point that the pet is a separate entity. No other class has a union/bond with another being. Only ranger. Clones are based on magic. Minions are only alive because of magic from necro. Etc etc. This is a design choice.
  23. I think to actually fix this, they need to split reflect and blocks. Currently, If I’m not mistaken, unblockable is the only way to go through reflects. I DON’T think ranger needs a way to go through blocks from shield skill on warrior for example, but only the reflects and “projectile blocks”. Otherwise, what you have suggested is a very nice idea. But personally I’d rather have the power variant show up in skirmishing, but that probably wouldn’t fit thematically as well as MM and I’m just nitpicking lol
  24. It is not a bug. At worst an oversight on SLB. Ranger has always been able to swap pets in downedstate. You’re down, but your pet is still alive, so you can control the pets. I don’t have a problem with the pet swapping at all. The REAL issue, is the self / pet res skill that is completely overtuned. Way too strong. Needs a rework. But hey, all of downedstate is overtuned and needs to be removed lol
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