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Everything posted by quaniesan.8497

  1. I will miss big zerg fight where I instantly died from Spearmarshal support without even seeing which warrior responsible for it in the crowd.
  2. they should change scepter to beam-based auto like mesmer GS, and symbol gives total of 3sec of alac or something so you dont have to be WB to be alac bot.
  3. not a big fan so far in this early stage. Chaotic and incoherent right now. People got confused and not knowing what to do. I think instructions could have been presented abit better. See tons of tempests going earth turtling in circle. At least the chaotic group fight is kinda enjoyable.
  4. Since when I said i oppose to dialogues generally? where? I know what I wrote. Perhaps you missed the line "t's nice to give players more flavors on lore and personalities of NPCs". I simply advocate for more concise yet effective dialogues. Quite a few people here just saw the title , skipped reading the rest and just jumped at the conclusion: "ohhh OP is a hater of reading and dialogues" from the comments above. Quite the irony if you asked me, which beg the question if they really fully read through those NPC conversations.
  5. Please make Auto attack to grant illumination buff at every 3rd hit. hellio Rush need further speed increase. The symbol illumination effect is underwhelming. Instead, please make it recharge 33% faster if illuminated.
  6. Oh boy do these NPCs know how to do monologue. They talk forever, as if they were in social distance for too long ! Whether during main quests, achievements, side quests, you could finish your Gatcha dailies on phone on the side and these guys still not finish their talking. Maybe the writing team is trying to keep up with the art team or something, Idk. That one conference at LA main quest still haunts me in dreams JW is a nice release so far, but I hope in next releases, Anet learns to keep things abit more concise and reasonable, as far as dialog. You probably can trim 50% of these current dialogs down and still be able give the audience sufficient information. While it's nice to give players more flavors on lore and personalities of NPCs, it shouldn't be at a Shakespear's playwriting script in length. People like to get in on events and actions after all.
  7. There isn't just a place for spear in any build you run, except maybe some use in WvW (and you know how fine WvW is nowadays). Its identity is all over the place. In no universe you would put this thing in power dps, condiDps, adps. It hits like wet noodle and doesn't have the level of multi-hit skill to trigger burn and alac as efficiently as other weapons. Its heal is mediocre at best and never to be compete with staff. Its symbol has too long of CD. its Spear 2 is slow and constantly displaces you, spear 4 just ...misses things unless you are in a spaghetti dish of enemies. Seems like I just repeated things people had listed before, but quite undeniable that it's just impossible to find a slot for spear as primary or competing weapon vs. existing options.
  8. Scripting writing and story telling are , quite frankly, are not Anet strength, to put it extremely nicely. Dialogs tend to run on and on, beating around the bushes instead of getting straight to the point. for the introduction achievement, it took like 10 mins to get the Council introduction to 6 council members, because each of them keep yapping nonsense , and you gotta do it for all 6. No one is gona sit there to read the novel when people anticipate actions. Telling stories in action game is nothing wrong, but be concise, get the point, don't make people sit half an hr reading pleasantry dialog. There is something to learn from script writing from the elder scrolls series.
  9. If at this point it never occurred you there were any issue at all, I believe no answer will satisfy you. Aint the backlash and feedbacks in the WvW forum ain't not informative enough? Much have been well said in other threads, I dont need to repeat them. And so what if you could formulate a fix, you could tell Anet what to do? Your magic solution will just be buried just like many other countless proposed solutions people spent time writings.
  10. What is frustrating is that Anet are completely silent on the matter . No acknowledgement of the issue, of the mistake and formal apology. Their communication is bad as always. Like hey at least let us know if you are aware of the issue here.
  11. never had that much problem with WBs. They are prettty much toast if one to kite or survive their window of burst. If you never complained about mesmers and thieves' mobility and their burst and run capabilities, you shouldn't have problem catching WBs. Seem like a skill issue, to put it in a nicest way. For every class, seems to be few of these posts, "Anet, I can't do anything about this class, please nerf them."
  12. Spear 1: unimaginative. The cone will miss melee range target if you face slight off . "it's auto, whatever". Trading some dps for healing is usually a flop. Either you are ranged, or you are not. This awkward range both place the guard in melee danger while paying dps cost of being a range weapon. Spear 2: Too slow to be a movement skill, while extremely disruptive in combat. EXTREMELY disruptive. Any WB would know this frustration from their F2. Guess what, now we got another one like that. Does little effects at the cost of messing up your rotation, decreasing your DPS . As a bonus, it kicks you out of your symbol. Please use ground target like F3 of WB. Make him jump up to the sky and slam down or throw down the spear at the target circle. You have this animation already, do you not? Or make a flip skill that allows teleporting the guardian back to target. Spear 4: only 3 out of 5 hits connect to golem target. Poor damage. Adjust the hit circle to make all hits land and Make the landed spears to explode for additional damage please. Spear 5: Symbols are guardian thing, connected to many rotation and traits, and are not allowed to have long CD , period! A symbol at recharge of 20sec is very steep, even considering its effect. You would think guards like to have their symbol's uptime as much as possible like sword, GS. "but but resistance is such a powerful boon". Fine, take it away. I'm willing to make the trade for a different boon but at 10CD. 1s pulsing Resistance is meaningless if the guard likes to stay in symbol anyways. All skills need to have the CDs readjust. These are unacceptably long. Conclusions: dead on arrival as it is. Weapons that try to be both support and dps will be hard to slot in. They are not excelled at neither. Honestly , whether it's powerbuild, adps, Qh, condi builds, I can't imagine how spear would compete with existing options.
