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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. There’s already 2 game mechanics to do that, cleanse, and to a lesser degree Resolution.
  2. TC forever bound to roamers, zerg and commanders not allowed on other times than NA.
  3. Oh sweet summer child, WvW is not played for the rewards, it’s for playing WvW, literally any other activity is better for getting rewards, yes that also includes PvP. And it’s been like that for a loooooong time, the most rewarding thing in WvW is the Gift of Battle, other than that you’re better off doing Drizzlewood coast if you want rewards.
  4. May need to add some water to not get salt intoxication
  5. Why ? Kiting is neccesary to survive, plenty of other classes can do it too.
  6. This sounds like an absolute fustercluck in PvE, infact it’d probably remove Deadeye viability at all from it. So this really doesn’t seem like a plausible change.
  7. Different bot metas then, on NA there’s pretty much exclusivly Scourge/Necro bots everywhere, seen maybe like.. 1 engineer. That’s about it.
  8. In which the abusable system of WvW they will only 1. Take sentries/camps. 2. Run away from fights 3. Queue the map up for actual WvW players that can and want to defend.
  9. Please get me out of here, I don’t want to face BG and JQ/SoS any longer now, it has gone on for months.
  10. Yeah.. Scorpion Wire flies extremly slowly and barely hits the target if you’re not in melee range already, even then it usually misses. Thing is you’re not as good as you think, you got killed by a better player, learn from your mistakes then become better.
  11. Tempest usually have more since they tend to run d/d, They have the fire 3, earth 3, air…4 ? i think, Lightning flash, weavers(sword) have air 2, and.. I guess technically water 2 and fire 2 but they are either slow/short range.
  12. 1. play a reflect class. 2. use Reflect. 3. enjoy your freshly aquired ranger bag.
  13. This is good, means roamers can pick off zerglings and they actually stay dead. Then send your supports some bags. Yeah, they would need to be reworked. Okay… ?
  14. Considering I’ve been hit by it for like, 9-10k occasionally.. Yeah, warriors do be getting a lot of might so it hits incredibly hard, deceptivly so. Would be good for pve but if Wastrels Ruin and Final Thrust is enough to twoshot someone in WvW.. Imagine what a 200% increase would do to a man.
  15. That will literally oneshot people in WvW
  16. This looks very interesting, how would you say it do against lets say, a 1v2 1v3 ?
  17. I should have specified I am looking for an elementalist build 😛 Could also go power staff since i just crafted a marauder set.
  18. So, I recently got Nevermore, and I want to use that in WvW, and yes, I know staff outside of zergs are not good at all BUT... I really want a celestial build that utilizes staff as a weapon, anyone got a build or an idea for a build ? generally looking for something that can excell in roaming, with all the challenges that bring.
  19. Mystic coins, preferably 250 of them so I can complete Nevermore when it comes to crafting it 250/250 coins aquired ! 50 donated by Aznarb.6347 And 200 by another donor, thanks everyone who donated ! NA player here.
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