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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. Can’t have thieves actually try to land their abilities like all the other classes needs to, can we now ?
  2. I’d say its THE most valuable legendary, since armor costs an arm and a leg to craft, while trinkets are so so cheap.
  3. Right, I’ll tell the Deadeye with 2 stunbreaks that keep spamming 3k+ Rifle 2 on me he is just trying to tank. 1. They absolutley do unless Anet removed all traitlines from Thieves, which, from like 10 mins ago that I was online, was not the case. Also they don’t need the boons to be effective, look at the most popular thief builds right now, and count the boons, it’s not many. Stealth attacks are fine, what is not fine is the frequency they can be spammed out/the frequency of the thief stealthing himself, and which Shadowarts, usually leads to a full reset for the thief due to the grandmaster trait. Also theives already slot stunbreaks and evades. They are literally the most slippriest build in the roaming scene right now, and they certainly don’t need buffs. Rather nerfs, heavily, to SA.
  4. It depends, is the enemy equally skilled as you ? You can’t win that outnumbered. Well I mean you can but its a reaaaallllllyyy miniscule chance. But if the opponent is less skilled than you then you can win outnumbered easier.
  5. If that many players fail to kill 1 player.. It’s probably the fault of the enemy.
  6. Hey, if he wants to abuse a celestial boonbeast, I’m only giving him a fair treatment.
  7. He was a soulbeast, he had every opportunity to get insane mobility in his build.
  8. Followed up by And why do you think that is ?
  9. Half are me testing stupid stuff. Sorry.
  10. I feel I see more mesmers or thieves that behave like that. But thats just my anecdotal view on the matter.
  11. Like every other class ? Thieves have the most stunbreaks/evades. They don’t need it even easier.
  12. Blackgate is absolutley overpopulated, yes.
  13. Oh no less zerglings on the already overpopulated server. Anyways.
  14. Coward’s Courage: Stability, Aegis and Protection are automatically removed and prevented from being reapplied for x seconds. Back Problems: Incoming damage increased by 300% if being attacked from behind for x seconds.
  15. Luckily in WvW, unless you are slower than the necro, which.. I mean congratulations, I did not know that was possible, you can just forever kite the minions + necro until he keels over and dies.
  16. Very few mobs do that, And most that do you can just dodge.
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