  13. The guy that designed the original Dragon's End meta just came back from vacation.
  14. Still bugged, albeit in a different way. Seemingly at random, the ball just wont explode at detonation and disappear without exploding and thus the detonation option still persists long after the ball is gone (as if the game still thinks the ball still traveling). Sometimes, you dont get the detonation button at all. I'm currently unable to pinpoint the specific condition for each occurrences, or reliably reproduces the bug. Probably has alot to do with screwy collision check and pathing of object. Anet tries to make things "interesting" with these overly convoluted interactions. The concept has nice ring to it but that takes away your attention from combat and it's disruptive. Is it THAT difficult to make the darn thing just explode on hit at all phases? and make it a knockdown, I got complaints from random people for ruining their pull by accident. Scattering mobs everywhere isnt a productive thing in a game like GW2. Anet, PLEASE! simple change that simplifies things and makes life easier for both of us.
  15. I'm quite positive Pistol 5 is not working as intended. Charge lvl 1 and 2 will detonate on target hit, that's fine. However, the charge lvl 3's description states that detonation on skill reactivation. This suggests the skill, after the ball is fired, will have been swaped to a detonation icon so we could detonate at any point during the ball's travel path. As it is right now, there is no such detonation skill, and the ball simply travels full distance and explodes.. They totally forgot to put that to the game, period. The workaround for this is a) you simply be content with lvl 2 (release just before the charging bar fill up, OR b) move yourself to a distance of a little over 600 so that the target is caught within the 240 radius blast. Yes, this happens because Anet ignored 5 pages of pistol feedbacks from beta. Please fix or rework asap. The skill also suffers a wide range of shortcomings. The knowback is disruptive and counter productive. Knockown would have been better. Combat , especially in pvp is quite fast, no one has the time to keep track of all the craziness going on while keeping an eye on charging bar and reactivation etc... So stop it with the overly convoluted stuff. . Currently it is a significant DPS loss regardless of what level, and there is no incentive to use, even to break defiance bar as it simply misses Aight, also whiteknights, show us what you got.
  16. Alac sharing WB is a thing, and spam alac and regen as long you attack. F2- F3 still apply boons for allies on activation.
  17. You are not alone in thinking that. It's a thing associated with modern writing nowadays and it's a worrying trend. You see it in Hollywood too, with the famous line "No one's ever really gone". Modern writers nowadays appear to be very timid when it comes to creating and handling impactful events' consequences and character losses. Script writers come up with flashy builds up, putting important characters through all sorts of fatal incidents, and then these guys return to 100% health in the next sequel with the most convenient explanations. Plot contrivances is the pathway to the many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Bringing back people who are supposed to be dead saves the writers the trouble of creating and building new OG characters while persevering fanfare assets, or perhaps they are afraid of upsetting a small vocal minority of fans, but regardless it cheapens the emotion responses as well as the stake of events in previous episodes. When the audience no longer take the stakes in the story seriously knowing everyone will be fine, i wonder if the price is worth the convienience.
  18. torch 5 is good for triggering permeating wrath, doe its fault lies in long casting time and limited cone area. When you use torches, that means you probly got condi build, upping its strike damage would just result to marginal increase in damage. most of torch damage probly is allocated in torch 4. For better or worse, Torch 5 is a mixed bag of support and offense, thus it's meant to be excelled at neither. However I'd call for 1 condi removal at cast and increasing its ticking speed abit, and maybe increasing cone dimension abit for less awkward maneuvering.
  19. Moa should last only 3 second , just like other elite stun.
  20. Since Anet's inaction, I'm going to bump this topic backup. And also please remove the screaming woman who yells non-stop in Dragon End - Southern Bluff way point. I get it, Anet is all about strong and independent women, but she doesn't have to scream at us every 2 second.
  21. Anet trashed on Guardian's HP on early design using the reasoning that their passive and defensive utilities make up for it (if you don't use those very specific utilities, goodluck). However, as powercreep goes on, and as other classes started to get their own equivalent through specialization and revamped skills, this reasoning no longer hold ground while guardian base HP still remain obsolete. Low HP can be worked around with certain builds, but for frontline bruisers, you need to work extra hard in comparison to ...say ... a scrapper to stay alive.
  22. Yeh, I agree. Engies are pretty crazy in pvp at the moment, in scrapper in particular. Grenades can be thrown backward and spamming like no tomorrow, along with great sustain, quick escape options. they are both pretty much my easymode day, and also a pain to fight against.
  23. I just don't have faith in anet's balancing team anymore. Everytime birth a toxic build that either spam one skill to win, build that simply unkillable just for trolling purposes, or build that kill you within 1/4 second.
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